Fugg u

fugg u

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marswillsendnomore.wordpress.com//?s=black hole



But why?

becos monnies

they made 2 and 3


The worst part is that people will gobble it up. Not sure of I hate Disney or the people who fund them more.

Well duh, that's why they made it

third was was shit

not going to see any of these in theaters but obviously might get dragged to star wars



You can't make this shit up

Didn't they already have that chink shit?

Dumbo,The Lion King & Mulan are all getting live action remakes.

No, all of them are getting live action remakes

What exactly the Nutcracker has to do with cuck porn?


Mulan is the only one that makes sense for live-action at least. Could lead to being a pretty fun wuxia film if they don't fuck it up.

How dumb are you

Not dumb at all. They probably will, and if that's the case the Chinese still has done plenty adaptations of Hua Mulan including the pretty good 2009 film.



i didn't know sammy boy was such a manlet

Honestly the only good thing on there is incredibles 2 and it's based right after the movie ends so no timeskip or any of that bullshit.

Kike-It Ralph

The first movie had some feminist faggotry too, not surprising.

pure reddit
when a totally XD joke about Trump



Count yourself as one of the lucky ones.

Want to know what they will do after this? Start making live Action remakes of the Pixar films. Shit will only get worse



The only thing in this list that I have any hope of being in any way enjoyable is Thor, and that's in a cheesy shit way

I pity the young generation who does not know this wonderful movie.

The Black hole dimension being literally Hell kind of disappointed me a little.

>when Wall-E gets to the ship and meets with Eve they're separated because "what off* Earth is this trash compactor doing in this part of the ship? Get him back to the waste disposal facility" *'clever' forced pun included in script
>Eve tries to get back to him but "he's a trash compactor, why would you want to see him? Now show us samples you found"
>8 minutes is spent on Wall-E and Eve trying to see each other again, when they finally do they're forcibly separated once more, this time with Wall-E being sent to the incinerator with the stated reason being "he's clearly defective" but the real reason being the engineers and scientists don't want the different types of robots mingling
>went they rejoin again they have a little romance scene with all the various humans instantly changing their mind with the evil minor character previously trying to separate them saying "I guess they really do love each other" in a regretful yet joyous tone



The comics version (not the Kirby one) skips that part and shows a bit of the universe beyond the black hole.

marswillsendnomore.wordpress.com//?s=black hole

guys stop this sounds too real

God damn it. Leave it to Disney to keep destroying good movies that white people make.
Fucking called it, Wreck it Ralph is copying the Emoji movie. You'll see Kikebook and other shit references in the movie, just like how the Emoji movie is doing it.

Consumerism is a cancer that needs to die, by earthquakes or meteors, it just needs to die.


Remember the satire of yesterday and how it became the reality of today. This will happen, Kikney will do this. Someone needs to put an end to this.

marvel movies have really mad me rethink capitalism
the soviets at least had kino…

that just means the fourth will be dogshit

aren't all the actors way older at this point?
I don't like the sound of this


Have you listened to James Earl Jones' voice work recently?

Jones was born when the Weimar Republic still existed, the actors of this movie are nowhere near as old as him.

I always wondered why Disney never made something about a Japanese princess tale like Momohime, with the moon empire and maybe cool advanced technology compared to the Earth technology and culture. Now I'm glad they never did it and probably never will, I don't want niggers in ancient Japan, rap music, "sleek" generic Apple futuristic technology, gray colorless palette or strong wymyn #72654646

At that point in time, though, the Murricans also had kino and the Soviets also had straight up cringe propaganda shit.


How are you gonna have a Lion King live action remake?

CGI Animals, most likely. But something tells me they'll add humans somewhere. Maybe the narrator is a wise earthly nigger telling a tale to his/her grandchild, or even worse, humans being in the setting just to sass around them with that horrible "humor" ofnsmarter animals than humans of "see Simba? we animals are sooo much better because we don't use sharp sticks and weapons like them ;)"

Elephant of color with a big black trunk among white elephants with small trunks.



Who will play these guys?

It will be a duet: Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal.

…or a trio with Jack Dorsey since he's been drinking a lot of Deray's semen

Both the book's author and Walt Disney are spinning in their graves at the speed of sound.


user… it's been over 10 fucking years