Is there any good reason to use BSD over Linux?

Is there any good reason to use BSD over Linux?

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Being a cuck


Is there any good reason to use BSD or Linux over Illumos?

Yes. Much better quality kernel/more stable and sane system overall.
Except for OpenBSD. That shit is in perma-beta-test-mode

I was horny af for oi for a while. I question the commitment of the devs. IMO their art design is shit too.

Better security, audio quality, and stability. That's about it.

Do you expect master coders to be master graphic artists too?
The only thing I'm disappointed with so far is nobody knows if OpenIndiana's "Solaris Trusted Extensions" still works or complies. Supposedly neither the modified CDE or GNOME2 environments are still in the project or maintained.

Never heard of CDE. But I can assure you the gnome2 codebases of old are being shoahed so no one can fork it and fix the mess the cianiggers at red hat have done to it.

CDE has recently been updated on the 9th.

The modifications allowed one to run a "multilabel" environment where each label was a workspace and each label ran in its own independent Solaris Zone. Trusted Solaris Extensions in OpenSolaris circa 2010 was probably the best free multilabel Mandatory Access Control capable operating system.
With Linus "the kernel should never crash" Torvalds at the helm of the Linux kernel, for all the good he's done keeping the SJW menace at bay, security in the kernel is a non-sequitur.

All Unix-like OSes are shit.

I use OpenBSD on two machines, a desktop and a server. Really solid system, works great as long as you use base and ports. A lot of software doesn't work right first go on a server, the way httpd works is a bit sloppy and needs work. But they're (as far as I can tell) faster, more reliable, easier to use and configure, and incredibly well documented.

I still use Gentoo on my X200 (main machine) though.

Main machine? May I ask what do you do in life?

Shitpost and watch anime?

Ex solaris peanuts recommend osx.

Code monkeys? :^)

Thank god for systemd, or Linux would be Unix-like.

I have never tried out BSD, so curiosity is as good a reason as any. Is FreeBSD still infested by cucks and sjws? Is OpenBSD any better, what kind of programs and gaymes does BSD have vs loonix vs wangblows.

Reminds me of this for some reason.

I'm an electrical engineer, but studying Financial Analysis and learning Japanese. Software just works better with Gentoo, such as most graphical programs, WINE, and anthy.

I'd use it if I had time to install and update the system readily.

It's a laptop, if I need updates I run `emerge -uDavN @world --keep-going` when I go to sleep

do one thing and do it well

Where my seL4 kernel + Plan 9 userland at?!
Maybe Illumos should explore this route. Illumos is a very well done alternative to Linux. NetBSD's 'rump' kernel may be a viable intermediary step between monolithic and multiserver exokernel. I can imagine Plan 9 on top of ZFS right now. Throw in EAL 5+ certification and muh dik would be a diamond bar.

I went to Illumos kthx. Anything that can't run Illumos likely can't run FreeBSD either, so NetBSD is reserved for those systems.

Are Linux rapefugees that bad?


wut iz teh gahnoo?

Some embedded companies use it to cuck you. Others do the exact same on Linux with the expectation that you're too cucked to sue. My company is the latter.

Does your company insert code in the kernel? Because if all your custom code is in userspace the license doesn't require you to free that part of the code.