Why haven't you joined a Nationalist group and begun to organise with your fellow countrymen user? Do you prefer your new diverse country over the boring old homogeneous one?
Why haven't you joined a Nationalist group and begun to organise with your fellow countrymen user? Do you prefer your new diverse country over the boring old homogeneous one?
Other urls found in this thread:
You'll be fine goyim, we just want to know the intimate details of your illegal activities…
You are a burger, aren't you?
Just a batch of 4cucks joining us. Check the catalogue. It's literally 4cuck-edition.
I have. Not going to talk about it much here though.
sage for trying to paint us as politically inactive board.
See Shlomo, this why the rabbis didn't let you in their secret boy molesting club.
face it, white people hate eachother. they're individualists. historically, white people have been at war for centuries against eachother. there is no 'white nationalism'
Go post some traps and have a wank, lad. I'm sure your paki-lead UKIP will cleanse the nation :^)
I mean, it's enough to put you on a list, but since you're already on one, what difference does it make? And there are so many people joining nowadays, that we'll disinfo them by numbers alone.
Daily Stormer had a really important article on how to avoid getting kiked by the feds:
Not aware of any in Canada.
Because the nationalist movements in my country are filled with skinheads with no moral fiber.
Degenerate alcohol abusers who do NOTHING to improve the community/our situation.
So fuck them, ill stick to my wife, family and the few friends i still keep around that are redpilled. If SHTF i wouldn't want to be close to any but them anyways, because they share my values and ideas. And we trust eachother.
I agree, brother. We should all meet in a group because only together we are strong enough to fight the most infernal battle of our strong everlasting heroic lifes.
Join and change it from within you fucking faggots. Stop being scared of people with shaven heads and educate them. Tell them we dont have to go full 1488 to go full 1488 anymore. Look at Trump with his (((Global Elite))) speech. He will never name the jew but hes shown that if you do it right, the jew names himself.
Partly true, Europeans tend towards individualism, and their constant conflict with each other are why they were historically supreme at war, but plenty of Europeans have also joined together in the past. Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire, Great Britain, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Imperial Germany, Kalmar Union, Spain, Yugoslavia. The EU and white nationalism can work, the issue is finding the common bonds and similarities, then basing the nation off of that. We would need to figure out why those nations broke apart, and what it was that kept bonded them in the first place, and kept them together.
The main problem with the EU is that it isn't even pro-European, and the center, Belgium, is more of a pseudo-state then an actual culture, the bureaucratic rulers don't care whether they rule over Europeans, Africans, Semitics, or robots. They just care about the money coming in.
And anyway I think white nationalism is most likely to rise out of somewhere like America. It's a country where many Europeans mixed together, Americans generally have more of a white identity then a specific ethnic identity. And they all share a similar language. But non-white immigration would need to end immediately, lest the American white nationalism becomes a human nationalism.
The closest model for the US would likely be Imperial Germany, which was formed out of hundreds of different Germanic tribes, and some of the tribes who on the borders mixed with their neighboring nations. They created a German culture (mostly Prussian) to impose over the individual tribal cultures like Bavaria or Saxony.
Take your concern trolling and blatant lies elsewhere CTR. This is a thread for people who want to make a difference.
movie sauce?
but on the topic: I have joined and we've had beautiful rally's and we are growing stronger
Noice. Whats your experience been like so far? What are the people like? Would you have any advice for anyone thinking about joining?
Yea in theory I could start my own organization, but with my level of autism that probably wouldn't work out too well.
The Core. One of the shittiest movies of all time. Good to turn your brain off and laugh at tho.
It's because of Schrodinger's FBI. How can you know a place is FBI unless you were there when it started?
Flawless logic.
honeypot thread
Try the TRS forums I've seen plenty of Canadians there who seem on the level
Easy. Whoever is agitating, causing internal division, inciting violence or terrorism or basically not following orders is a shill. Its precisely this air of paranoia that puts a LOT of potential nationalists off ad its utterly unfounded. Stay within the law and your good.
You got me, Im FBI :^)
Any group that might have been worth joining is compromised or monitored by federal forces. Fuck that.
