This is some
stuff, lads!
Las Vegas Oddsmaker Says Donald Trump will Win
Other urls found in this thread:
CTR, at least put SOME effort in, come on.
CTR on suicide watch
Is this going to be the new >reddit spacing
Come on CTR step it up.
Sad thing is people i know talking about statisticians are just going on about Nate Silver even though he's already been wrong this election cycle.
(((he's))) the expert in being wrong
I predict it's back to some niggerball statistics for him after the election
It's not a lock until he's inaugurated. Don't let this make you complacent, you still need to
Honestly either way im happy with this election the republicans have been destroyed
>reddit spacing
Fuck reddit spacing, the emprah gonna win bro
NO means YES
Your resistance only makes my penis harder!
Dems will have lower turnout than 2012. We win by having higher turnout than 2012. The problem is that republican party has been actively sabotaging their own candidate and trying to prevent Republicans from getting to the voting booth.
In the beginning of the video he's saying he doesn't have a source, it's anonymous, and he just got it emailed to him. It's nothing or at least nothing thread worthy for this particular board. Maybe you should have stayed where you were.
deport them all
I doubt CTR will be paying you for such low effort, so have this as consolation.
Nice try, shill, but your still reported.
Meant for
Aw, fuck it. I'm still hungover.
(pic related)
Smash those bolshevik bastards!
Your time will come as it will for the soulless jewish witch who is paying your salary.
My point stands. Some of you should have stayed where you were. Don't come here looking to level up.
Praise Kek.
Guys, this has to be a joke
Sounds dubious to me.
Fuck off Moishe
It's a joke
There's this, too.
The reason the media is hiding the real numbers is because they get to cry "Russians hacked us" after he wins.
Bill Still is a cool dude.
I'd like to see them try to stop Trump marching to the white house with several million people as his personal bodyguards.
You fucking smell of CTR.
Why would Trump not fucking win in his state, you big fat locked bullpen permavirgin?
The Cruz gaffe alone put the state very well on his side, and he has been touted for decades as part of the New York must see/must follow.
Why would Trump not win New York?
I live 5 minutes outside DC. I'll be there.
You're such a faggot.
Because he is the God-Emperor of Man.
Come the fuck on, shills. You can be better than that. Show me polling methodology that gives Trump New York.
Like many things, you faggola, it's trade secret, he must and I repeat, -MUST- say it's all scret, who he asks is his problem, because he can and will get killed if too many headhonchos bet wrongly.
But you must be busy wanting a Hillary win to see how many lives it takes.
Because I believe he will.
Thanks for admitting you’re just shitposting.
Thanks for admitting you have no argument.
Do you even know where you are?
Why are you upset?
Trump will win all 50 states
Also, you seem to take fucking Polls at face value or something, do you fucking happen to know where you are? Have you never read a fucking thread in a year and a half, are you this fucking new?
Twice the number of people who voted in the Republican primary there voted in the Democrat one. Registered voters are over 60% Democrat and 30% Republican. The state is under 60% white. Trump winning New York isn't impossible, but it's pretty unlikely.
The I'm with her plane carrying herself, husband, obama, et. al. Involved with crooked shit, getting chased down by two f22's and shot down in suadI Arabian air space
Let's meme it into reality
-$0.02 has been put into your account for low energy.
What's the next step of your master plan?
If he loses we know it's bullshit
The odds don't matter if the machines are rigged. True in Vegas, true in 16 states.
I've been saying it all year… New York is going Trump. And we will need a new unit of measure to quantify the salt.
Try the attendance of trump rallies held on liberal fucking Long Island.
Trump is winning ny and you will cri
sadly you are correct, Hillary will "win" by a 0.5/1.5% to make it feel "real" even if it's actually a Trump Landslide, if the masses don't wake the fuck up we are doomed.
Yeah, I like him too. Always cracks me up when he starts his videos with the lame pun, "I'm STILL reporting on _". It's comfy broad humor from a bygone era.
Honestly sounds like it would be a good thing to shill if you're expecting a Clinton win:
It's not republicans vs democrats, it's common people tired of this shit vs degenerate scum and clueless people.
The common people will win, solely on the fact that they are always going to be more in numbers and since they normally don't full on support shit it takes something truly exceptional, and that is what we see at each of the rallies, it's like a big sporting event each time.
The key to the future lies in the proles.
lel I think this ctr bot went haywire
Crashing the election, with no survivors
I post more in your thread than you do. I'm the OP now.
This reminds me. Why haven't we been calling Trump "Mr. T."?
Someone send an ambulance to the CTR HQ, I think someone just had a stroke
Because he's not a nigger.
Where are the numbers, moishe?
I don't know which one I like better, that professor who has been using a model that has accurately predicted the election for just as long or this. Even the Fox Business shills like Stossel relies on Las Vegas gambling as a crutch.
