
Scott gives an easy 1-2-3 approach to make liberals trip on their own ego and not go vote

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dilbertman you are my greatest ally

That sounds persuasive.

His liberal opponents on Twitter definitely will not like this, kek

We should all aspire to be like this madman.

Even easier. Get your liberal millennial friends to smoke weed on that day. They won't go anywhere.

Scott adams is a mental terrorist

CTRbot v0.9.0

Most of those are single line posts you troglodytic feces-slinger

could you fuck off you filthy jew

Don't respond, just report and hide.

We even have statistical evidence of the long lines persuasion working.


Nobody even knows what you're talking about

I'm pretty sure that source is fake, BUT still believable

so for this thread, Holla Forums likes Persuasion Man

I like this dilbert guy

Along these lines, why haven't we tried shilling for Jill Stein? I mean, try to get as many Hillary voters to vote for Stein as we can. Our greatest advantage is that there are multiple Liberals running, and only one real Conservative, and we aren't even using it. If we really try we could divide her voter-base easily.

Oh shit I just realized I've fallen for his persuasion tricks


He's not even a "conservative"

He's a National Populist.

Holy fuck he persuaded me to persuade some Clinton supporters. This sounds like a fun intro to persuasion exercise.

Honestly I'm getting tired of this guy's pussy footing around.

Yeah. That's from a realtruenews disinfo doc. 100% fake. Don't relax because of some pretty lie.

The issue with shilling for Stein is that if you have anything that would make them question your leftist credentials it will just backfire and harden their support of Clinton.

We know more about communism than communists do. If a Holla Forumsack can’t convince a Hillary supporter to vote further left, no one can. Certainly not people who are actually further left.

I hope you're trolling.

All of that has been tongue in cheek though
I would recommend considering though, that he is the head of a 75 million dollar franchise and in this politically charged election season with liberals trying to harm trump supporters left and right that openly supporting trump, especially whilst living in california, is a dangerous move.

The issue is that they're going to be suspicious of new accounts, probably even accounts that are less than a couple years old. So for people that have had alt accounts for a while now its a good idea, for the rest probably not.

Has anyone been going through his persuasion reading list, if so, any techniques to help enhance this?

I know hypnotic nomninalisation and pre-suasive chute forcing can cause libs to consider things more favorably than they normally would

That map is fake; if Jeb won it would be guac colored. That shit looks like humus.

that girl looks underage not that I have an issue

Didn't this faggot say Trump was not going to win?


All these concepts and things are great if your learning but some of us are naturally manipulative. Not saying its a good thing but it sure helps me get what I want.

I've been saving and reformatting copypastas I thought might be helpful for exactly this reason.

6 Principles of Influence – Robert Cialdini (Paraphrased)

Reciprocation recognizes that people feel indebted to those who do something for them or give them a gift. For marketers, Cialdini says: “The implication is you have to go first. Give something: give information, give free samples, give a positive experience to people and they will want to give you something in return.” The reciprocation principle explains why free samples can be so effective. People who receive a free, unexpected gift are more likely to listen to a product’s features, donate to a cause, or tip a waitress more money. The gifts do not have to be expensive or even material; information and favors can work.

When people are uncertain about a course of action, they tend to look to those around them to guide their decisions and actions. They especially want to know what everyone else is doing – especially their peers. “Laugh tracks on comedy shows exist for this very reason,” Cialdini says. Testimonials from satisfied customers show your target audience that people who are similar to them have enjoyed your product or service. They’ll be more likely to become customers themselves. A similar principle applies to television commercials that say: “If our lines are busy, please call again.” Instead of saying “Operators are standing by.” The first response implies that other people like your offer so much that the phone lines are busy, which may persuade others to act similarly.

People do not like to back out of deals. We’re more likely to do something after we’ve agreed to it verbally or in writing, Cialdini says. People strive for consistency in their commitments. They also prefer to follow pre-existing attitudes, values and actions. People want to be both consistent and true to their word. Getting customers or co-workers to publicly commit to something makes them more likely to follow through with an action or a purchase. Ask your team members if they’ll support your next initiative and say why. Getting people to answer ‘yes’ makes them more powerfully committed to an action, Cialdini says. For instance, don’t tell people: “Please call if you have to cancel.” Asking “Will you please call if you have to cancel?” gets customers to say yes, and measurably increases their response rates.

“People prefer to say ‘yes’ to those they know and like,” Cialdini says. People are also more likely to favor those who are physically attractive, similar to themselves, or who give them compliments. Even something as ‘random’ as having the same name as your prospects can increase your chances of making a sale. “One of the things that marketers can do is honestly report on the extent to which the product or service – or the people who are providing the product or service – are similar to the audience and know the audience’s challenges, preferences and so on,” Cialdini says. So, for instance, sales people could improve their chances of making a sale by becoming more knowledgeable about their prospects’ existing preferences.

People respect authority. They want to follow the lead of real experts. Business titles, impressive clothing, and even driving an expensive, high-performing automobile are proven factors in lending credibility to any individual. Giving the appearance of authority actually increases the likelihood that others will comply with requests – even if their authority is illegitimate. When people are uncertain, they look outside themselves for information to guide their decisions. Given the incredible influence of authority figures, it would be wise to incorporate testimonials from legitimate, recognized authorities to help persuade prospects to respond or make purchases.

In fundamental economic theory, scarcity relates to supply and demand. Basically, the less there is of something, the more valuable it is. The more rare and uncommon a thing, the more people want it. Familiar examples are frenzies over the latest holiday toy or urban campers waiting overnight to pounce on the latest iPhone. Say the authors: “The tendency to be more sensitive to possible losses than to possible gains is one of the best-supported findings in social science.” Therefore, it may be worthwhile to switch your advertising campaign’s message from your product’s benefits to emphasizing the potential for a wasted opportunity:
- “Don’t miss this chance…”
- “Here’s what you’ll miss out on…”
In any case, if your product or service is genuinely unique, be sure to emphasize its unique qualities to increase the perception of its scarcity.

