Old one hit the bump limit (and went to shit).
Old one hit the bump limit (and went to shit).
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking niggerlifts
Just out of curiosity why do you keep doing these threads? All it does is just rile people up here. Though I like first pic.
Ilike looking at bad art.
Please do continue OP.
I'm not the same user that's done the others. It's at least entertaining to share shit art.
Well with the first pic what I mean is that its less shitty compared to the others. Though I guess because I see Koreans at my school dressed like that all the time so I became used to it.
At least they haven't promoted racemixing. Yet.
If a thread is meant to be a about shit then can it really go to shit?
Is being an Asian not enough for sjw's these days?
It hurts to live
Do yo really think they're aware there's other Asians besides chinks, nips and gooks?
Absolutely retarded.
I remember there were a couple of Vines combined into one WEBM of some nigger in highschool running and walljumping like naruto.
Glock 40 no Jutsu!
I think a had an aneurysm
lmao the fucking head dress in the fourth one. What's the second one supposed to be?
it's supposed to be the Powerpuff Girls, but now they don't even look related, much less identical triplets.
It was never enough…. asians, beaners and whatever shitskin else are second priorities to them when compared to BIG BLACK, because Blacks have all the physically traits SJW consider optimal, Very tall, Very Strong, Very COCK, etc.
There's more.
i don't know too much about Naruto, but something irks me about Kakashi's face being fully visible.
If his face isn't VISIBLE, then how can we see how BLACK he is? JESUS you fucking pigs get me every time!
Where have you been user?
I've long ago concluded that race swaps like this are faux rebellion by attention whores.
It's basically the tumblr equivalent of posting a smug Trump. It's meant to piss people off.
so, blackwashing asians is ok, huh?
so somehow, when tumblr does it to white characters, it's ok.
anyone else doing it to black characters, it's "erasing their heritage."
anyone else doing it to white characters, it's "exotification objectifying pocs." yet no one accuses dumblr of that.
If it results in movies like The Last Dragon, it's okay.
Asians aren't blonde, that's not how Asians work.
How the fuck the mutilate their children?
Because it makes them look progressive.
There's a difference between forcing gender on your kid and just letting them be transgender, though. It's a mental disorder that you're born with; cases like David Reimer prove that gender is something you're born with beyond sex. You can't just dress up and pretend you're the opposite sex.
Transgender people have an actual mental disorder and letting them attempt to transition is as close to a cure as we can give them, so I don't see the problem with letting a kid be it as long as the parents aren't just forcing it for brownie points. For example, Jazz, that popular transgender kid? Her parents have told stories about how even as a toddler she wanted to be called a girl, and that they caught her trying to cut off her dick with a pair of scissors.
There's not much else they can do but prevent puberty in them and let them decide if they want to do hormone therapy when they get older.
Thats not the one that got that National Geographic photo right?
I've always thought it was hilarious that for how much Tumblr turns trannies into precious commodities, the existence of trannies nullifies so much of their gender bullshit.
I wouldn't be able to tell you. She did have a documentary when she was much younger. I think she's getting a TV show now?
Her parents actually hated the fact she was transgender and the entire documentary has them wishing that they could have their 'little boy' back and how they've had to come to terms with it. So it's not like they're shitty SJW parents.
I think I remember that one now. I guess she really was transgender. Hope she turns out okay.
Actual transgender people fucking hate tumblrites, actually. If you're well-versed you might know of 'tucutes' and 'truscum.'
Basically, actually transgender people got pissed off that tumblrites were using the label as 'trans' as a cute little badge of honor and fucking up the entire transgender community by:
When the trans community spoke out about this, these idiots banned together and bitched that they were 'gatekeeping' and labelled everyone who says you need gender dysphoria to be trans (so actual trans people) as 'truscum,' while labeling themselves as 'tucute.'
Let me say this again.
In response to transgender people getting upset at them using the transgender label as a fashion trend, they labelled actual transgender people as 'true scum,' while declaring themselves 'too cute.'
And then they'll go on to say the actual transgender people aren't trans at all.
Trannies are fucking freaks
The ones that get fake vaginas have to insert dildo things in their fake cunts every day so the wound doesn't heal/close up
Yep. Shit, here are just a few examples off the top of my head
Trannies don't need help to do that, user.
Is it, really? From what I can surmise, being trans is a morbid dissatisfaction with your body, but when you transition, the dissatisfaction remains because there was nothing wrong with the body in the first place. So you're left with the actual problem untreated and mangled genitals.
Makes you wonder how many actual for real trannies are chimeral?
Transsexualism is a complex syndrome. Basically there's several kind of disorders all housed under a single label.
Yeah that's why most trannies and up killing themselves even after being "fixed"
What happens when that kid changes their mind? It can't be undone.
Toddlers always do weird shit though. A child's mind isn't developed enough, so how would someone know if they truly want to be a tranny?
This whole fucking post.. Jesus christ, user. Transitioning isn't a cure. It's enable body dysmorphia, which is a psychological condition. It's not far off from the deeply fucked up people who believe they should be disabled, so they meticulously arrange "accidents" so they lose their arms or legs.
