This is the average Holla Forums users
Wew lad who's the guy profiting off of Holla Forums's shitty memes?
Bit of a strawman here Op. I confront it when Holla Forums use them against us, id be a hypocrite if i didnt confront this one
this is exactly what i assume people who make cuck jokes irl looks like
Does this word have meaning anymore on Holla Forums?
He's about 200 pounds too light.
When I think about it, Holla Forums loves to make fun of men who've been cheated on or have a girlfriend with another partner, but how many of them actually can get a girlfriend, let alone a girlfriend attractive enough to have more than one partner?
Holla Forums has a much under-discussed meth problem imo
Latsbrah goes on Holla Forums and is a nationalist
Expanding on what i said in
Op, we shouldnt stoop to strawmanning, its a last ditch when the knowledge and facts are against you. When we got raided by a lone Holla Forumsler, he tried to trigger us over ghostbusters, we showed him how ducking dumb he was being and hes posted pics of fat women with pink hair, hands covered in period blood as an attempt to paint us badly. We use facts here, now im down for a "look at this cunt" thread.
There's some bretty cool nationalists/trump supporters, bro. The OP is cherrypicking like fuck.
-Chael Sonnen
-Mike Cernovich
-Chris "GoodLookingLoser"
-Victor Pride
he sat on more black weiners than milo so he doesn't count.
Making fun of a stereotype is not the same as erecting a strawman.
So we should be calling black men watermellon eating criminals and latinos borderhoping drug dealers?
shame about that face
As long as you don't try to present it like an argument, e.g.: "According to blacks, watermelons are the best fruit. This is wrong because it has too many sugars and is actually a poor fruit to eat on a diet, therefore blacks are wrong on the issue of equality."
It doubt jokes like that would be appreciated here though.
you're a faggot. you know that's a mental illness, right?
"according to blacks" is still racist, and is ALSO a strawman
OP tried to imply everyone of them is a bad and dumb looking redneck.
Also all the people calling that guy gay and putting it as a bad thing.
I never said it's not racist, just that it wasn't a strawman.
Also, it's not a strawman. Tone and context are important. Calling someone an asshat is not an ad hominem. It becomes an ad hominem when you claim someones arguments are wrong because they're an asshat.
"You might have statistical evidence that minorities are marginalized, but you once called someone a nigger and therefore your argument is wrong."
Irony does not equate rhetoric.
Basic stuff comrades.
Hardly the average Holla Forums user.
He rejects racism and thinks homosexuality is a private matter, not subject to the authority of the state or inherently immoral.
Also, pan european nationalism, wtf kind of bullshit is that. Team europe my ass.
Total cuck.
He's also against multiculturalism and thinks women should listen to men, especially when it comes to going out at night in an area with syrian mudslime fagugees.
Besides I don't give a shit about gay people either, I just don't like gay pride parades and men wearing heels and behaving like shit in public.
even if it was Holla Forums it would probably be 4/pol/
But…this is an actual person. A real, thinking human being that chose to be the kind of idiot we're too familiar with.
It's like Holla Forums refusing to make fun of Jason Unruhe. It's not like he doesn't deserve it.
he's an uggo tbh
he looks like he's wearing those gag teeth you get from a party store.
No, op is generalizing
You're cherry picking
the guy on the left might actually not look that bad if he took off or straightened his glasses, shaved his shit stach and closed his mouth.
Why is this bigotry allowed on Holla Forums? If you allow things like this to stand how are we any different then actual Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is pretending to be crypto-SJW
Nazis and IDpol, sitting in a tree kissing
In case you fancy the shirt:
Janey Mack
Checks out. 10/10, would let put aryan baby in me.
I trust Holla Forums won't ever spam SJW pictures ever again.
how do you know he's working class? he could be a doctor or lawyer for all we know.
Macaulay Culkin has seen better days tbh
OP's post clearly intended to offend and discredit other people, it was an attack.
And irony or jokes still perpetuate stereotypes that contaminates serious problems and discussions.
He is also a massive retard