Jewish Spic's Trump Nightmare
This is the best one yet.
archive (be warned, the rest of the article is pure drivel)
Jewish Spic's Trump Nightmare
This is the best one yet.
archive (be warned, the rest of the article is pure drivel)
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2017 will truly be a great year.
I'm sure she is leaving out details. This is another leftist that is having sex dreams about Trump.
kek, he has nightmares he'll be raped by trump.
Wait, you guys don't?
this is getting boring
Being snarky ?
What a great idea, worked really well about 5 years ago.
My fucking sides!
I must have one.
The third night he looks at Anne Frank and says, “you’re fired.”
These people are fucking cliches.
The current year may protect you now but you will soon fear the future.
Quick, someone call Rick Sanchez. This privileged kike can't get away with this.
>I'm a jewish lesbian with a minority-american daughter whom I physically teach sex to, in case of confusion, because down with hetero sexists whose grandparents were gased in Aushwitz over 100 times and subsisted on only 1 loaf of bread and 1 cup of broth for one week for over 5 years until the good goys Allies came in and saved them both. They met at the nuremburg trials where they saved the tears of the evil men of the ancient Aryan bloodline Nazis who stood trial for their crimes against the chosen Jewish people. I have never been called a Kike since elementary school, but this election is really stirring up more anti-semetism, not unlike what my grandparents faced durring Nazi Germany. They've both written books on their experiences (which I encourage everyone to read and buy) and do public speaches at schools nation-wide.
Leftists really like to picture him naked.
Nutcases, all of them.
That's their weapon of choice.
Holy fuck my sides have left me and reached terminal velocity. Thousands of lightyears away an alien species is just learning to stand and they will see my sides streak across their sky
they're literally dreaming about trump holocausting them
It's real in their mind!
should have been "you're fried"
What sort of person unloads their insane neurosis on their fucking kid?
Is this why leftists are so fucked in the head? Their parents use them as therapy when they're young?
Thank fuck the article is so hilarious or I'd be in a bad mood after reading that headline.
Do you even have to ask?
According to Dutch judicial law, Anne Frank didn't write the diary, because her father lost to the author in court and was forced to give him a portion of his jew gold.
How did these people find emotional release before blogger software? Small community newsletters? Letters to the editor?
If someone created the image he was describing and tweeted it to him, my sides would phase into another dimension.
What the fuck are these articles, what the fuck is this whole site
re: 2nd pic, ndst3 signaling, expanded:
decided to dig. ndst3: part of an associated family of de-acetyl and sulfono-transferases, specifically discovered around heparin sulfates (think blood thinners). first studied in flies, then others. histologically, failures of expression cause mitochondrial-golgi dysfunction showing up on gram stains as too-light and too-disordered membranes (in knockout cases, very extreme). developmentally, an interest evolved in the early 2000s to figure out what this would do on a clinical / macro level. one study in 2014 did it with mice, but paywall zero fucks given. studies of fly embros show disordered development signaling, mostly of nondevelopment of wings in the end, but the whole affect (with extreme cases, knock outs, etc) is quite broad.
stepping outside of what i've found, failures of heparin signaling would be most present in small capillaries, leading to non-binding or non-signaling of the normal chain reaction that would normally prevent micro-occlusion. so, on one hand you have the jewish hemorrhagic diseases that are well established and often x-linked, and it appears you have the potential for the inverse jewish micro-occlusal disease – but this is conjecture. no one has attempted to find the histologic (cell gram stains) nor patho-histologic (brain slice and gram stain, etc) correlations. not entirely surprising, since otherwise rare, like breast/ovarian cancer. you'd have to really really ramp up scare tactics to get the fancy funding from burgers to do medicine to help the jews here, see breast cancer, zika, etc.
overall, the researcher people seem to have a developmental focus. which is an odd way of putting it. instead of trying to figure out what grows or doesn't, i'd go straight for figuring out what dies – what got cut off from blood supply, particularly in central brain areas (basal ganglia, 3rd and 4th ventricle associated areas, cerebellar trees, and hippocampal horns). i guess when you're trying to build on flies, you stick to the growth receptor mentality.