Psychotherapy isn't always a surefire solution, but it's also far less dangerous than playing into the delusions of crazy people and allowing them to politicize and aggrandize what usually ends up being a cocktail of personal issues and mental malfunctions.
Trannies do have problems, but the cure isn't to legitimize the psychosis of the patient. Furthermore, the additional fetishization and deification of trannies as some kind of noble struggling underclass has only led to more problems, not fewer. The suicidal tendencies are intensified by the constant lefty screeching about how they are totally right to want to mutilate their bodies and that people who say otherwise are absolutely wrong, thus creating some kind of undeniable injustice.
And just in case you missed it: The American College of Pediatrics classifies allowed transgenderism in young children as child abuse.
The kick who tried taking the scissors to his dick is clearly too stupid for his own good, because the little moron didn't even understand bodily harm or injury will enough to know that he'd die bleeding from doing something like that. How the fuck are we supposed to believe that a child like that is somehow capable of deciding that they have to be a girl when they can't even fully wrap their minds around death?
"Gender Dysphoria" is the psychological diagnosis of feeling that you are stuck in the wrong body. There's multiple ways to treat it, of which gender reassignment is the last resort, but also has been the most effective so far.
I mean… I guess it stops them from thinking about it?…
The suicides mostly come from the transitioning phase when they're pumping their body full of a bunch of different hormones, which always increases the risk of suicidal thoughts. Post transition they usually do pretty well, but if you were born with a fucked up brain it doesn't really ever go away, so they're still a higher suicide rate than the general population. When I say "most effective," I'm saying it's the best treatment we currently have, despite the fact that it's not actualy super great. I completely agree with the "trannies are mentally ill" crowd, because they are, but I don't like the idea making fun/hating anyone that's willing to go through that much shit just so they can maybe be less miserable.
Wrong. They most come after the "transitioning" phase.
There's a false positive that comes with most post-transition research where trannies reporting feeling happier about everything. Some theorize that this comes from the lifestyle adjustments associated with transitioning. Changes in diet, more exercise, making new friends, constantly being praised and doted on by groups that treat trannies are extra special victims, and even the brief endorphin high people get from shopping all play into this idea that the majority of post-transition and post-op trannies are super happy and thus "cured" of their condition.
isn't the most common tranny job still hooker
Makes sense. Nobody with standards would even bother to think about dicking them.
The sad thing is that I like seeing different race versions of characters. It started over a decade ago when I saw an artist do black Arnold Schwarzenegger and white Oprah. (To give you an idea of just how long ago bother of those people were still relevant)
It's an interesting idea, but now when it's kind of half crutch for shitty artists and half political issue I can't stand it.
Check out this post-orlando cancer.
The best part? It's not from tumblr, it's official.
We deserve to burn.
Deathstroke is a fucking Nam' vet, his entire origin is him It ain't Me'ing gooks.
Why would he care about shit like random shootings?
If he's a villain, wouldn't the easier straw man be that the evil mercenary be the user of the ebil baby killing salt rifles?
He claims he doesn't want to make this about himself, but he winds up making the whole thing about how HE feels and about how upset HE is. Asshole, listen up, because I need you to hear this, no one gives a rat's ass how you think the world feels "broken" they want to read a comic (even if its a preachy one), so take yourself out of the equation and fucking write something worth while.
I wanna say this wasn't made by a black person who is a fan. Naruto is popular with black people as is, probably because it has prominent black characters in it already. It was probably a normie trying to appeal to their black friends who like Naruto,.
The only one I can think of is Bee who has the 8 tailed demon inside of him. Almost everyone else seems to be Japanese.
Huh, I guess there's always the exception that proves the rule…
immersion shattered. Nevermind Deathstroke eating junk food, or disposing of weapons in such a sloppy way.
What a fucking pubescent gimmick, to write- oh, yeah, everything this guy said. That comic is what you would write in high school because you're turning in work at the last minute, but you console yourself by calling it "meta".
And of course the lesbians have to be ugly, we can't have any male fantasies being pandered to. It's sad that this art contains the best classic Superman design I've seen in a long time, and it will never see the light of day in something worthwhile. I'm sure an icon of Americana would be delighted to be a mouthpiece for petulant, combative shits, instead of working to find a middle-ground. It's a good thing he landed in San Fran bay, so he could be raised by progressive parents instead of some backwoods yokels who might instill him with retrograde values of respect and compromise.
That's one messed up Lorax
But there is a Rainbow Boy character, and he's public domain.
What hurts most about superman is that he can be used by every single fucking group as a mouth piece, but never the group he was meant to represent. AMERICA!!!! why has patriotism become such a fucking taboo in modern culture? Yeah I know America has done some bad things, BUT SO HAS EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON THIS SWIRLING BLUE DEATH ORB!!!!! being patriotic doesn't mean you ignore those events, it means that you love your country and you want to see it continue to prosper. This just makes me want to write a comic that is unabashedly patriotic and pro-american to balance out all the shit we get from the mainstream. Time to make patriotism the counter culture.