Prediction markets are fun.
This is an extremely good sign if true. You can't trust kike polls because they are all biased as shit. A good bookies, however, is incapable of being biased. He is forced to make accurate predictions, since the amount of money he makes depends directly on the odds he offers.
Trump will win. Don't get complacent. Go out and vote like your country depends on it. Lets finish this.
If singles, OP is full of bullshit.
If b446b0 sucks dick on a regular basis, OP is genuine.
dubs confirm
This is like a free sample they give you at the supermarket. Just a small taste, but enough to know what you can look forward to. I hope anons aren't on a low-soduim diet, because in a few weeks we'll be drowning in it
Trump is going to win but let's not kid ourselves, he's not going to win the big jewish multicultural paradise of jew York
Unless the mystery statistician giving anonymous tips to strangers is in his mid to late 80s, I'm going to have to guess that somebody is being rused here. If it's some mystery model that simply matches known historical data, but hasn't ever predicted anything, especially if it's only back to 64, isn't much to hang your hat on.
Meanwhile the primary model that has predicted the elections, in advance, for a few decades, already puts trump at 99% chance and the most historically accurate polls have him in the lead too.
It was a tough battle, Dahnald but America finally realized it needs a true underdog anti-establishment conservative in the Oval Office.
Get fucked
>reddit spacing
Its Cruz spacing, friend.
This is how true conservatives type. This is how people who get 1237 delegates type.
Dahnald will not win the south. Dahnald will not win the midwest. Dahnald has a very narrow path to victory, and he has hit his ceiling (29%). But now the priesthood rises, soon the hispanic evangelical constitutional theocracy shall reign!
Rigging is still a general concern yes, but I think the jude understands they'll be starting a war they won't be able to fight or win in. I hope they're not retarded but it's obvious they're still pretty fucking retarded.
Cruz is a constitutional lawyer, he will take that witch Hillary Rotten Clinton to court if she takes his delegates.
Your 1488 digits are backwards, BANE.
Cruz won't do shit, but Trump will get that special prosecutor he mentioned in the 2nd debate to shaft Clinton.
I live in New York and normies at the gym were complaining about rigged polls.
Still haven't seen a Hillary sign.
Which poles specifically? sauce plz
It's called primary model. Google it.
I'm telling you, there's ZERO signs in Massachusetts for either candidate. It's a sleeper state.
in 2011, Allan J. Lichtman politely responded to the NYT of all places when they critiqued his assertion that Obama would win his second term. As we all know, he did. Allan J. Lichtman has never, ever been wrong.
The Keys retrospectively account for the popular vote winners of every presidential election from 1860 through 1980 and prospectively forecast the popular-vote winners of all eight presidential elections from 1984 through 2012.
In the Washington post, almost 1 month ago to the day, it was reported that Trump will win, and that if he doesn't win - unless some of the keys flip at the last minute - the vote is rigged. Remember, he hasn't been wrong in 30 years.
Meanwhile on urban radio today they just straight up lie to people, telling ignorant plebs who won't bother to look deeper into their bullshit that Hillary is up by double digits. Just stunning.
Working around the clock
Nerdy vegan virgin
Trump carries a Glock
CTR is sperging
Get in faggot
Hilly loses
Ahh thanks for the tip
I have an idea for image now
Who would want to be one of the faggots who said "I didn't help make this happen."?
Yes. It's gonna be great. You're gonna be sent to camp and everything. You'll get to ride on a train.
Sad thing is people i know talking about statisticians are just going on about Nate Silver even though he's already been wrong this election cycle.
Bump for gooooooood news and because mods are asleep and allowing us to be raided by kikes with beast porn.
Does anyone have a news article of this? I want to show it to the normies.
my mom specifically, I only need to show her the headline and the first paragraph, she doesn't have the patience for a video
And this is before the FBI reopened their investigation into her email server.
It's kind of in their line of business to predict odds.
The House always wins in the end.
Bookies are usually right. There was a group in Ireland that paid out on Hillary bets early a week or two ago. They have done early payouts before and so far been wrong on two occasions. I believe they will be wrong this time too. The FBI was a true black swan here
tbh I predict it's retire early to a large house after the election.
Wouldn't be surpised if he was payed off, tbh.
Why the fuck am I all of a sudden seeing retards unable to spell the word paid. It happens on Holla Forums all the time and I see it on my twitter sockpuppets. What the fuck? Do you also type sayed instead of said.
CTR psyop.
It's britpol m8 ur being rused
Keked and checked
Smiling and heiling
During the Brexit campaign in the UK the betting was interesting. More money overall was placed on 'Remain' winning, but far more individual bets were placed on a 'leave' victory. This shows that the more well off insiders believed in 'Remain', but the masses believed in 'leave'. In the event, 'Leave' won, because more people supported it, just like the betting showed.