Just make some right wing friends, go to the range together, go camping, etc. Be ready to back each other up if it comes to that. That's what you should do. Not be a retard and join some fucking IRL honeypot.
Believe me, i have tried for many years.
I led a antagonistic faction of the nationalist movement in my country for about a two years before it fell apart to alcohol abuse and random acts of violence. I blame myself for not being a better leader.
We specialised in infiltrating antifa demonstrations/performed raids on antifa gatherings but the degenerate mindset of my peers is what made me withdraw. I even made them wear normal clothes, instead of being skinheads but they were all too far gone in degeneracy/alcohol abuse.
It was beautiful in the early days though. And i do miss it
What this man says is the truth. I had cops harassing me for years after. Still to this day i suspect im on one or more lists.
Again. The honeypot meme needs to die. The government will try and infiltrate effective organisations but so fucking what? Stay within the law , encourage others to stay within the law, and you will be fine. Demonstrations are not illegal yet
Sounds good, if you had the personality to lead a group like that there's no reason you cant do it again but only recruit the right types of people. Are there no modern day Nationalist groups near you now?
If the police "harassing" you is enough to put you off being an active nationalist, was your heart really in it in the first place user…
There is, but i am not a natural leader. I was just.. the smartest in a group of idiots..
I dont see myself getting involved again.
If you wanna join a group and keep on the straight and narrow, go ahead. Just know that there will be moles in any moderate sized group that will be listening to every word you say looking for an excuse to get your ass locked up, and will try and get you all in a trap.
I don't think the state involvement is as prolific as people believe but even if it is you simply have to stay within the law and look for people tying to lead you or others astray.
Sorry you feel that way. I hope you change your mind at some point.
I wrote after, it was after I gave the agressive approach up.
But i understand what you mean.
I still live as an active nationalist though, just outside of the group and as i said, with my family and the few friends i can trust.
I can relate to people here who want to "just have a normal life", but I honestly think the most "useless" ones of us here are gonna be the most valuable members of nationalist organizations. To paraphrase South Park, of all things,
I mean fuck, Hitler and Goebbels had pretty much nothing to lose at the beginning. No prospects for future. Depressed as shit. Then they put together their dream team and became the gold standard of nationalism.
When (((they))) are exposed i will fight beside you user.
Most of them are sadly edgy degenerate thugs that don't take real action.
Hi Sinead.
t. mestizo who was such a bad goyim in highschool I was put on the do not fly list at the age of 17
I understand, but what other approaches are there other than active participation in nationalist organisations?
This guy gets it. What does a NEET have to lose after all?
Yes I need your data goyim! I also want to encourage you to join a nationalist organisation because I love it when white people band together and name the jew!
Again, join and educate them. You clearly have great ideas for nationalism that you should share, otherwise you wouldn't be bitching about their methods to us.
1. They aren't "infiltrated", they are government run from the outset.
2. They aren't "effective".
3. They are purely meant to gather data on action-takers.
4. Heimbach and Sinead Mccarthy will be strung up when the time comes, both are Jewish agitators using shame, fragile teenage male ego and urge for female contact amongst other tactics, to pressurize young men into joining their honeypots.
Nah I'll try and help my country BEFORE it goes to shit. Not after.
I wish other Nationalists would accept me. It's not like I have George Soros on speed dial.
I already live in a white country, why the fuck would i want to join some circle jerking club.
I dont have an answer but it feels like we are closer now then ever before in my lifetime to expose the jewish lie.
If trump is a nationalist, which i hope he is. Then he is a genius. The way he is shining light on the (((globalist))) is exactly what we need. If enough people hate the (((elite))) it will be possible for us to inform them about who they really are. And what must be done.
I wish I could turn you into a lampshade. Now fuck off kike
Still sucks that my trip to Japan was ruined forever once I realized I can't leave the country 7 years after the police arrested me in school for a thought crime.
come at me faggot
Pic related
Fuck you and your shit attitude cunt. People like you are as bad as niggers.
The tide is turning at a rate I've never seen in my life. People need to be organised for when the time comes.
You're rollmat is shit. Other than that not bad.