Na, blacks are MASSIVE fucking weebs.
Not everything is some conspiracy Holla Forums tard.
It was already popular before the inclusion of Bee and the rest of the lightning country. It did bother me that most of the black weebs I met wanted to be Sasuke.
Maybe you should write for Captain America. God knows it'll probably be better than the shit Spencer is pushing out now.
Why? He's an emo faggot.
If Marvel would let me, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But I doubt they'd let me, let alone anyone who's better than I am, do it because patriotism isn't fashionable.
Sasuke was not the one in the jumpsuit, had all the bitches on him, and also got the cool powers first. Natural why nogs would gravitate towards him
maybe you can do it as a fan comic?
The fedora joke has been beaten into ground already why keep doing it?
I'd accuse this author of strawmanning, but the dumb shit does it to themselves. Their little author insert demanding her audience kill someone isn't free speech. It's an incitement to violence and a threat on someone's life, which is clearly and obvious illegal.
As much as a raging cunt that Milo is, he's never incited violence or told his fans or audience to kill.
you will never do it
This series of shit makes sex look like the single worse thing ever.
Hold on if a tans lesbian dates a normal lesbian does that make them straight?
Nono, pretty sure it means they're still both mentally ill
I'm talking about their actual genders not their preferred ones.
The joke being you said "They're both mentally ill." and I'm calling that their genders.
but that joke doesn't work because "straight" isn't a gender either
I will never enjoy lasagna like I used to thanks to these faggots
Shit user, you gound a paradox
Sorry to hear that Garfield.
It's right there with Mondays now.
that would also be a good idea.
It makes them nothing, because the author doesn't actually have any friends or lovers, and they are trying to vicariously live out their fantasy of being an oppressed tranny with oppressed tranny friends and super cool hipster ally lovers through their shitty comic.
The hell am i looking at here.
I'd actually laugh because anyone who follows with her commands would enact the supposedly infamous "Stand Your Ground Law" in my state. My family were army brats since WW1 and kept some of their guns across history. I've inherited a M1911 pistol, and a trench shotgun from my father after he passed away. My dad's side were total gun nuts and those guns still work as it was a family ritual to keep them polished and in working condition to pass onto the next generation. I have a license to carry the pistol and I always keep the shotgun in the back of my trunk or beside my bed. All I need is one of those Go-Pros+Mics and whenever they try to attack me I'll record it and tell them I have permission to carry and invoke the right to defend myself. Normally they should back off but if not I pull out my pistol and proceed to defend myself. Police come over and I show them the tape exonerating them and it would be hilarious as they show it on TV and it goes on youtube to rub it in little miss Tranny Ackbar's face that she's killing her supporters by proxy. With the carnage and constant terror she inflicted upon me and others she'd be labeled a terrorist which would get her arrested and killed. Her dumbass behavior would allow me to go full Doomguy on her braindead SJW posse and I'd be in hog heaven.
Oh god
We need an webm of them pronto.
For moment there I thought this was inspired by the youtube lasania cat
Haw, somebody do a mashup of Cheesy Lasagna Cat.
true love
The breed of tumblr cape fan artist that never draws them doing actual super hero shit (y'know fighting villains, overcoming extraordinary problems and adversity) I hate them so goddam much…
Fujoshits gonna fujoshit.
It's a funny contrast: when guys see sexy girls in action series, they enjoy both the action and porn of the characters.
When girls see sexy guys in action series, they throw out the action and make metric tons of brainless gay fluff. I don't even know why they care about these characters if they ignore everything that makes the character.
It ruins their self insert fantasy
You're not alone brother.
It's almost like women only enjoy really dull boring shit about kissing people, and that's why almost every genre of fiction is dominated by men.
Nah man, its there style.
No, because it solves nothing and leads to an heroing just as much as not doing it does.
What the hell im a looking at in the second pic.
No really what the fuck.
You responding just encourages him.
I hope you have figured that out by now.
Just report and ignore.
Good lord, I knew Holla Forums was retarded, but this is a whole new level.
Do you really consider this case as proof that gender exists seperately from sex DESPITE the fact that Reimer identified as his birth sex? Do you really think that he was healthy or better off having gone through that?
Trannies have a mental disorder; you do not feed into that delusion, you have to get them to accept that it is unhealthy and wrong
still better than Holla Forums
Lana Rain
I'm pretty sure he was saying that David Reimer proves that you can't just "make" someone transgender, but that they have a mental disorder to begin with that makes them that way.
As in, I think you just sperged out on someone who never disagreed.
Tell that to Blizzard.
Yeah what this guy said.
No im not misinterpreting anything. The poster claims that David Reimer proves that "gender is something youre born with beyond sex", despite all the evidence proving that, initially, he had no "gender confusion". That was something that had been forced onto him. Gender is not something you are born with, it is an error in your psychological function. The very idea that "you shouldnt force it into your kids" is at complete odds with anything he stated as examples.
