ITT: Heroes who did everything wrong
ITT: Heroes who did everything wrong
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He shouldn't have gone to war against Russia.
Nice try leftykike
He shouldn't have done anything at all, everything he touched turned to hot shit.
And should have postponed Final Solution after the war. We'd be living in jew-free society now.
it's almost like you've never even heard of first world war
The Bolsheviks would've declared war on him instead. I think what he should have done was let his generals focus on defensive attrition rather than offense, like at tbe Battle of Kursk, for example.
But attacking them unprovoked and with the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact still in effect made him look like the bad guy in retrospect.
It's almost like you're 16 y.o and know nothing about history
At the crucial points of the war there were literally no kikes left in europe that could have done anything to change the outcome if the war was thought smartly.
Back to school, kiddo.
There were literally no plans from the USSR to go to war with anyone, Bolsheviks would have destroyed themselves much faster if the war didn't happen, instead it sustained them for 70 years. Back to school with you, too.
The only problem with that is that it's a lot easier to attack than it is to defend. It is also highly likely that the Russians wee preparing to invade Europe themselves. They had been concentrating forces along the border and there are talks of a soviet invasion plan that was thwarted only because the Germans struck first.
In hindsight though if the Germans had let the Russians strike first it would have been devastating but on the flip side it would have let them win the PR war and potentially have gotten the Allies on their side in order to maintain the balance of power.
Hell, one of the reasons France didn't attack Germany from the get go was a fear that the British would ally with them and curb stomp them. It was a different time and the balance of power politics still ruled the day along with an obsession with first strikes and offensive maneuvers.
He would've been the bad guy no matter what, as long as the Allies or commies won. The whole purpose of World War 2 was to destroy National Socialism for the Rothschilds, fam.
Nah, it'd work. Plus World War One was lost by Germany more due to food shortages caused by British blockades and sending farmers to fight, as well as losses taken in the war, especially during the great German defeats during the Spring Offensive and the Hundred Days.
If only this is what happened.
nice fanfiction
Russia was fucked up by the invasion. Also Hitler didn't need to bring the USSR into the war, big mistake.
Fighting against Stalin was a major mistake also, Stalin was based
Stalin likely heard that Hitler was planning an attack and thus moved his forces west (also bear in mind he was already fighting the Winter War). The theory of Russia planning an attack is nothing but speculation.
Also you're utterly retarded if you think defensive attrition is a way to win a war. Attack, always attack t. Napoleon
Kursk was a counterattack rather than a defensive battle
Also Barbarossa was tactically not a bad idea. Germany had beaten Russia 20 years previously, the Red Army was in very poor shape, and Moscow was almost captured. The problem was Germany didn't liberate the likes of Ukraine and other nations, they just occupied these areas instead and lost the support of the natives.
Stop using Bolsheviks too, Soviets or USSR is more correct
How? Hitler was the one who invaded
summerfags >>>/out/
Don't pretend like everything would be perfect if Hitler won
In fact I'd argue it'd be worse
truly autistic "hero" that did nothing right. Good choice.
no user those are reaction images, you are the autist who doesn't understand his social surroundings
I honestly hope you're being sarcastic, otherwise the irony of your autism is fucking nuclear.
How could it be worse than this?
Our welfare is a lie, our governments are heavily in debt to the (((banks))). This generation will have to pay the price for that. All the national banks have been privatized, that means (((they))) bought our financial infrastructure. Which means (((they))) control our governments.
Europe is still occupied by (((American forces))), the NATO is a farce.
We are being flooded with cheap labor from Africa, which is being heavily propagandized. Anyone criticizing that is labeled a racist or worse.
At least Hitler would have brought prosperity and peace on the long run.
I'm not, you're the one with autism who is triggered by Miss Watson
Soviets WOULD have attacked Germany-just not in 1941. Stalin and his generals knew they were not ready for full scale war, and wouldn't be until 1942 at the earliest. As it was, they only reason the Soviets held on was because Lend-Lease aid was flooding in-and the Japs were too pussy to cut off Russia's Siberian ports.
I also heard that the Stalin was planning to attack Germany if Hitler invaded Britain, but Germany had no chance in conquering Britain anyway-the smart thing to do would have been to make a generous peace with Britain. Instead, the so-called "greatest leader of Germany" got his country involved in war with the 3 strongest countries in the world and never had a chance. After December 1941, the war was lost.