The One-Sentence Persuasion Course – Blair Warren (Paraphrased)

People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and help them throw rocks at their enemies.

Parents often discourage their children’s dreams “for their own good” and attempt to steer them toward more “reasonable” goals. And children often accept this as normal until others come along who believe in them and encourage their dreams. When this happens, who do you think has more power? Parents or strangers?

While millions cheer Dr. Phil as he tells people to accept responsibility for their mistakes, millions more are looking for someone to take the responsibility off their shoulders. To tell them that they are not responsible for their lot in life. And while accepting responsibility is essential for gaining control of one’s own life, assuring others they are not responsible is essential for gaining influence over theirs. One need look no further than politics to see this powerful game played at its best.

When we are afraid, it is almost impossible to concentrate on anything else. And while everyone knows this, what do we do when someone else is afraid and we need to get their attention? That’s right. We tell them not to be afraid and expect that to do the trick. Does it work? Hardly. And yet we don’t seem to notice. We go on as if we’d solved the problem and the person before us fades further away. But there are those who do realize this and pay special attention to our fears. They do not tell us not to be afraid. They work with us until our fear subsides. They present evidence. They offer support. They tell us stories. But they do not tell us how to feel and expect us to feel that way. When you are afraid, which type of person do you prefer to be with?

One of our favorite things to say is “I knew it.” There is just nothing quite like having our suspicions confirmed. When another person confirms something that we suspect, we not only feel a surge of superiority, we feel attracted to the one who helped make that surge come about. Hitler “confirmed” the suspicions of many German’s about the cause of their troubles and drew them further into his power by doing so. Cults often confirm the suspicions of prospective members by telling them that their families are out to sabotage them. It is a simple thing to confirm the suspicions of those who are desperate to believe them.

Nothing bonds like having a common enemy. I realize how ugly this sounds and yet it is true just the same. Those who understand this can utilize this. Those who don’t understand it, or worse, understand but refuse to address it, are throwing away one of the most effective ways of connecting with others. No matter what you may think of this, rest assured that people have enemies. All people. It has been said that everyone you meet is engaged in a great struggle. The thing they are struggling with is their enemy. Whether it is another individual, a group, an illness, a setback, a rival philosophy or religion, or what have you, when one is engaged in a struggle, one is looking for others to join him. Those who do become more than friends. They become partners.

Rules for Radicals – Saul Alinsky (Paraphrased)

Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood. (These are two things of which there is a plentiful supply. Government and corporations always have a difficult time appealing to people, and usually do so almost exclusively with economic arguments.)

It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. (Organizations under attack wonder why radicals don’t address the “real” issues. This is why. They avoid things with which they have no knowledge.)

Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)

If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)

There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. (Radical activists, in this sense, are no different that any other human being. We all avoid “un-fun” activities, and but we revel at and enjoy the ones that work and bring results.)

Don’t become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.)

Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)

Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)

Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management’s wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)

Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem. (Old saw: If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Activist organizations have an agenda, and their strategy is to hold a place at the table, to be given a forum to wield their power. So, they have to have a compromise solution.)

Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie (Paraphrased)


Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

Human nature does not like to admit fault. When people are criticized or humiliated, they rarely respond well and will often become defensive and resent their critic. To handle people well, we must never criticize, condemn or complain because it will never result in the behavior we desire.

Appreciation is one of the most powerful tools in the world. People will rarely work at their maximum potential under criticism, but honest appreciation brings out their best. Appreciation, though, is not simple flattery, it must be sincere, meaningful and with love.

To get what we want from another person, we must forget our own perspective and begin to see things from the point of view of others. When we can combine our desires with their wants, they become eager to work with us and we can mutually achieve our objectives.

Twelve Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking

Whenever we argue with someone, no matter if we win or lose the argument, we still lose. The other person will either feel humiliated or strengthened and will only seek to bolster their own position. We must try to avoid arguments whenever we can.

We must never tell people flat out that they are wrong. It will only serve to offend them and insult their pride. No one likes to be humiliated, we must not be so blunt.

Whenever we are wrong we should admit it immediately. When we fight we never get enough, but by yielding we often get more than we expected. When we admit that we are wrong people trust us and begin to sympathize with our way of thinking.

"A drop of honey can catch more flies than a gallon of gall." If we begin our interactions with others in a friendly way, people will be more receptive. Even if we are greatly upset, we must be friendly to influence people to our way of thinking.

Do not begin by emphasizing the aspects in which we and the other person differ. Begin by emphasizing and continue emphasizing the things on which we agree. People must be started in the affirmative direction and they will often follow readily. Never tell someone they are wrong, but rather lead them where we would like them to go with questions that they will answer "yes" to.

People do not like listening to us boast, they enjoy doing the talking themselves. Let them rationalize and talk about the idea, because it will taste much sweeter to them in their own mouth.

People inherently like ideas they come to on their own better than those that are handed to them on a platter. Ideas can best be carried out by allowing others to think they arrived at it themselves.

Other people may often be wrong, but we cannot condemn them. We must seek to understand them. Success in dealing with people requires a sympathetic grasp of the other person's viewpoint.

People are hungering for sympathy. They want us to recognize all that they desire and feel. If we can sympathize with others, they will appreciate our side as well and will often come around to our way of thinking.

Everyone likes to be glorious in their own eyes. People believe that they do things for noble and morally upright reasons. If we can appeal to others' noble motives we can successfully convince them to follow our ideas.

In this fast paced world, simply stating a truth isn't enough. The truth must be made vivid, interesting, and dramatic. Television has been doing it for years. Sometimes ideas are not enough and we must dramatize them.

