Trump, Clinton In Dead Heat As Race Hits Final Two-Week Stretch — IBD/TIPP Poll

Trump, Clinton In Dead Heat As Race Hits Final Two-Week Stretch — IBD/TIPP Poll

In the latest Real Clear Politics average of recent polls, Clinton stands at 45.0% to Trump's 39.4%, a 5.6% advantage in the four-way contest. In a head-to-head matchup, Clinton takes 47.9% to Trump's 42.0%, a 5.9% difference.

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Being in a dead heat when dems and women are over sampled by double digits is bad news for Hillary.


if even with massive oversampling all she gets is either a close race or a +7 lead, she most be losing really badly, anyway Soros and his DIABOLic machines are ready for the big steal.

I sincerely doubt that she has over 20% support. Trump has well over 50%


Not to mention Trump wins the enthusiasm factor, I'm willing to bet a lot of people who say "I hate both candidates, but Hillary less" are going to bother voting?

The (((journalists))) screwed themselves over by obsessing over the "rigged system" line, that reminded voters why they liked Trump, in that he's an outsider.

And their monied journalist class with their powdered wigs telling the "little people" that there is no rigged system enraged the average American living in areas that were ravaged by the dual blow of seas of illegals as well as bullshit trade deals that ship jobs overseas.

I'd be satisfied with just throwing them in a big pit with clubs and telling them the last reporter standing gets a second chance to make the news.

Then we hang him live on the news.

Can't wait for the next "WHY AREN'T I FIFTY GORILLION POINTS AHEAD" meltdown.

Source on that claim

It's as if they were not able to see that Trump is the protest vote. If they had wanted to destroy him, they would have embraced him and acted like he was part of the club.

Safe word: "weighted." Heavier weight is assigned to the Republican respondents than to the Democrats because there are fewer of them in the sample. It's done to correct the imbalance and save the trouble of rounding up precisely equal numbers of both parties.

It's D+7, not D+20. Still, D+7 is a very, very optimistic prediction for dems.


Unless you are in Arizona and it's D+34

291/235 = 1.238 = 23.8% Democrat bias

To normalize (I forgot to do this step):

Trump: 41.1% * 1.238 = 50.8%
Meme candidates: 291/271 = 1.07; 11% * 1.07 = 11.8%

True HRC 100% - (50.8% + 11.8%) = 37.4%


Its actually:
R 50.8%
D 37.4%

Using the numbers provided.

King Nigger himself is on tape admitting the Democrats rigged elections.

It's % of whole compared to each other. As in:

291/815 = ~36% D
235/815 = ~29% R
289/815 = ~35% I

I expect the media and democrats spin will be that Putin rigged the voting machines if those numbers are realized.

They've already lain the groundwork.

Ok doofus, the ratio is the same regardless of using percentages as opposed to sample size.

36 / 29 = 1.24x oversampling


I feel bad for you.

Lmao I remember you, you were the same guy that made this same mistake in a thread you made a while back. Still didn't pick up an algebra book, user?


I, like a good user, usually lurk on this board. These are my first posts here in weeks, I hope a mod/hotpocket can vindicate me. Your ignorance is clearly apparent since you continue to conflate algebra with statistics. Here's your (you), goy.


The blew the sex allegation shit too early. People are already forgetting about it.

Yeah it was weeks ago. You made the same error and called me a doofus for pointing it out. Kek, I know it's you nerd. Stop assuming away indies because we can't know how the breakdown is going to play out.

This is interesting, thx.


My last posts on this board before today we're in regard to the ICANN DNS pass off. Sadly for you, you live in a world were your ignorance is so complete that there are many others ready to correct your record, knowing full well it sustains your ego and bank account. How does it feel to actively make a living off of pity?


I saw a video of Trump's gutting of Hillary at the charity dinner where it goes monochrome and has some kind of music play when he sticks the shiv in.

It was excellent but I can't find it anymore, anyone got a link?

using voter registration and how they split and this test data.

Trump 43.31
Clinton 40.37
others 16.32

you heard it here first


This election proves that democracy is retarded. I hope Trump moves quickly to set himself up as dictator. Or limit voting rights to white men or something.

Remember to tell all of the liberals you know that the voting lines are really long. That way they won't turn out.

I just don't see more Dems than Reps turning out, and Independents are actual the largest of the political identification groups, but they're always under-sampled.

And a lot of the independents are people like us, who are right wing but never wanted to vote for the cuckservative traitors of the republican party.


Right-wing and Left-wing are just social constructs.

They're pulling a Brexit. It didn't work then and it won't work this time either.

