It wasn't supposed to be a documentary guys…
It wasn't supposed to be a documentary guys…
That what you get for voting for Drumpf smh
i can smell the reddit on you
Reddit detected.
>>>Holla Forums
What were we thinking… A black president, smh…
Mike Judge is such a fucking cuck. As if America will be some sort of white trash dystopia in future and not just Mexico 2.0.
By the way, King of the Hill wasn't supposed to be a "slice of life" type of show. You were supposed to laugh at how "backwards" and "stupid" these southern rednecks are.
t. salty southerner
Well that is all rednecks are good for.
Well, there seem to be a disproportionate amount of niggers and spics in the film.
And really, who were the real idiots in this movie? The beta intellectuals who refused to have offspring to carry on their legacy? Or was it the alpha rednecks who had as many kids as they could?
Wasn't this movie basically an argument for eugenics?
this one was.
Nope, this is just what leftists tell themselves when they enjoy the show.
nigger you can't just post a contradiction to a well-known fact without proof or sources and not expect to be laughed at.
Eugenics succeeded in that film. By the end all the dumb
idiots were culled and the world became a better place.
It was both. Interestingly, when they tried the same formula with liberals it fell flat because the characters were too fundementally unlikable.
Does this takes place in the alternate reality where Peggy dumps Hank, has a sex operation to become a guy and Bobby turns to weed to cope with his ruined life?
Leave me alone
Didn't Qui-Gon save the Jews?
darth maul killed him before he could dumbass
Luminary spotted.
you mean a nigger?
voting for trumpt is literally the first step towards idiocracy, thank g-d he'll be impeached and arrested soon.
Voting for President Trump was the first step out of niggercracy, you filthy leftykike.
Thank God Trump gonna make America Great Again in the next 8 years.