Anarcha-Feminists vs. Nazis
Anarcha-Feminists vs. Nazis
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I feel as though this has turned into, who do we hate more in regards to what the flags stand for, rather than the flags themselves.
At least nazis are sincere.
Anfem is just a shitposting flag.
There is at least one sincere anfem.
voted anfem
It's supposed to be about the users of the flags.
naziflags are definitely more cancerous. theres barely any anfem flags anyway, but in almot every thread a naziflag comes in and starts spewing their shit. its ridiculous.
Further proof this place is a cesspool of kotakuinaction immigrant brocialists
Nazis are sometimes quite entertaining and rarely we are able to instill doubt in their beliefs. Anfemflag however (excluding statuelass) is just high-octane shitposting degrading the overall quality of the board.
Somehow it's not an interesting fact that Holla Forums posts on Holla Forums suck balls.
Why doesn't he fucking sock her?
He either likes it or is too polite to fight back("hurr you can't hit a woman")
Because unlike her, he can get arrested for doing that.
Men abusing their superior strength to beat up women is no different from porky abusing is superior amount of money to exploit other people.
All of you should have gotten beaten by your mother tbh.
the anfems pretty cancerous
If you honestly think I'm worse than a nazi here's what you need to do. You shave right? Ok, listen close. You carefully take the razors from that, and you cut up your arms. After that you stop posting entirely.
Also I won against the lolbert wtf is this
I figured you autistic edgelords would hate me more than the nadsi.
Oh well.
Tbqh, AnFem is nominally worse than the Nazi shitfuck.
I can deal with nazis on the internets.
I've been doing it for 5 years.
You can laugh at nazis. Everyone laughs at nazis.
Your reasoning should put you here
If we hate you and people like you, how would we have any social life?
I made myself sad..
Your reasoning should put you here
not you ideology you posting
plas an fem ain't even nessary
regular anarchy does the trick
Nigga you mad.
You're the worst poster. At least Naziflag has the excuse of a learning disability.
It is not my fault someone gets their feelings hurt to the point of bitching idpol at me in the guise of bitching about idpol. Or to the point of having feelings hurt.
Your reasoning should put you here
Nice trips.
And no it doesn't.
I don't think YOU are worse. YOU aren't gonna kill me.
The problem is, while I CAN dissagree with a Nazi and people will get why I dissagree, I CAN'T dissagree with you, cause people will blame me of "not wanting equality" "being a biggot" and so on!
The problem is Morality.
Seeing black and white.
"This is a moraly good, so anything under it is good"
Common sense must always be questioned!
Can you put words in caps on emphasis some more like a 46 year old dad on facebook who works at home depot.
Also why is nobody pointing out I won against the lolbert
a well thought out and biting rebuttal. anfem winrars the internets again XD
Like this was?
I'm not reubutting you. I'm praising you. a clever response deserves to be recognized, no? ⊂◉‿◉つ
how is being anarcha-femenist anything but idpol,
femenism sucks and is unessary in the 1st world,
at least emma goldman was cool
I'm not an anarchafeminist, I just like this flag here. Two requiring anger over feminism instead of debate requires identity politics, identity is still the issue. It's hypocrisy still.
Largely, so is Marxism Leninism and most forms of radical state socialism liberals here argue for.
She does too. Depression and PTSD from almost-rape can cause learning problems. Check your neurotypical muh privileges.
so your just a shit poster, cool
i nominate you for the cancer medal
I gotta hand it to her. I didn't think that she could get worse than Milo was.
I mean, goddamn.
Somewhat. Less than most liberals like you here.
I never suggested hating idpol is idpol. I suggested something else entirely.
State socialism isn't liberal but people who jump on its bandwagon usually are ill read liberals.
I do not have to assume.
anfem poster in this thread helped me break the tie in my head.
The more liberals hating me is the ultimate goal here.
