How do I debunk this?
and many other arguments i have never seen before
How do I debunk this?
and many other arguments i have never seen before
Other urls found in this thread:
Debunking is easy.
Easy, just claim it is racist and that anyone who disagrees is racist. If that fails report them to the police for hate crime.
Debunking is easy.
Nice false flag
I can guarantee that at least 80% of what they're saying consists of unprovable statements, or very old statistics from one of about 3 books.
How is the video a false flag?
Yes see: >>795081
It is obviously racist and bigoted and should be ignored.
forgot vid
I find it mildly hilarious that every time Stefan gives the other guy an out, he just piles on more unsourced and usually unprovable white supremacist talking points. Just dig that hole, Stefan. I'm sure scientific racism will go so much better this time around.
Use these
anyone has any problems dealing with more race realists, I have these.
Reference the sources within them, and present the videos.
I can't believe the nazis were right after all…
why did you lie to me comrades?! Why!?
I'm gonna take a second look at that nazi ideology now
If these are our best sources for debunking it then we are completley fucked.
Why did I never put race into perspective until now in the first place?
there's a thread called debunking race realists on the front page retard.
Taking a paragraph with subjects I have some laymans knowledge on.
The IQ test used is Ravens Matrices, you find the pattern in increasingly more difficult problems. If these are culturally biased againt African Americans, why are they not biased against Asian. To my knowledge there is no oriental enthicity that does not out-perform and perform rooughly at the level of whites. This includes mongols, who due to growing up nomadic do not perceive dept-illusions. Why are nomadic asian better than upper class African Americans at solving task biased in favour of whites, surely blacks living in the same nation and under largly the simialr cultures should have more incommon than American whites and nomadic mongolians?
Now, that black immigrants perform slighly better than African American, does this not suggest that culture does not matter as much. The estimated scores seem similar to measured score of black African immigrants to the US.
>(Edit: It has been made known to me that other examples of stereotype threat failing to replicate in real world environments exist. This paper is a good edition to the other evidence I cite:
Cant debunk the truth
This thread really made me think but what is the big deal if some people have higher IQs then others? Doesn't that shit just mean that some people (with higher IQs) are better at socially organizing themselves in a capitalist mode of production or whatever? Why do you guys care about this stuff at all?
According to Anglo pholosopher Peter Singer, people with lower IQ's are on the same moral status as cattle. So yeah, I'd be very alarmed.
Isn't everyone on the same moral status as cattle according to him?
Good recent leftypol thread with a lot of info debunking arguments of "scientific racists":
If you're a non-white it's alarming
1. because whites have used things intelligence to justify discriminating and abusing minority groups in the past
2. these minority groups will never have a change to succeed under this racial discrimination and will stay in that "inferior" position
Scientific racism is the bread pill
All races should call themselves out of their name
Holla Forums btfo
What, no takers? :^(
That's an impressive amount of autism in that there post, user
yep, just plug your ears and shut your eyes and say "lalalalal not listening"
p.s, infantilizing black by saying "ebil white man, wacism is to blame for all your problems" doesn't actually help black people, they have an actually good conversation and part of it is how people like you aren't actually helping blacks.
Btw, do you have an actual argument?
black immigrants are more mixed with whites than 100% africans. that's all it is.
This is not entirely true. I read one of his essays and he basically argued that there was a hierarchy of value for moral status with people with extremely low IQ's basically being worth less.
So you can herd and make beef out of niggers?
Edgy. He's a vegetarian, so he doesn't think cattle should be turned into burgers either.
Right. Like the fact that racialist still use the old black average IQ of 85 to prove muh superiority.
Look, I'm a Hispanic racialist. You're upset about reality. I don't hate or feel superior to others.
Do you feel inferior to white people?
kek basically.
so you're inferior to whites but not to black people? got it. The point is racialist always push for an etho state.
race is a 19th century classification on human diversity. It literally does not exist as an accurate classification of human diversity.
No. I'm high iq, but that's honestly not important. One isn't inherently better because of intelligence, we are all endowed with worth from God
Why is an ethnostate bad?
Because you'd be tearing apart families and relationships between people because of some racially homogenous fantasy land where having an ethnostate makes all other problems moot. The process of creating one would be unbelievable violent. It's just inhumane and immoral and not grounded in reality. And I don't mean that in the "spook sense" I mean that I came to this conclusion and maintain it based on logical ethical philosophy.
Not much of a reader are you?
Jared Taylor is a hack blogger pretending to be a scorned intellectual by filming himself in formal wear in front of a bookcase. He knows that literally no one will listen to his hour-long videos if they don't already believe what they are listening to.
Even if you can contend that racial differences in IQ are entirely or almost entirely genetic, which is extremely unlikely given current evidence, to contend that IQ differences in general are almost entirely genetic is a flat out lie. It's not just improbable, it's demonstrably false with empirical medical evidence.