It was a great night
WTF, shouldn't there concern over how a boy that young knew the opposite gender didn't have a dick? How did they let a toddler get access to scissors?
More of a false cure, they think it's going to help them, then they get the surgery done and just "feel" the same afterward. I think a John Hopkins study found out 80% would kill themselves after 5 years after being "cured."
There a BBC series called Child of Our Time where in one episode they asked there group of 25 children (aged 5) what they thought a boy or girl was. And basically came down to these consistent factors.
Then they tested this with a Barbie and Ken doll with their normal sex features and then another doll set with the opposite (Barbie with mens clothes and hair cut short, while a Ken had a pink dress). The kids correctly identified the sex of normal dolls (Barbie equals female) while wrongly identifying the opposite set (short haired Barbie with blue male clothes is a male when its not.)
Even after watching this a decade ago, these interviews still stick in my mind of what a child thinks of the differences between male/female and why letting children that young think they are the opposite sex (and how "easy" they think it is to transition when it isn't) is a really fucking bad idea and it's mostly a phase they will grow out of.
The video game company
I have personally never met a singe "trans" person who has not attempted or committed suicide. The fact people blame it on "bullying" or the like, enrages me.
Here is the secret to understanding yaoi fangirls: they self insert as one of the guys. No exceptions. Most of them are omega to beta females who have never been in a serious relationship, let alone hold hands or kiss. For the normal looking girls it's nothing more than a fantasy. You'll notice that usually it's the average to ugly girls that get pissy about straight ships and this is because they see it as their man cheating on them. As for changing the universe the character's are from to something dumb like a coffee shop it's because since these girls don't socialize so they fantasize what its like to meet a guy they like and fall in love doing casual normalfag stuff. The longer a fujoshit does her thing the more depraved she gets. The reason why there are so many gay rape doujins is because they know that the only way a guy would ever touch them is rape, and picture a fictional love interest rape them because the thought of someone wanting them so badly they force them into having sex with them is romantic. Why is the art and writing of slash fanfiction and doujins usually shit? Because they want instant gratification.
This may sound stupid but if you look at most fujoshit stuff with the realization that they self-insert you'll find that everything I just said makes sense. There is no other explanation.
They tend to self-insert as both members of the pairing too since they wouldn't know a man from a hill of beans. That's why the dynamic in a yaoi pairing is more like low-status woman being pursued by a high-status borderline woman than two guys fugging.
Still not following. I don't get the connection?
I have seen so much stupid "alternate universe coffee shop" bullshit that I reflexively hate the fucking places now. I mean I already hated them but it was just general nondescript distaste before, but then obnoxious hipster girls made it a real hate.
The whole alternate dimension setting is getting over used.
GOD! Why did you remind me.
I don't even understand why anyone would find those places romantic or go out with a random guy who asked them out in that place.
I almost miss the older days of shitty high school AUs, but I guess the fangirl authors of those grew up into coffeeshop-obsessed twats.
Im suprised more cartoons aren't based in coffee shops yet.
Starbucks funded a cartoon about Starbucks
It's only a matter of time
I bet that in a few years we'll get an avalanche of office AU fanfiction. Fangirls always choose the blandest places for characters to fall in love.
Im pretty sure there was a coffee shop based setting in one of the CN pilots
Im actually surprised they havent yet.
new hero, wow
Get a load of these fagolescents
God that looks cringy. Reminds me of a comic tumblr did but with Bernie Sanders unmasking Hillary Clinton as he teams up with some kids that vaguely look like the Mystery Gang.
I have been staring at this picture for a solid five minutes and I still have no idea if it's satire or serious.
Unfortunately it's serious. The comic was made by a friend of the tranny that makes Assigned male.
That sounds like a terrible combination
Actually, breaking the hormonal balance does potentially cause this. The brain needs time to readjust to the amount of hormones in the body. The unstability can cause learned reactions to happen or to be broken off into new ones. Worst case scenario, they end up having such a big social backlash that they kill themselves.
If you're gonna transition, it's not worth it if you're not an antisocial hermit because what you're doing is for yourself only. You're not doing it for a cause. Not for a political reason but yourself. Otherwise have fun lasting a few years before killing yourself.
No wonder tranny suicide tate is at almost 80 percent
Hey fags, you know Aphton, the girl with the shit comics where she whines about being black?
She works at Pixar now, as a storyboard artist. Pixar fucking hired someone that draws like pic related.
I'm no expert in storyboarding but 2nd pic looks ok? Is it ok?
2nd pic is supposed to be life drawing, user.
Life drawing is supposed to look like pics related. It's supposed to look like the person, and not stylized at all. Her life drawings are shitty, sketchy, stylized blobs to hide the fact she can't draw for shit.
Whoops, accidentally did the same picture twice there. Here you go.
But yeah, you get the point.
Thanks user. Reminds me that I got to work on my anatomy and posing.
Holy shit
Thats reassuring
Don't listen to this faggot. He's never taken a figure drawing class in his life.
Im jealous.
No, user. I'm being serious. They post this stuff and say that they're life drawings.