People are capable of hating me cannot be liberal but the point at which most do is so, and so fucking with liberals who haven't read much that have a pet cause in leftism is always fun.
im not a liberal,
Sure darling
I still don't see how everyone who dislikes your post is made a liberal. That's just name calling. I can do the same thing. "You're a liberal", see? Look at me, I can anfem-flag now.
are you the anfem who posts cats?
define liberal im sure i dont fit
I never said that.
So it is. I wonder what else might be? Or, I wonder which is grounded.
The difference is calling someone else a liberal while being a liberal is entirely liberal.
Someone who doesn't agree with me.
You should do a YouTube show. Seriously, shit would be fucking classic, and the comments would be a right and propper WAAAGH!
Someone who finds a pet cause in collectivism who will outgrow it, while also being ill read in it, further fueling the former.
I really should.
epic xoD
Expecting you to have arguments make me an idiot, I guess.
You never had an argument besides crying over split milk like a bitch. You also never intended to argue with me regardless.
*spilled milk
are you the anfem who posts pictures or drawings of cats?
Firstly, this sentence is poorly structured. I can only interpret it to mean
Forgive me if my understanding of your shitpost is not spot on.
Whoops! My, shitposting sign.
No wonder I don't like you. The other one was more fun.
Fuck this shit. It's useless. Stop responding to this nonsense.
Close but no cigar.
People who have a problem with feminism in general as be all idpol tend to not be read entirely in leftism, and collectivism. People who find feminism "recent', more so, paint feminism as entirely its liberal form.
I find these people liberal, they probably listen to TJ and Sargon, and shouldn't be debated seriously as they repeat the same talking points.
IE, people who have pet causes in social movements mostly motivated by emotion or contrary ideal.
Fuck off then.
You made nonsense about me, so, you get nonsense.
As partial observer, she has a point about you posting like a middle aged social media user.
I don't have an issue with feminism in general, and I never indicated as such. I have an issue with the anfem flag shitposters here.
I'd say I'm the only one who could be called "shitposter", and even then its a stretch. I only shitpost when shitposting is met.
Make a different set of flags then.
Ok. You can make a critique on form. That doesn't refute the argument.
You mostly didn't have an argument
Are the people with those purple and black flags sjws? Or are they the nice kind who stick to the definition of feminism?
It depends on who I pissed off thinks.
The flag doesn't make the poster.
for example, is pretending to be SJW to get her/his kicks out of pissing us off.
How am I an "sjw"? I'm curious.Is sjw similarly, more so even, to your criticism you use on me, that when I say most of you are liberals it has no meaning?
if you get this poster mad, it means you're a liberal. I'm sorry. Because a large portion of this image board dislikes xir, it means we're all liberals.
That's not what I said :v)
Is the flag supposed to be ironic? when people set their flag to that, what are they trying to say?
well you attribute this
to everyone in this thread who calls you the worst shitposter without any explanation.
Since there's no other feminist flag, I put it on as the closest thing. That's what most people who use it do.
They're an SJW. n1x is trying to stick his dick in her.
Even if your criticism of me is that I'm the worst shitposter under the given circumstance, which is more of a compliment than an insult, it's wrong because not a month ago we had someone argue an entire thread that burgers are healthy.
I'm direct, sure. Saying I'm the worst puts what this board thinks of quality into question as well.
You're not. Am convinced. You only use their rhetoric to troll.
I'd congratulate you, if it was done in any other board.
yes because you know exactly how much i care baout collectism
I remember that one, but it was funny shitposting. Yours is just exhausting.
Seeing as half of you think I'm worse than a nazi, when I was already voted being less awful than a libertarian but this was chosen anyways; and are surprised at my reaction at that, than you really are showing you care more about drama than politics.
Then simply get out of my way.
The "burgers are healthy" shitposter is not the worst; he was the best. A fucking genius, I might add. High effort shitposting is tiring and useless.
