
I have a problem with both stable and trunk mit-scheme. Whatever I run eats my cpu, 100%.

What are some alternatives for sicp ?
Should I go with racket-minimal ? I can't find a way to install the sicp plugin without the graphical interface.

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Just use chicken.
It has a module for sicp.

this, unironically. If you can't follow SICP in a language other than Scheme (and if you didn't fall through a time portal and are using QBASIC or ancient Pascal) then you can't follow SICP in Scheme either.

Here you go m8

use guile scheme

Wow I'm sure glad real programmers are around here.

Thanks, I think I'm going to go with chicken.

Use guile, it works fucking everywhere:

No, you fucking idiot, SICP's lessons rely fundamentally on the code-is-data semantics of scheme.

I'm worrying some things differ and I might get stuck because I'm a brainlet even though I have
I never underestimate my stupidity.

You're blatantly talking out of your ass here.
I remember lesson #1 as recursive vs. iterative processes. No need for Scheme there.
I remember code #1 as a bank account using closures. No need for Scheme there.
Maybe I remember incorrectly, but there's no such thing as a programming book work a damn that's hopelessly unfollowable in any language but one. Pick up The Little Schemer. It's cute. If you can't do the exercises in Forth, or any other language that you know, you would only be wasting your time retyping them in Scheme.

brainlets get out

OK at what chapter does SICP turn into On Lisp (for twats) and require hygenic macros? At what chapter does SICP become Let Over Lambda and actually require that "code is data" shit that the other guy never saw required by any actual chapter?

Hey look, a closure:

{ my $balance; sub deposit { $balance += shift } sub withdraw { $balance -= shift } }

You can use other languages now.

Get Racket and the SICP language

You'll never write anything useful in MIT Scheme anyway (it's a literally Jewish scam to get MIT students to waste their time with an academic toy), so you might as well go with an implementation that you can keep using after you are done with SICP.

I've been wanting to learn LISP, but is it used anymore? I hear LUA is in the spirit of LISP and is a modern language.

I don't see how Lua (watch the spelling!) is anything like Lisp (watch the spelling!). It has closures, first-class functions and tail-call optimization, but many languages have those.

Lisp languages have two issues: one is that the standards are so loose that every implementation has little incompatibilities with the other ones. The other issue is that Lisp's lack of popularity means that you will have fewer people to work with and that there are fewer libraries available.

I've been going through SICP in Racket/Dr. Racket, currently midway through chapter 3, and haven't noticed any strong need for the SICP package so far except for the "picture language" part in chapter 2. Also, in the data-directed programming example (arithmetic on different classes of numbers), I had to define wrapper procedures around Racket's native table procedures. Otherwise, I have been able to get by using either the racket lang or r5rs lang. Using Racket lang (as opposed to sicp or r5rs) is good because it prints out lists as
Instead of

Also racket has an error procedure whereas the r5rs language setting apparently does not. But I just replace error with (display "error message").

However, I have had to go back to r5rs partway through chapter 3, since it racket doesn't have the standard list mutators (set-car!/set-cdr!) available, and I've been too lazy so far to look up what Racket's alternative is.

Just use whatever Scheme variant looks good to you and don't worry to much about what if something from the book doesn't work right out of the box. I imagine that the only thing that would be difficult to work around is the ch. 2 picture language.

It's nice if you can copy the code without having to write your own wrappers, but other than that yes, you can use any Scheme you want.

Well, someone told me it was inspired by Lisp, but made with friendlier syntax.

you've not remembered a goddamn thing about SICP if you think
yes and doing so would fucking miss the fucking point

not an argument

If Scheme is the point then there is no point. Which would be a shame, because the stuff I remember, all irrelevant to Scheme, was pretty good.

Most people have never read SICP. Those who have didn't do the exercises. Those who did the exercises stopped during/after the first chapter.
That's the reason the book is so valuable.

you can't write the metacircular elevator in a non-lisp language you niggerloving fucker