And they are. Gesture drawing is life drawing.
Have fun looking through their life drawings, user. Their life drawings that are so bad you thought they were gesture studies. They have more on their blogspot. All labelled 'life drawings.'
The sad part is that they had promise when starting out. CalArts made them a worse artist. Pic related is how they used to draw. Not perfect, but definitely has potential.
I can tell just by looking at them much of them are gesture drawings. 1-2 minutes, tops.
I think you faggots need to start drawing some poses. You'll never be a good cartoonist if you don't know this shit.
user. I'm telling you. They're life drawings. She labels them life drawings. She draws that exact way no matter what. That's all she can do. Even when drawing from life.
Pics related are also life drawings, and more obviously not gesture studies.
Doesn't that type of shit apply to yurifags and those who like NTR as well?
gesture drawings are life drawings user, and judging from her scribbles it's possible that's she doodling each pose in 15-30 secs within a 1-2 minute bracket. and from looking at her shit just reminds me to get back to drawing and stop petting my lines
I don't really see potential nor her drive in any of those images user, and yes Calarts or any other art school can fuck your shit up, but be honest, do you really think she would ever improve seeing that she draws stuff like
? She's more of a soap box hobbyist than someone who wants to do art for a living.
Truth, Justice and the (((American))) Way
Nice user
Me too
I think user is trying to say that while, yes, gesture drawings are life drawings and do look like that, she can't do anything else. Presumably user can gone through her online portfolio and those are the best figure drawings she has posted. I suppose it's possible that she hasn't posted any of her more detailed studies, opting to only make quick sketches public, but I doubt it. also LOL
I'm not exactly lobbying for all boards to become staging grounds for Holla Forums, but mother of God you are fucking stupid.
David Reimer proves either that a) gender is complete horseshit and is the same thing as sex, or b) gender is so closely linked to biological sex they may as well be the same thing.
No, it isn't. It's indulging the delusions of people with mental illnesses.
I miss 2010 internet so goddamn bad
I'm really doubting it as well, since the majority of her artwork looks like she drew it while having a stroke.
That's pretty bad if that's the best she can do.
Don't really understand this. Do periods make girls hornier because I thought it's the other way around that girls don't want any intimacy during a cycle.
I can't believe that the internet became so shit people miss the internet as it was in 2010.
Periods are fucking weird dude, results vary between women with the only constant being a lot of blood and cramps
The release of hormones in the timeframe can do that. That said, generally the more consistent horny point is right before the period begins, since it's peak ovulation
Tim and Eric show
You gotta be really stupid to believe that.
But getting the absolute ugliest people to do it is retarded in of itself.
Art professors hire anyone who wants the job. It's hard to find people willing to pose for 2-3 hours a day, let alone do so naked. I know one art professor that used to hire models from the local strip club until the department head found out.
Honestly, I'm utterly flabbergasted by how little Holla Forums knows about this subject. For professed lovers of animation, you guys seem completely unaware of the basic skills needed to get a job in the industry.
Your both half right. Then again I honestly think that drawing a character to be a different race than in cannon is no worse than drawing porn of them.
Are there still Harvey Comics fags around?
Holla Forums mostly consists of losers watching cartoons than actual people with hopes and dreams. dunno what did you expect bud
Because most here don't wanna actually work in the shitty industry.
for what purpose
Is the Marvel one still going?
The mental gymnastics required to think like this is fucking unreal.
If, 5, maybe 10 years ago you suggested that men should be able to waltz into women's bathrooms and changing rooms just because the men put on a dress of just say "i identify as a girl today!" you would have people wanting to castrate them for being a fucking pervert or a pedophile
now there are people who seriously believe that we should just take their word on good faith that they totally identify as a girl and wont go into the women's locker room to look at women or little girls naked with the intent of sexual gratification, otherwise you're a fucking misogynist!
I am a pervert but I wont stand for this shit.
Nepotism. Probably.
Most of what we do here is complain about how characters look in still frames and bitch about how american cartoons are just a bunch of simple shapes animated in flash/toonboom.
like the retards that we are
different women react differently under different situations. it has to do with the wildly varying levels of estrogen on their brains during the period
What am I looking at?
A strawman comic about how women who have concerns about trannies taking advantage of lenient bathroom policies to watch women in the bathroom are actually misogynistic men.
Why exactly did the department head have a problem with that?
These fucks never took civics in school if they think publicly inciting a riot is covered under the first amendment.
Now that's funny
Is it still going?
They aren't born with a mental disorder.
Transgenders for those who really are (and it's quit rare) have multiple genetic disorders.
These genetic abnormalities can by immediate, long term or triggered.
The effects of these genetic disorders are not limited to mental disorders.
There are very few people that are real transgenders.
Most people who claim that are just mentally destabilized due to multiple reasons in their lives.
An the competent medical world is struggling with retarded/backward medics so that real research gets published.
Please go work into the psychological area.
Making this happen to a child is the worst thing you can do their is more than 80% chance that the kid will die.
That doesn't mean nothing.
Kids do shit all the time.