Even conjecture is against him because he ignores ALL modern evidence in favor of the highly flawed and untested assumptions of the seventies, where our much poorer understanding of cognition made a genetic explanation technically possible, while modern statistics have actually demonstrated drastic improvements in the cognitive abilities of all peoples with greater gains for nonwhites. He's silently playing off of the far right's "librul academia" bias by pretending that the commies killed all of the Proud Aryan researchers and there hasn't been a lick of useful data since. I also imagine there is plenty of straw manning of SJ Gould and his more recently exposed biased even though no one even cares about Mismeasure of Man anymore, similar to how global warming conspiracy theorists are obsessed with Al Gore.
u r based
gr8 post m8 proud of u
shit thread
OP kill yourself we're here to discuss leftist theory not talk about how once we achieve communism we're gonna kick out all the brown people. The black proles are my people just like the hispanic and white proles. No amount of hour long videos done by armchair geneticists is going to change this fact. You can be racist if you want I don't care.
I agree that we shouldn't tear apart families and that making one wouldn't go well, but I'm asking why we shouldn't let people live in homogeneous societies.
Also, I'm going to leave the definition of a biological population: A group of organisms of one species that interbreed and live in the same place at the same time (e.g. deer population). Evolution doesn't stop at the head
We don't care about personal choices, but you and I know that racialists want to impose force because they think they know what's best for people on a basis of appearance.
Quit with your stormcuck thought-terminating cliches. All human beings are homo sapiens and have cognitively evolved the same way, differences in ability between individuals happen in nature within all species because of mutation and genetic drift.
I honestly dislike Holla Forumsyps or stormfags.
I used to find it extremely funny when people confused old halfchan Holla Forumstargs faggot and nigger calling as bigotry.
It was what differentiated us from the normalfags, they were triggered by words, pictures and edge; we were not.
It seems like Holla Forumsyps are the kids that arrived late and didn't get the in-jokes, so they repeated them awkwardly to fit-in.
Then they got together in a safe-space where reality could not hurt their feelings and masturbated together in an orgy of validation until the maymays rang true in their glorious Aryan ears.
And now we get to deal with some pants-on-head retarded people who get cucked/steered by their media overlords as the insecure, validation junkies they are.
why does this matter?
We're obviously all humans. I want you to provide me with a reason to believe that migration had no substantial effect on mental factors, seeing as the is the very basis of how evolution works. Populations evolve separately, this is how speciation occurs in the first place.
That's cool if someone wants to move to some remote island and start an ethnostate. But as it stands now while they are living in the west(or I mean I have duet citizenship for the U.S. and Canada) I am vehemently against it and will fight, with violence is necessary those who want to impose that and propagandize so others join their cult.
Also the second part of the post shows how little you know about biology. Race, as a classification is just defunct. It does not represent human diversity and that is why it has been essentially dropped by modern science academia.
We functionally have the same brains; the same cognitive structures and progress. There is nothing so different in black people that stops them from being able to get up to the level of whites in terms of IQ test, even if they are playing catch up. In fact, as mentioned earlier black IQ's have gone up at a higher rate than whites have. The gap is lowering the difference between blacks and whites now, stays around 10 IQ points which it was 15 in the 70's and have a much greater disparity previously(though the data we have on early IQ test regarding blacks is very small)
Man, I really need to proof read!
we're heading for a post-racial society (in america at least) with more genetic diversity than ever before. racial stereotypes are becoming less and less accurate. black iqs have been rising pretty rapidly for the past century. observe the flynn effect.
of course blacks on average have lower iqs, but people right wing nuts just tout this fact to justify ethnic nationalism. the truth is that there are still smart black people. i knew this nigerian kid in high school with high test scores and two doctors for parents. i dont see how it's fair or rational to shit on someone like that when they're very clearly smarter than your average stormfag.
if stormfags cared about improving the gene pool, then they would practice eugenics based on iq scores instead of hasty generalizations about race. and they wouldn't oppose miscegenation since it increases genetic diversity and thus makes stronger people.
it's not about improving humanity, though, it's about preserving muh culture.
Exactly. Asians, who consistently score higher in IQ and income are always missing from Holla Forums stats and when you bring them up they have a million and one reasons why those numbers are skewed. They honestly don't see the irony of refuting their own stats with research.
you do know that interacial organ transplanta don't happen because it won't work, right?
Didn't Thomas Sowel, the black conservative basically have an interview with a guy about a black German kid basically basically being like the Germans?
And that's why Tyrone, who fucked my highschool girlfriend is a subhuman mongrel.
Im not convinced one way or the other, but even family members are often not a guaranteed match for some transplants. We wouldn't say they're not of the same family though.
