feels bad man
Capitalism feels
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Sounds like you need to kill your boss OP
I feel for you OP. I went to a fast food drive through late at night one time, and ordered some food. The prole at the window looked very nervous/tired, and some of my family and friends laughed at her and kept saying she would fuck up, dehumanizing her. I felt pretty bad for her. We don't consider the people who work these jobs as human. Labor is treated pretty bad .
feels bad man. At least the exploited proles of old could take solace in the fact that their labor was actually fucking useful and necessary
All my fellow prole lawn workers could dissapear and nothing of value would be lost.
Truly the height of alienation it is, to waste your fucking life doing something that is of use to no one
I spent the entire day avoiding having anything at all to do with that faggot, along with half the store staff. We had the fucking store management breathing down our necks the entire day, the guy was not the only customer, I work in the personal shopping department and we had 16 other orders that day, I don't have time to be sucking this dude's cock.
We were literally told by store management to all carry around peanut free granola bars to give to his kids if he brought them to the store with him, not even joking. We had to page the store manager when the guy arrived so she could watch the entire process and make sure to take note of anyone who fucked up. I have never in my entire life seen porky cocksucking as hard as this, the entire store went on fucking lockdown for this one dude because god forbid we treat him the same as any other customer.
maybe one day our descendants will look back at us and say
u should have raped him
And you didn't stop them?
Are you the one from that 4chan /adv/ thread?
Jesus Christ.
What store?
I just want to be useful. My job is physically demanding but mentally and emotionally void. If that program wasnt in place I'd likely just blow my brains out tbh lads.
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
lol, yes I am
[internationale intensifies]
Still planning on going into business? I wouldn't hold it against you; No more than I would a well off Medieval peasant learning to fight and buying a title off a poor nobleman.
feels good comrades
I can relate to this pretty hard.
At the lakeshore restaurant I work, there are a number of regular "VIPs" who are the most insufferable, pretentious dickheads I've ever met. I shit you not, one time the owner of joint was discussing the net worth and sizable inheritance of their children's grandmother with his bros, WITH THE CHILDREN THERE. He even asked his kids if they knew how rich they were.
The guy I hate the most asks for crushed red pepper with everything. It's a pain in the ass because we don't just have it out like other spices and shit. I was worried about my employment when I forgot to bring it to him because I got busy doing my actual job and not catering to his stupid needs.
Right now I have nothing, not even a job. But I still plan on loading up on politics and joining a party and subsequently rising through the ranks.
Such is life. Nature is very violent.
It doesn't have to be this way. We don't have to feel this pain.
Stop being a bootlicker and stand up for yourself.
Oh this thread, nice
Worked at a grocery store cashiering for a while. Palm Beach County FL, porky bastion, serve rich clientèle, lots of labor aristocracy (IBM, banks) or New Yorkers. 9$/hr, working with a lot of high school kids who are too young to care about how it is
can't think of anything else.
The outright abuse isn't that bad actually because at least all cards are on the table, reality shown for what it is. The stupid jokes, inane bullshit of coworkers and customers grind me more but the worst is how the latina employees are treated who work in the back of the store w the produce.
I used to work in an anarchist/voluntarist grocery store…it sure wasn't pretty but it shows how it could have been. Also yall should check out the Park Slope Food Cooperative. I'll make or post in a cooperative economics thread about them.
should have a look at /r/talesfromretail if you want to rage
Hold on until 2070 or so OP. We've got this.
I might try. I began to think rationally and decided it didn't make sense that it would be that simple to get wealthy.
Its just good to know I'm free from "blame" and I'm less worried because I've realised material worth =/= self worth
If you guys hate your jobs so much, why not get a skill? Hate to break it to you but you're being treated like shit because you are shit. You're a cow, you're only useful when you've been worked to exhaustion. you should be kissing your bosses feet for finding you a low skill occupation so they don't drag you out and shoot you for being such a drag society. I'm only half serious.
Get good at something that other people are willing to pay good money for you do. Become valuable. Complaining about porky is just like complaining any Jews or blm complaining about hwhites. It's a poisonous ideology.
Shouldn't you be on Facebook laughing at banana pictures and reposting image macros about how millenials are all lazy?
I'm a millennial my dude
I know it's painful but the sooner you know the truth the sooner you can work to get out of minimum wage serfdom
but what is valu(able) user?
you know that things that are useful for people may not have high value on a market and things that have high value on a market might not really be that useful?
