
How does one become so spooked by one's own genitals?

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IDpol. fml.

Seriously though, I don't see the big deal with national pride/pride in ones sex/race idgf. You were born like that you're not special but they get spooked up to their eyeballs and believe in it.

penis envy

do you actually still believe that or are you memeing?

Projection and insecurity tbh fam.

Being proud of your sex is stupid but women have been oppressed since the dawn of civilization and gender roles sick for men too. Non rich liberal feminism has a lot of good things to say.

In b4 wahhhhh idpol

I don't mind women recognising that they are being fucked by capitalism and current society but them making it a deal about their own indevidual sex and not a collective struggle takes away from the problem at hand.

Crazy feminists hate on female things and want more of male things. They want to be men.

"Second Wave" feminism started out from Marxist critique of gender roles from people like Simone de Beauvoir. Openly Marxist beliefs become taboo in Cold War Burgerland, leading many activists and intellectuals to distance themselves from Marxism and socialist ideas in general. This lead to a bunch of different dispersed and disjointed ideologies with no central theory. This lead to each elements of each ideology fetishizing its particular issue and attempting to create a historical narrative around it. Environmentalists birthed the neo-luddites and primitivism, the Civil Rights Movement birthed all sorts of ethnic nationalists, and feminism birthed radical feminism.

Radical feminism is exactly what you land at when you're a feminism wanting to create a radical critique of society while specifically avoiding any kind of dialectical materialist analysis.

>women commoners have been oppressed since the dawn of civilization

Well yeah I do think that the way society obsesses over sex is concerning, it seems to be a byproduct of capitalism where by marketing to our instincts to the point of manipulating a persons self-esteem leads to some straight fetishes and addictions.
Well yeah, if someone wants to look at it and someone wants to do it, who should stop them? They are symptoms, not causes.


Kill all females tbh

Prude pls go.

fuck you all. You can be a woman and a socialist too

You can't be a woman and not a feminist tho, amirite?

yeah. I'm not a feminist. But don't be a fucking woman hater. I don't know if some of these posts are tongue in cheek or not

go fuck yourself frued

Do you think
Do you think maybe
Maybe they are a proportional response to shit that feminists say, to illustrate how hateful those things are?

feminists do not speak for all women

Point being?

This is your brain on IDpol

Way to miss the point.

you missed my point. I hate feminists too but that's not an excuse for hatred of women

I actually enjoy reading Dworkin, as batshit as she is. Anything post-2nd wave gives me a headache though.

I've always wanted to hate-read Dworkin and Right Wing Women looks like it could actually be interesting.

It all makes sense now, the did the same with Euro philosophy post-mo. Americans are such fucking hacks.

When you get pampered to by a catre of media ravens who desperately want your eyeballs on their content.

I recommend it. If you're going to read anything Dworkin, start with that.

about as based in evidence as feminist theory

Yeah, no. I got that. That's not what's happening. People are saying "fugg wimmin xd" not because they hate women per se but as a way to demonstrate how awful it is when feminists say "fugg menz xd"

You're just getting this now? For fuck's sake people call it "cultural marxism" for a reason. They took Marx's concept of class and twisted it to be about idpol. It's not just gender but race, ability, body fat, sexuality, anything you can think of. The whole "punching up" vs "punching down" thing is based on the idea that the only just war is revolution and all revolutions are justified. Because anyone higher on the muh privilege hierarchy is from a higher "class", anything that a lower "class" person does against them is revolution, and the reverse is counter-revolution.

Or because they're genuine sexists. Always a possibility, right?

Read Schopenhauer

Fucking kek

It's cultural capitalism not cultural marxism

everything is caused by benis!!! :DDD

T. Freud

That's a good question. How does one become so spooked by one's own genitals as to deny those without the same genitals education outside the cottage?

There are people like that, but their prevalence is vastly overstated because doing so helps feminism's case.

No wonder there are so many male feminists tbh.

How does one become so spooked by one's own genitals as to coerce those without the same genitals to go fight and die in a war for porky's treasure hoard?

can we not

Not agreeing with anarcho-fem poster necessarily, but…

Poor effort m80


That was Admiral Charles Penrose Fitzgerald's fault for deputizing women to hand out feathers and not encouraging them to stay in the kitchen. Besides, just because they have pussies doesn't make them feminists, nor does handing you a feather equal coercion. Additionally, until the institution of conscription, recruiting propaganda relied heavily on a patriotic appeal that welded masculinity to military service and branded the unenlisted civilian as a coward beneath contempt, ergo it was not just women but men coercing men first through norms then through formal law.

Poor show, dude.


Did I say that, though?

