How do you organize your comics, Holla Forums?
Only recently started downloading CBRs and grouping them into folders with icons (see pic), and I wanted to know how other anons do it…
How do you organize your comics, Holla Forums?
Only recently started downloading CBRs and grouping them into folders with icons (see pic), and I wanted to know how other anons do it…
Genres with sub-folders by author, and duplicating certain file for a favorites folder.
I don't buy comics anymore and don't download digitals either.
And why are you still here?
I have physical copies. My Bionicle comics are in boxes I have in a closet. My other comics are on a shelf next to my bed. That and I have some comics I keep on a bookshelf in my office.
Because the big two are crap and nothing really interests me in the indie scene anymore.
Because I still appreciate animation and what comics could be. Plus it's a good place to vent frustration.
I understand your point…
Have you checked Snotgirl though? I read it in another thread and thought it was too good for a comic released in current year.
In a box inside my closet
Yeah I skimmed it a bit. Haven't read through it. Seems okayish.
I only read real books user.
By publisher. As in DC, Marvel, and everybody else.
What do you read then?
I do it by author.
Publisher, then further by name of the run.
I tried doing something like Pre-Crisis, COIE, Nu52, but it was too annoying. Everything is just done "[NameofRun] (year-year)".
Must be worse if its done by a group that goes by one name lime Man of Action.
How much?
The ones I have went from the original toa up until they went underwater with the new toa in an ocean environment.
Nice, got any digital?
I use full size covers.
Not bad
Complete newfag here but how do I do that?
There's a whole process with paint and saving it as .ico bmp and shit but is faster with
Upload the image.
Select ICO
select 256x256
Select Resize without transform.
They're both appealing for different reasons.
OP looks like something out of the Silver Age or sunday strips while looks like something you'll see in a comic book store.
The only nitpick is that you always want to look at them at full size but it looks weird when you have smaller grid.
OP looks good regardless of the size.
and that the bigger grid makes a pain in the ass to look for stuff.
The comic
What's a good CBR reader?
Is that the swimsuit issues? Anyone have a torent/mega for them?
Not sure
CBR, that's the programs name
Where can I find it? I need something to read my CBR files instead of just extracting them.
I was gonna do that but the different cover ratios bothered me. Plus that it doesn't look good downsized.
Someone storytimed Hellcat a while ago and I thought it was too terrible that it had to be saved.
I can upload them for you if you give me some time… Interesting enough only the first issue is digital and the rest is scanned, so I might try finding the digitals first.
What OS are you using, user? I reckon by "This PC" that it's Windows but everything looks darker than usual…
Could be the program