If you cucks were truly thinking men, you would realize that Oil-drilling is the successful man's fetish

If you cucks were truly thinking men, you would realize that Oil-drilling is the successful man's fetish.

yes, but lucas is still shit

Enjoy your ATST with spider legs and flat-chested mary sue, Disneycuck

lucas is a kino auteur

You realize he was redpilled while you were still a faggot playing vidya, right?

nice try reddit, but here's a more accurate guide




The actuals show negresses and white guys are the most stable pairing.

Hitler wtf are you talking about?


wtf i want rice now


Since the Chinese have been slowly conquering Africa, expect that to change. Albeit, it's mostly going to be Chink dudes oil drilling so it's still only half the picture.

(((OP))) shits up tv again.


BAWHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHhahahaahahah… such a good goy you are user

>Opposed (((Iraq War)))
Buchanan is the most redpilled person in politics. You are just a dumb faggot.

Why'd you shop out the fifth part?

He isn't really "redpilled", he just isn't controlled like most other politicians. Vid related sums it up pretty well.

t. dumb faggot

Prove it.

Buchanan is about as close to openly saying the Holocaust didn't happen as it gets while still getting on TV.

Star Wars
first 30 and last 30 of Jedi

Everything else


hello reddit, welcome to our tv board
for future reference, the actual rating would be

the end credit of every movie
A new hope
The empire strikes back
Return of the jedi
The phantom menace
Attack of the clones
Return of the Jedi
The force unleashed
Rogue one
The last jedi
all the animated series
all the videogames
basically anything that regards this cancerous brand

have fun

It's all shit and you need to go back.


>>>/reddit/ my cancerous friend

Nice try.

yes, that's where you belong

Is worshiping George Lucas this boards form of Todd Posting?




Christmas Special
Ewok Movies


Yes. Now crawl back to Holla Forumseddit. We don't like your kind here.

but hes the bluest of the bluepils

Here's the real version, now go back watching your shitty prequels that destroyed Star Wars

I'm not bothered at all to leave and never come back. You fags use actual reddit phrases like Kino and declare everyone who doesn't like The Phantom Menace doesn't belong. Holla Forums is apparently a shit board for redditors.

You can't just shift around the stuff at the bottom because it's not just a meme but the prequels really deals with the things those books are about. The fact that you think you can just switch them around proves how pleb you are.

No. Please don't go. Whatever shall we do without you.


Because pat never accused anyone of that right? :'^)

You need some new material Huey

why the fuck did you quote me you reddit basic bitch? i never said i like the prequels, the prequels are garbage just like the rest of your childish sci-fi low quality flicks

Because only comparing it the prequels can a hot turd like the nu-Star Wars trilogy be any good. The nu movie sucked and it burns their asses knowing their feminist trash can't hold a candle to the original trilogy and have to completely rip it off. Go look far and wide you'll see the same response everywhere, "It's not as bad as the prequels!" It's pathetic and it puts a smile on my face every time I see it.

But all six original films were leagues better than any of the Disney starwars films…

Wrong, TFA makes the Prequels look like Citizen Kane.

Go to bed George. TFA is shit but it's still better than prequels.

Chocolate lips were built for Great White Dick.

And Holla Forums isn't?


Keep telling yourself that, JJ.