You Faggots Are Helping /int/ And CTR Divide And Conquer Us!

Who do you think is pushing "muh reddit spacing?"

CTR realized this was a good tactic to deflect anything that could damage them.

Newfags and Fourcucks not knowing any better just started copying this because they wanted to desperately fit in. /int/ saw this as an opportunity to derail threads. This is why you see a lot of "muh reddit spacing" in good threads.

The past few weeks have been a success for CTR with this meme and Elliot Fink and his faggot buddies are laughing and rubbing their hands as they watch us shit our own board up.

Every time you repeat "muh reddit spacing" you're helping the Marxists win.

Filter and report faggots who are destroying America.


That was quick. You guys mad you've been found out?

every fuckin time

nice try ctr

No muh reddit spacing? Come on Elliot. Just one. Please?

Was the last D&C thing anime? I feel like I'm forgetting something though.

Wew lad. You have to go >>>/back/

I thought we were already over the reddit spacing shit

+1 from one day to another the term was suddenly commonplace, notice how the shill spamming has decreased

Just because reddit spacing is being pushed as a fracture point doesn't mean reddit spacing is acceptable. Don't do it.

They D&C using Christianity, anime and now "muh reddit spacing."

I predict most of the Fourchanners who migrated here will stay here because it's better. CTR or /int/ will then use them to D&C the board.

everything is D&C now, I bet I'd get banned if I compared turks to mexicans

You do realize putting people into tiny camps is what jew wants?

Then lets put the jews into tiny camps.

Who do you think is pushing "it's not reddit spacing?"

That's why we need to call out reddit spacing and newfaggotry everywhere we see it to keep triggering them and keep them from infecting us.

That was a really shit post.

Very true. Been on Holla Forums for years, and recently I have constantly gotten the "reddit spacing" shit. Especially on Trump threads.

Fuck off newfag. At most it's goons overusing it for the sake of ruining its credibility, which obviously worked on your dumb ass. It's important hygiene to police out redditors like you, and we've been calling them out for their retarded typing style since before Holla Forums ever existed.

You're not fitting in, faggot.

Your not fooling anyone heeb.

ov vey, whatcha' sliding rabbi?


Notice how this shill ignores the points I make and proceeds to derail this thread? He insults anons to get them riled up hoping they will take his bait. He wants a long drawn out argument even if he loses because the entire point was to


Filter and report.

If you can't lurk 2 years before posting, please just fuck off back to cuckchan.


I know! I only noticed it after I posted this thread. It is a classic picture meant to show how devious the kikes are. When you see it laugh, you get disgusted and enraged. Or am I the only one?

I addressed them directly. Redditors can easily be distinguished by their distinctive formatting, among other things, and they've been called out for it on 4chan for years. It's only very recently that it's been termed "reddit spacing" and used recklessly. While I agree its suspicious, it would only be done so as to forcefully kill the meme that obviously acts as a valuable guard against redditor newfags. Like how I know you're not from here because of your shitty collection of stale "Holla Forums" images pulled from google, among other tells.



Learn to sage fucktard

You're not fitting in.

Lurk 2 years before posting, you're falling for a shill and spreading cancer with your shit opinions.

Nice >reddit spacing OP, really helps your case.

Because you make no points, your entire "argument" is that you troglodyte cuckchanners should be able to come here




low-effort one-liner shitposting you engage in on your bog.



Holla Forums is one person with one mindset.

Neck yourself.


Are you white? Do you care about the white race?

Wow watch this. See that there? Its a space.

duh spacse its anuddah shoaash
gas dems dat use space

cuckchan tier post quality and >reddit spacing

dude spaces lmao

Why do you keep bringing it up then?


My country has no muslims or niggers, I think national socialism is perfectly fine way to run a country, but you are just a sperglod.

It seems CTR and friends have won. I've revealed their jewish tricks and anons are still supporting it. I hope I'm wrong and those that I believe are misguided anons are shills but it seems that's not the case.

This is how a board dies

They took out 4chan and now they're concentrating their efforts here.

So much derailing and D&C in this thread.

this post formatting is absolutely retarded and ive never seen anybody doing that before this spacing meme started

Talking out of your ass. People have been using spaces since the advent of word processors. The only time not to space is when greentexting before the body of your post, and that's usually only appropriate for one-liners

Try making a post with multiple paragraphs with that retarded formatting. Oh wait, you cant because it would look retarded

Seriously niggers, there is more important shit we have to worry about right now that some fucking stupid autistic shit like spacing. We should be digging for more information on T&C, the Podesta emails, etc.

sage for obvious fucking slide thread.

