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Damn. I forgot to make a title.

But I thought that since we legally mandated healthy young Whites to buy excessively provisioned insurance policies, it was supposed to bend the curve.

I bet russia is behind this.

I bet you're a racist too.


Why yes, yes I am.


We all knew that the ACA was a really bad idea.

This, I thought that when we insured all the black & brown people, then their fastidious efforts to obtain preventative medical care and to live healthy lifestyles would drive down costs. It's almost as though their health care costs are the result of bad decisions, not inadequate coverage? But that would be racist.

That said that twitter feed doesn't have that many leftist commenting. They suddenly went quiet. Top fucking kek. Trump was right again. Every time shit like this happens, I feel like getting a shirt and putting "Trump was right" on it. We should meme this since he is nearing modern day Nostradamus status with his predictions.


It hurts. Also, checked.

That first one at the very start of the comment chain is great. He's completely dumbfounded how this could happen.

OP here on a different connection. Unfortunately, my employer does not provide health insurance so I have to buy my own. I do not qualify for any subsidies. I just checked healthcare.gov for the 2017 preview prices and plans. No joke, in my area there are a total of 4 options for me all from one provider. The cheapest premium is $412/month for a $6800 deductible. I'm currently paying $205/month now for about the same deductible. That's a 100% increase. Trump needs to win and repeal this disaster.


my bad lads I'm tired and fucked up


I bet the stupid fucking normalfag scum will blame him for it, too.

On second thought, Trump did say that he'll repeal and replace it in his first 100 days so we'll see….

Is there any way they could be more vague than "anywhere between 10% and 99%"


He said he would send a bill to Congress to repeal it. It will still take a lot of time for that law to pass and be implemented.

Jesus fucking christ

They want to make you get one of these.

Obamacare was set up to fail so they would bring in single payer.

(((They))) know Trump's going to win, so (((they're))) going to pull out every stop (((they))) can to make his presidency as awful as possible. Then, (((they're))) going to blame him for everything (((they))) did. If kikes were really as smart as retarded alt-cucks like Jared Taylor say they are, they'd know this shit is only going to make America go full RWDS.

Question: How far can executive orders realistically go for Trump?
From where I'm standing, it seems like pure fucking magic when Obama uses them to do circumvent whatever law he doesn't care about. Surely there are limits though, right? I mean, he hasn't executive ordered single payer; where is the real politik line in how far executive orders can go?

Also, we should get Trump to retweet this and hit on this. A lot of people will be pissed about this, it is one of the many lies Obama has told, puts Hillary in a bad position since she now has to either agree with Obama pissing people off or come into conflict with Obama while he is campaigning for her which will lead to infighting, and let's Trump say he was right again and call out Washington as a whole again and again It goes well with his drain the swamp thing as well.

Bill Clinton did say Obamacare was a load of shit. I'm not sure if he meant to say that, part of Hillary's platform is 'vote for me if you want to see Obama's legacy continued' i.e. 'vote for me if you don't want Obamacare to be repealed'

He backtracked on that. The press even ran damage control for him.
Also, Hillary has made expanding Obamacare a large part of her campaign so this can seriously hurt her since this affects everyone. They no one can ignore it or claim it does not effect them.

Defend and expand the Affordable Care Act

She is surrounded by people that are in support of it as well.
WikiLeaks: Hillary Ally Spoke with Campaign About Intimidating Justice Roberts on Obamacare

In the end, this can be used to nail her to the wall. People cannot justify paying more for this, which is why many leftists have gone quiet on this shit.


You say that as if it's unusual

lel true but the best part is Hillary has a hard time distancing herself from Obamacare.

Hahahahahahahaha, good think I don't buy their stupid shit.

I somehow believe that universe is just and good. It can't be a coincidence that things nuke in their faces right before the NWO would be established.
Getting incompetent yesmen in power is also biting them in the ass. (((They))) thought that they hermetically sealed politics and them comes Trump and shits in their salad.

They ARE smart, but they tend to lose their shit very quickly.
That's why there are no Jew poker players.

Same thing as in 1933 will happen - the Judea will declare war on Trump's America, they will boycott everything he does, force other governments to break relations and put sanctions.