No actually in the wee hours of the morning I voted and a single vote made you worse than the libertarian. You're welcome. :^)
Then simply get out of my way.
no your more annoying than the nazi
not worse
Noone is in your way.
If you mean "don't talk to me" I agree.
That's not what this thread is about.
This person is probably the most annoying shit poster on Holla Forums.
I'm in your way? Where are you going? Am I preventing you from getting there? Why not find a way around me?
If you don't want me shit posting than don't make these pointless dumbshit threads.
… Ok .. I'll stop using the flag again…
"Don't have an opinion, or am gonna shitpost on it"
This thread isn't an opinion. This thread is a shitpost. Expecting it to not be treated as such is silly.
I have almost won!
Reminder: All feminists are utter cancer. Just look at what they did to our facebook page.
Don't get bullied into not using a flag!
But you shitpost so god damned much. This thread was just made so everyone could take a dump on the posters they don't like.
penetrate dat booty ma boi
I'll bet you've been saving that one since middle school m80
That's a tacit admission you have a very small penis.
I think this is a tacit request for me to me to post a pic.
The only correct answer to shitposting, is to not respond.
Go on, I need a good laugh.
Now if only all of Holla Forums could follow that advice, maybe this board would be tolerable.
Trips of Truth
I don't know what to do anymore…
I am impressed by n1x sorry
If you can't handle feminists you can't handle any kind of radicalism whatsoever. I don't know what your point here is.
Vice versa.
Please stop.
А у вас негров линчуют
As I said before, I can handle nazis. You expose them as nazis and get on with it.
I can handle Stalinists.
I can't handle feminists, cause they (you) appeal to emotion, or false studies or …
Modern Feminism is Holla Forums on steroids!
Must be the fact that pol's leadership isn't academic nomenklature.
So you can't handle people who hurt your feelings is what I'm getting out of this.
Also "false studies" is a bold claim. Most of marxist theory can be called "false study" in the same vain by people we disagree with. It's more of a lack of being in radical circles that might actually get you irritated.
If you think feminism is more irritating than white nationalism you probably shouldn't be posting here. On top of this, if you talk of how we can "appeal" to the white nationalists to get them to leftism.
On the contrary, that is exactly the sort of opinion I've come to expect from Holla Forums. There's a reason why few people who go on here are involved in any radical groups IRL, because no one would ever put up with their shit. And as per typical imageboard seekrit club mentality, this can be waved away by making up a conspiracy about how literally everything except Holla Forums is a front for liberalism, which is some top-tier reactionary rhetoric if I've ever heard it.
Everyone has the potential to be reached. Nazis, feminists, what have you. Is your revolution going to well that you don't need every person you can get?
No, it's not about my feels.
It's about gaining popular support by appealing to feels.
Like Hitler.. Yes, and fuck your Godwins law, Hitler, appealed to "the nation" and "the fatherland", modern feminism appeals to "but gay people suffer" and "but women are paid less" "but women don't become CEOs" and so on.
And you guys accuse feminists of making arguments rooted in muh feels
… that's what I just did…
I don't get it.
Either I don't express myself well, or you don't want to understand what I'm saying.
The fuck? Nazis are at worst a punching bag. Nobody takes them seriously. If this is a competition for who's most cancerous, feminists win hands down. Gender politics is the worst idpol because it involves literally everyone, and shitloads of people buy the "if you're not a feminist you're a sexist" line or at least get scared enough by it to go along with them.
There are two an-fem posters on this board, and both contribute nothing. The flag much like the Nazi and lolbertarian flag was made to filter the shitposters and the idpolers from the actual leftists here.
I voted anarcho-feminism because they have to know they are unwelcome here.
I voted for the Feminists. They deserve to win this one. But I think that Lolberts and Aynclaps are a close second.
