Well firstly, the quiz's questions center on whether your a stormfag or not.
Secondly, the definitions of "Liberty" and "Equality" vary wildly. Left-wingers in 1789 probably were far more nationalistic than the Right-wingers of that time period, since equality was meant to be amongst the citizenry of the nation, a unit of sovereignty that was contrasted with monarchy. There is nothing distinguishing racial vs. cultural equality, or gender equality, or political equality. And, all of these would be different. The Russian Empress Catherine, for example, would lean towards gender equality, but she would be distraught at normal working citizens taking over France and establishing a republic. The same can be said for the French revolutionaries, most of whom would prefer to keep universal suffrage for males only. The hierarchical right-wingers were in favor of nations being subsumed by a cosmopolitan web of monarchies. (Which is what happened after Vienna.) Hell, the hardcore reactionaries often despised western civilization for it's Enlightenment values, often praising oriental monarchies as more in tune with their spirituality. (Reminds me of so-called "leftists" doing the same now a days.)
Liberty, for most of history, was not contrasted with duty. In fact, duty was considered to be a part of liberty due to the influence of Roman and Athenian republicanism in Left-Wing political thought, ESPECIALLY during the Enlightenment. This is why you have the Levee en Masse being implemented, the contrast of the civic duty of the free citizen with the apathetic and disenfranchised subject of monarchies. So, is Liberty the liberty of the ancients (aforementioned) or the liberty of the moderns?
Speaking of ancients, how is science (which probably falls under both Modernity and Material on your scale) inherently opposed to tradition? You have folks like Thomas Jefferson, who approve of the Enlightenment, who also often bring up old, classical works and promote traditions. In fact, the Enlightenment was very much based on Greco-Roman tradition. What if scientific discovery IS part of a nation's tradition?
And, how is science connected with wanting material wealth? You can both be an avid scientist and be a principled idealist. You can have very religious people who are corrupt and desire only wealth and power.
Basically, the main issues with your spectrum are that you have too much connection between different ideas in an effort to group them into "Team Left" and "Team Right", and somehow you STILL failed to even represent the sort of political differences that occurred during the French Revolution, let alone in any time period.
The better approach is to have different sliders that exist not to be components of a "Left vs. Right" narrative or a "Liberty vs Oppression" narrative but rather show key aspects of how someone would run society.
Political Liberty (Liberty of the Ancients) vs. Political Hierarchy
Civil Rights (Liberty of the Moderns) vs. Authority
Multiculturalism vs. Monoculturalism / Globalism vs. Nationalism
Nurture vs. Nature (which is one aspect that works, I guess.)
Oh and have a scale for economics. Free Markets vs. Planned Economy. Distributed property ownership vs. concentrated property ownership. Worker's Self-Management vs. Taylorism.
Just some ideas.