There's a difference between ever so slightly helping Omemer in his actual tight races against two giant cucks, and giving Hillary 10-15% she needs to even make this election close. They will rig massively, and they will lose any way. Unfortunately I don't think Trump will demand a recount if he wins so the voter fraud may be omitted from history once again.

social constructs are just social constructs.

and social constructs are biological constructs hence racism is perfectly natural


Modern usage of those terms is a kike construct. Both serve the shekel in their own way.

He's going to win, and he's going to prove himself right, after that, regardless.

Trump says he's going to win the election, when he and his followers know it is rigged. He will be inaugurated, no matter how hard Barack struggles in his final days of power to stop it from happening, and just when the establishment thinks he will spare them, he shall publish the true results of the election to the world, bringing their sins to light.

That's just the spark, son.

Whatever. You know what I mean. Paleocons, white nationalists, etc.

Remember we need to counter this. On election day, we need to be telling all liberals we know that the lines are so long at the voting booths and it's over an hour wait. Liberals won't bother going out then.

Especially the lazy fucking spics and niggers.

it was D+7 in 2012. But there's been a record number of people signing up for GOP and leaving the democratic party. Plus the spread was D+9 in 2008, which is overall indicating a downward trend in the democrat's proportion.

It may be more like D+5. Factoring in the higher GOP primary turnout, more like D+3. Possibly.

Why are there so many posts with conflicting numbers?

"The lines are so long, Juan and everyone has noticed the immigration officials present across the county."

"Nohh-nohh I noh vote senor. I do later."

inb4 someone shouts "PEPE!" while killing a low level Democrat two days before the election

All one would have to do is look for the most Semitic looking individual near the 'crime' scene, then trace it back to whichever studio the actor crawled from.

I have a question. I find it hard to grasp that there are actual live human beings voting for clinton. How is she even close to 40%


There exists videos of niggers willingly setting themselves on fire on a dare, it is not much of a leap to say someone would be insane/stupid enough to vote for killary.

There is no election. Hillary is already anointed as president. She doesn't even need to campaign. Even if Trump "wins", Hillary will still be president.

Well i do realise that there are such people , but they make about 5 maybe 6% of the population r-right ?

Oh, user.

Hillary is irrelevant. Noone is voting for Hillary. They are voting against the Republicans.

Even with that , wouldn't they go to a nobody third party instead to vote for not the republicans like the mysterious hacker known as Aleppo ?

Okay. Reported.

Well that's what Assange has been saying all this time.

What the fuck happened to bring Trump to a tie in the IBD/TIPP poll and the numbers in the LAT/USC poll basically flipped and now its clinton +1?

These are the only two polls I trust. They actually show their methodology, and they don't just change their sample from day to day to fake a narrative.

Some of them will, but most of the people who would consider that don't end up actually going to vote that day because it's so futile voting for a candidate who has no chance. It's only good for seeming sophisticated when you talk about it, there's no tangible benefit to actually doing it.


My mom told me that I only hate corruption because this time a woman is doing it.

i remember a time when the MSM used to pretend to be impartial. Ever since the rise of Trump they've gone full kike.


ABC's polls have always been very much in the tank for the Democrats, that and the NBC poll.

Of course, it's a (((coincidence))) that these are done by journalists.

You should fire back that she hates Trump because he is a strong man.

This is a complete and utter failure of 'conservatives'. There is no reason they should have allowed the Democrats to monopolize the term. 'Progress' isn't one direction, and they're only hurting themselves by refusing to adopt a narrative of there being many paths forward. Their media puppets are useless at framing issues properly to gain support.


The original progressives would be denounced by today's fucking conservatives for being too far right on immigration and degeneracy.

I swear if Johnson ruins this shit for Trump.

No one is going to vote for this faggot. The people answering the phone surveys that say they support him probably don't know who he is and aren't going to vote for him anyways.

I wish I could relive this battle again.

You mean this Johnson?

Checked for bantz more savage than the incalculable processes of nature to which we are but mere components…

The Memes, Jack.

Tell her that you hate Bill's corruption too

There's a lot of optimism in this thread and I'm happy about that.

But it doesn't mean shit if you don't get out and vote.

So get out and vote.

See, goy? The candidates are neck and neck. The election couldn't possibly be rigged!

This. Even with rigging, I don't think they have a chance.

Johnson has been pandering so hard towards libshit retards that he's taking votes from hillary and trump equally. Be more worried about McMuffin taking Utah and sending the presidential vote to the House, putting it in the hands of cuckservatives.

I requested the 8th and the 9th off work so I can vote, get shitfaced, then shitpost all night.

I've never been more ready in my life.

>reddit spacing

is Reddit spacing a bannable offense yet?

But do you have the gif?

That's what we thought about Romney, look how that turned out?


Find a doctor who will give you power of attorney over her and control over her finances due to dementia.
Then put her in a home and use her money to buy peanut oil.