Ok, I'll bite, I once had an account on stormfront. I'm no longer white nationalist, but am drawn to esoteric and extreme ideologies, even leftist ones. I was late to the game and thought channers were adolescent f ucktards until the mass red pilling of the internet. I've always held socially conservative views since the bill clinton administration. I'm 34.
Thomas Sowell, AFAIK focuses on culture. He doesn't think he's inferior to white people genetically but that basically black culture encourages thuggery and whatnot. He also argues it wasn't always like this but that it actually stems from white, European degenerates. I don't think he believes that whites are genetically superior or anything like that. I could be wrong.
I also want to point out that out of context, Thomas Sowell is an absolute communist.
That's a nice life story user.
I submit that I , at least, was an adolescent fucktard.However, that was the point the chans were the place that I knew of where the thick crust of bullshit I saw in real life need not apply.My shitposting was inconsequential and it felt good to be a raving edgelord just because it differentiated me from the normalfags, the moralfags, the proper people who did proper things and expected proper behavior of me IRL.
The original daddy-issues camwhores who would bare their bodies in exchange for verbal abuse(fuck you whiteknight moralfag) and a vague sense of self esteem before streaming became widespread.
The raids, often schemed by others, that the Holla Forumstards like me participated into just for the fun of griefing some stranger who took the internet as srsbsns.
The themed boards before the stench of media influencers,"shilling" and hotpocketing took the pleasure off having socially shunned tastes.
I did not take it seriously, nor did I participate in anything that could get me v&,but it was a nice perspective-widening moment for me.
I think i might be rose-tinted-
When was the time regular Holla Forums went Into a fash direction?
Not who you're responding to, but I'd say the biggest push towards fascism was the Exodus. Being 'betrayed' by the Kikeheeb ultracuck that is Moot had given the seriousfags exactly the conviction they needed to go "SEE LOOK, THERE REALLY *IS* A CULTURE WAR, AND THE JUICE REALLY *DO* WANT TO KILL US ALL!"
That's right around the time I joined
It really started going fash on 4chon
I Fuck around on 4chan but there's too much mod power over there. This place is better
Well, we have no prove that it did. That's how scientific proof works. All human environments of prehistory favored high IQ.
Sure, and we did…medically. Sickle cell, Tay-Sachs, etc. People closer to the equator have darker skin, and the ability to enjoy a dairy treat without puking is a recent adaptation.
That part I believe is correct, what little remained fo the chan culture after the massive influx of newfags and media-interests was being stamped out, warred upon by The Cuck in a desperate attempt to meet the requirements of halfchan buyers.And the buyer was not Nishimura, the real buyers were the media moguls that wanted its massive audience, IMHO.
Then again I've seen /r9k/dwellers justify their unenployment/shittyjobs with Trump(TM) slogans so no delusion is too much delusion, apparently.
/r9k/ users should be given guns so they can shoot women who won't have sex with them
IQ isnt intelligence
Sorry, i havent clicked the video but im guessin its like his other videos
Pol was pol before the exodus. Literally storm front and friends camped out new
Molyneux isn't a racist. He just says a LOT of racist shit :/
No they fucking arent. The only places where whites pulled a latin like caste system were in some Portuguese colonies and that was just in the cities to a small extent
Im sure victim blaming is a good idea then amirite?
You can create a ethnostate without such actions. It can be much less violent
There are some such alt rightists whp are pro genetic engineering like science fiction style "uplifts".
Also the US has black nationalists goojg around killing and being killed by police. Post racial my ass, thr best case scenario is the US goes latin american style racism where latins and asians and whatnot assimilate into whiteness (face it asians do that) where like Filipinosand carribbeans become black
Edwardo silvo bonilla wrote about such in 'racism without racists' look it up the .pdf is online
Stormfront and some older racists try to bullshit or just say "well iq isnt evrrything" but pol and the alt right are ok with sayijg asians have high IQ being weebs and all of that
yes and after that they go on and on about how asian men aren't masculine or how asian people lack creativity.
Blacks too cold
Asians to hot
Whites just right
I agree with cultural bias being a poor argument, but Mongolia is probably an issue of sample bias since nomadic peoples don't get formally educated or take tests, IQ or otherwise. It's also an authoritarian state so drilling kids with education is probably common in urban areas.
Your link is the same fringe researchers cited over and over again with blog posts from random nobodies. It has yet to explain how American and African black IQs are much higher now than they were decades ago.
You know you can reply to multiple posts at the same time right?
Why does Holla Forums always conflate these terms?
A made up term that no anthropologist or geneticist ever uses and that the far right latched on to should tell you about what sort of ideological spooks far-right racists keep propping in order to stay relevant,
I've also heard it said that American-African immigrants represent the cream of the crop, not just on a genetic basis, but also because they tend to be among the least poverty-stricken of their peoples.
Whereas Anarcha-Feminist "Men" say, "sure Jamal you can Fuck my wife"