List of Holla Forums approved channels who create leftist/political related content.
Other suggested Youtubers would be appreciated.
List of Holla Forums approved channels who create leftist/political related content.
Other suggested Youtubers would be appreciated.
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks, comrade.
Aww thanks
The Rubin Report, tbh
Is The Finnish Bolshevik leftypol approved? He's a Stalin apologist but he also knows theory and isnt an SJW.
lol whut
I listened to one hour of his response to the anarkid while cleaning my stuff
I like him because he is a tankie but sounds reasonable
Would Wolff's videos count?
I can't be the only one here who watches Jim Profit videos religiously.
Rebel Absurdity
Zizekian Studies
Chomsky's philosophy
Rebel dosnt make vids anymore
Democracy at Work
RD Wolff
Maoist Rebel News
Rest in Pecorino.
Goodbye sweet Christian.
Anarchopac is dank.
Empire Files is p cool
Isn't he a pacifist? I think i heard that somewhere.
they're video output is ultra slow too.
stimulator has a youtube mirror
I'm pretty sure the guy above has browsed our board at least once.
Also, I'm pretty sure that Bad Mouse Productions at least knows of the existence of our board because of the video below and he is subscribed to Rebel Obesity.
I'm pretty sure the mouse guy posted in the thread about his video on anarchism.
for memes
good gondola
also kyle aka secular talk is one of the best socdems whos probably a closet commie too
LSR is honestly not that bad but since hes shat on constantly by alt right youtubers and doesnt really recognize idpol as an issue, i dont consider him Holla Forums approved
finnish bolshevik is god tier
that is a very good gondola
There's the distributist.
I guess not explicitly leftist, but he's pretty interesting.
Revan is pretty cool
He tells me he got bored. He might come back but it wouldnt be for a while.
convince him to come back you filthy Leninist. He was a good tool in convincing people. You're too extreme for normies associating yourself with Lenin.
Well I hardly even talk to him anymore, he dosnt come on the IRC often at all.
Also I'm trying to move away from the soviet style theme of my channel, but I cant really change the name of my ideology to suit normies.
What about stolen interviews and Symphonic poems?
is this your channel yo?
hmmm, okay. That sucks! This is what happens when you name ideologies after people!
I think any leftist ideology is somewhat alienating to normies though. Even ones not named after people like anarchism.
Yup it is, i should look up more Anarchist Classic Music and folk cause that shit is comfy as hell!
Required knowledge. It's essential for when the plans of the cause have succeeded.
although it is true that any leftist ideology will generally not be seen as attractive by the normie, anarchism does not compare with leninism. after the red scare and all that spooking and lenin being seen as a monster, leninism is seen way more negatively. Normies aren't really even aware of anarchist schools.
im ur second subscriber. What do I get you bitch?
I bet your gf was the first.
anyways, I hope you start redeeming the anarchist community on youtube and all their pansiness and get serious. Begin using the word libertarian. It's about time you guys start taking the word back.
Hell no, i will remain calling myself an Anarchist and not accept sutch a broad therm to only appear as an anti state leftist like libertariansocialist rants.
Just ganne make it more of an educational channel (When i got the mic) making video's on anarchist history and theory and the stuff i read from books. Also i am ganne mainly focus on Post Left Anarchy and Anarcho Individualism cause i beleave its to mutch negelected in Anarchism.
This triggers me. And the fact that it triggers me triggers me even more.
That's like "openly Porky Anarchist"?
I agree with you on your last points, but anarchism itself is already broad. Call yourself an anarchist, but use the word libertarian to describe your position too! That was a key word for the left!
also, yeah, no drama. Making it attractive for the idiots like me but educational. theleftlibertarian did a really good job with his style
How does it trigger you?
It trigger me too because saying "libertarian socialist" is like saying "socialist Marxist"
It's redundant
Contemporary libertarians are anything but Left. Adding "socialist" to the mix is a bit like saying "Black White".
are you a burger?
Yeah, fuck off.
[thinking intensifies]
No, I don't think I am.
Its called Kulak plep, cant collectivise my crops if i burn them down fam.
Not really a leftist, also i support autonomy above liberty. Check this video.
Ganne avoid opiniontube bullshit like a plague, its all hot air and i allready know that i will disagree with a fuckload who are on youtube. Trying to gain an understanding or compromise with others is stupid.
The arguments do not bother me. What bothers me is the focus on trying to come to an agreement. It is assumed that “because we are all anarchists”, we must all really want the same thing; our apparent conflicts must merely be misunderstandings which we can talk out, finding a common ground. When someone refuses to talk things out and insists on maintaining their distinctness, they are considered dogmatic. This insistence on finding a common ground may be one of the most significant sources of the endless dialogue that so frequently takes place of acting to create our lives on our own terms. This attempt to find a common ground involves a denial very real conflicts.
