Uh oh. I have some potentially bad news for you user. You must be very vigilant to look for the warning signs, and be prepared to abandon ship without regret.
If your girlfriend is desiring to slurp up the "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" inoculate-the-goyim-with-brain-rot meme syrup, then chances are good that this is just the tip of the iceberg and she is getting a lot more of this kind of direct-to-brain propaganda produced by the same ilk. The fact that she even knows about, and seeks out, this ho hum radio show is telling. She probably listens to the station a LOT more than once a week, and probably has also happily hop-skipped outside of the radio medium to seek out NPR and Public Radio International's wholesome assortment of "edutainment" podcasts that are loaded with propaganda. It is really bad stuff folks, really bad, believe me.
Speaking from tragic experience (I may say more on this later, but can't say too much because, user, I am user too), every minute that your girlfriend listens to NPR or any of that other material is a minute of her brainwashing, and it will not end well for you. She will eventually cause the disintegration of your relationship that will materialize a bit at a time by, for example, causing her to feel a stronger loyalty to siding with the nogs, refugees, homos, transfats, yids, neutered males, basically, any set of individuals that does not contain YOU and other non-effeminate straight cis h'white males, etc., and far less loyalty to you during every transaction between the two of you. Over time, she will learn to disagree with your world view in its entirety, and your relationship will die as a result of a thousand cuts. There will probably be two or three major happenings in your relationship where she will not stand by you when you need it most and will actively take the side of the opposition. For example, some day some upstanding gentleman of the dark chocolate variety tries to start a fight with you while you are pumping gas because BLM and you are a honkey, you tell him to "fuck off nigger and leave me alone or I'm calling the cops," and your girlfriend gives you the cold shoulder because you said the n-word to a Person of Crime. By taking a stand against the refugee propaganda, you have probably already outed yourself as one of the penile oppressors that are trying to take control of a strong independent wymin's power process and right to feel in charge.
It's tragic, really. Women are so drawn in to this drivel. I had the luxury of watching every episode of Sex and the City back in the day because my gf at the time was into it. At the time, I had no idea that it was kike propaganda; I thought it was just the natural (as opposed to artificial) progression of womens' roles in society. Now I look back and cringe. Especially when I think of all of les friendly merchants that proliferated through the show, and how many of the anti-white/anti-culture themes that are explored on Holla Forums made significant appearances throughout the series. Facepalm dot jpeg.
But the beautiful thing is that, if you can wake a person up CAN'T WAKE UP some people, and women tend to be resistant to awakening due to their propensity for groupthing and other factors, then they can suddenly reflect on the sum total of all of their experiences and realize that they have been lied to and manipulated all along. That shocking realization that they were manipulated, betrayed, and successfully preyed upon due to their naivete and willingness to be tolerant and progressive can be a formative moment in their lives. It is blowback, and with any luck, it will have teeth.