History is a circle.

The entire program is crashing since it relies on young white men buying insurance, but there aren't enough of us to do so and it's cheaper to take the tax hit rather than to pay $400 or $500 a month for barebones coverage

Let them. Americans are not worth saving

History will remember King Nigger in the most hilarious fashion.

This is an astute post.

Obama made changes to the Obamacare laws after it was passed. He did it without congress when he delayed Obamacares effective date for his corp doners. I see no reason why Trump could not just executive order the indivudual mandate to be not in effect for as many years as Trump chooses. That should be more than enough to kill the entire thing by causing all of the money generated from the guaranteed penalty taxes and unwilling insurance purchasers to dry up and insurance companys to withdraw from the program.

Trump was right again.

The only limit is the president's imagination.

I believe congress can overturn or veto an executive action with a supermajority vote

Hanging by his neck from the South Porch of the White House.

There is no limit as long as Congress ignores him. He has created entirely new laws already. That’s grounds for execution under the Constitution.

Gee, what the fuck did they think would happen, it would work?

They never thought that. It was always meant to fail, so that it could be replaced with single payer system.

What's even better is that if you don't have health insurance once this happens, the IRS will ding you


in penalties.

Pic unrelated.

Pootin did this, he must be stopped.

What 'bout hur keedz? That EEE BEE TEE food is real fatenin' an all dat fat weighs lots oner back, she's got back problems I'm dying to pay for.

It's almost like watching the movie "The Invention of Lying"
I feel as though that movie is a great allegory of why liberalism fails. Even if it does star that edgy fat Brit


They shut up because the talking points haven't made it from HRC to Brock to the CTR nerd virgins. They literally wait on orders.

Take it easy, man.

We're fighting in Yemen without any known congressional authorization.
We're fighting in Iraq and Syria without any formal recognition by congress.
It seems there's no fucking limit to what a president can do over these last 8 goddamn years.

I love congressional gridlock. Anytime a bill passes on the first go you know it's going to fuck taxpayers hard.

Its just fucking greed. Americans already spend over 1/6th of our total gdp on insurance and healthcare. Monsanto poisons us then pfizer robs us its a perfect system.

I still think we should meme this since the evidence is there and due to the media always kvetching, it would not be hard for people to remember and realize this.

And it's just the average in double digits. There are people who's premium has gone up over 100%.

I never even considered that. But you're 100% correct. Fuck.

Big deal, so we isolationism again.

You should embrace this. We should be looking further inwards anyway. We need to take a long deep look at ourselves and define what is American.

Sounds great, tbh.

And since the US is one of the very few nations on Earth that can be completely self-sufficient, I’d LOVE to see them try.

This time around can we declare war on them first?
I wanna see "Nationalism declares war on Judea" or "the US declares war on Judea" or something


That's how it initially went with Germany.

Looks like history is happening again with a chance for us to learn from past mistakes.

The irony is that the Jews tried to erase the history so hard, they don't remember their mistakes themselves.

Well, under King Nigger, they could have gone to the moon and back, but that's only because congress allowed it and encouraged it. When Trump gets in, you can bet your ass they're going to fight him every step of the way, even for common sense shit.

Which, rather than being one central European country, it's the fucking USA. Which is, in its CURRENT WIEMAR STATE, the golem.

I always find it Hillarious that they've tried so hard to Drumpf into everyone's heads that if the jew is responsible for fucking your country's economy so badly the logical step is to genocide the lot of them. Not only that but they say "we dindu nuffin!" so that even if they aren't fully responsible for the collapse, they should bear the full brunt of the wrath that comes from it. Then they go and say that in every german (and every white they want to guilt) is a little nazi waiting to wake from its slumber and start gassing. They push this so hard all day in schools, history books, entertainment, everywhere and then punish everyone who doesn't believe or repeat it that it's hard not to believe it.

So now when they jew too hard and everything collapses, the angry brainwashed goys will turn to what they've been taught their whole life:
You are a nazi killing machine, you hold your race's purity and strength above all else, you will build a world power from the ashes, you will hold the jews responsible for every ill that lead to this fate and you will genocide them all for their transgressions.
And they act like this is a smart move.