No one takes Neo-Nazis seriously…
What did they mean by this
The loud neckbeard minority
Rule of thumb, about 90% of the people who use a website are just lurkers. They never post anything and just read shit lazily, i.e. they never engage. They probably didn't read closely enough to understand that these polls are not "which ideology is worst" but "which posters are most cancerous". I mean for fuck's sake, Nazi won against ANCAP.
Yeah I can't believe Aynclap got knocked out in the first round. Libertarians at least have like 9% of the vote in the United States now. These fucktards are growing in number. Neo-Nazis are just a joke
Don't worry supporting the DPRK won't get you laid anywhere on earth.
If you come to radical circles to be welcomed, you come for all the wrong reasons. You will not be.
I find it more likely Holla Forums uses this place in a vain attempt to persuade dissent in radical leftism than actual collectivists. That or its a nest of liberals larping.
A lot of my colleagues are libertarians and ancaps. And they are major smug pieces of shit. I can't stand libertarians. I hate them almost as much as feminists.
The yellow and black should be in the finals. They outnumber the neo-nazis. And they are annoying as fuck.
Remember when Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party USA leader) was telling some disabled unemployed guy to "create his own job"? TOP FUCKING KEK.
So having to choose between feminists and ancaps/lolberts is pretty tough admittedly. Ancaps/lolberts are pretty bad…
Gary Johnson, I cannot afford the therapist I know I need and overall feel as if I have no future. I am just another poor person being squeezed out and left to dry by the ultra-rich.
As someone wanting to run for president, what hope can you give me that the country being 'fiscally conservative' is going to help me and my family reach that american dream of upward mobility? What will individual freedom and liberty do to help my situation?
Gary "let them eat cake" Johnson:
The best chance you have to reach the American dream is through entrepreneurship. Individual freedom and liberty will better allow you to do that. Create your own job – don't be a victim. Take control of your own future!
I fucking hate you and I agree, I was turbo mad that you beat lolbert
tanikes did'nt make it far enough
at least white nationalist have no power
femenists have too many people pandering to them
v true. leftypol’s auto-trigger sperg-out reaction to anything resembling identity politics is Holla Forums-tier.
maybe lefty because idpol ruined the left
so now were irrelevant, while fascism rises
Liberal feminism is not feminism. If you can't even stand liberal feminism and get your panties in a bunch because of it you're a literal fucking child lmfao
I don't want the politically illiterate to side with the left on instinct and neither should you. There are some people you'll never convince and you shouldn't fight for those people. They're lost and hopeless. The real struggle will never include them, including them opens the left up to far more trouble than the vague thread of "identity politics" you always misconstrue.
yes must be some whiney librul to hate this
Likewise, why can I not hate your bitching about it as if its an issue?
that's liberal femenism
based on your posts
your feminism is cancer
hate me all you want, to make your just text on the internet
People were bitching at me for being incoherent.
The fact that you don't understand that you can't possibly know what people on imageboards do irl let alone how they act like, and that a big point of imagebaords is to be anonymous. Which goes to show that you are either new or you're just another tripfag that was too dumb to ever understand in the first place.
If you had not noticed by now, people like to keep their identity and what they do irl very separate from what they do on imagesboards, this isn't facebook or other social media. When was the point of imagesboards or Holla Forums for that matter to be a place were people express what they do irl or organized to do things irl, and when did it even fucking matter, were they even apart of the rules to do so? I personally(and probably most people here) like to keep my union activities etc apart from Holla Forums, especially if there isn't a point to say.
Its interesting to see the shit you come up with when you over exaggerate and project stupid shit or just failing to understand what people on an anonymous imageboard says.
I also find it amusing and hypocritical when you make fun of people who organize in a way you don't like!
also imagine a poor white man in west virginia, if he looks at the mainstream idpol left he's gonna people who don't give a shit about him.
infact people who blame him for all the problems
Why must he be poor & white? I find this choice of appealing to demographics when no appeal needed interesting.