At first I sperged when shills started saying "reddit spacing", then I realized that it was more aesthetic to avoid needless spacing. I don't mind it either way. But it's easy to tell the whole "reddit spacing" autists are shills, as people have been posting

with needless

spacing since /new/, and yet only now people are bitching and moaning about it. I don't even browse reddit, so when some faggot tells me I space like a redditor, I get a little suspicious.
Maybe it started off innocent, an autistic faggot noticed the similarities and started pointing it out. My guess is intl noticed the butthurt and carried on with it.

No one ever accuses me of muh reddit spacing outside of threads that are very clearly posted with the intention to D&C. Just fucking ignore them.

This is what I'm saying. We have better things to do than D&C with "muh reddit spacing." It's best to bring this out in the open and call out anyone who uses this term.

Try making a multi-paragraph post without using spaces

Nonwhite scum detected, reported.

No, cuckchan has been cucked for fucking years, j00t sold us out and you should've left when we did. Now you're incredibly easy to spot don't deserve to post here.
reported for cuckchan.

Then why are you using >reddit spacing right now?
More like the advent of TRS faggots and cuckchanners that started coming here and formatting like a bunch of ADHD-addled 12 year olds.

Nice. Heres a lovely post without spacing to quell your autism

Nach der abermaligen Ablehnung meines Friedensangebotes im Jahre 1940 durch den derzeitigen britischen Ministerpräsidenten und der ihn tragenden oder beherrschenden Clique, war es im Herbst klar, daß dieser Krieg gegen alle Gründe der Vernunft und der Notwendigkeit mit den Waffen bis zum Ende durchgekämpft werden muß. Sie kennen mich, meine alten Parteigenossen, daß ich stets ein Feind halber oder schwächlicher Entschlüsse war. Wenn die Vorsehung es so gewollt hat, daß dem deutschen Volk dieser Kampf nicht erspart werden kann, dann will ich ihr dafür dankbar sein, daß sie mich mit der Führung eines historischen Ringens betraute, das für die nächsten 500 oder 1000 Jahre nicht nur unsere deutsche Geschichte, sondern die Geschichte Europas, ja, der ganzen Welt, entscheidend gestalten wird.
Zahllose Flugplätze wurden gebaut oder im hohen Norden zum Teil aus dem Urgestein des Granits gesprengt. Marinebasen erhielten Schutzbauten für U-Boote in einem Ausmaß und in einer Stärke, daß sie sowohl von See aus als auch von der Luft aus praktisch unverletzbar sind. Der Verteidigung selbst dienen mehr als eineinhalb tausend neue Batterien, deren Stellungen erkundet, geplant und ausgebaut werden mußten. Ein Netz von Straßen und Eisenbahnen wurde angelegt, so daß heute die Verbindung zwischen der spanischen Grenze bis Petsamo unabhängig vom Meere sichergestellt ist. Pioniere und Baubataillone der Marine, des Heeres und der Luftwaffe in Verbindung mit der Organisation Todt haben hier Anlagen geschaffen, die dem Westwall in nichts nachstehen. An ihrer Verstärkung wird unentwegt weitergearbeitet. Es ist mein unbeirrbarer Entschluß, diese europäische Front für jeden Feind unangreifbar zu machen. Diese auch über den letzten Winter hin fortgesetzte Arbeit defensiver Art fand ihre Ergänzung durch eine offensive Kriegführung, wie sie durch die jahreszeitlichen Verhältnisse bedingt möglich war. Deutsche Überwasser- und Unterwasser-Seestreitkräfte führten ihren stetigen Vernichtungskrieg gegen die britische und die ihr dienstbare Kriegs- und Handelsmarine weiter. Die deutsche Luftwaffe unterstützte durch Angriffe, durch Aufklärung die Schädigung der feindlichen Tonnage und brachte in zahllosen Vergeltungsflügen dem Engländer eine bessere Vorstellung über den "reizenden Krieg" bei, dessen Urheber mit in erster Linie sein heutiger Premierminister ist.
Der bittersten Not gehorchend, habe ich mich im Herbst 1939 entschlossen, wenigstens den Versuch zu machen, durch das Ausschalten der akuten deutsch-russischen Spannung die Voraussetzung für einen allgemeinen Frieden zu schaffen. Dies war psychologisch schwer infolge der Gesamteinstellung des deutschen Volkes und vor allem der Partei gegenüber dem Bolschewismus, sachlich genommen aber leicht, da DeutschIand in all den Gebieten, die England als von uns bedroht erklärte und mit Beistandspakten überfiel, tatsächlich immer nur wirtschaftliche Interessen gesehen und vertreten hatte. Denn ich darf Sie erinnern, meine Abgeordneten, daß England im ganzen Früh- und Hochsommer des Jahres 1939 zahlreichen Staaten und Ländern seinen Beistand anbot, mit der Behauptung, Deutschland besäße die Absicht, bei ihnen einzufallen und sie ihrer Freiheit zu berauben. Das Deutsche Reich und seine Regierung konnten mit bestem Gewissen daher versichern, daß es sich dabei nur um Unterstellungen handelte, die der Wahrheit in keiner Weise entsprachen.