Why does there need to be the implication that either sex coerced the other at all? The cultural norms of each sex were determined by socio-economic history.

Talking about one sex coercing the other in terms of these socio-economic roles divides a working class of both men and women, both equally coerced by capital.

Feels pretty smug, I guess.

you would know

Oh, just look at those dubs.
Heil ࿕



This is why lefties need to go after them even more and harder then rightists though, because everyone thinks their us.

This is the face of anti-feminism
Never 4get 1989

el oh el

You didn't say that, but it's the theory behind feminism, which you are responding on behalf of.

That is why I'm calling attention to this paradigm that feminist theory is built upon. You can make the case for either gender working against the other, but it still comes down to class struggle. Both criticisms are equally valid, which is to say neither one is. Thesis + antithesis = synthesis.

I think I just vomited a little at this butchering of Hegel.

Yeah, and this is the face of feminism.

He didn't kill 14 women.

Congrats, you've usurped anfem as biggest shitter in this thread.

No, he just willingly became a slave.


that's not even tangentially applicable here, please try harder

If the genders were reversed on Steve Shives' relationship, you would definitely be calling it abusive, oppressive, or something similar.

Fichte pls go.

For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.

It's your fault. Through and through. Yours and A.W.

I don't know anything about that guy anyway, and he seems like a total fag. I'm just here to shitpost.


Also, I don't usually go around condemning people's relationships, no matter what gender is in the dom pose…

There's a certain board that already does that and has brought about a buzzword to scourge "politics" for awhile…

so are you a goon or what

because you perpetually come off as one of those "weird twitter" types that likes to pretend they're above it all and jump ship the instant their called on their bullshit

No? I just like to post catgrills sometimes, talk about philosophy post-pre-Marx, and mess with reactionary scum :~)

Hasn't really happened, but a lot of people pretend to have done so in order to act smug and "above it all," call someone on the internet a retard, and then pretend something was enriched in their lives and in the lives of others.

Anycase, the >perpetually thing is a dubious claim since there are plenty other anfem posters, and enough that I can disagree with their politics, their rhetoric, et c.

Catgirls are cool!

n1x pls

it's not even about the flag anymore, you could post without it and still be just as traceable on insufferable-ness alone


n1x is a skeleton
not a cat

Except I do, and that doesn't happen. I only get flak when I post with a flag. Some of my posts have even been capped and saved in the leftybooru whenever I don't post with a flag.

prove it faggot

Wow that's kind of like how you and I are the only people posting on this board, and I'm just good at staying in character with all these different personas.

When communism wins we will build a gulag for feminist and meninist only

Prove what exactly? Which user are you?

Except no.

decide* kek

Meninism is satire. I don't think the people behind it were even aware of the various men's movements.

They are reactionary parody of feminism that how deep in IDpol our world is
It is sad tbh

Yea they're spooked because of their ginitals, not because women have been a somewhat marginilized class throughout history

go home reddit you're drunk

Are you a cat?



So why did it turn out all these feminist writers were essentially conservatives?

"Dying is easy; comedy is hard."

When distraction, low comprehension, or other motivations (e.g., to affirm one’s own political ideas as correct) intervene with message processing, it is likely that bias or error will occur. If external cues cannot be used to aid in information processing, internal cues become the predominant means by which the information is interpreted. Thus we can separate parody and satire from mere incongruity and sarcasm. In its own right, satire is defined as a deliberate mixture of parody and social commentary. The idea is to take a position and—through a deft balance of irony, and a form of hyperbole—to argue so convincingly in favour of that position that you effectively and humorously argue against it. Successful satire requires this communication, this argument, to the audience that the piece is satirical; when a picture doesn't tell you it's satire, it's not 'satire' but thinly veiled insults with a hint of smug. this is often done through a not-so-subtle nudge or exaggeration near the end, a sort of conspiratorial wink, to emphasize that the piece is intended to be comedic, not serious. So, imagine the hubris it takes for you—some anonymous hipster who loves irony without really understanding what it is—to go on the Internet and imagine you can do it, too; and maybe even do it better. How often have I seen the word 'satire' lobbed around in defense of some truly atrocious comedic writing?

On all levels except class since that's the only material thing :^)

>bourgeois women are expected to stay home, raise the kids, and take care of the house and the husband
>and it's bourgeois women.
working class women had more or less the same requirements as working class men, with some slight variation like trading outright expendability for lack of reproductive autonomy

m8 this is leftypol

Yeah, and you have people like Yui, and A.W. here.


Don't waste your time. Bitch is barely literate and uses buzzwords out the ass.

At least they don't try to bully everyone, unlike you, n1x.

Why so mean?

That's pretty clearly not n1x. Maybe you should lurk more?