The thing that most motivates people is the game. Everyone desires to excel and prove their worth. If we want someone to do something, we must give them a challenge and they will often rise to meet it.


Six Ways to Make People Like You

"You can make more friends in two months by being interested in them, than in two years by making them interested in you." The only way to make quality, lasting friendships is to learn to be genuinely interested in them and their interests.

Happiness does not depend on outside circumstances, but rather on inward attitudes. Smiles are free to give and have an amazing ability to make others feel wonderful. Smile in everything that you do.

"The average person is more interested in their own name than in all the other names in the world put together." People love their names so much that they will often donate large amounts of money just to have a building named after themselves. We can make people feel extremely valued and important by remembering their name.

The easiest way to become a good conversationalist is to become a good listener. To be a good listener, we must actually care about what people have to say. Many times people don't want an entertaining conversation partner; they just want someone who will listen to them.

The royal road to a person's heart is to talk about the things he or she treasures most. If we talk to people about what they are interested in, they will feel valued and value us in return.

The golden rule is to treat other people how we would like to be treated. We love to feel important and so does everyone else. People will talk to us for hours if we allow them to talk about themselves. If we can make people feel important in a sincere and appreciative way, then we will win all the friends we could ever dream of.

Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment

People will do things begrudgingly for criticism and an iron-fisted leader, but they will work wonders when they are praised and appreciated.

No one likes to make mistakes, especially in front of others. Scolding and blaming only serves to humiliate. If we subtly and indirectly show people mistakes, they will appreciate us and be more likely to improve.

When something goes wrong, taking responsibility can help win others to your side. People do not like to shoulder all the blame and taking credit for mistakes helps to remove the sting from our critiques of others.

No one likes to take orders. If we offer suggestions, rather than orders, it will boost others confidence and allow them to learn quickly from their mistakes.

Nothing diminishes the dignity of a man quite like an insult to his pride. If we don't condemn our employees in front of others and allow them to save face, they will be motivated to do better in the future and confident that they can.

People love to receive praise and admiration. If we truly want someone to improve at something, we must praise their every advance. "Abilities wither under criticism, they blossom under encouragement."

If we give people a great reputation to live up to, they will desire to embody the characteristics with which we have described them. People will work with vigor and confidence if they believe they can be better.

If a desired outcome seems like a momentous task, people will give up and lose heart. But if a fault seems easy to correct, they will readily jump at the opportunity to improve. If we frame objectives as small and easy improvements, we will see dramatic increases in desire and success in our employees.

People will most often respond well when they desire to do the behavior put forth. If we want to influence people and become effective leaders, we must learn to frame our desires in terms of others' desires.

Webm related, just for you.

You might want to check r/K Selection Theory videos from Molyneux if you haven't, in addition to the basics user above posted.

Article expanding a bit on these

Where the fuck is the archive?

Wew lad you really don't understand subtlety do you?

Diblur Mang operates in the shadows and obfuscates his true opinion to help manipulate people into believing what he wants them to believe.

Trump needs to make Scot Adams his secretary of persuasion


>poll closes at x o'clock p.m.
>tell them it closes at (x + 1) o'clock p.m.
the relative high-agency stoners in your target group will attempt get there 15-20 min before the supposed time of polls closing (the rest won't go)
would help if you could obtain high-grade marijuana with high couchlock/ sleepiness rating and roll them several cigarettes

We must exploit EVERY weakness they have with mercy.

Pardon my low persuasion powerlevel, what does r/k Selection Theory have to do with persuasion?


Every. Fucking. Time. Fix this, she's sucking his navel and it looks dumb.

This might help put it into better context

That's the point, she's not good enough for Kek's Glorious Kock.

Holla Forums, would you persuade her?

Only with my massive gas chamber.


I don't like this approach because it involves lying and is unmoral. It is always better to achieve clean victory without deception.
State Your position, be unapologetic about it, and invite Hillray supporters to vote Trump. Most of them probably would support/vote Trump if they knew all the facts.

Honor is reserved for the honorable, user. Our enemies are not honorable.

I say focus on winning first and then justify it later. Jewish tactics really work.

They'll never vote Trump but it should be pretty easy to get them to stay home, especially with the media repeatedly saying she's going to win.

is she a poo in loo?

H e r o
He even got quads

Can we get an archive in here pretty please?

pretty kikey tactics

Back to /christian/ please.


What about putting baskets of pot out in minority neighbourhoods?



You can be busted with all that, but you can't be busted with proposing to smoke weed.
What if we spam Reddit with DUDE WEED LMAO on the election day?

Also, somehow encourage them to massively overdrink the night before. If they have a hangover, they won't want to leave the house. Perhaps push a "pre-celebration" meme? Hammered For Hillary?

Or perhaps "the stress of this election is killing me, who else is drinking a whole bottle of vodka tonight?".

Or "how to prepare for the election":

Start drinking threads on plebbit or hashtags on twitter to encourage people to write themselves off.

absolutely subversive

Does anyone know of any basic social navigation books that can be used in conjunction with the persuasion books Adams reccomends?

My main problem with his recc of how to win friends and influence people is that the book has been around for 80 years and most of the things Carnegie recommends either only work for those with an amount of power already, or have been used to death to the point that they seem insincere

I know Olivia Fox and Nicholas Boothman are said to have good books when it comes to charisma but everything else seems like a dull cringefest

tl:dr What can I read or do to become personally magnetic and a true persuasion wizard


holy shit has it really been that long
tfw you deleted all your post exodus memes and oc


I think you're giving him too much credit. All of that was attention whoring, nothing more.

It's all about presence. Seek the true answer within your 2D self.