This would have been the best outcome
Unfortunately Hitler had his strong points and weak points. Relations with Poland were good but they soured in the late '30s. Hitler took the coup in yugoslavia as a personal insult, without waiting to see if they would remain in the Axis, and all in all the Balkans front was a huge fiasco, the Germans got kicked out by Tito's partisans and Mussolini should have kept Italy out of the war (the Balkans and Mediterranean campaigns were sideshows that cost the Axis a far higher proportion of resources than the Allies). I think a fascist Italy would have fared better and managed to establish a real balance against Germany (perhaps allied with Britain as they were in the early '30s) which in the end would have brought prosperity by maintaining a competitive economic climate in the continent.
I'd argue that they knew that Hitler would always drive east to Germanise the Eastern European Slavs. So in the long run they were preparing for war but in 1941 they were nowhere near ready.
Hitler's foreign policy was retarded, he should've contained himself a lot more and then would've had no war.
no, go back to school
Did he really have what it takes to be a citizen?
this, soviets only wished for peace and to save the world from the evils of fascism.
She is so much better than hitler
No porn?
Filth like you wouldn't exist so we wouldn't have to worry about that.
You know, when you think about it, Germany basically fought World War I and World War II against some of the world's greatest superpowers all on their own.
Austro-Hungarian Empire? Getting BTFO'd so badly that Germany repeatedly had to send reinforcements to save their asses from annihilation.
Ottoman Empire? Losing pretty much every battle they fought with the exception of the Dardanelles campaign where they briefly got their shit together.
Italy? Getting smashed by even the weakest of foes so badly that they had to ask Germany to help them conquer GREECE of all places.
Japan? Got a few early sucker strikes in, then proceed to get royally assraped by the Soviets and then do their best to pretend like the British and American forces weren't wrecking their army to pieces.
All in all, the German Army did a hell of a good job when you consider how badly they miscalculated with picking their allies.
Germany didn't beat Russia, the Russian army was fighting internal revolution and sued for peace. Germany did well, but the only reasons they didn't get their shit pushed in during World War I is because the German generals weren't quite retarded enough yet to think that openly moving into Russia was a good idea and instead merely maintained a good defense, letting the Russians smash into them.
it hurts
Sure didn't have much good allies. WW1 and WW2 almost were like Germany vs the World
He should have postponed the war to after the final solution.
Germany advanced into Lithuania at least, they had occupied Courland and large parts of Poland by 1917 iirc. Of course the revolution played a part in the final treaty but Germany had already effectively won the war in the east. They were let down by Austria-Hungary failing to make any headway in Galicia though.
Oh I know I was just using laughing faces, she is awesome
I have a confession to make. These are both me. I just feel really down lately. My wife is dating a black guy because she says she can't feel my penis at night. I've gotten back to drinking again after 2 years of sobriety and I spend my nights with a bottle and a tub of ice cream watching Colbert Show 2, while waiting for my wife to call me and tell me she's done with her boyfriend. I'm sorry.
These were me as well. I'm sorry.
That's even less headway than Germany made in World War II and they still lost that one.
As a general rule of thumb, the deeper you get into Russia, the harder it becomes to win. Mongolians are the only ones to my knowledge that managed to succeed at it.
You meant
she looked like a little boy in drag when she was a kid but
man did she turn out gorgeous
how is it even possible?
Fuck off faggot
Spielberg and his hippie liberal agenda.
This fucking asshole
1. releases dangerous dinosaurs, probably killing a few people and destroys their communication equipment so they can't call for help
2. helps bring the baby T-Rex back to base which causes the parents to attack and Eddie to be ripped in half
3. removes the rounds from Roland's gun, which causes even more deaths when Roland is unable to shoot the T-Rexes when they invade the camp
He disappears after the helicopter ride to san diego. One can only assume the other protags had enough of his shit and threw him off in a deleted scene
if you see man in that picture, you're projecting your own fantasies
t.faggot confirmed
If you think you see a woman in that picture, you're a faggot who wants to fuck men. Sorry
if having a good taste in cute girls makes me a faggot, then order me up a fruit salad compadre