The enemy has seen how divisive shit like this is. Remember how they thought calling anyone who had a good counterargument a shill automatically destroyed their argument?

They're using the same tactics but different words.

We can't just ignore what the opposition is doing. We must bring a light to it and root it out! Kikes thrive on good people just ignoring their evil.


Is that what you're doing by shitposting, retard?
4kek's CTR is really fucking lazy when you compare it to THIS.

No, the board dies when the community's standards of self-moderation are dropped.

There is nothing more cancerous than memeing against our guards against cancer.

I googled your filename, it's taken from imgur. Any lurking newfags who were for even a moment convinced by OP's line, this should be a wake up call that shills are in fact among us and working to actively destroy the board. Again, there is nothing more important to the preservation of this board than maintaining community self-moderation. The mods banning and deleting everyone who saged brit/pol/'s return is a very troubling sign.

This. Most anons refuse to read a "wall of text." In fact some will even post "didntreadlol.gif"

That's why we use line breaks.

If you use the small reply chat box, you'll see how one sentence looks like an entire paragraph. In order to continue another thought, an user will line break to continue it but it looks like he's spacing it out to space it out.

That's why I started this thread.


Again, that's improper formatting too, that's how old farts like AWM post.

Nach der abermaligen Ablehnung meines Friedensangebotes im Jahre 1940 durch den derzeitigen britischen Ministerpräsidenten und der ihn tragenden oder beherrschenden Clique, war es im Herbst klar, daß dieser Krieg gegen alle Gründe der Vernunft und der Notwendigkeit mit den Waffen bis zum Ende durchgekämpft werden muß. Sie kennen mich, meine alten Parteigenossen, daß ich stets ein Feind halber oder schwächlicher Entschlüsse war. Wenn die Vorsehung es so gewollt hat, daß dem deutschen Volk dieser Kampf nicht erspart werden kann, dann will ich ihr dafür dankbar sein, daß sie mich mit der Führung eines historischen Ringens betraute, das für die nächsten 500 oder 1000 Jahre nicht nur unsere deutsche Geschichte, sondern die Geschichte Europas, ja, der ganzen Welt, entscheidend gestalten wird.

Zahllose Flugplätze wurden gebaut oder im hohen Norden zum Teil aus dem Urgestein des Granits gesprengt. Marinebasen erhielten Schutzbauten für U-Boote in einem Ausmaß und in einer Stärke, daß sie sowohl von See aus als auch von der Luft aus praktisch unverletzbar sind. Der Verteidigung selbst dienen mehr als eineinhalb tausend neue Batterien, deren Stellungen erkundet, geplant und ausgebaut werden mußten. Ein Netz von Straßen und Eisenbahnen wurde angelegt, so daß heute die Verbindung zwischen der spanischen Grenze bis Petsamo unabhängig vom Meere sichergestellt ist. Pioniere und Baubataillone der Marine, des Heeres und der Luftwaffe in Verbindung mit der Organisation Todt haben hier Anlagen geschaffen, die dem Westwall in nichts nachstehen. An ihrer Verstärkung wird unentwegt weitergearbeitet. Es ist mein unbeirrbarer Entschluß, diese europäische Front für jeden Feind unangreifbar zu machen. Diese auch über den letzten Winter hin fortgesetzte Arbeit defensiver Art fand ihre Ergänzung durch eine offensive Kriegführung, wie sie durch die jahreszeitlichen Verhältnisse bedingt möglich war. Deutsche Überwasser- und Unterwasser-Seestreitkräfte führten ihren stetigen Vernichtungskrieg gegen die britische und die ihr dienstbare Kriegs- und Handelsmarine weiter. Die deutsche Luftwaffe unterstützte durch Angriffe, durch Aufklärung die Schädigung der feindlichen Tonnage und brachte in zahllosen Vergeltungsflügen dem Engländer eine bessere Vorstellung über den "reizenden Krieg" bei, dessen Urheber mit in erster Linie sein heutiger Premierminister ist.