I'm on a path to being less of an autist though…

early days oc was a fun time

Then (persuasion) wizardry will remain out of reach

screencap where

A lot of it comes from body language and non-verbal communication. Good control of your posture, facial expressions, gestures and eye contact are important. Voice tonality and cadence are important too.

Watch a lot of YouTube videos on body language. There is a lot of cheese out there, but you will start to see recurring themes and references.

There are a lot of snake oil merchants in this field, but really you don't need to pay for anything.


She is physically attractive, but is also a half-Iranian, thirty something year old single mom with mental health problems. Would not persuade.

Here i made a pastebin


Hows it feel not to have a cute wife?

I get over it by posting on the internet that the married ones probably get cucked.

Does anyone have pictures of long lines? Maybe we can trend something on Twitter about massive voting lines to get Clinton supporters to not bother going?

Weevs persuasion technique works bigly, and even makes them go much further right than just voting Trump.


Holy shit, he looks like a mess. Well, that's veganism for you.

Pump and dump.

This is a war against people who pose a legitimate existential threat to us. We're at the crossroads, if we don't win now, it's probably over unless the uprising truly occurs. Honor can go eat a dick.

Another e-celeb thread about Scott Adams and his (former) wife's son.

He's actually got abs.
He's iirc 56.


Kiss my ass, JEW

Turkroach, I believe


Virtue matters, actions have consequences. Even if those consequences come into effect further down the road.
It's not worth it to deliberatelly demoralize oneself just to deflect some random Dem leaning normies from voting.
Also there's aspect of efficiency. Converted individual may go forth preaching newly found truths to others, where low-energy "let's not go vote" approach will stay just with those people who fell for it.

Fuck off faggot. Your loser "high road" cuck days are over. We're winning from here on out.

We probably will not even need to meme it hard. I expect the lines will be yuge.




#hammeredforhillary, get it trending November 7th!



meme it.
Also, yes, tell the lazy degenerates to smoke weed the day they vote, and wear anti Trump shit when they vote.

We need a bot that controls dozens of fake news channel twitter accounts to go off with "HUGE LINES AT [polling location] - "MAY BE HERE UNTIL 4 AM" SAYS OFFICIAL" and a picture of lines of people sleeping against a brick wall.

she's COINTELPRO so she'll keep sucking no matter what

Bump to save this from the cuck porn spam

More copypasta since this is the best thread to dump it in. This stuff might be a little more difficult to apply, of controversial origin/application, or is otherwise redundant (for example, this one).

How to Legally Vote More Than Once – Scott Adams

If you find it annoying that you only have one legal vote, here’s how you can get a few more. It’s called persuasion. You can multiply the power of your opinion by convincing people on the other side to stay home on election day. Every vote you suppress on the other side is like an extra vote for you. And there’s no limit to how many you can have! Persuasion doesn’t work every time. But you might enjoy experimenting to see how many times it works for you. For this exercise, I will assume you are a Trump supporter trying to suppress the votes of Clinton supporters. Here’s how you can do it.

Say some good things to your intended targets about Clinton’s plucky attitude, her place in history, and the breadth of her experience. Once people believe you are on the “right” side, they will find you more persuasive later.

Also point out that the pollsters are usually correct when you are this close to election day. Say you are thinking of not voting this year because lines are sometimes long and parking might be iffy. Put that thought in people’s minds a week ahead of election day.

You don’t need to mention the election. Just talk in general about things that are more trouble than they are worth. People will respond to your downer-talk by feeling a bit lazier themselves. They might even feel overworked and more stressed than usual. (This concept is inspired by the book Pre-Suasion, by Robert Cialdini.)

Talk about anything that feels disempowering. No need to talk about the election. The feeling will bleed over.

You’ll have a clean conscience for four years.

If you follow those steps, and reinforce them with repetition, you can potentially influence about 10% of your target group to skip voting. Let me know how it works for you.

Un-Hypnotizing a Rabid Anti-Trumper – Scott Adams (Paraphrased)


Trump has five decades of acting rational in business dealings, and getting along with people all over the world, including China and Russia. By now you would have heard stories of Trump being a loose cannon in his business dealings if such a thing had happened. We are hearing no stories of that nature. And people don’t suddenly change character at age 70. (That last sentence is the important one.) How risky is Trump? Consider that Trump has never had an alcoholic beverage. He was against the Iraq war. He doesn’t want boots on the ground in Syria. He wants a strong military to discourage war. Trump personally gains nothing from war, but he has a lot to lose, including every building with his name on it. Putin already seems to like Trump. They are similar characters in terms of their persuasion talents. And it wouldn’t hurt to be on good terms with Russia while we go after ISIS. Trump seems to have that relationship covered. Trump has been negotiating with the Chinese for years, with no problems yet. And the Chinese leaders are not children. They got their positions by being great deal-makers, like Trump. They might not want to negotiate against Trump, but they aren’t afraid of his personality type. Trump often tells us that his first bid in any negotiation is super-aggressive. China knows it too. They are not naive. They can tell the difference between a negotiator and a madman.

Ask how many bankruptcies Trump has had. Most people say between 5-10. Then ask how many entities Trump has his name on. The answer is about 500. Then ask if that is a good performance for an entrepreneur who is often trying things in new fields. (Asking questions in that fashion is good persuasion technique. It removes the adversarial frame and gives the person a sense of coming to a new conclusion without pressure.) Then explain how licensing works. Trump puts his name on various products and he gets paid even if the product or company does poorly in the end. That’s an example of Trump taking the LEAST risk in a deal. The other parties take larger risks and frequently fail. Trump gets paid either way. All parties to the deals have lawyers who review everything. Trump isn’t taking advantage of people with his licensing deals. Licensees are knowingly accepting the riskier side of the deal because they also have the biggest potential upside. Trump doesn’t like risk. We see it in lots of ways. For example, Trump has never been in a physical fight. He asked his wives to sign prenups. He creates separate entities so some can go bankrupt without bringing down the rest. He licenses his name so he gets paid even if the company buying the license does not make a profit. And he diversifies his portfolio to reduce exposure to any one risk. Based on everything we see, Trump consistently tries hard to avoid risk in everything he does. And people don’t change character at age 70. The exceptions to Trump’s risk-avoidance include some of the provocative stuff he is saying during the campaign. That behavior looks risky to most observers, but it was exactly what got him the Republican nomination. Evidently, Trump takes risks when doing so makes sense.

