Just joined. Opinions?
Socialist Party USA
Parties are bourgeois.
I'm not just gonna fuckin wait around for a leftwing militia to form in my hometown of Bumblefuck, Iowa. Parties are the best option I've got.
Fair enough, comrade. Just be ready for the time SPUSA turns on the proletariat.
At least they aren't the CPUSA.
Debs was cool.
Really the only two parties worth joining in the US are SPUSA and the SEP. This is more a testament to how shit the American left is than praise for the two though.
Socialist Equality Party. Trotskyists.
I take it SPUSA is just generally socialist?
I believe the poster was looking for serious replies, user.
The SEP is the worst nonunion porky print shop masquerading as a leftist organization
Yeah, they're officially democratic socialists, but talking to members in recent years it appears the majority of members lean toward revolutionary socialism.
Unlike most so-called Trots the SEP stay fairly true to Trotsky and, by some extension, Lenin. Most Trot parties have abandoned Trotskyism in favor of socdem or other pseudo-leftist politics. Trots in general are shit, but SEP just so happen to be one of the least shit options as far as leftist parties in the US go.
That is unless you want a meme party.
Yet, they're still one of the best parties you can join in the US.
Are there any socialist organizations that keep this shit at a distance?
None, all socialist patries have been eaten by idpol
SEP leader David North wrote a huge rant polemic about muh pseudo-leftists, so yes.
No one mentioned the IWW yet?
I'm in the Communist Party of Britain, I hope you're using it just to assosiate with some comrades and discuss things and not considering it a revolutionary body. Thinking you're in an organisation that is going to bring the revolution is the hight of ideology.
What a bunch of herbs on leftypol. jesus.
I made a thread about that a while ago and the answer is no. You literally can't find them. All socialist organizations are safe spaces for college students these days.
Mimi added me on Facebook recently and keeps spamming me with SPUSA stuff. Really turns me off from the party, even aside from all the idpol stuff tbh.
Dick you ask him why is he such an edgelord?
Please explain.
The SEP has put out a couple big books about it and they're always criticizing the reactionary, bourgeois nature of identity politics.
There's an unsubstantiated rumor that David North, the head of the SEP, is actually the owner of an anti-union paper-making company named David Green, but all I've found to corroborate that are links to now-defunct posts on livejournal and blogspot.
I'd be interested in reading them if you've got any copies.
Searching "SEP leader david north" brings me to this: soviet-empire.com
and the livejournal link here: community.livejournal.com
and there seems to be something of a write-up about it here: slackbastard.anarchobase.com
so personally I haven't encountered anything other than hearsay and speculation that people seem to either believe or disbelieve based on how much they personally hate trotskyists or the SEP in particular but if there's some actual proof I'd like to see it
> slackbastard.anarchobase.com
Some of the comments in this article, though containing no actual evidence, have the air of truth.
I suppose, but I still haven't encountered any substantial evidence. Even those comments are just unsubstantiated hearsay from anonymous posts on the internet.
There is, if there is a simple inversion of anti-racism and feminism before revolution, rather than the classic "brocialist" stance of class first while we ignore all that for the time being.
There's also the issue that people love to import their own particular grievances and goals while utilizing the movement as a platform to promote them and themselves.
There's got to be a better way than allowing either IDPOL to dominate or class reductionism to dominate. We haven't seen to have found it yet, which I put down to the lack of theoretical grounding amongst so many of the left, not to mention this aversion to leadership, eg. Occupy.
If you think the left doesn't have its class reductionists you're wrong. Read Wolff.
We need the golden mean of theory!
That's a union, not a political party
SPUSA seems to have really upped their game since the last time I visited their website. Last I visited they seemed like your standard SocDem party, now they're talking about seizing the means of production.
Enjoy being on an FBI watchlist (though I assume all of us already are by virtue of visiting this website).
Serious question: do the FBI really give that much of a shit about left-wing organizations anymore? I thought they had moved on to Muslims.
Yes, though I'm sure most of their resources are dedicated to Islamic terrorism.
They cared enough to subvert Occupy. Documents as well as eyewitness testimony prove it.
Kill the baby in its cradle to keep it from growing up and contesting the throne
Didn't they raid a number of people in the anti-revisionist sect of the FRSO a couple years ago? Made a few arrests and whatnot, something to do with ties to FARC I think.
Yes, but on the plus side it is incredibly incompetent.
Sure about that?
I heard that one of their top leaders hangs a picture of Fanny Kaplan, pretty disgusting if it's true
Wolff is an intersectionalist?
is voting not useless
for us
What do you think of the Socialist Alternative? They have a city council position, if nothing else.
They were making fun of you for using the term "class reductionist" unironically.
It's a stupid liberal term.
Someone here screencapped a long story I told about joining them.
PROTIP: Unless you're willing to verbally admit to being a feminist, you're not going to fit in with that organization.
Hopefully this came out right, I just put together my snippets from screenshots.
The Muslim thing is just an excuse to spy on the population, of course they care about left-wing organizations; people disappear all the time.
That second to last post, so much this.
I'm glad you agree fam. We'll all make it.
Wow, that's pretty bad.
This is a bit suspicious.
The SA party (at least in Seattle) is full of socdem liberals.
He was an expat Englishman, actually. And probably the biggest feminist of the bunch.
I might have to check out various movements out firsthand to see how bad things are.
they updated their logo, don't use the out of date one please!
Top kek.
That hand will scare away the nazis that could be converted though.
SPUSA is pretty shit in general. A friend that was interested in starting a chapter gave up after seeing how the organization was run and how futile it would be to reform it into anything useful.
I think the only party in the US I could stomach would be the SEP, but they're not in my area and I don't know if I could deal with hardcore Trots. Maybe I will just start a small leftist group for anarchists, Marxists, and general non-shit leftists to focus on local issues. Should be easy seeing as the only other leftist group that has existed in my area was SDS and that chapter died a few years ago.
Where you from in the states?
Their nominee this year seems to support leftist militancy and rioting which makes spusa a huge outlier. Especially as opposed to the,Green Party which you have to pledge anti-violence to to become a member.
SPUSA is failing miserably to capture the support of the neolib feminists they keep promoting. Buncha white dudes posting anything that smells radical. They also have about as much black support as other leftist groups (almost 0), but hate on other leftist groups for not reaching out to blacks enough.
They are a crazy small party, so beating up on them feels bad, especially as they are the closest relative to Debs' ideas and actual party.
I love how muchthey hated on S█████. They aren't even trying to get S█████' army of liberals who feel they need college more than anything else. Props to them for that.
That's the same logo with slightly different artwork.