Their isn't enough data to know why this happened (if it did).
And in the eventuality of the kid wanted to get off with his dick it's maybe be cause of psychological trauma.
Maybe a pedo fucked the kid in the ass.
Get a medical degree or consult multiple people if you want to discuss these subjects.
If you do that Euthanasia is a better option to what is coming .
The chemistry of the body is incredibly complex, it is unchangeable.
What you are proposing is just like injecting mercury into aluminum.
I've had enough people going mad or dying in my service.
I don't want to help them in their delusion, I shouldn't.
I cannot speak freely because of political correctness.
I cannot make a correct diagnosis because of political correctness.
I cannot give the correct medication because of political correctness.
I cannot respect my OATH because of political correctness.
Even third world countries seems to have more sense.
I have enough of this.
Can't say I approve of Luke Cage's latest wardrobe makeover.
That is only one case, we need more research data
what if they are extremely feminine looking and have a nano dick?
I never wanted to put on women's clothes ( I thought the fabric felt extremely uncomfortable, in fact even formal male suits make me feel incredibly angry) I also never wanted to play with girl's shit, however here I am , looking more like a girl than a guy, what a hell, how can you Holla Forums tards explain that? My body is extremely feminine, is like a curse.
Maybe you were just born weird. It happens.
Do you post on /cuteboys/?
You might want to go to a shrink user
What's your diet?
Just find a tomboy that will take responsability and have a happy life
Wait and time will make you manlier with age, faggot.
The first one is good.
Who had the shitty idea to have a white woman serve a white guy?!
Models in art studio I frequent tend to be decent looking, although more often than not they are from alternative/punk crowd or just hipsters. There is also a /fit/ tier girl or guy once in a while and a token old guy. Never seen a fatty yet.
Where the hell do you live? My university's Medical and Anatomical Illustration Society was able to hire good quality models without any issues.
If that's true, then she likely got hired because Pixar people assumed (just like anyone else half familiar with the subject would) that her studies were actually quick gestures.
Same thing as well, but there was one time that there was a fatty in my life drawing class I took years back.
Can anyone come up with good argument against that comic? Are we really all just pedophiles for having sex with people who used to be babies? Where is the line drawn?
This is just disgusting. What's wrong with this woman? Why she thinks it's a good idea to share her disgusting bodly functions with people on the internet? How much of a beta male that guy must be to put up with this shit?
le ebbing memes confirmed 2safe4u, we should also bring twitter cancer while we are it.
There is no logic with that. Also mental and physical growth is a lot different then getting your dick chopped off and changing to a girl. My god and she has a patreon for this garbage she writes?
The argument is begging the question. No one argues it's pedophilia to fuck a grown woman because she has attributes which can be used to objectively demonstrate that she is no longer a child. As a thought experiment, consider fucking a retarded chick with the mind of a child. A serious person arguing that it's wrong to fuck either a child or a retard would point to attributes possessed by both which could be used to place them both in the "immoral to fuck" category. A counter argument would involve challenging either the assignment of those attributes or the moral significance of those attributes (or both).
If the comic were arguing in good faith the male interlocutor wouldn't say "She used to be a guy"; he would say "His is a guy." and lay out his reasons for making that assessment. That is the fundamental point in question with regards to transexuals: are they men or women and how do we make that determination?
Can't get mad tho. Comic is just amateur propaganda tbh. I almost admire the insidious cunning behind the gender myth. The comic on the other hand is just a pleb regurgitating the ((correct)) conclusion without even understanding why they've been trained to think that way. It's like people who talk about "cultural appropriation" yet don't know who Edward Said is.
Also unless a sex change can magically turn a male to a female, you would still end up with at best a guy with mutilated dick.
The of one's biological development is not the same as biological sex. Humans under go physical development as we mature, in short, just because we were children at one point does not mean we are children now. A pedophile is someone who likes to children prior to puberty, so they lose interest once a a person goes through it and becomes an adult.
On the other hand, one's biological sex is always constant. From the moment a human is convinced, they are either a male or a female. Sometimes, the physical expressions of their genetic condition does not manifest properly, ie people with intersex conditions. However, these are exceptions, most defiantly genetic diseases that were not meant to happen. Rather than disproving Biological sex, intersex individuals reinforce it.
That said, Human beings are not attracted to gender, we are attracted, for the most part, to members of the opposite sex. Its a fact of life, and evolution has hardwired us to be able to recognize characters that indicate the genetic sex of potential parts such as breasts, penises, etc. When we encounter an individual who tells us they are a male or female, but their physical characters don't match up, we know they are lying, to us and to themselves, and we are not interested in potential partners we cannot have children with and pass on our genetics.
None of this is to say that trans gender people, or intersex people aren't human, and that they don't deserve the same respect you would show anyone else. But, like the rest of us, they are not entitled to sex or affection from anyone who is not attracted to them, its a hard pill to swallow but its the facts of life.
This bitch is even less disciplined and productive than I am.
Patreon needs to fucking die.
This is a good argument, but you accidentally a word in your first sentence.