Trump has never mentioned race beyond pointing how how many African-Americans and Latinos support him. Ask your anti-Trumper to offer evidence otherwise. Then point out Mexico is a country, not a race. Islam is open to all races. If the topic of Judge Curiel comes up, point out that all human beings are biased by their life experiences. Ask anti-Trumpers if they think Curiel would be comfortable at his next family gathering if his verdict favors Trump. (Notice the question form of persuasion again.) Acknowledge that Trump was offensive when he attacked the judge’s parental connections to Mexico. But note that it is also good persuasion and good legal strategy. It puts the judge in the tough spot of either siding with Trump or appearing biased if he does not. Then point out that only the Democrats are talking about race. And all of that race talk has been divisive. Trump has literally never said a negative thing about race during this election. (Professional pundits will talk about Trump’s so-called “racist dog-whistles,” but normal voters do not mention it. They don’t know what it means.)


Clarify to the subject of your persuasion that Trump only wants to discriminate against non-citizens. That is literally the job description of a president. For context, point out that Islam is unique among religions in that it includes an order from God that Muslims should overthrow any government that is not compatible with Islam. Moderate Muslims around the world ignore that part of the religion, but refugees are coming from places where it is considered mandatory. I don’t think other religions have a mandatory requirement to overthrow the government. So comparisons to other religions are nonsense. And the job of the president includes knowing when to make exceptions. If you think we can screen Muslim immigrants well enough to stop all of the terrorists and future revolutionaries, just think about any job in which you had coworkers. Remember how incompetent some of them were? Those are the types of people screening immigrants. Does that feel safe to you?

Trump is the only candidate calling out Islam for its followers’ views on women and the LGBT community. Trump wants women to have the right to own guns to protect themselves.
Trump is the only candidate concerned about crimes against women that are perpetrated by illegal immigrants from Mexico. Trump has a long business record of promoting women to executive positions in his company. He was doing it years before it was fashionable. The women in his personal life – including his ex-wives – seem to like him. Trump is offensive in the way he has talked about women. But keep in mind that Trump has offended nearly everyone at some point. The way to know your persuasion is working is that your subject will change the topic instead of addressing your point. Don’t allow the topic to change. Instead, say again whatever you said just before it did. Make each point about three times, with slightly different wording each time. After the third restatement of your point, without an objection from your subject, allow the topic to change. It means you won.

The 48 Laws of Power – Robert Greene (Paraphrased)


Make those above you feel superior. Do not show your talents too much, it’ll make them insecure. Make the master appear more brilliant than they are.

Friends will quickly betray you. Hire former enemies, they’ll be loyal.

Keep people off-balance. They cannot prepare if they don’t know. Guide them down the wrong path.

When trying to impress, the more you say the more common you look and less in control. Be vague. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less.

Reputation is the cornerstone of power. Reputation alone will make you win. Destroy enemies by attacking their reputation. Then stand aside and let the public hang them.

Everything is judged by appearance, what is unseen counts for nothing. Never get lost in a crowd. Be mysterious, appear more colorful than the masses.

Use the skills of others to do the work for you, never do yourself what others can do for you. Your efficiency will appear god-like.

When you force others to act, you’re in control. Make opponents come to you. Lure with gains, then attack.

You never win through argument. The resentment last long. It’s more powerful to agree with actions. Demonstrate, do not explain.

You’ll die from other’s misery - emotional states are as infectious as diseases. The unfortunate draw misfortune on themselves and will draw it on you. Associate with the happy and fortunate.

To maintain independence you must be needed and wanted. The more you’re relied on, the more freedom you have. Make people depend on you for happiness. Never teach them enough so they can do without you.

One sincere move will cover over a dozen dishonest ones. Honesty can bring down the guard of suspicious people. Open their shield with honesty, then deceive.

Do not remind people of past deeds. Find something that will benefit them and emphasize it out of proportion.

Learn to probe and find valuable information. Ask indirect questions. Every occasion is a chance to spy.

More is lost through stopping halfway. Crush your enemy in body and spirit.

Too much circulation makes the price go down. If you’re already established in a group, temporarily withdraw to make people talk. Create value through scarcity.

Being predictable gives control to others. Behavior that isn’t consistent will wear people out, and they’ll stop trying to explain things. When used to the extreme, you’ll intimidate and terrorize.

Isolation cuts you off from valuable information. It's better to mingle. You are shielded from your enemy in a crowd.

Never assume everyone will react the same way. Choose your victims carefully. Never offend the wrong person.

Fools rush to pick a side. Do not commit to a cause but yourself Maintain independence. Make people chase you and play people against one another

Don’t be stupid, but make your mark appear smarter than you. Making them appear smarter hides your motives.

When you’re weaker, never fight just for honor but surrender. Do not give them the satisfaction to win, surrender. Turn the other cheek to infuriate them.

Intensity defeats extensity every time. Find a fat cow that’ll give you milk for a long time.

Master the art of indirection. Assert power gracefully.