a recent paper attempted to study the same in chinese (han), and found agreement. didn't look at the data myself (fucking paywall, zero fucks given), but of interest: a minor wild type of ndst3 in han populations removes schizo correlation. reads: there is a majority of chinese that are potentially subclinical schizos. again, neither is clear: does this is prevent growth signaling in development (fetal to 1yo, i'd suspect) as the researcher cults are exploring, or does this cause increased micro-anatomical death after neuronal development is done, or does this cause yet another metabolic mitochondrial fuck up disease? no one knows, need more money, alot more money, blah blah blah same old story. note that the jew populations have high presence (15%) relative to pan-'caucasian' (sub 1%), but i suspect the prevalence counts don't differentiate between homo and hetero allele populations (this is on chromosome 4), also muh sampling is guaranteed to be retarded.
so for our next research project, are the chinks )and possible pan asian bros) post-evo-chain jews? anecdotal research taken out of academic contexts of gibsmedatgrantz points to yes. again.
thought i'd share. polite sage for off topic.
Sounds like this beaner bitch is illegal and using the abandoned anchor baby trope as an excuse to justify her continued violation of US law. She should be afraid, she should be having nightmares….
Does anyone have the pic of the guy in the Goofy costume busting down the door saying "it's goofy time" with his kid curled on the ground saying "no dad please"
I have a terrible recurring dream. I'm hiding in the attic with Pepe and he's calling me "Kitty." I tell him that I have to go, I don't know where my son is, and he turns to me and tells me that we can't go anywhere. We are hiding and we must stay this way until the election is over. All of a sudden, I hear boots on the stairs and the door swings open and it's Hillary Rodham Clinton - only she's naked, wearing a communist sweatband on her head, and she says, "I think Deplorables hate us."
He fires Ann Frank. That's breddy gud.
Sure thing, I got your back.
now are you guys SURE this is a real person because it really looks like one of our boys havin a laff
Was all real in my mind.
Tell her you used to think she'd grow up to marry Chico, but now she's going to be turned into a taquito!
Some madman posted this in the comments kek.
Over 9000 hours in paint
top kek
Anyone know her twitter?
I dream of having sex with ivanka?
good god kikes are broken, that holohoax shit truly does a number on them.
I feel sorry for the daughter of that dude hahahaha what the fuck.
My sides. I don't want this thing hanged, I want it kept in a zoo where white children can come and laugh and throw fruit at it.
HAAAHAHA, I thought it was a he, just reading the pic / greentext. Top kek at the mental image of a grown ass man admitting to spending his dreams hiding from evil Trump with Anne Frank instead of searching for his daughter. Also the homoeroticism. Oh well, would have been funnier that way.
For a woman it's rather obvious. NAKED TRUMP (someone go ahead and make the MGS meme) appears - this is just another Trump sex dream from a frustrated feminazi. And her daughter is absent because when a new alpha male takes over you don't want your previous kids around.
Where do you think our sexual (((revolution))) comes from? The Jews have a history of degeneracy and when they fully subvert the dominate culture they impose their perverse sexual nature onto others.
Freud is a prime example of the jewish mind.
Thank you for collapsing the rectum.
Fuck thats a good article-delivered shitpost. He cant be serious.
Haha thats pretty fucking funny.
It really rustles my jimmies when a libcuck or Hillary Clinton or any of these fucking people say "baww there are little mexican kids who are scared of being deported by Trump!"
If they're legal, they're safe. If they or their parents are illegal aliens, they should get deported. If you talked to these people knowing full well that they are illegal aliens and you're choosing not to contact the authorities, you're aiding and abetting a criminal, and you are yourself then a criminal.
Cheqt and reqt
But she's a jew. So the kid and father go to mexico, while she goes to the ovens.
Oh sweet jesus…
I was… the name… I was shitposting in a slide thread and forgot to take it off I swear. Please don't put me on the DOTR list.
It's fine, all is forgiven
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
He's even fucking up liberals in their dreams.
wtf is this shit? wake me up.
Fucking Christ, this text isn't just dripping with kikery, it's gushing like an Alabama firehose. These details sound like a gag from a Jewish (((comedy))) show. There is absolutely no fucking way any of this is real. Jewish AND beaner at the same time. Is she also a transsexual lesbian war vet in a wheelchair suffering from AIDS?
They all have to go back kid. Only way to save our race. The damage done is too great otherwise.