Der bittersten Not gehorchend, habe ich mich im Herbst 1939 entschlossen, wenigstens den Versuch zu machen, durch das Ausschalten der akuten deutsch-russischen Spannung die Voraussetzung für einen allgemeinen Frieden zu schaffen. Dies war psychologisch schwer infolge der Gesamteinstellung des deutschen Volkes und vor allem der Partei gegenüber dem Bolschewismus, sachlich genommen aber leicht, da DeutschIand in all den Gebieten, die England als von uns bedroht erklärte und mit Beistandspakten überfiel, tatsächlich immer nur wirtschaftliche Interessen gesehen und vertreten hatte. Denn ich darf Sie erinnern, meine Abgeordneten, daß England im ganzen Früh- und Hochsommer des Jahres 1939 zahlreichen Staaten und Ländern seinen Beistand anbot, mit der Behauptung, Deutschland besäße die Absicht, bei ihnen einzufallen und sie ihrer Freiheit zu berauben. Das Deutsche Reich und seine Regierung konnten mit bestem Gewissen daher versichern, daß es sich dabei nur um Unterstellungen handelte, die der Wahrheit in keiner Weise entsprachen.

that's better, using spaces isn't >reddit spacing when you're doing it to break up large bits of text.




do it automatically and constantly drop low-effort shitposts

u mad? u mad.

okay lets test out your retarded spacing

just testing out this guys format

needle spacing absent from this post
just a test man
this looks so cool
needle spacing btfo

All your lines are about the same idea, you don't need to space like a retard and should have put it all in a single paragraph. Does school not teach what are paragraphs used for anymore? Did common core really destroy proper text structure that much or are you just half blind and cross eyed, so you need the spacing to be able to read?



line breaks

for text shorter than two sentances makes it >reddit spacing
put some effort into your posts, chiam.

THIS is the posting standard?

Jesus christ.

I'm glad you just confirmed you're a misguided user than a shill. Seriously I'm relieved. My only question to you if who is startpage? How does anyone get images if they don't save it from image boards?

Hint: Search engines

This is what I think it is, these faggots don't need to lurk moar, they need to physically age moar.

Wtf? Why did you put a space between those two lines? Thats pointless. They should be on the same line.

Those anons are too dumb to read then, fuck the idiots. The goal is to elevate the standards, not accommodate the lowest common denominator. You want to interact with the lowest common denominator? Go back to cuckchan or reddit.

Is the kind of one-liner cuckchan tier garbage you're posting really any better?

Yes, now you see, it's fucking cancerous to












This man has the right idea. All text should be arranged in paragraphs. Using any spacing at all is tumblr-tier.

Nice tumblr spacing their newfag

You're right, I'll actually post something of value instead of arguing with a braindamaged autist.

what the living fuck kind of formatting is this?

Good, you should also stop bumping shit threads.


its avoiding needless spacing. go back to tumblr


Reddit spacing is a legitimate criticism.

The problem is when people call it out when it isn't there.

Like what I just did? That's reddit spacing, and it's bullshit. But what I've seen is normal grammatically correct paragraphs be called out, and the stupidest one is people getting shit for a line break right after a post ref. Reddit spacing in and of itself isn't D&C, but when people are being autistic about it, it is. The thing about that is that it's extremely fucking obvious anyway, and shouldn't even be a problem.

just go back to reddit, kid.

Spacing put emphasis on certain sentences or words. It's proven more people will read text that is broken up into smaller, easier-to-read pieces than a few large paragraphs.

Feeling exposed, Jew?

