What I watcehd

What I watcehd


Lost City of Z more like Lost City of ZZZZZZZzzzz

You could replace Rich Evans and no-one would ever notice.



Should be

your edit fits perfectly with my expectation

What was the worst part of it for you? Mine was almost every opinion Jack had and Rich having the most insanely specific tastes in games I've ever witnessed.



Rich only plays XCOM.


Havent seen dagon yet, ive been meaning to in a while but thats how i would describe the other two

Back to >>>/reddit/

It was THAT scene what done it.

When I saw them play several different video games and they were nearly DSP-levels of bad, so I dropped them almost immediately. Their Aliens Isolation review where they blatantly didn't know. Not to mention that Rich is a huge whiny prick and AIDSMoby is unfunny cancer with garbage tier opinions

Which SW? OT is not reddit.

How was the lost city of z gay?

all of it




I think you made a mistake and watched the humpback of notre dame.

also applicable to GoT.

also also applicable to Deadwood

What do you mean insanely specific?


the latest new meme for hip kidz is pretending that reddit invented star wars.



OT ethos invented reddit. reddit invented Ep7-onward.