You'd better paint your kevlar another color ASAP, when SHTF I'm popping blue helmets on sight. Nice kit though.
Why can't I access the forums?
It is indeed shit. I will give you that fam.
Once again come at me faggot. I'm 50% kyke blood and don't care.
Yeah I'm going to order multicam cover without those stupid camouflage cuts. I like having Cpt America paint job.
Because they are literally all honeypots
You need an invite
Just look at the Klan its literally all FBI since 1970s-80s
(San Diego/LA area)
if you want to join our local WN group (~40 goys) hmu @ [email protected]/* */
first I will talk to you
it's good if you have some sort of comment trail (disqus etc) to verify you're real
if not, just give a convincing account of your beliefs, etc
from there I will refer you to our Skype chat group
If you comport yourself well there, you can be invited to casual get-togethers
if you're well put-together and legit, then you may be invited to activism events
OR you can sit at home and scream MUH FEDS on the internet like the lazy, scared little baby you are
for verification, I am on twitter, disqus, TRS, etc with the same fenrir oath username/email
Also about our group:
NOT a bunch of skinhead degenerate thugs
closer to the TRS Houston Goylers model or Identity Evropa
emphasis on presentability, physical fitness, personal responsibility, etc
in short, acting like white men
we do not condone NEETism
if you don't have a job you best be looking
if you don't lift you better start
if you don't have white babies you better be working on it
we hang out casually, do BBQs, discuss political shit, practice public speaking, hiking, camping, and occasional activism
Thank you for Corrupting The Record.
Fucking nice user. Take note you lazy fucks.
Go be a jew somwhere else.
Vid related. They'll be kicking down your door in the near future.
No wonder you guys are losing the race war against less than 1% of the popular. You're not willing to work with people who have larger noses than you.
If I wasn't fucked by the same globalist kykes as you fuckwits. I'd be cheering on your defeat. Especially if this is all the white race has to offer. But I just hate niggers and mudslimes way more.
someone who isnt an oldfag is directly found out
/meadehall/ is slow as fuck and nobody knows it exists
I have my same contact info on there already
you miss the point my hebraic friend
we're not talking about nationalism here
we're talking about WHITE nationalism
it's perfectly reasonable for you to support American nationalism and as such I would consider you an ally
but we're over here trying to whip some life into our race before it fucking dies out
and posts like sound an awful lot like typical kike undermining of that effort
if you don't fancy living in a world of universalist cappuccino mud sludge consumerism I'd suggest you cease and desist
there will certainly be areas where our respective interests may overlap
- civic nationalism
- cultural issues
- opposition to explosive brown population growth and migration
however the fact remains that we are part of DIFFERENT GROUPS and we can never overlap 100%
and while I certainly think it is right to support each other's independence and right to survival as a people, mixing together destroys what makes each of our groups unique and worth preserving
My mistake friend, OP only mentioned Nationalism. I wish you luck in your quest to 1488. I advise you and allies to not waste your time targeting your local shekelshills like your predecessors in the late 20th century. Dr Shekelberg down the street doesn't know George Soros. Choose targets who are actually trying to subvert your efforts.
Then raise awareness with other anons. Or search other forums to meet.
Just talk during these meetings. Anyone who advocates violence is either a fed or a subverter. Go hiking, group activities, anything.
You can also make new friends and slowly lead them to the red pill. If you arent a autistic neet, it is quite easy. Just talk with them, ask them a few questions, never sperg out about da joos or show your powerlevel, most normies dont like that. Any racism should be in the form of jokes, nothing else. If they arent completly bluepilled goys, then theyll turn eventually. If they start questions, the redpill lies in front of them, just wait until they take it.
When confronted with a bluepill, just act like an unknowing child. Ask "innocent" questions, never try debating them (it wont work) keep asking questions and then question their answers. If they are conflicted, they'll try and think about it, and that is like a spark on a dry field, purging the unclean.
The worst confrontation is a zealot, one who has abandoned all forms of logic. Do not try anything, just let them rant and rave, and laugh about them with your friends. Point out that it is the final destination of the leftist. Crack a joke, take their ideas into the extreme.