"Reddit spacing" is as much a D&C meme as X >white, pedo and porn threads

yea but it wastes space. thats inefficient. as are capital letters

So much this. best post in the thread.
Capped for posterirty


Yeah, if you post on idiot grounds. Here, if people are too dumb to read properly structured paragraphs they are too dumb to stay and should get banned. Want to put emphasis on certain words in your sentence? there are multiple ways to do so like this, this or this


Holla Forums is a christian board, faggot.

Read: It's a way for us to attention whore that makes us incredibly easy to spot

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. reported.



why are you tumblr spacing?

>hail hitler >hail
go read a book kiddo.

Yeah, that was fucking retarded. I am agitated and typing quickly

You know, it's pretty sad that Holla Forums's own autism is the reason it's going to tear itself apart.

Reddit spacing is a newfag meme. Check archived /n/ threads from 2008 if you don't believe me.
Anyone pushing this "reddit spacing" meme as a way to shut up posters is either a newfag refugee or some shill/troll.

You should capitalize your sentences properly. It's about not writing like niggers or people fresh out of highschool. Not about waste of space. Jesus. is it that hard for people to have standards and not be drooling retards? I thought we were better than cuckchan and actually know enough about how writing properly works for fuck's sake.

retard >>7958633 try posting a reply without losing your second image newfag


nice waste of space there idiot


We're all about Kek now, Christianity became way too cucked to be respected anymore.

go back where you came from

Again, they spaced like that to break up large chunks of text / break large chunks of greentext up. That type of spacing started getting big on /r9k/ around the time "no croissants today" and other increasingly elaborate greentext ruses were permeating. At least put effort into your attempts to claim oldfag.

You're just going to keep getting reported.

You googled "hitler gif" to find that image. Your OP is the first result for "jew gif". You're not from here. Anyone who remains unconvinced, just read this post:

Your angle is obvious, but where are you from? Are you working alone or in a group? And are you also responsible for ">reddit spacing" being wielded overoften and inappropriately, or are you just jumping on the opportunity? And do you get triggered by anime girls?

OP is proof enough that caring about posting style is important, or else it wouldn't be getting shilled against. Maintaining our standards of self-moderation is the single most important thing ensuring Holla Forums's continued existence.

I think it has to do with reddit rewarding witty "quip" kind of posts. They're always very neatly organized with pretentious emphasis on punctuation, I believe in order pace the post with a rhythm that reinforces the punchline, even if it's not necessarily a humorous post.

This user does a great imtiation:
The redditor would end the post at the second line, lean back with a self satisfied smile and admire his perfectly succinct post.

Redditors weren't a presence on 4chan until around 2010 or 11.

Our autism is the only thing that keeps us together.

Butfrsrs I think the side that is vehemently in favor of calling out reddit spacing is making better arguments. We know we're under siege. We need every tool we've got at our disposal to root out heresy and apostasy from our midst.

You just got reported for tumblr spacing

Reported and filtered you outed yourself a while ago.


That calls for a global report.


No not you, you're D&C.

I mean this guy


you're D&C posting this reddit spacing meme. and you're getting reported again



But sometimes you are useful idiots, I'll give you that

Why don't let you people post however they like, so long as its not disruptive?

The reason for it on reddit is even more retarded than i originally thought. I never go to that place so I didn't know. They must be brain damaged if they legitimately think that every single one of your post must sound like it has a punchline. Anyway, here if someone were to make witty humor with a punchline, he could just spoiler the punchline for the same effect without spacing like a moron.

That guy also doesn't think race exists, Mystic Christianity is best Christianity.

I bet you think it's okay for niggers to be in your country as long as they aren't "disruptive" too.

Fucking this, that's why >reddit spacing has been so effective. It draws them in by making it look humorous and then punishes them for acting like a fucking outsider

Okay chaim

you'll do great here.

Having karma and upvotes and downvotes encourages that kind of behavior. That's why user is about the only place on the Internet that is capable of having a self-sustaining, intelligent conversation - everybody else is in it for name recognition and bandwagoning, not pure content.

You sound like a shill.

Bad imitation of a southern hick.

Something as little as this couldn't tear us apart. Faggit.

The only thing that has been our bane is the owners of the chans, who have so far been either faggots, pedos, Jews, Semites of other varieties, communists/marxists, or other variations of the above.

