ITT: Villains who did nothing wrong
ITT: Villains who did nothing wrong
All villians do something wrong
>advertising (((Disney))) films
There's no way you're not getting paid.
He ruins Cameron's life with his antics, driving him near insane so he can show off to his girlfriend. He ruins the principal's day and gets him attacked, mocked and mauled. He uses his brain to cheat the system and coast by on life. He is a lying sack of shit who thinks hes perfect and no one can touch him.
But user, there is no Ferris. He's Cameron's alter ego.
Literally did nothing wrong.
Alpha fux > beta bux
LITERALLY nothing wrong.
He also did nothing right
Oil Drilling is the successful man's fetish.
Sounds like a jew to me
He wears a fucking toupee. That's enough to ruin any redeeming character traits he has.
Why is Clancy Brown so attractive?
how do you figger did nothing wrong from this one?
Man, that movie sure pissed me off.
Fuck that noise.
I feel like there's an edited version out there where he wins, but we'll never see it because of (((Hollywood))) and their pet niggers needing to be the hero.
Get a load of this goy
Not really a villain, but
That's a big claim
but what a twist.
He was going to completely get rid of California till Superman thwarted him.
He's the hero Holla Forums needs.
I can do it too
A good commie is a dead commie.
Literally nothing wrong
Anck Su Namun
liz allen? she was brown in a cartoon years before this movie
She never stepped on my balls
Also he lost.