Someone in the rec thread wanted a story time of Tales of the Bizarro World. I might not have scans of the book, but I do have scans of every story in it.
So stay away from this thread about the Idiot of Steel!
Someone in the rec thread wanted a story time of Tales of the Bizarro World. I might not have scans of the book, but I do have scans of every story in it.
So stay away from this thread about the Idiot of Steel!
I love Bizarro world. Their code is simple, yet complex, and the entire planet is populated by idiots.
Also, they seize anyone who is not Bizarro and put them under their Duplicator Ray to make more Bizarros.
Somebody is going to Bizarro Jail because the Bizarro Education System is just as broken as ours. It am big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World.
I always find it a bit ironic that Bizarro and Bizarro Lois are married and have a family, while Superman and Lois Lane have neither.
Makes you think. Maybe Superman is the Bizarro.
Even though Bizarro #1 is technically the ruler of Bizarro World, he still has to get a job to get more worthless coal so he can buy wonderful Bizarro bonds that are guaranteed to lose money.
That Bizarro insane asylum always gets me.
Bizarro versions of villains commit truly horrible crimes, like straightening buildings, filling museums with precious jems, and filling Bizarro living rooms with modern and well-crafted furniture.
They're truly super-menaces.
Jimmy Olsen learns the hard way that Bizarro does whatever he damn well please.
He need newspaper editor for Bizarro World? He go to earth with Duplicator Ray and make Bizarro Perry White. Call the cops. See if he give a fuck.
My sides. Fuck you Jerry Siegel for writing that.
Jimmy learns a valuable lesson: It's not how hard you work, it's who you know.
Bizarro Lois Lanes have no powers. Bizarro-Kltpzyxm rewards Bizarro Lois #1's kindness by giving her those super-powers.
Is there no crime beneath Bizarro-Klypzyxm?
Bizarro Lois #1 tries hard to conceal her identity, but fails miserably.
Which is ok because all Bizarros are dumber than a sack of hammers, including Bizarro #1.
Truly, we are the monsters.
Mxyzptlk swings by Bizarro World and attempts some trolling. Little does he realize that Bizarro World is completely untrollable.
Bizarro #1 attempts his own secret identity, promptly fails, and Jerry Siegel, co-creator of Superman and writer of this comic, makes the implication that Superman's extended cast are idiots for not being able to tell that Clark Kent is Superman.
Bizarro #1 decided to try his hand at Bizarro Television. Bizarro Television about monsters. To lend reality to his series, Bizarro#1 will travel through time to visit these monsters and share with his people the lessons he learns from them.
There is no way this can go wrong and fuck up the time-space continuum.
Bizarro #1 doesn't fuck around. Can't get Frankenstein? Fuck it, he'll try to summon SATAN.
All of Bizarro #1's efforts were for naught. Nobody on Bizarro World believes him.
Which makes him a BIG HERO! Bizarro #1 gets parade in his honor for being a low-down cheating charlatan! HOORAY!
Man, do those Bizarros love themselves some invasions.
The invaders are driven back, and the Bizarros are miserable.
Bizarro Lois #1 is kidnapped by dastardly Bizarro criminals! Whatever will Bizarro #1 do?
I'm touched by how much Bizarro #1 loves Bizarro Lois #1. He's willing to do whatever is asked to get her back.
Superman is a Super-Bro.
Lex Luthor gives absolutely no fucks about getting hit by a strange ray.
Bizarro-Luthor is truly Bizarro #1's greatest foe. He makes him do good deeds and that is terrible.
Everything in the Silver Age has an origin. This is the origin of Bizarro's reverse S.
Just look at that little Bizarro boy. Look at him cry out to an uncaring God as presents rain down upon him.
Halloween on Bizarro World is a night to abuse animals and hitch rides on Bizarro-Luthor's unsubmarine.
On Bizarro World, nothing says love like a swift kick to the face.
Did you know there was a time when DC made an effort to put gorillas on the covers of all of their books?
Apparently the bosses found that comics with gorillas on the cover sold more.
Law and Order: Special Bizarros Unit
That first page is the greatest piece of art to ever appear in a comic book.
That's all the comics that appear in the Tales of the Bizarro World TPB.
I have many more stories about Bizarro and his cube world, but I think I'll post them later.
Thanks user
Hell Curse you Bizzaro. Truly your the worst hero of them all.
Thanks for the Storytime
Everything comes to match the terribleness of the villain!
holy fuck
Yo man I just want to say I love your threads keep up the good work. :)
Nice job OP
Hey Truthseeker
I am not truth seeker, I just want to be nice :(
Keep telling yourself that
All I want to do is be nice but Holla Forumsmpadres are so mean
I am going to shanghai this thread in a bit to post escape from bizarro world
The numbering on these were fucking cancer I hope these are all coherent
Action Comics #855
Action Comics #856
Action Comics #857
I hope I did not fuck up the page order, the numbering in the cbr files is fucking awful, loved Powell's art, just a pretty fun story.
I like Eric Powell, but I hate how this story misses the point of Bizzaro and Bizzaro world.
Blizzard World isn't a scary place. It's a funny and profoundly stupid place. This should've been a comedy.
Reading these are making me retarded
That fucking filename.
My sides.
These Newest Bizzaro Comics are brilliant. Writer understands Bizzaro more then anybody else. Me Love new bizzaro comics. Very well done.
you genius in bizzaro world
This thread is in dire need of the WORLD'S WORST!
