The salt here is real
Let's ditch IMDB rating system because it makes me feel bad
Her argument is that kebabs/reddit/cuckchan have on occasion brigaded sites to bring down the rating of films they don't like even if they haven't seen them. Pretty shit argument as these incidents were motivated by the political message of the films (the armenian genocide, the holocaust, ghostJUSTers) not the films themselves. In the case of the Amy Schumer one, it was just evidently bad because it's Amy Schumer.
It's like saying I can't say I don't like eating shit because I haven't tasted it yet. A non-pleb would know already that it's shit and not need a rating to guide their baby brain. The fact that she thinks ratings are unskewed from critics tells me that she is a retard that needs to stop talking about film. If you look at what she's written about it's all Capeshit and American Gods (unsurprisingly).
Numerical film ratings shouldn't exist in the first place because anyone who rates films with numbers is a brain dead moron, but at the same time, anyone who isn't an idiot already doesn't use imdb or (((rottentomatoes)))
Is the low quality of your memeing some sort of post post ironic shit or are you just that bad at creating OC?
Doesn't even make sense.
le funny frog XD
They've been shilling the shit out of themselves on sites like reddit and 4chan.
Pic related is their site ranking growth.
I'm sure you notice that (((sudden increase))) in rank around March.
Only the Sea lion is real folks. Dragging lolis since day one.
I know, right? fucking alt righters should start making sense if they want to be taken seriously
this is how we do things
hello chaim
all the alt right fags bombarded beauty and the beast with 1 star ratings and its legit one of the only good movies this year, the same people who hate it loved Logan, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Get Out, Split, GOTG 2, John Wick 2, Ghost in the Shell and Kong Skull Island
It's terrible SJW propaganda garbage
(((Western values)))
Tolerance, transsexualism, immigration, getting blown up by sandniggers, and feminism are not "Western values". The idea of America being a "proposition nation" is a Jewish invention. The early USA (both North and South) was explicitly White supremacist.
gay parades and chopping of dicks isn't "western values" or any kind of values for that matter
No it isn't it only is if you are a fucking schizo which you definitely are, dan stevens emma watson luke evans kevin kline and ewan mcgreggor are all white and it ends with the two good looking white people getting married and being happy its literally the fucking opposite of you POZZZZZED shit
You have zero self awareness don't you?
Conservatives can't judge art though, they claim muh SJWs while simultaneously acting like SJWs
Yes user I'm implying that capeshit #300: reddit edition #2 dance off is bad.
No, those are shit too.
Wonder Woman is kikette kino. The only thing bad about it was the LOVE shit at the end, and the goofy Ares.
Except for the faggotry and forced niggers.
You clever fucker.
How long until you Boomer-fellating cucks die off? We have a world to save
The rest was shit, though.
keep telling yourself that
we'll be here long after you die off GRIDS
Shit and a sequel.
Another shitty Kong flick, same problem as Godzilla, Kong is hardly in it.
Fucking hell that taste, please stop coming here.
Getting real sick of your shit, leftists.
nice butthurt photoshop, Benyamin
The alt right nazis must be stopped tbh. They've already forced IMDB to remove the comment section.
That was exactly my point faggot, get some reading comprehension. I came here because that taste was cuckchan.
You either didn't watch it or you are triggered out your asshole. Neither is enough to mention let alone keep memeing about, I've seen people comment on the fact that there was no faggotry in it unlike people were memeing. And the niggers are characters that aren't even secondary, they are background and also barely in it.
No those are shit and BATB was actually good for the entire movie because there was direction especially for a musical.
I can't believe it isn't reddit. Seriously, is that real? That's some serious cancer.
Fuck off you kike, shilling your shit movie. Back to cuckchan with you, you're not fooling anyone here.
No it wasn't. Back to leddit.
I made that off of a thread I saw and tallied up the times each film was posted ITT. Some people listed top 5 or top 10. The funny part was that everyone was ragging on the OP for including batb like it was a crime to be in their top 5 or 3 and then proceeded to list those films and only those films.
Again Holla Forumsfag I know you haven't seen it, im on a film board talking about a film I liked that excelled in all areas and you are posting pictures of jews.
user LEDDIT, is cuckchan and they hated it and instead liked Logan Wonder Woman Split etc. I think you need to go back to school.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
t. triggered out your anus
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
I assume your wife is enjoying the BBC?
Calm down. Don't get mad at people online just because they make fun of you for liking faggy girl movies.
>Oy vey goyim, why would I want to shill for a movie that's already out? (((Now only available on Blu Ray for 29:99))). It's just a movie a liked!
Fuck off you subhuman scum kike jew. I said you're not fooling anyone here, go sell your cancerous shit movie to niggers on cuckchan.
Back to leddit I said
Seriously look at yourselves, you are so triggered you belong on tumblr, I don't even want the Yous
>Oy vey goyim, why would I want to shill for a movie that's already out? (((Now only available on Blu Ray for 29:99))). It's just a movie a liked!
I don't care you torrent it, I haven't even bought it yet myself…look how insane you are posting pictures of a concentration camp when we are talking about beauty and the beast.
wow fucking ableist
Just because you get hurt feelings when people call you triggered doesn't mean it works on others. Go watch centrists on jewtube, girlyboy.
Sorry user, wasn't reading properly. BATB is shit too but holy fuck is cuckchan really that bad? I thought the capeshit meme came from cuckchan? Also
What fucking plebs.
You wouldn't give a single fuck about this trash if Emma wasn't in it.
BATB emulated the classic disney feel to me which was refreshing and was disneys only good live action film in a long time, They didn't even bother seeing the Circle or Raw. The poll was before Okja came out.
I dont care about RT but batb got hated on for no reason even there, as wonder woman was universally praised and batb got flack and the negative reviews are people not even reviewing the film, these are how i felt.
Again reddit, cuckchan is reddit and hates her. She was very good as was the entire cast, get some taste.
It was an unnecessary remake designed to suck some shekels from suckers like you.
Why yes, IMDb should totally junk it's user ratings because a bunch of butthurt turkroaches brigaded the ratings of some movie. After all they really need to reduce the utility of their website to 0, which it is rapidly approaching after closing their forums.
No user I don't looked at the reviews after I saw it, It was legitimately as I said the only disney film that captured the spirit of old disney and the musical.
Beauty and the beast is an old ass story, you dont even know about the production, they wanted to do it live action before the cartoon and couldnt hence the cartoon, the cartoon is nothing special and the film actually made the beast and belle have a development. The score was also rearranged by the original composer and the direction had life into it. gaston was great as was everyone, I dont go see any films in theaters idiot and I pirate blockbusters all the time, this was above all the recent ones ive seen.
Animefags are cancer
You don't have to actually admit you have shitty taste, but feel free to stop implying it.
Kill yourself.
For those who can't see these are Holla Forums's top 2017 films aka reddit's top 2017 films
user it was a musical and at heart fantasy story about a castle, aka castlekino. I don't enjoy musicals per-say but gave it a shot. It made La La Land actually look like a high school play.
I was implying those would be the other actresses chosen, Emma is good as evidenced by your gif
Turkroaches are known to spam IMDB since years ago, they downboat almost all amernian movies and upvote all their flicks, reason why Turkey has 5 or 6 movies above 8.0+ with over 20000 votes each. IMDB knows this and blocks their votes.
Sadly some ex-yugos with turk blood do the same, many yugoslavian movies have 8.5+ ratings, but at least those are quite decent in their majority