The denial of conflict and of the singularity of individuals may reflect a fetish for unity that stems from residual leftism or collectivism. Unity has always been highly valued by the left. Since most anarchists, despite their attempts to separate themselves from the left, are merely anti-state leftists, they are convinced that only a united front can destroy this society which perpetually forces us into unities not of our choosing, and that we must, therefore, overcome our differences and join together to support the “common cause”. But when we give ourselves to the “common cause”, we are forced to accept the lowest common denominator of understanding and struggle. The unities that are created in this way are false unities which thrive only by suppressing the unique desires and passions of the individuals involved, tranforming them into a mass. Such unities are no different from the forming of labor that keeps a factory functioning or the unity of social consensus which keeps the authorities in power and people in line. Mass unity, because it is based on the reduction of the individual to a unit in a generality, can never be a basis for the destruction of authority, only for its support in one form or another.
Feral Faun - Feral Revolutions (Fear of Conflict)
Read this if you are a true blood Marxist Leninst who has read Stalin his works along with Lenin, Marx and Engels. Youknow just to be sure if you have any ability to read lit.
Yeah. I'm not sure if I want to keep this ability of reading.
Communism = Marxism. Anarchism is the exact opposite (methods, not the aim). Not to mention, IIRC Anarchism is older than Marxism.
I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics you must employ to equate Libertarian Communism with Anarchism.
Are you fresh from /r/socialism?
Go away with your special yankee language
How the hell can an anarchist not be a leftist?
You're one of us comrade, you just an individualist.
the fuck are you talking about?
O-kay. This kind of discussion
is a theory of anarchism which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labour, and private property (while retaining respect for personal property), and in favor of common ownership of the means of production, direct democracy, and a horizontal network of voluntary associations and workers' councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle: "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need".
a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups.
They aren't the same you Faggot.
When you dont subscribe towards the idealogical obligation set on being an leftist and the whole idea of progress, revolution and all that jizz jazz.
The Old left and their class reductionist and workerism is dead since 1957 and the New Left is idealogically bankrupt and just a satellite of liberal progressivists.
Check this if you are interested fam, post left came from the conflict between neo situationist anarchists and the the bookchin cult.
I'm not saying all Anarchists are non-leftist or they should get rid of it. But i like to be a post left for the reasons described in the link. Read it cause i am to lazy to explain on a friday night. :^D
>using 'fixed' definitions in langauge.
Its like Peter Kropotkin never existed. :^)
I respect your individualism, but you would still be a leftist in your opposition to capitalism and your wish to have anarchy (socialism).
Your criticism to find agreement also hold truth, but how can anything get done without people making compromises?
Unity by Mutual Interest, (Union) not unity under an idea. (Society) I dont want to sacrifice the self to be a mere soldier to be used for the strugle of socialism. I do nothing for the sake of the idea or for others but only for what is use for me, and as capitalism is annoying as fuck restricting our desires and pashions by economic controle over life by wage labour, markets and work then i would glady participate in its destruction. But i can still be skeptical about socialism, cause i prever Insurrection over Revolution.
Here is a short piece about it from Feral Faun.
isnt a revolution just a successful insurrection fam?
also this is kind of irrelevant, but what do you make of this
His or your definition of Anarchism doesent appeal to me.
You don't like it?
get over it.
you moron.
Insurrection is the complete destruction of conditions and revolution is reform of conditions. By Insurrection you gain Anarchy (Not Anarchism) by Revolution you gain a type of Socialism with all its social relations involved with the ability to constrain the individual for the interest of an idea, of society, the majority/collective or the party.
You should ask the other nihilist poster about that, he is n1x and shitposts usually after a vew hours. He is the expert on Nietzsche so he can give a better insight/opinion on that.
And your argument and definition doesnt appeal to me you silly user, haha :)
holy shit I thought you were n1x this entire time. I was beginning to like him more for thinking he was actually saying something.
says the edgy commie.
Why are you using that flag?
because I want to.
Yeah there are several nihilist posters, and we all shitpost. :^) But anyway if you want to actually read his posts with content beyond shitposting you should just visit /anarcho/ and ask some questions if you are curiouse. Its kinda of a slow board with a vew posts a day but the community is nice.
Did you also wikipedia that?
They will never be forgotten! they were betrayed by the Fascist Bolshevik "Revolution"
Image applies to you, why are you mocking yourself user?
hi Holla Forums
[tanky noises]
I recommend you look at my friend Jim's channels, some bretty gud shit here.
Rebel is a faggot
Yeah, you're the only one here who's Jim Profit, Jim Profit.
I never thought anyone here knew about Jim Profit besides a few of my close friends. That brings back some nostalgia.
Also worth noting, aforementioned (see: ) "Jim" I was referring to is not the Jim Profit, some other guy named Jim.
I don't really bother to try to contribute good content to Holla Forums anymore. It feels like wasted effort most of the time.
I've actually known him personally for about 3 years.
She's great.