Reminder to prepare for economic recession

Reminder to prepare for economic recession.

Acquire some Gold or Silver or Bitcoin.

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If Trump wins (((they))) will crash the economy under him on purpose to teach America a lesson.

(((They))) are currently setting up the UK to crash because of we voted to leave the (((EU)))



I mean, let's be serious. If Clinton did win the election, her claim of creating millions of jobs only makes sense if you realize that she wants to go to war against Russia and she assumes that a direct conflict would create a surplus of war economy jobs and draw people into the military via the draft. Of course, war with Russia combined with her domestic policies and all the kebab and taco she wants to import would legitimately result in a civil uprising that would tear them apart.

If Trump gets elected, we might avoid civil war, but it's entirely possible that someone will do something stupid and people will make it happen anyway.

Go back to cuckchan

not an argument

Peak oil is already happening in multiple countries and states

Check yourself

We're still in one. Don't listen to the shit you hear on TV. Trump gets in, they crash it and blame his policies which (((experts))) warned against for months.

Lead, gold, food, silver in that order.

What if Trumpenfurher pulls a third reich and pulls us out of the crash? Isn't that feasible? If he ends the Federal Reserve and pulls the kikes kicking and screaming to get firing squaded, won't their shekels have no power?

Stock market crashes, equities soar. Good time to get into some oil, gold/silver ETFs

ur list is really fucking autistic and gay.
water, guns, ammo, food. end of list.

so you recommend DULL DRIP and DUST?



if peak oil is going to be as bad as everyone says it will be, I'm set for life, I bought oil and gas when they hit rock bottom last year

One would assume water is included in food you autist. If one has funds after for shit like gold/silver if they have less then 2k rounds for main gun, per person, 500 for backup per person .
If you are dumb enough to think water isn't implied with food, I you have bigger issues to work out before calling anyone/thing else autistic.

your list doesnt include weapons, you plan to go full merchant and trade shekels you fucking turbokike? also ur triggered af because you know your list is autististic and you know it.
autist confirmed.

Get out.


To bet on a falling dow jones at the election day is a smart move, isn't it? With the amout of fear mongering around the world. I would say that trump winning would have an impact of atleast -100 up to -1000 or even -1500 points. I mean Pokemon Go let the Nintendo Stocks skyrocket while not even beeing from that company. People just got hyped up. Brexit took 610 points on the Dow Jones. I could imagine alot of panic sales over Trumps election. He wants to renegotiate trading agreements, something like that makes the markets panic.

YouGov: Donald Trump top pick for US President… in Russia:
Pew: Comparative confidence in political leaders and U.S. presidential candidates on their international role:
WIN/Gallup International’s Global Poll on the:

What are you thinking fellow pollack's? I think I gonna short 1000$.