Nvidia flags BTFO
Tesla drops Nvidia like a hot rock
That looks like some tasty cheese.
Real competition is always good. As good as that cheese.
It's over, Nvidia is finished.
Nvidia makes the best graphics cards ever, period. Enjoy your vega 64 while I enjoy my vastly superior GTX 1080ti . I bet you fags don't even use a 4k screen with G Sync enabled for the best gaming experience. I can max out Battlefield 1, even all of the DLC maps.
not even sure if bait
Imblying I'd buy vega, imblying I'd buy any GPU over 100$ just so I can play current year gaymes.
Ayyy that was a nice touch. Had me going for a while.
Look at noveau vs. ATI drivers.
Nividea has always been a Bitch to the noveau team with ambiguous guidance with no specifications. Fuck them.
Someone explain me this weird move.
teslas are dogshit. they are the ipad of cars. designed for manchildren too fat and stupid to operate a real automobile.
Can anyone tell me where I can get that cheese? God damn it looks good.
511 E 12th St, New York, NY 10009
You'll spend nearly as much as you would on a new Tesla. But the cheese is a much better purchase all around the board.
Actually looking at their menu it's very reasonably priced especially for NYC. I'd definitely go there if you are anywhere in the vicinity.
Why would I use one of those when I can get two freesync ones on the same budget?
that cheese tho
Wow so sad. I remember when AMD won all the major consoles and Nvidia fanboys were crying all day. And then Nvidia got Switch and they were just so excited about winning a console.
Are you retarded? You can buy Korean freesync monitors for half the price of some dumb gaystink monitor.
It's high chance it's bait, I know it's irresistible to take a bite sometimes but hot FUCKING DAMN THAT IS SOME TASTY LOOKING MOTHERFUCKING CHEESE
But seriously, I refuse to support proprietary drivers and don't even have them on this laptop.
The open source AMD drivers are pretty good. Don't know how good the latest gen of cards works, but my 6970 is running strong.
And here I am, not bitching about stupid shit, rocking them proprietary nvidia drivers on gentoo flawlessly.
Jim Keller.
Gallium 9 and xWayland working on Nvidia's blob yet?
The future is going to be dark.
Not sure if genuine interest or subtle mockery but I can't answer since I only use X.org and I'm not keen on experimenting with my display server. Nouveau is useless for anything involving video(games) and that is the reason I use the proprietary drivers. They're easy enough to use and install so I don't consider it a problem.
Most D3D9 era games run in Wine now, and Gallium 9 gives them a HUGE boost in performance with those games. You can only use it with FOSS drivers though since it's a part of Mesa.
Most D3D9 games run in Wine now, and Gallium 9 gives a HUGE boost in performance with those games*
I gotta stop drunk posting.
That's great news but honestly the problem with Wine is not so much performance as sheer compatibility and smoothness, for me at least. Also does this enable the games to use more modern rendering APIs? I'm no expert on Wine but I recall all the DX games looking worse than their windows counterparts, something something openGL. I'm more worried about games working as they should nevermind performance i.e. sound issues, launch issues, stability issues.
Whenever I'm on linux I just feel like emulating PS era games and maybe play Dota2 or csgo because muh native ports. Pic related is a VN I'd pay good money to play flawlessly on linux but sadly the road to that is very long in the current situation.
Mileage may vary, but I'd say 90% of Xp/Vista era shit can run pretty smoothly under Wine with minimal tinkering. The further along you go and the more work has to be done to get things running and running smoothly.
Yeah sure, that's why we have the blueprint, source code of the firmwares and drivers under GPLv3 oh wait it's not we have nothing to prove anything besides the fact that people found out that the chips between geforce and quadro are basically the same and it's just DRMs that are making the difference between geforce and quadro:
Ok now this is bait.
To quote Linus:
Wojack in this case should represent anyone who isn't a data center, large enterprise or institution. I've bought and used both AMD and Nvidia cards. And I'm telling you fuckers, both have no qualms fucking over the average customers and gaymers.
Fuck you got me
Congratulations you're not a poorfag.
Just for fun let's do this little experiment. You go to PassMark to find the top scoring High-End GPU. You find that GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is scoring highest with 13,406 points priced at $709.99. You scroll down the list a bit because Nvidia is cucks, you find Radeon 580 with a score of 8,196 priced at $289.99. You quickly realise that 2 times $289.99 is 130.01$ less than $709.99 and 2 times 8,195 is 2,984 points more than a 1080 Ti. You buy the two Radeons instead and bridge them and have more power than a single GeForce GTX 1080 Ti for a cheaper price.
I'm just saying. "Better" is a relative term.
AMD company(stocks have been shit compared to intel for the longest time, but targets low-cost consumers = very competitive beast
Not all that many D3D9 games I can't get running, actually.
Car ownership has been on the decline for years now. Eventually it will get to a point where you will be able to just call a autonomous uber to pick you up. And they will run 24/7 without breaks except to maybe charge for a few hours.
By 2025 owning a vehicle will be an alien concept.
What a load of BS, i'll be driving a late 90 or early 2000s Subaru Legacy by then!
I can't wait for my car to refuse to drive me to anti-Google rallies or refuse to start because I tweeted that white people should have a country.
Oy vey! Why are you polluting the planet with how selfish you are, and you better pay more for insurance since you are at greater risk to others than the perfect algorithm of an autonomous car!
Who told you the plan- I mean what a racist thing to say, you Nazi.
Sorry, who got btfo again?
Nvidia stockholders.