Usefulness is synonymous with value unless you're talking about walking old ladies across the street or reading to children in the library.
Unless I'm wrong, give me an example
Oh, right, I mean where would human society be without all those dudes on Wall Street who dress up in suits every day to go move imaginary numbers around and accumulate capital?
They're way more useful than teachers, sure glad they get paid millions to make themselves richer.
It's like you want to get sent to Siberia.
Also, you seem to be missing the whole point of this newfangled Socialism thing.
I think we are chatting back and forth in the labor theory of value thread too.
An old economist once wrote that food is the most valuable of all commodities for it is life-giving. Why is food cheap then?
Why are ornamental things expensive then?
Isn't it strange, based on your concept of value? So what happens? We realize food can be a profitable use of our capital. We increase supply, we can feed more people, grow our operation. Capital will be invested in profitable sectors of the economy, and capital in a free market tends to lower the price of things to the least amount, basically to cost of production. But now
historically we've gotten to the point where we can produce a ton of shit but people can't buy it, or employ people at useless work. An honest Marxist will give capitalism and markets credit where credit is due, in that it centralized economic processes and built up technology and infrastructure. But now that we have it we are still being forced to run the maze, have the ideology of a peasant (save for a rainy day, keep detailed accounts of things). We are starving in the midst of plenty.
Anyway, the contradiction of value is that different people have different needs, and peoples' livelihoods are turned into economic calculations. It's the contradiction between use-value and exchange-value.
So, why is something ornamental (useless) have a high price compared to food?
It is called the labor theory of VALUE not of price.
LTV tl;dr is that value comes from labor
not that the amount of labor in something is proportional to its price. That is a common misconception.
Don't lawn mowers prevent mosquitoes from getting out of control and causing disease?
The capitalist are parasites. Remember, Marx did not invent the LTV Capitalist economist like Adam Smith and David Ricardo did. If the LTV was not true, it would not make sense that in industries when there is competition a capitulate who can pay his workers less or make his products faster( pay less for the socially necessary amount of labour time to produce it) and he will make a larger profit, with the inverse being true.
You can even explain inflation better with the LTV than with bourgeois economics. Money serves as the universal equivalent. If the government produces 100,000 in one day, and then 200,000 that day the next and keep doing that, it implies the socially necessary labour time to produce the money went down by one half.
It is represented by this equation x commodity A = y commodity B with you comparing one to the other( using one as the relative and one is the equivalent)
Since money serves as the value with which, all other value is compared, with this "devaluing" of money brings in the literal sense( the amount of labour time it represents in all other commodities goes down) this brings the price of things up but the value of al other commodities did not increase.
Sorry for al the grammatical errors just got up :/
Please elaborate.
I've always thought about joining the Peace Corps, tell me what I'm missing.
I feel for all you poor prolies. I'm scraping by as well. If you can manage to underbid the Pakistanis on Elance.com, you can get some income there.
I love my actual work, but being able to live on my shit hourly wage is coming up on impossibility and I can in no way afford college. I don't even work for porky and its still shit.
Shut up, Hobbes.
Okay, faggot, I am 20 years old and studying at university online and so are the majority of people working at fast food and similar places
they keep mosquitoes from resting in front of your house
statistically untrue. Most minimum wage workers don't move on to higher paying jobs
Might be true, but you are putting fault on wrong side. It's not peoples fault they can't find higher than minimum paying job, it's the crapitalism.
The west have pretty much de-industrialised moving all the jobs to Asia and duo to trickle down economics people have work so much they can't have kids so neither humanitarian nor stem graduates can find a job.
I know, I'm just making the point that the shtick that most people who work in these shitty minimum wage jobs are actively pursuing more education is incorrect
If you can't afford to feed your family, how are you going to pursue education?
you wont. How does that retract from the point
Detracts, not retracts.
And it skews the perception when you leave out crucial information tbh lad.
If you offered to give 100 guys 20$ if you punch them in the nuts, and then publish a paper claiming 100% enjoy getting punched in the nards it would be just as disingenuous.
Well if women are suffering, this needs to be fixed
You quit your job?
How will you, you know, survive without selling your labor to a capitalist?
fair point.
