Zombieland is shit
Zombieland is shit
It's okay.
I believe you, but can you fill us in on what makes it terrible?
it's a movie that starts and after sometime it ends. Not unfunny, but neither really funny. Characters have a personality, but not a very strong one. A scene happens, then another one begins. And at the end the credits roll.
Yes it is as is everything with that fucking frog
the jew?
From the writers of Deadpool and the director of Venom.
all zombie movies are shit
no, the frog
It was popular because of Left4Dead
I fucked a chick for the first time while Zombieland played
I vaguely remember seeing Bill Murray get shot when I touched her butthole
no the ugly ass frog woman
(snorts coke) Hey, let's make the nerd on the left Superman's arch nemesis. (snorts coke) Awesome!
how surprising
You notice that now?
Fucking internet ruined zombie movies as a genre.
Walter is wet
The more I remember this movie the more I notice on it everything wrong in zombie movies.
Nerd whiney unfunny wog-haired jew.
proof on the coke?
pointless sequel to natural born killers
This is pure betacuckino.
It is.
It was actually alright until the annoying cunt and her annoying cunt sister showed up
then it dropped zombies altogether for some bill murray low budget hijinx until the forced as fuck climax that was advertised everywhere
l watched and i can't remember a damn thing about this flick
Let's not talk about the ending. It infurates me everytime.
To be a movie about 'rules of survival' in a zombie apocalypse, it is full of retards.
funny movie, but you can't watch it more than once, because you'll realize how reddit it is.
also the tv show they made was absolute trash
What kind of pants is she wearing?
I thought it was worth watching despite the irritating cliches that were sprinkled all over it.
Not really worth a rewatch though.
Well tbh the MC didn't really do much in regards to endangering himself or others (outside of the shitty imma b a hero part at the end) specifically because he adhered to his survival rules.
There was a TV series?
I imagine it was either an uncalled for sooper sireeyus take on it, or a cringeworthy attempt at emulating the movie's humor.
The shitty "be a hero part" was horrible, mostly because it was forced.
If it was just the adventures of nerd and tough guy I wouldn't mind, but the two girls should be killed in the first encounter. They are shitty characters that give nothing to the movie.
I fucking hate forced 'good poor thieve' characters that just exist to make the protagonist's life harder. In a normal zombie movie those two bitches would be killed in a few scenes after their backstabbing.
Nah you can't have a movie about two buddies going on an adventure without vaginas shoved in there specifically to be stronk and emasculating at random intervals.
fun fact, the movie was originally conceived as a show, then turned into a movie. there was a pilot on amazon, and iirc it had a 10 episode season.
i made it like 2 minutes into the pilot.
Doesn't surprise me they went with a movie, honestly.
Comedy and zombies separately are hard enough to keep interesting for the length of a movie alone, much less when they're combined and ordered to last for multiple episodes of a TV series.
No it isn't
28 days later ruined them. Zombies are now infected, every time.
The girls were the worst part, muh strong womyn overpowering the men multiple times, then the beta dates them anyway because he's a doormat and women need to see they can fuck guys over and still deserve love.
Also muh twinkies. I wonder how much money they got for making a plot line out of product placement.
That is true, mostly because people don't fucking understand 28 days later.
Because they are infected they are alive, so they still feel pain and can be killed with one or two shots and die of hunger and thirst, not this shitty running zombie which is both inmortal and fast.
fucking this. those two cunts ruined the movie.
it coulda just been harrelson and jewsie and it would have been much better
because it was in all the trailers, they needed to do it. the characters read the script
The problem is that scene was in the script to begin with.
At least it would be a bearable movie.
I enjoyed it.
1/10 garbo
2 cucks and 2 cunts
the zombie film
It's pretty good actually.
Shhh shshshhh shut up
jessie is way too beta
dunno about the cowboy though
It never made it past the pilot. They tried recasting everyone, as if they assumed audiences didn't just see the characters as the actors in the original movie.
That's exactly the kind of guy who would be more than eager to take advantage of the situation. If shit hit the fan cunts won't be able to afford being smug, they're just going to get fucked in every hole by any guy who crosses their path, so they better hope hes kind. The amount of apocalyptic movies that fail to get this right is ludicrous.
Realistic post-apocalyptic movie when?
I believe you, I just don't think Jessie could overpower 1 girl, let alone 2
A Boy and His Dog is probably about the closest we're going to get. Post apocalyptic and not set in distant future sci-fi setting never ever.
that sounds dumb, is it actually good?
It deserves credit for being one of the very few movies in my life where I couldn't remember even ten seconds from it after seeing it.
A cuck who has no balls to talk to women learns to talk to the last two girls alive and they all hang out with a cowboy who wants a twinkie because it reminds him of his family that were eaten by zombies. the end.
It's great. Absolute kino