Even if I agreed with you that women were total slaves before the 60s. They are not today, not in the west, at least, so why feminism? It seems to me that the job is done.

Feminism is a supremacist movement by bourgeois women to divide the working class and make them fight among themselves over idpol. All of them complain about the wage gap, when in reality, it's the concept of wages that are the problem.

You posted 6 lines of intellectual emptiness that has nothing to do with the fact the feminism is a divination from class struggle

I will say it again under communism the material tools of oppression will disappear therefor there is no need for feminism anti-racism etc…. IDpol movements

You can't pinkbill me on feminism IDpol cancer


Usually I associate nihilist posters who bully with n1x.

That's not what I'm trying to do. I was responding to how you defended meninism.

I'm also a meninist 2bh :^)

It's just like you can't sura-bill me on Mahomet ((((IDpol)))) cancer.

for fuck's sake
If you're tying to troll at least call yourself an MRA or something. This just makes you look retarded. The only people who don't think meninism is a joke are feminists trying to push a narrative.


Maybe i am a women who knows ?
class is the only thing worth fighting for

Well he is THE spook master and fuck him tbh .

your argument is nothing but play on identity of the poster not the post itself that how deep in IDpol you are.

Uhm? No.
"The term meninism was used in the early 2000s to describe male feminists who opposed sexism and supported women's right for equality in society, politics and at work." (wikipedia)
Keep in mind the source below

What the hell are you inferring? lol
Nothing I said makes this accusation.

And your argument is well…nonexistent, or perhaps so strawmanned, meek, and cliche that it doesn't even deserve recognition save for mocking.

Sad. but I suppose you could also apply
To yourself when you make the first greentext here:

Oh lord, please show this small soul the root of their ignorance.

The bourgeoisie always fight for themselves, too. What justifications can be made through vague pronouncements!

You began to sperge a little bit calm down

1-Under communism the material tools of oppression will disappear therefor there is no need for feminism anti-racism etc…. IDpol movements .
2-Trying to fix the superstructure won't help that much to end sexism racism etc…ism if you want to end those problems you begin with the base "the means and relations of production .

No need for the pinkpill when the classpill is here .


Nigger, you started by arguing "nuh uh it's not satire, it's real."

go kill yourself you dumbass bitch nigger

Yeah because we all live in communism right now.
Feminists do this.

What? Obsolete term? I'm using the term in toto which includes the semi-'satirical' and the more somber applications of meninism.
You started by arguing that no one thought meninism wasn't a joke except feminists who used the word before your jokes became the fashion, or thus obsoleting all the arguments! The poor arguments!!!
It is in part true, but your interpretation of it as parody is ahistorical at best.

You know, it can be argued that we still need to argue for equality, but women do have legal equality, so what the fuck are you on about?

What I'm on about now? Contemporarily speaking? The expanding of the gender spectrum, and letting women hitherto neglected and left to only maternity own the means of production.

Capitalism does give women a certain equality, yes, a certain factor for production, but it does not address alienation in these terms: that which hides behind an illusion of free choice employs different forms of alienation to confront one another.

Define this for me. I have no idea what you mean by this.

As far as I'm aware, women can own the means of production by being filthy capitalists. Or were you under the impression that only men could be capitalists?

Speak more plainly. Women have a choice of occupation. It's entirely open to them. The alienation is experienced by all workers alike, not just by women. In either case, communism will solve these problems, so feminism remains unnecessary.

I'm not talking about the word itself, I'm talking about the people on the internet who get scapegoated by feminists. It's clear that you understand this by responding to my claim that it's a parody of feminism with the argument "It's not because it's not obvious enough that it's a parody." This alternate previous definition is something you've pulled out of your ass to distract from the point that feminists are taking a parody of them and mis-characterizing it as a movement in earnest.

He's not wrong. A lot of Freud's ideas are closer to the truth than many would like to admit. Sexuality is hard-coded pretty deep into our brains.

Are you a time traveler from the 19th century?

Let me just ask you a question. Under communism, are you going to get mad if I make pic related and distribute it to workers?

I didn't realize you were a time traveler from the 1800s. So let me inform you that Women are free to own property and exploit other people's labor just like men are. Women no longer needed to married or attached to a man to function in our society. Women can inherit property, own business, vote, and run for public offices. A woman is free to forego motherhood with no negative consequences from society. By all accounts they have the same rights as men do under capitalism and there's no reason to be more fixated on their alienation over anyone else.

Why so first worldist? :^)

The same is true in most of the third world, you autist.

Here, in the HUE Land of Third Worldism and Revolution and Happiness (TM), is the same.


Tsk tsk. Somebody hasn't been reading.