People think its the left? What the fuck? Do people really project so much hate onto the poor?
oh? I thought we're all entitled rich college students?
fucking fast food restaurants are the height of alienation. Out of any industry, I'm pretty sure those extract the most surplus value.
Why the hell arn't there more burger co-ops? I'm fairly sure its very lucrative
Holy fuck.
Porky genocide NOW.
I thought middle class small town people were a bitch to wait on. At least they're usually polite.
Then we'd have a glut of skilled tradespeople with no prospects. I've worked at bydlo grunt jobs with people who had "useful" skills.
When you approach 30 and your parents make you stop being NEET and get a job, you'll understand. Enjoy jacking it to Chinese cartoons and shitposting about Jew conspiracies.
That's why I study so I can leave this shithole of a country that my parents choosed.
alright, never mind
I think I know you irl
Work at a Steak n Shake?
yep! and you really like guns! hahaha i'll bring this up when I see you next
Well then, I look forward to it. I'm working today at 5-9
Seize the means together?
Hell yeah. I've been thinking on how to recruit my coworkers for a while now. I've been talking to them about what capitalism is and how to resolve the issues in it, and I think I've been getting through.
Get out of here, Nerd
Move to a better state. Fuck living in a state where workers have little to no rights or benefits.
Start referring to yourself as a more "native" name in all documentation. We all know Louis C.K. as such because his real name is Louis Székely. Get it? Act native.
stopped reading
Look I realize it's hard for you Trumpchumps to cope with having projected things that weren't actually there onto a candidate and want to at least feel better than someone else and if you want to taunt us over B████ taunt us over that he probably won't be the nominee, not that he "betrayed" us. That never happened. He knows how to work within the system and make compromises and was planning to support her eventually if necessary from day 1. This is to remain in good graces with the Democrats.
Believe it or not, this is the "feels" thread and it's going to be filled with peopole with crummy lives. We have richies and soon-to-be published authors (me :^]) here as well. It's not as bad as Holla Forums where literally 90% of the board has never done anything remotely fulfilling.
So would you follow the step of Birdie and support Clinton?
Inperialism: The highest form of no gf
The worst part is knowing that every hour of your 40 hours a week is seen as useless by the porkies who consume your food, and that they support the current capitalist model solely so that they can dehumanize you
Nah Customer Service Call Centers take the cake for alienation imo
Geeze, Zionist indoctrination is ruthless.
The sad part is that we'd been together for four years
If I lived in a swing state, possibly, But unfortunately I live in Puerto Rico where I don't have that right. I've chosen instead to donate to Jill Stein.
What? You had a flag of Palestine, not Israel
No but seriously there's justified aggression and emotion on both sides even if Israel is largely the instigator
If it weren't for fast food I'd want to kill myself even more, so thanks comrade
I swear to god working in over-the-phone Internet technical support has made me more radical and hateful than anything else in my life. I've come to realize just how lazy, entitled, hateful, stupid, and miserable a lot of people really are.
Keep your eyes on the prize, comrade. Chances are they wouldn't be like that in a socialist system.
Can't necessarily blame the oppressed for being downtrodden and listless in a system designed to erode and alienate the identity of the worker.
I don't discount the possibility one of the reasons why I remain alive is the belief I would not have been such a fuck-up under socialism but the thing is, it's their horrible nature that helps prevent a transition TO socialism.
I mean they love to call up and throw a bitchfit, to scream and rant and try to squeeze out as much pennies as they can, but aside from the previously mentioned penny-pinching it's effectively just masturbation. I don't set the shitty policies, I don't refuse to upgrade the equipment or set the shitty hours or create the huge fucking monopolies but they don't fucking care. They just want to make somebody else miserable. God there are so many times where I just want to tell these jackasses that if its so fucking terrible to actually go out and do something about it. But they won't. The only people who even threaten to do so are the morons who are causing their own problems.
That's your fucking fault for getting no education.
And these unskilled, uneducated retards then call for a "socialist revolution". Sad.
I guarantee you that there are more people in college than otherwise with Holla Forums. There's a reason politically educated people usually become radicalized in a specific way while others do not, and become radicalized among general issues that usually less relate to resources and things that actually matter than emotions.
It's the same reason why this illiterate fascist group blames the entire existence of educated political thought on "brainwashing".
It's very simple. Anyone who believes what you believe tends to be what you are projecting.
