Why are you not coding in Fortran, Holla Forums?

Why are you not coding in Fortran, Holla Forums?

Straight From Wikipedia:

I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass, and tell you it's perfect, but when it comes to number crunching, Fortran is the man.

Other urls found in this thread:


RMS doesn't like it and neither do I.

Which version are we supposed to look at? It looks like there's a lot of different implementations.
Also which compiler?


Ah, a quality thread, as I love them.

Yes, OP, I agree that Fortran is a superior language, however, to truly see the light, you need to stick to Fortran 77, which enforces good coding practices by design. Any posterior Fortran standard is bloated shit.

well, why aren't you????????
fuck off larper
saged & reported

What if I do?

C and C++ are infinitely more usable, have exponentially larger documentation, and have almost no performance difference compared to Fortran.

Show me how many lines of fortran it takes to implement the Unicode collation algorithm

They need more documentation because the C standards have as many problems as C programs.

Because i'm not a senile old person

This is not enough for you?


Matlab is fantastic if you want to write some code very quickly. This is important if you're doing research and are moving from one idea to another rapidly and don't know what you'll be doing in a couple of months time. The ability to implement GMRES or solve a matrix system in a single line of code is fantastic.

The only catch with matlab is that it can only use one cpu at a time so you cannot parallelize loops. Outside of that it's a perfect language for mathematicians.

t. Mathematician

Are you being sarcastic?

I value my time. If it needs to run I use Python 3, if it needs to run fast I use C.


FORTRAN is too slow to write
it has a useability problem
we have an attention span problem
it does not work in this day and age, the needs of today require complex software that needs reconfiguration within minutes
there could still be useful areas for FORTRAN, but it wouldn't have magick C prestige behind it, so don't expect the next privacy-focused group text messager or gecko fork to be written in FORTRAN

Even R has (very shitty) support for parallel code. Surely Matlab must have something similar.

I am too busy learning another language I won't ever use: Smalltalk.

because there's nothing I need to use it for.
C is capable of everything I need a programming language for.

because I code in julia

While Fortran is a fun language to toy around with, how would one even make ot useful beyond data crunching and science shit? As far as I know, there is no group around figuring that out like there is for QB64/QBasic.


but I am. I am an engineering student and fortran is the first programming language I am learning seriously.

For that matter, I am also learning vim. How do I hook up vim to gfortran (compiler). Anyone know?

I never said C was faster than Fortran, I said I prefer C to Fortran when performance is required. I find C faster to write and easier to maintain. If you really wanted to nitpick about performance you'd write code with a performance requirement in raw opcodes.

Python is not a LISP dialect you fool. Its so far from a LISP dialect that its BDFL actively sabotages functional programming features.

Another Reason why Fortran is Superior