Our best argument is the insanity of the left. Remember, we have nature on our side.
Summed up for anons who are skimming the thread:
- Don't sperg out/show powerlevel. Normies dont like that
- Keep asking questions. Question their answers
- Laught with them. Rascism starts with Holla Forums tier jokes
I am
we have a large group
I am here looking for potential recruits
good reminder about the violence thing
anyone who ever suggests it is instantly booted
I would join, but I'm not in SoCal (Belgium). The local /grootnederland/ group is growing tho.
Keep on organizing and growing, the other side of the atlantic is doing it too.
remember the 14 words
Iedere Nederlandstalige die eens wilt komen kijken
we zijn daar extreem actief
That id though.
Jokes aside, i approve of this.
Form connections and start a tribe. Become better people and be loyal to your friends, always.
Also, mountains form bonds like nothing else. I suggest anyone meeting new people to go hiking/climbing/exploring. Exchanging ideas while under the influence of nature is a powerful tool. It is rooted deep whitin us all, the way we all want to be free. The mountains liberates us and with good company you will learn so much about life.
Im off
Not sure if I should trust those dubs, how the fuck would I get an invite?
I would personally suggest that you start/join a American-nationalist/socially-conservative jewish organization founded on these ideas (the right of both whites and jews to their own ethnostate)
do the same thing we are trying to do for our people
subvert globalists in their very homes by winning their children back to sanity
godspeed Belgianbro
my first meetup with these local goys was climbing a mountain in bitter cold and rain
we froze our asses off and gained respect for each other
hiking/camping is one of our main activities
Give me an email and I'll send you one. You can use a burner email and then change it to your real one later. It don't matter.
My peoples are doing just fine FBI sempie. No need for me to travel overseas for them.
worth a shot
[email protected]/* */
sent :^)
i've been rused :^(
I gave them my phone number recently, but they haven't called back.
What are you talking about? I did send it.
Clearly not
I sent it again. Check the spam, maybe?
No such thing on 10 minute mail, but I appreciate the effort user, if you're being genuine. Maybe I'll contact the admins and see if they can help
maybe their system doesn't work with 10 minute mail? I'm willing to try again with another junk email if you'd like.
historically, everyone has been at war with everyone. africans fought each other and took each other as slaves. native americans went extinct because they couldnt get along with each other well enough to fight the white man.
wait until the white people of the world unite and get behind a single goal
Not the other user but I'd like a TRS invite if you wouldnt mind [email protected]/* */ thanks user.
jesus christ op you're a faggot
I actually just watched this movie yesterday kek
**saw some goybook post, something about a buncha guys meeting up in huntington recently.
there's no relation, is there?**
funny thing, this should be common knowledge here by now
like that story of the gun club that got infiltrated by FBI, sheriff, ATF and some other shit
"boring" is safe. safe means the intelligent can do shit without worrying about niggers
What country?
Im in the UK and we have National Action who are stricly a youth movement. I think the purpose of that is to make sure no old skin head types are allowed.
holy shit what kind of thought crime was it? also what kind of police state do you live in that does shit likge that
nigga plz
you need to go back r/the_donald, the jew needs to go the oven
This meme needs to die.
NA are a white nationalist organisation for britnongs. Totally NatSoc. Names the jew. No none white memebers. Advocates for racial segregation and a Europe free of mud or degeneracy. Everything Holla Forums aspires to in one group.
They even host their own "Soup Kitchen of Hate" where they feed only whites.
Honey Pot = groups.
LONE WOLFS can destroy entire nations
Lone wolfs can kill anybody.
You can be anything you want.
Payback is in your hand.
Remember people: jews are an insignificant percentage of the population. Even if you turn away everyone who even looks a little jewey, you have not excluded a relevant amount of people. Do not fall for their "you need every man you can get goy! you cant afford to keep me out" tricks.
lol how do the sjws and the nogs react
Central Texas squad reporting in, we organized on The Daily Stormer in the book club threads. We're in the process of trying to organize into more than a weekly therapy session/bitch about niggers and kikes group at the moment.
Canada is still stuck in the Ron Paul mode with Libertarians being edgy.