Holla Forums, how can you claim to support all nationalism when Putin has repeatedly invaded sovereign white nations like Crimea and Ukraine? In a white ethnostate, how would you deal with competing white groups that have historically not liked each other? In short whose nationalism gets supported?
Who's Nationalism Would You Support in a White Ethnostate?
I can see that this is a D&C shill thread.
Your family before your neighbors
Your neighbors before your county
Your county before your city
Your city before your state
Your state before your nation
Your nation before any other nation
Provided your a homogenous society.
Eh, correct me if I'm wrong.
Your city before your county
Your county before your state
I can see that this is a D&C shill thread.
Your family before your neighbors
Your neighbors before your city
Your city before your county
Your county before your state
Your state before your nation
Your nation before any other nation
Provided your a homogenous society.
Invading other people's territories is imperialism, not nationalism.
Yes I'm also saying that the Third Reich did nationalism wrong, at least from a territorial perspective.
…..lol wut? Let me break this down to you.
If it isnt Poland and Finland, then jf it was Under the Czar, then it is rightful Russian Clay. They can take it all back.
So that made it okay when the English invaded Ireland and tried to take over Scotland? Or when Napoleon invaded most of the other European Nations? As I said, how can you support Nationalism if you support someone who will invade another peoples' nation?
Daily reminder:
Does this sound like a liberation, or a foreign policy disaster?
The US public isn't willing to fight against Russia for Crimea- for good reason- but their politicians continue to push them towards war. Considering the geographic proximity of Crimea to the Russian homeland, as well as the various bases that Russia has in Crimea itself, the odds of taking back the land with military force or political negotiation are slim to none. Even if the US took the land, they wouldn't even know what to do with Crimea if they got it.
Give it back to the Ukraine? They're still in a civil war, and they have no ability to hold or claim the land. Crimea has actually raised forces against the US-backed government, and are likely to join the rebels and make the situation worse. If the US-backed government wins the civil war, what do you suppose they will do to the disloyal citizens of Crimea?
To recap, the citizens of Crimea, in a democratically-chosen decision, decided to join Russia for a number of reasons, including: protection from the Western-made civil war in Ukraine, better economic prospects in Russia, a majority of the population that considers itself Russian, and a long history of being Russian territory. The results of these elections are confirmed by gallup polling done years before the civil war, as well as those done after that show overwhelming support for joining Russia. Despite this, Western media, to this day, will decry the elections as fraudulent and rigged. Corrupt political elites and their media lapdogs are trying to use Crimea as a flashpoint to further their goal of an eventual world war with Russia. Crimea is otherwise irrelevent to them, they don't care what happens to it otherwise. That's why it doesn't matter to them that the US and its allies don't have the capability to 'liberate' the country , or that all the other options for a Crimean solution are suboptimal and against the will of the Crimean people.
Don't fall for globalist lies.
Russia doesn't give a fuck about Ukraine. He needed Crimea for his naval base.
Afrikaners/White South Africans
That was good old timey, open and honest conquest. And to boot, there where legitimate national security concerns for England and plenty of legitimate reasons for it.
I miss those more honest days.
As for the rest, where the fuck do you think you are? Liberal shitsite number #84+47?
Wrong, Ukrai e is the Russian breadbasket. They care. A lot.
what did he mean by this?
This is a false question.
If a white ethnostate existed it would only be because we've decided we're better as a brethran.
The sad truth is that nationalism used to be used as a tool by Jews to force white-on-white conflict.
We have genetics to help us see where the barriers truly lie, but I think we'll always have an external enemy before we turn on each other.
Taking pride as white people first and foremost will always come first.
Its like having a brother. I dont get along with my brother, but I know we have each others back as far as the family is concerned.
Slavs are subhuman
Oh Jew.
Only a dumb burger can invent such trash. Europe is already full of white ethnostates. The problem is that they are being invaded.
Unlike you rootless idiots, some Europeans have a real and honest love for their land and feel a bond with it. There is a reason why every European language has a word "Fatherland" or "Motherland" and those words are second in value and importance only to the name of the country itself.
I honestly do not care much for Russia, they are doing their own thing and care for Russians first and foremost. Just because you are white it does not mean that they will welcome you with open arms. Go back to your own homeland and fight for it, if you really want a "white ethnostate".
There is your big lie right there. Putin saved his whites in Crimea, by protecting them from the EU kikes and their Kosher Proxies in Kiev. (Coup government)
pic related is what the EU and Ukraine do to whites.
kill yourself, tbh.