Kid tells Trump to not cut budget from PBS, not build the wall and that Mexicans are people

Of course fake news channel like CNN would praised a kid coached
By pbs lobbyist as a hero. Did PBS became the biggest cancer in animation?

this ain't Holla Forums, son

You aren't even shitposting memes correctly rapefugee.

Right damn sick of the left pulling these from the mouth of babes pr stunts.



hey truthseeker

Like sponge bob, it needs to be put out of its misery


Just think, Arthur has been on the air longer than some Anons have been alive. If they ever hit that phat ass it wouldn't be loli, it would be ss.

Didn't they switch to flash animation recently?

Yes and it's as bad as it sounds.


Most childish term ever

Little kid is misinformed, that's all. If someone explained that Trump wasn't doing that just for the wall, and that those darned dirty spics are paying for that shit, maybe he'd change his mind.

Little kid is just regurgitating what his parents told him to say, and yes, PBS needs to die, in TV it's so fucking dead and it's youtube channel is just blatant propaganda.

Tell that too CBS.


everybody needs a little friend

That's because Holla Forums's better

Have a webm, pleb.

Here I tried to make a better one what do you think?

I got the video from the official PBS Arthur channel so it has the watermark.

Arthur warned us this would happen. We didn't listen.