Create an identity that commands attention and never bores. Be the master of your own image. Use large gestures and actions-your character will seem huge and you’ll gain power


Never appear soiled by mistakes. Use others as scapegoats to disguise your involvement

People want to believe in something. Become the focal point of this and offer them a cause, a new faith. Keep your words vague but full of promise. Emphasize enthusiasm over rationality. Give your new disciples rituals to perform and ask them to make sacrifices

If you’re unsure then don’t do it. Timidity is dangerous. Any mistakes your commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires boldness, no one honors the timid

The ending is everything. Take this into account of the scenario. If you plan, you won’t be overwhelmed. Guide fortune by thinking far ahead

Conceal the clever tricks. Make your success seem natural. Do not reveal how hard you work. Teach no one your tricks

The best deceptions seem to give the other person a choice. Give options so no matter their choice, you win

The truth is unpleasant, avoid it. People that manufacture romance are like oases in the desert. There’s great power in tapping into people’s fantasies

Find other’s weaknesses. It's usually insecurity, uncontrollable emotions, secret pressures

The way you carry yourself determines how you’re treated. Appearing vulgar or common will make people disrespect you. Kings respect themselves and inspire the same in others. By acting confident you make yourself destined to wear a crown

Never seem in a hurry, always seem patient. Sniff out the spirit of the times, find the trends that’ll give you power. Learn to stand back when not ready, and then strike

Acknowledging petty problems gives them existence. When you acknowledge an enemy you make them stronger. The more you a mistake visible, the worse it gets. If you want something but can’t have it, disdain it. The less interest you reveal, the more superior you seem

Striking imagery and symbolic gestures create the aura of power and people respond. Stage spectacles for those around you and heighten your presence. Dazzle by appearance

By flaunting your unconventional ways people will only think you want attention. They’ll punish you for making them feel inferior. Blend in

Anger and emotion is counterproductive. Stay calm and objective. Make enemies emotional while you stay calm. Rattle your enemies

What’s offered for free in dangerous. Pay your own way to avoid guilt and gratitude. No cutting corners with excellence. Be lavish with your money, keep it circulating. Generosity is a sign and magnet for power

What happens first always appears better and more original than what’s next. Following great people means you must double their power. Gain power by shining in your own way

Trouble can be traced to a single individual. These people will influence others. Do not negotiate but banish them. Strike at the source of the trouble

Coercion will work against you. Seduce others into wanting to move in your direction. Seduce others by operating on their individual psychologies and weaknesses. Soften them by working their emotions and what they fear. Ignore the hearts and minds and they will grow to hate you


When you mirror exactly what your enemies do, they cannot figure out your strategy. The mirror effect mocks and humiliates them, making them overreact. Hold a mirror to their psyches and you’ll seduce them and they’ll think they share your values. Mirror their actions and they learn lessons

Everyone wants change but too much is traumatic. When new to power show you respect old ways. Make change feel like a gentle improvement on the past

It's dangerous to appear like you have no thoughts. Its okay to admit to small defects

When going too far in victory, you make more enemies. Set a goal, achieve it, then stop

By having a visible plan you open yourself to attack. Stay adaptable and on the move. Accept that nothing is certain and now law fixed. Everything changes and never bet on it

How To Build A Cluster Like TELECOMIX – (((TELECOMIX)))


Cook some food if you like, or buy some beer, it is up to what you prefer. Make sure you have internet connectivity and encourage people to bring laptops. Play music. Or, if you do not have a place to entertain, find a pub or internet cafe that you can meet in and bring your laptops too.

Use a cool network such as Freequest or Anonnet. Get an IRC shell and dive in. "Your home is where your shell is" (who said that?)

You will need coders as well as philosophers, people who know politics and people who know Photoshop (or GIMP, because it's free :p ). Make sure your friends know also how to have fun, since otherwiseyou won't get anything done. Activism is not rocket science, so just spread out skills. Think multiplicity rather than expertise!

Make sure people can find you easily. Write with slogans.

Contact politicians, bureaucrats, presidents, corporations, other activists, hackers, artists, etc. Do not have principles for selecting beforehand whom you speak to. Flirt a lot, but never do anything you would regret. Build trust, and make sure you work together. Politicians will need your votes, corporations will need your consumption. Understand that you are important, but do not become too self-important. Do things like watch movies together to keep your feet on the ground.

Also, fill your IRC-channel with bots. Share all data. Do not respect copyright! Do copy all floppies.

Invent vocabularies. Speak like lolcats. Make music together, even if it sounds strange.

Or, be cooler than them, and make them join you (see, Troll them back) Do not let them make you sad.

Call them raids, operations, projects or any word of choice. Write instructions and tutorials. Make sure a total newbie can understand what you are going to do. Synchronize your work. Countdown just like a space shuttle takeoff.

Make sure that you have a few easy-to remember facts to back up your statements. Make t-shirts to spur conversations with random people on the streets. Rent an airplane with a banner behind it to get an entire city asking "who/what was that." Then station people on street corners to explain. Send people to the moon and spraypaint your URL on the surface.


While boldly sparking and nurturing collective bursts of supercharged play, inspired creative inventions and spontaneous depths of strategic fun. Do not be afraid to appear temporarily foolish. (!) Inspire the body-politic to incarnate creatively via totemized teleportation-flows of datalove.

Remix the logos of old government agencies. Use fractal patterns. In general, be a cyber hippie. Create symbols to dive in the channels. Be esoteric about botnet raids. If the channel splits, stay in the other side for a little while.

Have anyone joining your discussions be a part of your cluster. If they don't agree, they will leave soon anyway. Organize like a gang or a pack. Don't use pyramidal structures or formalized positions. Be nomadic in thought and associate yourself with many others.

Talk to people where ever you go, and tell them about what you are doing. Tell them to join you if they like the idea, thus creating a network within your country/region of the world, perhaps even internationally.

But affirm openness to the extent that you will spread esoteric rumors about your group.