You got second place in a contest for the worst shit poster not really a vocal minority. If it was you wouldn't have made it to the finals or been in the contest in the first place. The only thing it proves as that leftypol thinks you're slightly less cancerous the Nazis. Hardly an achievement by any stretch of the imagination.
who would have fucking guessed? this is why we have an antifa and no anticap
I just switched to this flag for the first time in this post and I'm keeping it. Class comes first but it doesn't come alone.
It was the final vote. The anfem flag beat out ever flag except the nazi for having the most cancerous shitposter. Good luck using it. No one's going to take your post seriously.
Whoops left my shitposting flag on accident.
The politically illiterate includes damn near everybody. If we can not be convincing without stupidly telling people to read a bunch of books, then we really are completely useless.
I meant there's 45 votes for it in the poll. That's 40 too many.
Good luck having the rest of the left take you seriously while saying to reject feminism.
double revisionist combo fail
Holla Forums cares more about shutting women up than resisting capitalism/fascism.
I like anfem shitposter, mostly because he/she spooks the spergies.
IKR, it almost looks like they channel all their inferiority complexes under the guise of anti-idpol. I doubt any of them even remembers why idpol is a threat to proletariat revolution. They just use it to blow off steam.
There's your damn problem, you're catering to the convinced. You cater to the convinced by posting on online boards, and you don't give a shit about working people that have actual material problems, that go far beyond the idpol shit most feminists agitate. Idpol shit that only a well-read person (i.e. probably far more accomodated than the average US worker) could even begin to understand.
You treat the worker that works a shitty job, earning barely enough to live as a "hopeless illiterate" and thus won't bother with them. No agitating them, no educating them on why capitalism is why they have a shitty job, while their bosses earn fuckloads of money. Of course not, since revolution is done by "the left", the left that today is posting idpol bullshit on a fucking online board.
I don't even get how you concile that with a feminist praxis, as by that logic, you could treat a poor, working class woman that gets beat by her husband, but rejects leftists since she thinks it has to do with whatever spook the media comes up with, as a "hopeless illiterate". Perhaps you also think that patriarchy is to be destroyed by shitposting on online boards, and not by working with the people.
If we want to destroy this system we're going to need a working class willing to rise in arms, and you're not ever going to get them to rise for trans acceptance or whatever, but because their job is shitty and they barely earn to live, and because you agitated them until they assumed capitalism is the reason for their misery.
If "the rest of the left" is the one that posts masturbatory blog posts about trans acceptance and other liberal issues, fuck them. We care about the working class, not "the rest of the left".
I'm not catering to the convinced, I'm putting on this flag to protest the posters of Holla Forums who attempt to justify sexism within leftism.
I don't know why you think agitating and educating people effected by feminist issues means you can't do it for class, race, whatever, issues anymore.
You should appeal to those with the most obviously exploited jobs using the rhetoric about work, and you appeal to a muslim women with feminism, a black guy living in a poor area with police racism, and you link those things to class.
I'm not sure why you think I post idpol shit. I said why I put this flag on, Holla Forums has at least a few obvious sexists.
The "rest of the left" are the people that aren't still a little sexist from their /r9k/ or Holla Forums years :V)
Hey! I'm no fucking lolbert!
The Gadsden Namefag is no lolbertarian. I'm a patriotic, all-American syndicalist. A proud sans-culotte who eats tory Shillarie-Clintonette loving feminists like yourself for breakfast.
You don't fuck with me mate. I have 300 confirmed won internet arguments. I am trained in Rhetoric and have extensive knowledge of history and politics, especially of the classical republican tradition. I have over 9000% Republican Tradition. You are NOTHING compared to me in leftism, for I am the motherfucker who invented it by sitting to the left of the King of France. I'll tar and feather you before guillotining your queen-loving ass off and roasting the rest of your body like it's a chicken. You're dead, kiddo.
