Next-gen hidden services are finally alpha, will fix huge flaws like HSDir relays being able to harvest onion addresses

next-gen hidden services are finally alpha, will fix huge flaws like HSDir relays being able to harvest onion addresses.

Only took 5 years. Hidden Services were always a tacked on feature, you should probably use something like i2p which is built mostly for that.

v3 onion addresses are 56 characters long!
E.G.: 4acth47i6kxnvkewtm6q7ib2s3ufpo5sqbsnzjpbi7utijcltosqemad.onion

Glad to see they ditched sha1, too.

now with 100% more backdoors

im not sure i trust them anymore after their virtue signaling bullshit

you are clearly a trump supporter. only racists trolls have something to hide.

but what else can i use to buy illegal drugs and rape children that are thousands of kilometers away from me?

Their actual response was "those are bad too, but they're not in the spotlight right now". Which is reasonable.
I don't like that they stopped at saying that they aren't and shouldn't be able to block hidden services, and didn't say that reprehensible speech is still free speech and has a right to exist. But their response wasn't so bad that it made me lose trust.

Those curves were generated lacking any "up my sleeve" numbers. Meaning each value used in generating them is justifiable. These aren't NSA/NIST curves.

You shitlord you.

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>>>Holla Forums


Hi, enn ess ayy-kun.

The Feds must be really concerned about the v.3 hidden services if they're shilling this hard this early.

Dependency Java Runtime Version 7 or higher.


Lol. Yep, Agent Fud will be working overtime again. He's like a little parrot who only knows phrases like "Awk! Tor is compromised!", "Whistle! Tor doesn't work!" :^)

Hello fellow kids! I too wonder whom we can trust to provide safe transit across the internet for completely harmless and justified atrocities and crimes against humanity. :^)

there's enough CP already

Pic related.

Only some tor nodes, exits, and entry points are compromised. Mainly ones located in europe and the USA. But there are truly compromised nodes.

Even if Tor disappeared, it wouldn't affect CP. Open p2p networks, clearnet websites, and messenger apps like kik and whatsapp are still the most popular way to trade CP.

Open p2p networks (torrents, emule, ares, gnutella, etc) were still getting about 3 million unique IPs downloading confirmed CP every month in 2016.

Yeah, but perceived anonymity emboldens pedos to commit more egregious offenses. The pedos on anonymity networks have much larger collections. Bare IP / P2P busts are easy and they usually only have a few hundred or thousands of images.

>only a few thousand of images
Why and how do you you know this n-s-yayyy-kun? Why don't pedo's use shit like tox or libressl'd openssh? I realise being pedos they are stupid fuckers. But surely for semi-secure communication they would atleast try something other than barebacking with windblows.

open p2p networks can be legally searched by police without a warrant. it's been ruled users have no expectation of privacy when using p2p networks. ICAC keeps track of of all files of interest and records anyone who downloads.

Pedos are stupid.

say exactly which ones so that we can report them to torproject. also, the nodes in Russia and Israel are not compromised at all huh?

at least if you don't have specific IP info do you know which countries are more susceptible to have compromised nodes in them? where are the NSA buttfriends located in Europe?

The NSA doesn't need to compromise or run their own relays. They are a global passive adversary. They can get the same information just by monitoring most of the internet and filtering traffic to known Tor nodes.

They can monitor a lot of the internet and occasionally deanonymize people based on statistical analysis, but as of the Snowden leaks, they still considered Tor a major threat to their ability to gather intelligence. Hence the constant attempts to spread FUD to try to get people not to use it.

fuck china


can be considered pure botnet
(remember the jail incindent?)

If you believe Holla Forums Snowden was a limited hand out. I believe they've made a lot of progress with monitoring Tor and other darknet projects. Even if you take Snowden at face value you must admit that a lot of time has passed since then, normalfags didn't care, and he wasn't anywhere near the inner circle of the NSA. I operate under the assumption that anything I do on the darknets might as well be public.

They literally have had a huge fucking section on the FAQ about pedophiles and other criminals since the beginning of the project you imbecile.

Also remember their main purpose isn't to make CP busts. They don't care about the drugs either. It's all about the money changing hands outside of their ability to tax it and suppression of any cells that threaten the current order/way of things. Busting CP and drug dealers is just something they do to please normalfags. They have no issues with supplying CP or drugs themselves when needed if they really want to take someone out publicly. Otherwise, two to the back of the head or throwing you off a high building works just as well.

I operate under the assumption that the second I type it into my computer it is known by everyone at the not secret agencyhi. Until someone comes out with secure hardware and projects like TANGO and ideas like Bluebeam are eradicated from the face of the earth, everything is a fucking botnet or can be made into one. With one possible exception. But it's probably a fucking botnet too.

It's all botnet now, all is lost. Anything that doesn't have an intentional backdoor is simple to break into. Even the faggots running pre-2k6 hardware in a faraday cage are begin monitored. Normalfags don't understand at all and will gladly leak information about any private space just for social cred. I have no cameras or open microphones in my house but they walk in here constantly. The last time I tried to explain this IRL to a close friend I forgot a cell phone was on. It had all googlenet features disabled, I started spewing out keywords, it random answered back "The President of the United States is Donald Trump". My friend looked at me stunned and I just told him I was used to such things by now.

Normalfags can not understand how fucked everything is. I watched 13 year olds run botnets of zombie XP machines over a decade ago. The NSA doesn't need to botnet from the factory to get the information that they need but it certainly helps.

I just stopped caring. I pray for the day when they will come and put two in my head when I'm not looking. Anyone that talks about the wrong things ends up that way.

Extreme paranoia is just as stupid as extreme naivety. Even intelligence agencies have to obey the laws of physics, and there are things that no amount of resources can help with. And there are plenty of other things to defend against, from your neighbor using your wifi to the skiddy in the corner at Starbucks running kismet to corporate datahogs tracking you to international identity theft rings hacking Equifax. Using some basic opsec and whatever technology you can helps with a lot of this.

My opsec is good. I'm not paranoid I'm just admitting that I know it can never be good enough. I have 300 acres walled off from the world. The second a normalfag steps on it my opsec is compromised.

If we look in recent criminal investigations (for example against child pornography by the FBI) it has become much easier to attack the servers (if they are badly secured) and overtake the service.

For example in one investigation they took over the site and forced the users to install a plugin (which the pedo idiots did). They then used it to install malicious software on the computer and send the real ip adress and mac adress (if I remember correctly) to them

Whole lotta "belief" in your post. Zero evidence. You should post some to support your assertions.

now THIS is how you do discouragement shilling

calm down assburgos, i just said im less likely to trust them if they're going to pull the virtue signaling sjw cuck card. its a natural reaction, you don't trust mentally ill communists.

nice freedomâ„¢ you got there