Shills give us a fire under our asses, and have fueled our rage to a boiling point consistently, giving us the memetic power to spread bantz everywhere across the globe. We are assimilators. We take from our surroundings, even our attackers, we utilize what works, and spit out the rest. It infuriates (((them))) that nothing as of yet has worked to shut us down. Take Matt Furie for example, they work with logic that they themselves came up with. They believe, because Matt Furie started the meme of his particular version of Pepe, that we respect and admire him. They don't realize that we have never considered Furie important to Pepe who has ascended to Kek.

The same is true of D&C concepts. We have adopted tactics used by the Mainstream media, publishers of all sorts, critics and propagandists and turned it around on them.

Truly, the only people I would consider new to this board, are those who think this is a big deal. We've dealt with shit like this long before Holla Forums posed a threat to (((globalists))).


kek, I bet you really want to call me a "stormfag" too.

I'm from North Carolina. I know you carpet bagging liberal types and your faulty impressions of us very well.

>can't differentiate breaking up sentances with >reddit spacing

That wasn't reddit spacing. Holy shit could you be any worse at fitting in?

you argue like a kike or a lolberg, either way you're new is exposed and you should kill yourself.


Because if they're posting in such a way that you can tell them apart from the anonymous crowd, it means they haven't lurked long enough to have fully assimilated to the board culture. They are cancer.

The reason why it's important to call out cancer like your braindead ass and not simply filter or ignore it is because other lurking newfags will assimilate to the cancer as well as the normal board culture. They'll mistake their shitty posting for something that's okay and welcomed and begin posting in the same way. If you allow cancer to spread, it will snowball and become the new board culture. This is how boards are lost. Anyone who was on 4chon saw it happen to /new/ within months when the mods began banning self-moderation and we can all see how cuckchan is faring with sage removed.

Remember: sage isn't a right, it's a duty.

kill yourself chaim

Having spent my share of time on regular forums in the early 00s I remember all that cocksucking towards mods and admins and everything going the way of "highly respected members" to the point those fucks could spew disinfo allo day long and the tards would lap it all up. Places without pseudo-anonymity are such cancer, it's almost as bad as IRL public discussions about serious topics without the aspect of being discredited for physical appearance.

How do you retards define reddit spacing? Using a space after quoting someone? Wrong. Breaking up every word with a space? No one does that. Using spaces sometimes but not others? Oookay. Great D&C

Lurk until you figure it out instead of ruining the board stupid.


stay mad, kid.

This meme started very recently. I came over during the second exodus following the cluckening and have not seen this "reddit spacing" meme posted once until the last few weeks.

It's a response to the recent invasion of TRShills and cuckchanners that all post in a very obvious way and should never be tolerated.

Lurk long enough and cancer like you stands out

Please fuck off back to cuckchan. "redditor formatting" has been called out for years, especially on Holla Forums since they got the first wave of them. Reddit only really first came to Holla Forums through GG. They're impossible to miss.

You know we have id's right?

The problem is that I've seen very well written posts labeled with this "muh reddit spacing." Its usually pointless. A post should be judged by its content, not its formatting, except in extreme cases.

You done goofed

^ this fucking guy still can't figure it out. We know you're new. You know you're new. Why not hold back on the useless contributions just a little until you've got something to offer?

The fuck are you talking about? The only needless space I'm looking at is your retarded break after the greentext. can you be any more new?

I know moshe, you've been posting on Holla Forums since 2007

I like to separate quotations from the body of my post.

Your spacing is in no way consistent. Are you A-B testing or something?

Its very consistent. Quotations are separated from the body of my post, with direct quotations appearing on a line immediately under the cited post number. Does reddit even work that way?

Do you think your posts are well written?

Your spacing is consistently >reddit spacing
also we can stop using sage mods bumplocked this shit rhread, why they didn't ban all the cucks in it is beyond me.
stay new, goy

Your spacing is consistently >reddit spacing

>reddit spacing

consistent >reddit spaicng

I didn't mean to samefag like that holy shit, posting errors are back with a vengance. thanks, cuckchan


also found evidence that Holla Forums wants to fuck our posting conventions.

Holla Forums is still around? where are they hiding?

gas your fucking self

Who even cares about spacing? I never did. It's a stupid "rule" and I don't follow stupid rules.

For the whole "internet board culture is all about the quality of the post" there's more than a few people who are utterly focused on the book cover instead of the content