In mixed-reality video-streaming real-time of social-formations interconnected-at-a-distance-with netbound kinspersons. Visualize datalove formations and replications.

Just do not invade Russia during the winter.

Take Windows and Mac OS install CDs and use them as drink coasters. Or glue them to your ceiling shiney-side down, just to be cool.

Make news, provide it to everyone and make sure they spread virally on the internet.

Acknowledge that the telefax is the strongest communication medium. Fax for lulz. Fax everything to everyone. Twice. When not faxing, make fax noises, just to seem like you are faxing. Consider the morse code too.Start typing up all your documents on type-writers, then scanning them and putting the images online. Use antiqueted forms of technology whenever you can, to be retro and ironic. ctrl + c

Invite them over and throw even more nice parties. Hospitality is imperative - your place is your friends place! And there is always a sofa to sleep on, where ever you go. Cluster!

Remember, you are Internet, they are merely politicians and bureaucrats. Talk to them about tubes, trucks, jellyfishes and faxes, they will not understand anyway. You are from the future. Make sure you tell them that.

Keep using IRC-nicknames.

Without them, everything fails. Make sure to send a lot of data love in between you.

Imagined methodologies of planetary-oceanic-network-mind as telepathic-love connectivities enabling dramatic positive social change in the everyday world. Dream with move to AT&Atlantis, the Telcel World or just to became a jellyfish, that you are anyways.

Say natti/buenas noches hallo/hej indistinctively. And remember that swedish girls is the grej!

Find articles you do not like, then you write a critical reply and watch the comments accumulate. These comments will hopefully render more people writing about the issue at hand and it will be a good way to force concerned parties to create press releases or take back their statements. Do not underestimate the blogosphere.

Invite them to your IRC-channel. They will be hooked in no time at all. If you manage to get governments and corporations into your everyday work, make sure you treat them nicely and work together with them. Get heads of state to join your etherpad editing sessions/IRC channels. Remind them you're the voters. However, if they betray you, make sure they know that the internet never forgets.

"This is the dance floor; love is the structure of the overall agreement in the agreed text."

COINTELPRO Techniques For Dilution, Misdirection and Control of an Internet Forum


If a very sensitive posting of a critical nature has been posted on a forum - it can be quickly removed from public view by 'forum sliding.' In this technique a number of unrelated posts are quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to 'age.' Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a 'forum slide.' The second requirement is that several fake accounts exist, which can be called upon, to ensure that this technique is not exposed to the public. To trigger a 'forum slide' and 'flush' the critical post out of public view it is simply a matter of logging into each account both real and fake and then 'replying' to prepositioned postings with a simple 1 or 2 line comment. This brings the unrelated postings to the top of the forum list, and the critical posting 'slides' down the front page, and quickly out of public view. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and unuseful postings. By this means it becomes effective to keep the readers of the forum reading unrelated and non-issue items.

A second highly effective technique (which you can see in operation all the time at www.abovetopsecret.com) is 'consensus cracking.' To develop a consensus crack, the following technique is used. Under the guise of a fake account a posting is made which looks legitimate and is towards the truth is made - but the critical point is that it has a VERY WEAK PREMISE without substantive proof to back the posting. Once this is done then under alternative fake accounts a very strong position in your favour is slowly introduced over the life of the posting. It is IMPERATIVE that both sides are initially presented, so the uninformed reader cannot determine which side is the truth. As postings and replies are made the stronger 'evidence' or disinformation in your favour is slowly 'seeded in.' Thus the uninformed reader will most like develop the same position as you, and if their position is against you their opposition to your posting will be most likely dropped. However in some cases where the forum members are highly educated and can counter your disinformation with real facts and linked postings, you can then 'abort' the consensus cracking by initiating a 'forum slide.'

Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion. The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in. It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to determine at what level to 'drive in the wedge.' By being too far off topic too quickly it may trigger censorship by a forum moderator.

Information collection is also a very effective method to determine the psychological level of the forum members, and to gather intelligence that can be used against them. In this technique in a light and positive environment a 'show you mine so me yours' posting is initiated. From the number of replies and the answers that are provided much statistical information can be gathered. An example is to post your 'favourite weapon' and then encourage other members of the forum to showcase what they have. In this matter it can be determined by reverse proration what percentage of the forum community owns a firearm, and or a illegal weapon. This same method can be used by posing as one of the form members and posting your favourite 'technique of operation.' From the replies various methods that the group utilizes can be studied and effective methods developed to stop them from their activities.


Statistically, there is always a percentage of the forum posters who are more inclined to violence. In order to determine who these individuals are, it is a requirement to present a image to the forum to deliberately incite a strong psychological reaction. From this the most violent in the group can be effectively singled out for reverse IP location and possibly local enforcement tracking. To accomplish this only requires posting a link to a video depicting a local police officer massively abusing his power against a very innocent individual. Statistically of the million or so police officers in America there is always one or two being caught abusing there powers and the taping of the activity can be then used for intelligence gathering purposes - without the requirement to 'stage' a fake abuse video. This method is extremely effective, and the more so the more abusive the video can be made to look. Sometimes it is useful to 'lead' the forum by replying to your own posting with your own statement of violent intent, and that you 'do not care what the authorities think!!' inflammation. By doing this and showing no fear it may be more effective in getting the more silent and self-disciplined violent intent members of the forum to slip and post their real intentions. This can be used later in a court of law during prosecution.

It is important to also be harvesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position. Once this position is obtained, the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting unfavourable postings - and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public. This is the 'ultimate victory' as the forum is no longer participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms. Depending on the level of control you can obtain, you can deliberately steer a forum into defeat by censoring postings, deleting memberships, flooding, and or accidentally taking the forum offline. By this method the forum can be quickly killed. However it is not always in the interest to kill a forum as it can be converted into a 'honey pot' gathering center to collect and misdirect newcomers and from this point be completely used for your control for your agenda purposes.

