New (((Spielberg))) flick

OMG I love pop-culture XDD

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Sounds horrible. Idiots need to learn there will never be any value to learning worthless pop-culture factoids, this film will be praised by critics who "get" the references. The whole purpose of pop culture is to keep be spiritually empty and devoid of any actual meaning in their lives so they continue to consume disposable plastic objects.



Speilberg should just concentrate on making Indy 5 not shit and he could save the Jurassic Park franchise if he fucking wanted to


Daily reminder that Indiana Jones is a total ripoff of a 1954 movie starring Charlton Heston.

Everything is essentially been done before and a ripoff of everything, being an artist is taking something that exists and contorting it your own way to make it popular or art. So many stories are based on the hero's journey which dates back to ancient greek times

It was meant to be a not-so-subtle homage to all those flicks. Lucas called Indiana Jones a B movie done with A movie budget.

You have seen nothing yet.

T-The fuck is this?

This is what passes for "good writing" nowadays.

but what is that?

What the fuck is all of that? Don't tell me thats the authors own words, jesus fucking christ.


This world is a mistake

I read that book, was pretty shit.

What book?

It is from the book this show is based on.

Are you for real? Is it the officially most cancerous thing ever written? Like does have a certificate..

Ready Player One.
It's fucking garbage. I forced my way through it because of how much hype it had but it's so fucking terrible that it made me extremely pissed off when I finished.
The main character has no development whatsoever, he's a projection of the authors dweebish know it all hero fantasy. He has a moment in the book where he realizes he's a flabby piece of shit who can't save anyone in the real world (not the mmo world which he's famous in) so there's a time skip of about 6 months and he's fit and breaks into this secret prison/lab to save his friends.
It's pure shit, supposed to be about 80s pop culture and XD so nerdy!!! but at the end there's fucking evangelion mechas and cowboy bebop references.
Fucking garbage and you should never listen to anyone who says it's good ever again.

Those pics are the worst thing I've read in my life


I'm now starting to understand why all the most talented writers died poor, the kikes of their time were too busy exploiting the hacks of their time to bother trying to understand actual good writing. What's especially hilarious is that I bet if we went to Reddit and started being honest about how shitty this writing is, all the Redditors would sperg out and call us idiots who don't understand literature.

They're are shitty greentext meme stories that have a higher quality of prose than that trash.

So it's Sword Art Online rip off with some le ebin Seth McFarlane pop culture references?

Spielberg made Raiders…

What the fuck.

You have to go back

Thats whats called entry level. They also dont realize harry potter and lotr are the only good blockbusterkino


At least you realize it.

THX 1138 and American Graffiti are good. I don't think much of Star Wars. And Kubrick is kino, sorry, Eyes Wide Shut, Barry Lyndon, 2001, Dr Strangelove all good.

Yeah when I say pleb tier I don't necessarily mean unwatchable shit I just mean the sort of films you might be dragged along to by friends and family. Flicks that don't really make an impact. Shit like Pacific Rim, Clerks, Django Unchained, Avatar, The Social Network etc. Stuff that you could sit through once but never again if you had the choice. I am harsh on stuff like Star Wars or TDK because although it's okay I wish this board would realise that they are only the tip of MAINSTREAM cinema and that the real kino happens in independent cinema.


It's worse than I expected

Yea fincher is hailed like villenueve when they make forgettable stuff.

I'd agree with you there.

pleb detected

kubrick was literally an antisemite who praised hitler, his movies are garbage and hes an awful human beign.

Aha! Caught you in contradiction!

Separate the art from the artist kubrick made pure kino

This is why China needs to invade

How could he be an anti-semite if he was jewish?

He made technically proficient flicks

Exception to that was Barry Lyndon.

You would prefer throwing gas onto a grease fire for slavery to the slowburn into it as we are now?

A lot of the people I hate would die screaming. I could die happy with that.

t. jew

>>>Holla Forums


Plenty of smart people have hated Jews throughout history. It's almost like Bering intelligent and perceptive of your surroundings make you aware of like anti-social behavior…

chose only 1 drumpfcuck


underrated post

Not sure why that makes him an awful human being.

get with the times faget