OP is in no way educated. He's just a lazy shit who didn't utilize the free time he had for education and now he's crying for shitty utopic socialism, which is quite ironic as he would get fucked as twice as today in a socialist society.
Interesting, you are similar, and yet you do not think yourself hypocritical?
Reeeeeeeeee commies get out!!!!!
I am educated, not lazy, and employed and thus I'm not a socialist.
In what way? What degree? Politically speaking? Philosophically? What general nonsense.
For you to be unable to debate in any other way I'm certainly able to call you not only lazy but sloth.
Those two things do not equal the third.
what does the amount of ppl in college have to do with this ?
0/10 shitty strawman
You are a prole
Your objective interest lies in socialism but okay it's your life
I'm making more than all of you cucks do.
I won't feed your lazy asses. Fuck off.
Read for understanding.
I find this rather doubtful.
I an educated, not lazy, employed (soon to be self employed) and socialist.
It's not really my fault that you're defective. Eat shit and die.
ay lmao
You should start a coop lawn care firm and shill less environmentally damaging stuff as 'advanced landscaping techniques' or some shit.
It's not really my fault that you're defective
I understand you. It must be really hard for someone who has never worked his whole life but discussed anarcho-transfeminism to imagine work.
But you aren't employed and you're both showing off to leftypol for no significant reason, to prove, what?
I seriously doubt you're employed or at all rich. Rich people would otherwise get a clue faster.
Lawn care is not exactly my domain of competency, but launching a coop would definitely being interesting.
And that's why we all should starve!
How many people have starved under capitalism, in toto? None?
Unlike capitalist society where famine never happens at all. Oh wait.
Thanks for proving every /leftist/ is an unemployed lazy fuck.
But you aren't employed?
It's funny how leftist try to cry about capitalism being "unethical" yet when you ask them, they point to a government failure.
Worked in many warehouses, worked in semi-skilled manufacturing. Did a lot of shot jobs when I was younger.
No it's mostly market failure.
you are feeding your boss' lazy ass already, his wife and their kids
And the famines under the Soviets weren't government failures? It's inherent in "muh socialism" because we just really need the capitalist class to stay afloat?
Yeah, obviously markets fail when the government rips them apart.
To have a decent life but no will nor reason to live it is a strange kind of feel.
That feel when you wonder if the Holla Forumsyp troll is trolling or serious and just retarded.
Famines happens under the Tsar, so it's not like that's a special case.
Socialism is so superior to capitalism that every socialist country has evolved into state capitalism.
Quite ironically this will be then used as an example of "le evil capitalism" by leftists.
Markets fail and succeed by themselves, it's the nature of the market. Are you ok? Your education seems to be vanishing at the moment, maybe you need a drink of water or some time to rest to clear your thoughts.
I know being hypothetically rich is a tough job.
The Cold War never happened
Why not both?
Tell me more about my lacking education mr. anarcho-trans-bi-demi-semi-feminist.
Don't call me mister it's misses. And please, you can just call me a feminist.
I thought rich people had better things to do than shitpost on semi-obscure leftist imageboards.
The Capitalist constantly tries to subvert the socialist state. This is objectively true. Ghadaffi was a strong socialist leader in recent times. I'd like you to look at what the United States did to him.
It seems like whenever sex comes up on Holla Forums, it's revealed that most of the board is into femdom. I don't get it at all.
It's a semi-trendy fetish to have.
No wonder, this board is full of cucks. Mr. trigerred feminazi proved it again.
India would be literally nothing without the british rule so shut up Pajeet.
It just doesn't do anything for me. It's like feet or something. It's weird that it is so disproportionately represented here.
Hence why Britain had to dismantle India's native clothing industry and force their own wares on them through military force…
Saying none starved would be obviously false, as there wasn't a period of human society where people diden't starve, but compared to your amazing socialism, it was literally NOTHING.
Socialism caused the most deaths on this planet if you think about it.
You mean indians putting leaves over their private parties?
It's also interesting you think everyone here is a state socialist and refuse to back down from that argumentation. You're a very educated man.
Leftists generally tend to be submissive, without any ambition. Just weak.
How come so many modern day neonats are neets?
What does this have to do with capitalism?
America had a socialist system at first, not mentioning the fact that all these examples are caused by GOVERNMENT, not capitalism. You're confusing stuff so bad it's hard to believe you managed to post on this imageboard.
Nazism is a leftist ideology.
