It seems they're set on bringing islam to us, werther we like it or not.
So, how about we break their toys? Islam is an ideological weapon, able to justify wars that only serve certain interests, to create extremely poor and opressed regions that are refugee factories used to numb down the population median, and used to attack freedom of speech on the basis of political correctness and feelings.
But this is no fault of muslims. Poor, opressed, dumb people grab themselves from anything to find hopes on their lives. From demagogy to religion. More often than not, becoming pawns and tools of people that have everything they will never have.
Islam, in this case, being a terrible option for everyone except the rich.
Ideas however, can't be killed. You can never fully make something dissapear. But you can dilute it and weaken it with more ideas, to the point the label "minority" will be actually true, instead of entire countries filled with these people.
So my proposal is this: To device techniques in which we can render Islam into a less extremist, more western friendly religion.
We find ways to take away their extremist leaders influence. We find ways to separate furthermore their cults, We find ways to force them to feel western values as something allowed under their teachings, etc.
We need good ideas, they can go from doing compilations of Quran passages that contradict the mainstream intolerant muslim attitudes, finding ways into which we hamper their extremist leaders, creating fake hashtags, or even make fake versions of the Quran with westernized ideals. (so, perhaps non-squiggly speakers might find these versions instead of the official ones and not be seducted into a path of destruction).
We can hijack feminism into giving us free propaganda, as they love to retweet that islam is the religion of peace, we can use their blogosphere bullshittery to fasten our memetic killers progress. They will do our work for us, not knowing they're destroying the tools of their masters.
All ideas are welcome.