If a male tranny with a working dick exclusively fucks girls (would any let them though is a better question), I would say they would still be heterosexual but do like to have fake tits and wear dresses. Still mentally ill.
Someone who's willing to be called a cucksband (I shit you not)?
How the fuck are you supposed to shit without letting you're pants hit the floor?
How can we physically destroy timelines?
I was expecting
and gender tattoos at that, poor Scooby.
Seems to be extremely common these days. What's with the fashion show?
They went through the relatively normal phase of wanting to fuck everything that moves, and they think this makes them a special snowflake.
Its always a stage.
Spoiler that shit
Uh hold them up by spreading your legs? Hold them up with your non-wiping hand? It's not that complicated. Are you retarded?
There's only one way to fix trannies
We're NEETs, m8. We're never going to amount to anything. We criticize actual artists, animators, and creatives because it allows us for a few short moments to feel like we know what we're talking about. we have no idea what we're talking about, and only an idiot would take our criticism seriously
That seems like an uncomfortable way to shit. It also seems needless if you clean you're bathroom regularly
You just need to crouch
Do you think I'm a fucking chink or something? I ain't doing that shit
Just hold up your pants you lazy faggot
Speak for yourself lad
And I can criticize whoever the fuck I want
Imagine showing this to someone for the purpose of making him pro social justice
What a memephobic shitlord, I bet these strong and proud memes aren't considered racist by trash like this.
thats terrible
Doesnt really matter.
Imagine it working
No wonder pepe exploded
-First factor:
Bad genetics
-Second factor:
Environment (what do you eat, what chemicals what where used on you (soap shampoo etc…)
-Third factor:
Psychological issues that can be caused by the multiple alterations of your body caused by the factors that where precedently enumerated.
-Fourth factor:
Re-enforcement of Psychological issues via people who are trying to help you in the wrong directions.
I believe in Darwinism.
I believe that I should already be dead for my weakness of trying to an hero myself because of people who should an hero themselves because of their unfortunate luck and consistent belief of lies from other people who don't now jack shit.
These people bring more misery than they think they resolve.
The world ain't a fairy tail.
Where do you think I am posting from ?
I needed ghetto/normie twitter memes and didn't feel like dredging my junk folders.
Google Images, walmart of pics
Those designs would be ok if they were for original characters and not pre-existing characters.
Eh at best
If you believe that you should be dead then why haven't you killed yourself?
I could see either ones working if they were done in a completely different style.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you don't know Vampirella or Red Sonja.
Red Sonja's bikini armor is a plot element and a big part of her character, and Vampirella isn't actually a fucking vampire, which is why she looks human and can walk around in sunlight.
They look like ugly dudes
I disagree with most o these, but a few are just weird and I don't get 'em.
When was there any logic to begin with?
I like how she calls herself normal in the third panel when she says she's straight. It's like a Freudian slip, like there's part of her that know how fucked she is.
I saw that too.
That's edited, right?
>all this to say "i'm going through a phase bisexual"
I want to take the word queer back from these faggots. It's too good a word for them. I want things to make sense again.
If only.
I need more cringe.
Wouldn't it be nice if that were the case?
I actually wouldn't mind seeing more fairy tales though the lens of other cultures, but tumblr does it so lazily. There are so many aesthetics and imagery and interesting things that the world has to offer, but tumblrinas can only just dump a bucket of brown paint on a European character.
Niggers and faggots, I introduce to you one of the most cancerous things I have seen in recent days.
The "Negro Double D" theory. A theory that posits Double D from Ed, Edd, & Eddy is half or full black.
The second pic looks cute
But gooks draw all races equally cute
Sounds like they were joking. Yeah, even on tumblr.
Hmm… You ever read Throne of the Crescent Moon? It's a fantasy novel set in medieval Arabia, rather than medieval Europe, and takes the cultural standards and mores from that period instead. It's an interesting read if you're a little tired of typical fantasy stories.
that actually works really well
Tumblr is not a creative place. They do a half-ass mock-up (and manage to either get the period wrong or the mythology wrong) and then expect a professional to do the rest of the work.
At least unlike 2d shows (like SU) her designs won't be seen
Better idea: Instead of retreading the same shit in the name of diversity, these faggots can go plumb the depths of foreign cultures and make comics and cartoons about other faerie tales.
We don't need every fucking story reimagined through the pozz lens. They want to celebrate other cultures? How about they do the thing that's actually respectful and engage with the actual fucking content of other cultures instead of insisting that slapping a different skin and hair color on an European story is the same as being tolerant and diverse.
WHAT THE FUCK. Urinary tract infections can fucking kill people, especially if they already have other kinds of health problems, and you're telling them to sit on a fucking bag of water?!
I thought that was some original story or Krishna doing some deed instead its Indian Rapunzel. Well at least the art is nice.
I can understand how it's fucking stupid if some dumb white girl blackwashes/mudwashes a white character (which is 99% of these changes) but then you got an actual dark skinned person that for some reason wanted to be an artist despite their common culture and all the popular media isn't black (RIP Static Shock you'll never be remembered) so they have nobody to "relate" to or something even though they like the characters.