Yes, it had socialism before the concept even existed lmfaoooo
You're thinking of the political ramblings of Marquis de Sade, that's the closest example of pre-socialist thought, and it was mostly mental masturbation.
You're so more educated than I, please teach me.
I am a hard-left commie but not into femdom. How do you explain that?
Topkek faggot
I wish i could grow trees with leaves like these.
The governement under capitalism is part of capitalism. Capitalism can't exist without a state.
You people are so inconsistent with your views and never fight and remain conglomerate, that it's fair to compare. You're all politically illiterate political teenage onwards losers.
Or why Egypt weren't allowed to sell their cotton to anyone but the British at British prices.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you probably don't even know the difference between a radical leftist and a liberal
What does a sexual fetish have to do with anything?
What? When?
When Aztecs enslaved neighbouring people? When British settlers massacred indians and bought slaves from Africa? When George "richer than ur mom" Washington created a country based on slavery and Bourgeois democracy?
Most people on the right alienate women because most women hate fascism ergo people on the right are the cucks.
Is this actual retardation or fun retardation?
I can't tell. I really can't.
That would explain why every socialis country turns into a capitalist country. And considering the fact that you cant force people to give up their possesion without state, it's easily concluded that socialism=BULLSHIT
It's probably actual. If not they're doing a great job proving our arguments for us.
But you give up your property in capitalism even without a state.
Property is a conceptual blank, it doesn't really exist. Especially the m
where did you learn this
and tell me pls about the relationship between the government and capitalism
Learn science and engineering.
You may be worth less in a capitalist society, but once we take over, we will be glad to have people like you.
Remember you are selling your workforce for food and clothes, that's it!
Keep your utilities at a minimum. Do not make yourself dependent upon them.
*Especially the more convoluted the market becomes.
This is LiveLoveAnarchy isn't it?
Guys…stop feeding the troll
An if you're denying this, you might as well as deny holocaust.
After all, denying the hard truth is the best thing lefties can do.
Literally every socialist country.
That's funny, considering the fact that the national newspaper bashes USA for being "racist".
The literal anarchofeminist paradise.
This meme needs to die, the orientalist approach is idiotic, they are more similar to the nation-cults of East Asia like in Japan than Fascism in the traditional sense.
In a revisionist fascist sense it does work, but that would pretty much say that all Asian societies were fascist before whitey came in.
Not an argument.
You're memeing now right?
I hope you are memeing all the time. The amout of leftist hypocrisy is amazinh.
I don't believe North Korea is leftist
Essentialy communism.
So worker co-ops are slavery?
Yeah fam, socialism is so good and liberating people have to flee from it
And capitalism is so good and liberating people are fighting it to this day. In fact most if not all residents of the former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact prefer Marxism-Leninism to what they have now.
sage because you're a meme-spouting moron
You autistics, I sware 2 christ.
Last I checked people actually keep their jobs longer at a co-op. Also not and argument. Here's a rundown:
Failed implementation/ statist subversion: North Korea
Working and successful socialism: Catalonia.
You mean the neets posting here? Ok.
I live in a post-soviet country, and nobody except a few senile old morons wants this slavery back.
I don't care about this socialist lunatic and his distorted view of reality. Also most of Catalonia was actually capitalist, only the small part was ""socialist""
I'm guessing you mean 'capitalist' in terms of just exchanges, and despite workers owning the means of production, you would consider it 'private property'
This is what they call revisionism.
Don't reply to his bait user
Fucking what
I think user is referring to the Prager U. video.
Fucking Mexicans do it. A socialist society cannot function with only unskilled laborers.
most people can't afford to. And there is only so much trade work available anyways
citation needed.
citation needed.
Mexicans do it
This is how Mexicans have been moving up for the past 20 years, While white millennials have been getting liberal arts degrees, only to work at starbucks.
Literally everyone at Prager U needs to be gulaged.
Maybe in your mind they do, but in reality more people prefer capitalism now.
Wow, why don't more people run this style of business ? Because this bullshit doesn't work in reality.
This is hard when multiple people make shit wages or rely on you to provide.
but its still the best way to save and be economical user
I've been trying to find a decent job but all I can get is temp shit and I have to spend the money I make, so tell me again how economical it is.
Erm, are you new here? We talk about cooperatives all the time, they actually exist and do work just so you know.
Not an argument.