Even someone as crazy as the Joker is humbled by the sheer idiocy of the Bizarros.
I wish they adapted this comic for Batman: The Brave and The Bold.
Im gonna hit myself with an unbizzaro ray for a moment and just say that the reason why this silver age stuff is so much more fun, is because it can BE more creative. With our modern age our first thoughts always turn to death or killing. When you can't do that you can do allot more fun stuff like upside down buildings or the like.
Fuck yeah thanks OP, I've been trying to find a digital Tales of Bizarro to no avail and this is a life-saver.
This is true, but today's creative decline isn't because of morbid subject matter, since there were silver age comics that dealt with death (predominately the Imaginary Stories). Rather, it's simply because modern publishers fear unfettered imagination because they're pretentious, so they hinder the genre to keep up what they view as respectable. This makes the comics both dull and dated.
Think about it for a bit. Do you think mainstream publishers would ever green light something as crazy as the New Gods today? No, they'd go for some "down to earth" shit that they can easily adapt into movies.
Man to watch Movies In Bizzaro world….
"Starring Bizzaro, Bizzaro, Bizzaro Loius, and Average Uninvited Black Hole: Bizzaro Number 1!"
"Us Make new Seasons of Firefly since it not be made on earth"
"Since on earth 98% of content is all remake or sequel, in Bizzaro world, we only make original content. And since none of their content stars Bizzaro, all our content stars bizzaro"
I heard it was booed on release, and everybody hated it.
Would you, Holla Forums?
That am how bizarro talk, not zatanna
oh god is that a bizarro tetanus shot
I reached the point were i would say yes…
if it has no benis
Imagine Bizarro Calarts. They'd actually teach good art technique.
But the funny thing about bizarro logic is that when everything is opposite, sometimes two opposites cancel eachother out and make things the same. And in some cases the normal could have gone either way and the opposite works just as well.
Like traffic. If everyone stops on green and goes on red, and drives on the left side of the street, you basically have a working mirror image of US road systems. Especially since being opposite, the lights would go red yellow green instead of green yellow red. Or maybe Magenta blue cyan?
Maintenance would make the roads bumpy and put in potholes, but the most important and busy roads would be maintained the least, leaving them to get neglected and worn smooth.
So in theory visits to bizarro world would take a learning curve to get a feel for what's stright opposite and what works out to be the same.
You mean it NOT Bizarro Sunday. Moonday. Hang on. Me got this.
It not Bizarro moonnight! Ha! Now me not cooking with ice!
Shouldn't her tits be cubes or triangular prisms or something?
Also, it being Bizarro World, she probably has a penis. That she shits from while peeing out her ass.
Actually thinking about it its probably their favorite thing to watch. They DO apply Bizzaroness selectively, so the best we gonna get from Bizzaro Calarts is maybe Tomato Heads instead of potato heads.
Lex Luthor am Bizarro's daddy, but him not Bizarro's master.
Remember, it's totally okay to destroy a thinking, feeling creature as long as you consider it "lifeless matter".
Internet Dating: Bizarro style.
Bad grammar thwarts Bizarro's love plot, leaving the two Bizarros battling it out in a sea recreation of Man Of Steel.
Bizarro's love quest continues.
After again proving how dumb super vs super fights are, Bizarro finally finds true love. A love that accepts him as the ugly, bumbling oaf that he is.
Now they will take their leave of these normal idiots and create a new race among the stars.
Bizarro and Bizarro Lois got busy when they left Earth, and by busy, I mean they duplicated hundreds of copies of themselves to create an entire civilization of Bizarros.
A civilization Superman just happened to bumble into.
Superman is truly a Super-Menace, imposing his values on an alien civilization. The fiend.
After many reforms, these prisoner Bizarros would be confined to the Bizarro Asylum for the Mentally Stable.
And that's how Bizarro World got it's cube shape.
I really like stories with the Superman robots but they're not part of the mythology that gets brought back very often these days.
Wouldn't bizzaro be affected by the opposite of kryptonite?
I always meant to ask, is she supposed to have a lazy eye, or did the artist just fuck up?
Why would you want a super hero with a lazy eye, is that extra progressive points?
Man, I miss those stories where Superman could alter entire planets….or make a new Earth from scratch….or destroy an entire solar system by sneezing.
Yes, Bizarro Jr. is Bizarro's biological son, which puts him even more ahead Superman in the family department.
Poor Bizarro. His son is a hideous freak., but he loves him anyway.
Bizarro Jr. crash lands on Earth and Superman smells an opportunity to expand his franchise.
Superman is fucked up.
What a scene. An army of Bizarros marching through space to doom the Earth. Amazing.
After a bout with Blue Krytponite, Bizarro Jr. is finally returned to his parents and we learn Bizarro children are fucking weird.
Also, Bizarro Supergirl is too stupid to live, literally.
You can blame John Byrne for that. You can blame John Byrne for a lot of things wrong about Superman nowadays.
John Byrne sucked all the fun out of Superman like the fat bald autist he is.
This is a very good story. RIP Bizarro Supergirl, all you wanted was a family ;_;
This is the only thing that keeps me living…
I'm not using Bizarro speak. This is genuinely one of the few things that actually brings me joy anymore…
As long as she's not fat or a tranny and has a vagoo without teeth then I'm good to go.
Gotta love old stories
That am worst joke in world. So bad it make sides crash into center of htrae. Kill yourself fucking!