But then someone tells them "make your own shit then" and they try and it either turns out completely shit, something else about it stops it from getting anywhere or they just give up.
It's a bit weird, but it feels like something I can't really wrap my head around as a non-white that has no trouble identifying with characters of any race. For black people that want black characters, WHY do they want it?
Well, there are a few reasons.
The first is that a lot of comic fiction, especially cape comics and shonen manga, are self-insert power fantasies. You want to be Superman giving Hitler a good talking-to, or otherwise fixing the world. Having a character that more closely resembles who you actually are, and has similar life experiences, helps make that self-insert smoother for a lot of people, I would assume.
Another large part might be that they want fiction that does specifically address their world and their problems. Having a story about some white kid growing up in the ghetto and getting called out for not acting "black" enough is not going to feel as relatable to black people buying comics as a black kid in a story having the same thing happen to them. Sometimes a story is simply made more believable by having the characters be of a certain race; other times, it just changes the tone and audience.
For example, imagine a story about a family from a lower-class living situation suddenly coming into wealth and deciding to uproot and live in the suburbs. With a white family, you get something like the Beverly Hillbillies (I've never seen this movie, so bear with me if I completely misrepresent what it shows), dealing with issues of purely class-based difference and judgements. If the family is white, you get the Fresh Prince or the Boondocks, mostly focusing on the racial divide and how that affects how people see them.
Both stories are relatable to different people; people from a rural background are going to understand and empathize with the difficulties the Beverly Hillbillies face much more easily than that of the Banks or Freeman family. And vice versa for the black audience.
As a 5'4" perma virgin with micro penis, I am not very fond of 7 foot tall IRL super strong, super fast, testosterone-bound African "problems" (muh dick) and social "issues" (gibs me dat)
I just cant relate to BIG BLACK characters.
I think more than half of it is this self-fulfilling prophecy of oppression that's imprinted on the typical "oppressed minority" member. They're taught to think of themselves and inherently different, and thus white people are basically a different species to them.
This shit is cultural imprinting. imagine a test where you did something like make a comic where a character dealt with universal things everyone can understand, but have interchangeable character art of various ethnicity.
I think almost all of the white test group would find the alternate ethnicity characters relateable, while minority test groups would be the same with every ethnicity but white.
The fact these retards thought that was going to be the "smoking gun" to end Trump just makes it so much sweeter
Jesus Christ. Especially that last one.
I think it's more that the people creating this shit have dehumanized minorities to the point that they think they're alien creatures. That the universal concepts that you can find from the deepest jungles of Africa to the heights of Western Civilization are suddenly incomprehensible to niggers, spics, fags, crackers, etc.
So they insist that media needs to have a diverse cast so that the human condition of white people can be explained to these poor non-whites. Their entire world view is basically "White Man's Burden" in all but name. They get off on the superiority they feel when they treat niggers like babies.
But the last one is right: I do hate their feelings, because their feelings are stupid and childish and not society's problem no matter how much they cry they are.
Wrong faggot, toads created the series, gooks just drew it out.
More don't matter, it never has. We made the electoral college specifically to counter act a pure democratic society, aka, mob rule and so the rural middle Americans wouldn't be ruled by the costal elite's whims.
I want the world to stop
By all means, hate their hypersensitive bullshit. It's just the mentality that says, "It's a good things to put trigger warnings on pictures of food" – the utter triviality of it that's insane and despicable.
Why the fuck would Belle and the rest of the cast give a rat's ass? They're from 14/15th century France.
She also got more votes than Obama during the 08 primary
She just can't win
Because using Disney characters as political mouthpieces is deep and provocative social commentary. Somehow.
I remember how these drawings upset the starcucks. it's like the tumblristas try to live vicariously through the characters of an overrated disney cartoon
oops forgot to upload images
What the fuck is going on with those tits in pic related
user, maybe you're confused. It's fairly common for women to get UTIs. Half of all women will get one within their lifetime. It's because women have shorter urethras.
Tumblr keeps fucking re-doing Snow White as brown. That's the epitome of laziness. I have not found anyone try to do it by using Japanese culture with it. No. They keep fucking making her brown.
Fat, ugly, hairy armpits, scar from breast surgery on saggy tits.
Don't ever let people tell you beauty is subjective, this is the kind of shit they're trying to push when they say that.
This reminds me of that horsefaced Laci Green chick telling women to put garlic in their vaginas because "garlic bread."
Bravo, tumblr.
The Japanese already did that and made millions of dollars.
Because people that create actual product instead of lazy one-off race-swaps with passive-aggressive underpinnings of entitlement usually get shit done.
Are you sure the last snowwhite wasn't drawn by shadman?
Nothing says femenine quite like body hair and morbid fatness, oh and a penis.
sucks to be you
Am I crazy or does it look like 'Jessica' is aping Shmorky?
Faggot, can you read?
It's by some black Tumblrite that just draws black people, usually by using non-black characters and racebending them because they're uncreative.
new thread when