Really makes you think
You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth...
Cypher was the only smart one. He wanted to go back to the layer of machine control that wasn't a hellscape prison and get a cushy life there in the process.
He was "smart" in the sense that he spent years unplugged and the real world was shit compared to what The Matrix offered. Besides, he was tired of being bossed around by Morpheus.
So this is a man who was redpilled but chose to go back to being bluepilled. Cypher was a cuck.
>implying simulation hypothesis isn't a blackpill/demoralization (((psyop)))
Zion and the "real world" was just another layer of machine controlled simulation. Cypher may not have consciously realized that but he did realize that he was wasting his time jumping through hoops in a far shittier version of reality.
Simulation hypothesis has been talked since the sumerians said their Gods jumped from their home to here at will
how the fuck did he plug himself into the matrix alone?
I guess the idea is that he was on a mission and snuck away.
Ever heard of Gnosticism?
So close. Maybe you'll figure it out next viewing.
You're only half wrong
Now the archon (ruler) who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas ("fool"), and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, "I am God and there is no other God beside me," for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.
but isn't the nigger who manages the code always watching?
Ah yes, but he's a nigger.
What is reality?
You know I hate to say it, but he is kinda right about ignorance being bliss.
It's hard being red pilled. Often I find myself wishing I could go back to my youth before I even knew or cared about what was really going on in the world. I know I can't now. I know too much.
Where can I find the blue pill? I miss innocence.
And I want a Kirsten Dunst in my life too.
If you're really redpilled then you would know that all you have to do is kill all the jews and you have nothing to worry about anymore. For bonus bliss you can also kill the niggers, mudslimes, and assorted shitskin people and their helpers.
t. Rabbi Moses ben Maimon
Sorry it was meant for
I don't think killing all the Jews will stop all the problems. Even if we wipe out all the other races, afterwards we'd find some other means of dividing ourselves. We'll be saying things like "Your not white enough!" or something like that.
And it's not just the Jews. They're just a piece of the puzzle.
Why do Jews hate us so much me and my future fillancee,?
You don't know me punk.
Kirsten forever
He is spot on, the tranny faggots just left it all vague because they ran out of old ideas to rip off and didnt know what bullshit to make up to tie it all up. Just like you are doing now.
waifufagging for such a basic bitch is probably the lowest you can get
Wiping out all races is not a realistic goal for a variety of reasons. With all the cuckery of the goodest goys, keeping the white race alive is barely even possible at this point.
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be uncommon for one of them to plug themselves in for recreational use. He probably just asked Mouse to plug him in so he could have some "fun" and taking the hint, Mouse would have just left him for a few hours unmonitored.
no, getting plugged to the matrix is dangerous and always needs monitoring
if anything they get plugged into offline virtual realities created indeed for recreational purpose, like the one where neo and morpheus have that kung fu fight
You are so mean, are you frighten by our queen?
No need to answer, WE know You are.
Spoken like a teenage drumptard
Watch it again and pay close attention to what the characters say, especially anything the Architect or Oracle say, especially referencing and to each other.
Who ever implied they weren't tranny fucks? They absolutely are, but that has no bearing on the fact that Neo is a plant created by the machines as a collaboration between the Architect, who represents the pinnacle of machine understanding of machines, and the Oracle, the pinnacle of machine understanding of humans, to devise a way for the machine/human unit to collaborate and move forward together into a more stable and efficient new iteration of their relationship. This is all very clear if you actually listen to the dialogue, something the mongoloids who love to talk unfounded shit about the story clearly are incapable of doing.
Guys, what if, like, we're not who we think we are? What if, like, we're all here in our corporeal form, but our true self lies elsewhere? What if, you know, like we are in some sort of alternate dimension, an alternate reality if you will, and, like, we're not real? What if ghosts are out true forms, and the supernatural is actually the natural?
As soon as it came out, people were all… "Duuuude, what if that's real?" *tokes ganja*
Where do you faggots even come from…
I know she is the focus of the memelords here right now but fuck you she was hot.
your tendency to … is a bit on the nose but you are doing well riling spergs up
Daily reminder that /ourguy/ Alex has been playing 28D Chess all these years
What a laugh
we all know you only created everything by accident and have absolutely no omnipresent power, smite me if I'm wrong faggot
edit:still not smited, demiurge BTFO, on suicide watch
Did you know that gnosticfags were the first feminists? More of their "wisdom" clearly on display.
Your prison of lies and flesh holds no power over me, blind godling. Sophia will set me free.
We'll worry about that bridge when we get there.
Gnosticfags don't even know the nature of females is to lie.
Absolutely unwise
I don't know, sounds kinda fishy to me
Stay trapped in the endless cycle of rebirth into decaying matter that the Demiurge rules over if you like. I hope one of your next lives will see more clearly.
Well, I can't be surprised really. You do worship a female afterall. You would have to be retarded to do that.
did I miss something?
Multiple threads about kirsten dunst and how she is ugly
After eighteen years, you know what I realize?
The Matrix had shit dialogue.
Fuck those homos, then
Everybody loves Kirsten.
The Matrix is a blackpill, intended to cripple redditors with edgy nihilism.
Knowing reality is a farce doesn't change it, doesn't change how it influences you, and doesn't change the fact that at least you might as well try to improve that farce, rather than self-destructively attempt to either escape or destroy it.
The answer to all these questions is kill yourself you fucking faggot holy shit
Can confirm, being redpilled can be hard sometimes
Don't be stupid, it was Gnosticism in mass entertainment form. It was probably a green pill for a lot people. Notice how we even use its terminology.
Idiot should have made a different deal. I know their inner workings. I want to work with the agents. Simple mod of the software would have made him a god.
I liked her better as a redhead, with blonde hair she looks too much like my mom
I'd fuck your mom.
Doesn't that means that the whole "second world" outside the matrix is just another fucking matrix and neo basically accomplished nothing due to "we have to go deeper" robots still clinging to power while he made a status quo agreement with the present ones?
Haha you're too slow buddy I already did
I actually never met my biological father…
That's the parts about it that make it shit you faggot
Long live the new flesh.
Demiurgefags are the ultimate cucks.
everybody who has a plan, shitty taste, perhaps
Those are the parts that made it memorable, you cunt.
That and bullet time.
Such a pure soul 😍
Thanks for reminding us that you're a nerd without any plan.
Was a spelling mistake part of his plan?
You're part of the problem.