Manlets BTFO

Manlets BTFO

What the fuck, RDJ is like shorter than Radcliffe, did he make this himself?


damn, vaughn is a big guy


Is that 50 cent?


who is the midgetnigger on the left


Kevin Hart, the current year Chapelle

You forgot a couple.

Banefags BTFO Bane and CIA are both 5'9" half-a-man midgets.

Every time I see this pic it looks like Jack Black is carrying a purse.

Except that CIA is 5'10".

I think im about 6'1-6'2


wow, this guy is taller than Daniel


Who's the baby negro on the left?


That's retarded. That's like saying Tom Hardy doesn't wear a mask, so Bane is a lie. Or that Tom Hardy isn't actually Bane, so Bane is a lie. Bane is a character. And he's a big guy.


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also fixed

gtfo with your meters nonsense


burger pls

not the same user, but damn you faggots need better tastes.


He isn't?

Emily Blunt is cute, would impregnate.

Yeah, let me know when you get to the Moon, bro

You're the true faggot, he's correct with that list

looks like the we want some eats orc, she is ugly faggot

The only remotely attractive one in that list is Emma Stone, and that's only because of her feet


I don't get it, pic proves even manlets can be successful tfw you didn't know Harry Potter was same height as you


You, sir, are a massive homosexual.

look at the picture again, she looks like a fucking freak you ass

How? Days go 1-31, months go 1-12.


Because a day is a shorter unit of time than a month, so the days should go first for clarity's sake.

She's cute!

Yes that's why I said her feet made her attractive, not her face

Feet are clammy looking

Daily reminder

Month day year makes no sense whatsoever.

There are 12 months in a year. There are MORE than 12 days in a month. To top it off, there are INFINITE years. Therefore month/day/year makes the most sense.

*day month year makes no sense.

I already fapped?