Anyways, the Gadsden flag is a flag that symbolizes American patriots uniting against British imperialists to found an independent revolutionary republic, literally the first or one of the first national-liberation wars fought against an imperialist power. "Don't Tread on Me" didn't mean literal individualism. (There is only one snake on the flag, so "Don't Tread on Us" would just sound awkward.) It just meant that the British shouldn't tread on the Americans. Taxation WITH representation, which means citizen participation, not without representation.
tbh I like the American Revolution too, but let’s not shitpost too much. The American Revolution was not an anti-imperial “national liberation” struggle. They /were/ the settler-colonists, simply revolting against the home crown. They were the empire, dissolving itself.
tfw benign tumour
And what's sexism to you? Not being a feminist? Fuck that shit. Its all idpol nonsense and I want nothing to do with it. Great post with the flag. It makes it easier to track the idpol cancer.
He probably means the 77 cents and 1 in 5 papers, shameless ideological fishing trips for conclusions that crumble under the slightest scrutiny. Nice job interpreting it to have the absolute weakest meaning, literally "things I've a priori decided are wrong." You do not debate in good faith.
Haven't you also openly rejected marx on here?
That's the mainstream opinion
Equal rights as a whole is too mainstream
Feminists are so deluded but they cry rape every time a white man has had sex with him but it's okay if Mohammed has his pecker in her it's okay because he's a minority
How did anfem beat tankies?
Guess there are more of them here than I thought.
Tankies are probably just more popular, like you said.
They can't. They're an oppressed minority
Male circumcisions allowed then that's just fine too. Equal rights right?
His hair looks like Iron man's mask
Ok.. When does that happen?
Cause I don't see it happening…
I wouldn't say so. To be precise though, what specifically is stopping a potential victim from refusing and having their refusal carry weight? I maintain that it is lack of "money and a room of one's own" - the aggregate of material resources and personal liberty which emerges from them. Confronting cultural issues in isolation can never be enough to eradicate such problems even as they have distinct cultural dimensions (in this case, Muslim ones.) This should be more than evidenced by the experiences of child abuse victims who do not owe their suffering to falling into any identity group. It is the lack of stable, secure alternatives and the psychology of dependence that arises around it. In every such case, striking at these conditions is our first, final and best remedy.
We know this and you claim to know it, but the vast majority of people using appeals to identity do not. Those who sunk occupy did not. Those who pulled Atheism Plus did not. Those who interfered in the broader skeptic community (see rationalwiki) did not. The greater part of campus feminism does not. Hillary Clinton does not. Academic intersectionalists and policymakers do not. Consistently and in every quarter, identarian appeals are seen and have only ever been seen to deny and obscure the fundamental stable factors of our objective situation and how they might be changed, and only ever in service to the current boirgeois order. These points are subject to an inordinate amount of disingenuity and manipulation. Might there be anything about identarian tactics per se which lends itself to these results? The question is then whether the tactical strengths (pretty packaging) outweighs the tactical (cooptation) and theoretical weaknesses.
Our movement must be built on a scientific analysis of objective reality, not impressionistic and generally false ideas of what workers may or may not be prepared to accept.
It's all well and good to critically examine the genuine extents of racism, sexism etc in the west and across the world, then correctly explain them. However giving "explain my own subjective sense of malaise" as the basis of our activity in place of "explain the crisis of society" is a red line. Marxism is only capable of explaining and predicting what is objective. If you presume to set it up to do something for which it is not designed it will fail and to the detriment of revolution. Marxism will not end childhood bullying, will not save your immortal soul, and will not cure your Saturday hangover.
Marxist theory will not expound on every last reason you are dissatisfied with life while telling you who to blame. That is not theory but cult mentality and our refusal to do this as intersectionality is our strength, not weakness.
Pure, refined, shameless bulverism
Lol are you for real here? This is how I'd satirize bulverism and substitution of personal indignation for argument.
Never seen a n1x post huh? That's are resident sjw edge Lord don't take him to seriously.
isn't he a mod or something?
phoneposting christian detected