Remember these techniques are only effective if the forum participants DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM. Once they are aware of these techniques the operation can completely fail, and the forum can become uncontrolled. At this point other avenues must be considered such as initiating a false legal precedence to simply have the forum shut down and taken offline. This is not desirable as it then leaves the enforcement agencies unable to track the percentage of those in the population who always resist attempts for control against them. Many other techniques can be utilized and developed by the individual and as you develop further techniques of infiltration and control it is imperative to share them with HQ.

Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation


Regardless of what you know, don't discuss it – especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it's not reported, it didn't happen, and you never have to deal with the issues.

Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the 'How dare you!' gambit.

Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method which works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such 'arguable rumors'. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a 'wild rumor' from a 'bunch of kids on the Internet' which can have no basis in fact.

Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', 'right-wing', 'liberal', 'left-wing', 'terrorists', 'conspiracy buffs', 'radicals', 'militia', 'racists', 'religious fanatics', 'sexual deviates', and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism, reasoning – simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint.

Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.

Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough 'jargon' and 'minutia' to illustrate you are 'one who knows', and simply say it isn't so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.

No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.

A derivative of the straw man – usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with - a kind of investment for the future should the matter not be so easily contained.) Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually then be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues – so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.

Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the 'high road' and 'confess' with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made – but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, 'just isn't so.' Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later, and even publicly 'call for an end to the nonsense' because you have already 'done the right thing.' Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for 'coming clean' and 'owning up' to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.


Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to lose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues.

Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards or with an apparent deductive logic which forbears any actual material fact.

Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best with issues qualifying for rule 10.

This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.

If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won't have to address the issue.

Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can 'argue' with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.

If you can't do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how 'sensitive they are to criticism.'

This is perhaps a variant of the 'play dumb' rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon.) In order to completely avoid discussing issues, it may be required that you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.

Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations – as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.

Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed and unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed. Usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim.

Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.

If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes.

If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by destroying them financially, emotionally, or severely damaging their health.

If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.

Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist


They never actually discuss issues head-on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility.

They tend to pick and choose opponents carefully, either applying the hit-and-run approach against mere commentators supportive of opponents, or focusing heavier attacks on key opponents who are known to directly address issues. Should a commentator become argumentative with any success, the focus will shift to include the commentator as well.

They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally with a new controversial topic with no clear prior record of participation in general discussions in the particular public arena involved. They likewise tend to vanish once the topic is no longer of general concern. They were likely directed or elected to be there for a reason, and vanish with the reason.

They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength.

They almost always have disdain for 'conspiracy theorists' and, usually, for those who in any way believe JFK was not killed by LHO. Ask yourself why, if they hold such disdain for conspiracy theorists, do they focus on defending a single topic discussed in a NG focusing on conspiracies? One might think they would either be trying to make fools of everyone on every topic, or simply ignore the group they hold in such disdain. Or, one might more rightly conclude they have an ulterior motive for their actions in going out of their way to focus as they do.

An odd kind of 'artificial' emotionalism and an unusually thick skin – an ability to persevere and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unacceptance. This likely stems from intelligence community training that, no matter how condemning the evidence, deny everything, and never become emotionally involved or reactive. The net result for a disinfo artist is that emotions can seem artificial. Most people, if responding in anger, for instance, will express their animosity throughout their rebuttal. But disinfo types usually have trouble maintaining the 'image' and are hot and cold with respect to pretended emotions and their usually more calm or unemotional communications style. It's just a job, and they often seem unable to 'act their role in character' as well in a communications medium as they might be able in a real face-to-face conversation/confrontation. You might have outright rage and indignation one moment, ho-hum the next, and more anger later – an emotional yo-yo. With respect to being thick-skinned, no amount of criticism will deter them from doing their job, and they will generally continue their old disinfo patterns without any adjustments to criticisms of how obvious it is that they play that game – where a more rational individual who truly cares what others think might seek to improve their communications style, substance, and so forth, or simply give up.


There is also a tendency to make mistakes which betray their true self/motives. This may stem from not really knowing their topic, or it may be somewhat 'freudian', so to speak, in that perhaps they really root for the side of truth deep within. I have noted that often, they will simply cite contradictory information which neutralizes itself and the author. For instance, one such player claimed to be a Navy pilot, but blamed his poor communicating skills (spelling, grammar, incoherent style) on having only a grade-school education. I'm not aware of too many Navy pilots who don't have a college degree. Another claimed no knowledge of a particular topic/situation but later claimed first-hand knowledge of it.

Recently discovered, with respect to News Groups, is the response time factor. There are three ways this can be seen to work, especially when the government or other empowered player is involved in a cover up operation. ANY NG posting by a targeted proponent for truth can result in an IMMEDIATE response. The government and other empowered players can afford to pay people to sit there and watch for an opportunity to do some damage. SINCE DISINFO IN A NG ONLY WORKS IF THE READER SEES IT - FAST RESPONSE IS CALLED FOR, or the visitor may be swayed towards truth. When dealing in more direct ways with a disinformationalist, such as email, DELAY IS CALLED FOR - there will usually be a minimum of a 48-72 hour delay. This allows a sit-down team discussion on response strategy for best effect, and even enough time to 'get permission' or instruction from a formal chain of command. In the NG example above, it will often ALSO be seen that bigger guns are drawn and fired after the same 48-72 hours delay - the team approach in play. This is especially true when the targeted truth seeker or their comments are considered more important with respect to potential to reveal truth. Thus, a serious truth sayer will be attacked twice for the same sin.

Bumping for based poster above me^^^


I go through pounds a year and never have an issue voting. Yes, NASALT.

I guess you're another one that never read the sticky.