My friend sent me these screenshots he took of some radar apps on his phone earlier. What in the fuck is this? What could possibly show up on radar like that?
Any ideas as to what this could possibly be?
Other urls found in this thread:
If this is real, it's a nuclear bomb going off.
Annu Cheeki Breeki, stalker.
The images are real and they're from today.
Not showing up on mine.
I'd say be cautious, but prolly a glitch tbqh.
Be cautious though.
Just a really big firework user. Nothing to worry about.
Much too large for a nuke unless this is just a pic of the EMP.
I'd say aliens. Much more appropriate for Texas.
It's birds migrating south that through the RF arrays off goys, nothing to worry about.
Looks like it's centered on Fort Smith.
that's…. that doesn't look very good.
Couldn't have been. I am close to kansas and we would have heard it. Although the nearby military base has been doing a lot of munitions testing of late.
That's a Tohou bullet hell on earth.
Fireworks for Holla Forums's birthday.
How exactly does this weather radar work?
It's strange that it's tapering off to the center and not the edges, perfectly circular and hard edged.
It's an anti-AT field! Soon individual entities will be unable to maintain their separate forms!
What the fuck are you talking ab
oh sh
it's a reflection off the top of a mountain or radio tower. It happens sometimes.
You also get some crazy results from stuff like old cordless phones that are misbehaving. Radio is touchy and that's why they go after pirate broadcasters so fast.
These towers follow the military’s C4; Command, Control, Communications and Cyber Warfare doctrine. These towers are multi purpose; electronic surveillance, a communication hub to military bases, mind control, intercepting data and tracking anyone anywhere that has a wireless signal,. The system also has facial recognition and biometrics. These are powerful weaponized death towers; one mega watt or one million watts which can slow cook a person.
The Military PDF document states these towers are an “integrated network utilizing government owned software to be easily operated and maintained and be rugged enough to support employment in expeditionary operations world wide. Requirement to provide a layered approach to integrate sensors and sensor systems and unmanned systems with automatic fusion capabilities.” Translation; these towers will work in tandem with Skynet, drones and AI.
They are energy signatures you are seeing. RMF, EF, Microwave, etc.
I'd love to say a nuke, but it looks way too big
Trump is already making it real
So we're going to have to look for spontaneous combustion stories in the next couple of weeks?
This looks to be centered over Mena Arkansas.
The Air National Guard base that is centered in the middle of this anomaly specialises in ISR. (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance)
Remember Obama recently signed an executive order to "prepare the nation for space weather events"?
I think these 3 posts offer a pretty good explanation as to what is going on in this picture. With this one, (checked) , being a possibility as well.
Something like this happened before. It's usually the military releasing chaffe for some reason. It you go outside there right now you'll probably a bunch of shiny shit in the air.
Probably unrelated, but I live next to a lot of military activity– lots of planes and helicopters going in and out of their base– but I haven't heard a single one for the entire day. It's far too quiet and it's setting off alarms inside of me.
Honeypot from Arkansas confirmed.
Look out for nuclear bombs, yeah
This same thing happened 2 years ago.
I saw this too but this explanation makes no sense in this case.
It would still just look like a regular thick cloud.
Odd, I live near a bunch of that shit too and I've heard it nonstop today
dopler radar is faulty it has happen before in mexico… google it
fuck off with that gay CTR meme faggot.
Nigger, fucking kill yourself and stop trying to derail the thread.
If you dig into it, you'll find a radar station at the center of the circle
This isn't anything out of the ordinary, it happens every now and again and sends a few people into a tizzy thinking they've found evidence of a nuke, or ufo's, or whatever.
It's actually just a radar artifact. To know the specific cause of it, you'll want to talk to someone who works with/around weather radars and can tell you.
pictures related
cuckchan LARPER
Case closed goyim. Back to work.
holy shit.. kansas city fag here… thats waaay to close to home for me. but no, the sky did not get extra glowing bright to the south.
looks like a cloud (chaff or otherwise) passing through/near the antenna in the animated gif. edge of the interference starts to the west and uniformly moves eastward.
very curious regarding the OP, though. wonder how many individual radar stations picked up the interference or if it was just the one.
Radar station error.
This also explains the gaps.
It's doppler radar iirc.
That thing is an artifact, glitch, or the wires got crossed.
Is this the portal that makes anime and monster girls real?
>reddit spacing
reminder that ironic shitposting is still shitposting and ironically making a community shit still makes it shit. reported.
I'll shitpost in a slide/shit thread whever the fuck I want, Moshe.
no excuse for >reddit spacing
we get this thread every time it happens, not even sliding, just some newfag who doesn't understand the patterns created by radar malfunction.
you really are new.
kill yourself.
I think this thread got hit by the guys at Eglin.
Okie here in bomb blast. Why are they nuking here.
You didn't correct the record with that meme attempt
Check out what happened in Wellston, OK today.
Not archiving because I don't give a shit and honestly this board just isn't worth the effort anymore. Shit moderation=shit content.
It's a damn shame the mods once again anchored something just because it isn't more Trump spam. Can't be having people talk about non approved things now, that's how progress is made after all, can't be having that on here anymore, no siree.
G) Increment 1 towers with improved persistent surveillance capabilities and will provide network integration and better mobility utilizing modular configurations. G-
BOSS(E) will replace obsolete, quick reaction capability (QRC) surveillance and force protections systems utilizing modular configurations: Light (man-transportable)
for extra small base camps or small outpost/company, Medium (mid sensor height) for small to medium size base, and Heavy (high level sensor height) for large
contingency base camps. G-BOSS(E) will operate in a stand-alone mode or as part of an integrated network utilizing government owned software, be easily operated
and maintained, and be rugged enough to support employment in expeditionary operations worldwide.
IGSSR-C: The Integrated Ground Security, Surveillance and Response Capability (IGSSR-C) is a requirement to provide a layered approach to integrate sensors,
sensor systems and unmanned systems with automated fusion capabilities. The system will provide a Force Protection (FP) Common Operational Picture (COP)
capability for CONUS fixed, OCONUS semi-fixed or expeditionary elements in all Operating Environments (OE). This capability will enable rapid decision analysis, speed
the response process as well as increase information dissemination horizontally and vertically along the chain of command and with outside supporting organizations.
IGSSR-C is a software centric fusion engine that connects legacy and emerging FP systems, legacy Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN), unmanned
systems, biometric identification and forensic data systems. The desired end state is to achieve interoperability and COP with current and emerging FP systems used by
Joint Forces, Department of Defense (DoD) agencies and multi-national forces.
Integrated Base Defense (IBD): The purpose of IBD Kitting is to harvest and refurbish physical security and Force Protection (FP) Non-Standard Equipment (NS-E) and
package them into integrated and interoperable IBD Capabilities. IBD provides integration of software and analytical capability to support the integration of systems
in the field. IBD employs an enterprise approach to enable IBD capabilities across the operational spectrum by leveraging interoperability efforts in support of the
Integrated Unit, Base and Installation Protection (IUBIP) framework