Hey. I'm a og not from the usa who browses 8ch Holla Forums because it's interesting.
We know CTR is using FoxAcid, and Quantum. I've now seen _THREE_ quantum attempts in links posted on 8's pol, enough to make me believe this shit is real. You guys are really, really fucked right now. It's not just CTR, there are other actors trying to get into your machines now. It's actually freaking me out.
Fox-IT wrote a ruleset for snort that protects against quantum injection JUST THE OTHER DAY. I'm not personally a fan of cisco, but whatever. Suricata already detected this stuff.
Use Suricata or Snort. Protect yourself against this shit, like the pros do.
Install Winpcap
https:// winpcap.org/
build and/or Install Suricata
https:// suricata-ids.org/download/
get a rulefile
proofpoint is really, really good, but I can't afford that shit. use the free one from snort.
https:// www.snort.org/downloads/community/community-rules.tar.gz
Protect yourself
Other urls found in this thread:
Can any Holla Forums guy confirm if buggery or not?
This, i in no way trust myself with this shit.
don't click on links like questionablewebsitethatonlystupidgoyimclickon.net.mil.gov
Disbelieve at your peril.
This guy is literally a shill, or literally CTR who doesn't know how quantum works.
If they get your IP address they can fire a "shot" at you from a nearby server which are all over the US, which pretends to be ANY FUCKING WEBSITE you are visiting, which full ssl credentials. You sign in, they have your password, they get your address, and they kill you. I'm not making this up.
hard time believing they'd have access to NSA shit, simply because those people worry about their own asses…
Are you implying CTR is out to kill anons?
THe CTR shills are a bunch of fucking pussies and more afraid of some riled up rightwinger than anything.
read: I'm FoB cuckchanner.
I wish a nigga would
if they manage to get me, what could i do to prove that it wasn't a suicide
they want to prevent the actions of reddit and pol>>7950188
They are literally out to kill deep leakers, yes.
Several people have died in the last little while and it's really, really scary. They're not the ones doing the killing, they just drop names.
Round of applause for the CTR.
Post everywhere that you love your life and that you think suicide is stupid as fuck. Surround yourself with friends/family, keep your head low and act normal. Get lost in the noise.
Depends on who the highest bidder is and if they caught them or not.
You mix up deep leakers with average anons.
CTRs are certainly not capable of "Killing" random anons on a fucking fringe board.
I legit feel like hucking mollies now. This picture, this conversation is giving me a special kind of anger I didnt know I was capable of feeling. A type of rage that is cold yet white hot and is not for how these cunts sound like this is just another day at the office. These miserable sacks of shit are taking an active part in destroying what makes this country great and are trying to set us down the path to destruction just because we don't share the same political viewpoint. They think what they are doing is justified and fair just because of that even though they are breaking the law and have probably down so many times before.
I have never wished pain and suffering on people before today.
I have never hear of any of this software in the OP. I would advise not clicking.
It's not only this, there's been a ton of much less subtle attempts of spreading malware here, and people are actually fucking stupid enough to fall for them
Honestly anyone that falls for these deserves to be suicided though
Weren't the NSA tools leaked in September?
I didn't, just trying to figure out what's going. By the way, earlier today, I could only access Google-related websites, until I restarted my computer.
kek, let them come. They want to kick attack my home and they won't only be dealing with me they'll be dealing with all of my neighbors. Go ahead and kickstart the revolution NSA, I fucking dare you.
I hate CTR with a passion but im not important enough for a proper assasin. If a CTR shill wants to try id be happy to oblige.
…let me tell you about the Jews.
Actually, I have heard of noscript. I t mostly works, but it let's ads on its creators website through, and automatically opens it every time it updates. Use uMatrix instead, it's better anyway.
You're an idoit who's never worked in OPSEC, clearly. Snort is as old as shit. Suricata is as old as shit. Links are legit.
Fucking Holla Forums acts like they know what they're talking about and that "not clicking links" will keep you safe. Wow. Just… wow. I bet you leave your android device connected 24/7 and use allo too. "Ok google", fuck my shit up.
foxacid was exposed as early as snowden.
Jews arent people.
They've been doxxed and they're going to have some RL fun in the very near future.
Till then you should just ignore all CTR tactics, hide, report them.
I wonder if part of their employment package is an identity change and a free safe house.
found CTR.
They're afraid of this post, the shilling is really, really fucking hard in here.
This will legitimately tell you if someone is trying to own your rig. Take care of yourself Holla Forums. I'm really just trying to help you. Go to wikipedia and look up the companies I mentioned.
Suricata, cisco, snort, community rulesets
While you're at it use opennic (they have a .CHAN domain!)
use disconnectme too, and ssl everywhere, and ublock.
This is the fox-it github . What you found was the .rule file addition that finds and identifies quantum insert, yes.
Color me surprised
Looking at your posts I believe you OP. Downloading now.
I don't actually lurk around Holla Forums,
but I can pretty much guarantee I'm at least as good as them if not better.
First, an article for the uninformed:
Quantum Inserts are something to be worried about coming from ISPs and governments.
This can't be done by an organization like CTR unless they have the cooperation of an ISP and/or the government.
…Oh wait.
They have the government in their pocket.
Anyways, if you want to be paranoid and try to avoid this, the advice to avoid visiting sites linked to Holla Forums ought to do the trick.w
I'm a Linux guy, so I'm not particularly familiar with most of the software OP posted, but it doesn't appear to be malware based on some googling…?
For example, winpcap appears to be a packet capture tool so you can detect duplicate packets that contain a different/malicious payload (AKA a quantum insert attack).
https:// www.wired.com/2015/04/researchers-uncover-method-detect-nsa-quantum-insert-hacks
Shit is legit.
Sorry, to clarify:
What I mean is, avoid visiting external sites that people link to on Holla Forums.
I'm not fully familiar with how archive.is works, but I get the feeling it'll probably break the stuff in a webpage designed to setup a quantum insert attack, since you're establishing a TCP session with a completely different server at that point.
Where the fuck did this picture come from???
Can anyone confirm this is real? They are talking about MURDERING seth rich and committing treason.
Fun fact. This Benjamin Frischbein cuckchan has been spamming about, lives ONLY A FEW BLOCKS from where SETH RICH WAS MURDERED.
Consider me fucking rustled. Time to turn my CCTV back on and keep my guns loaded. I'll fuck a CTR faggot up if he comes stepping on me.
It doesn't matter anymore. It's not like I didn't know this obviously but it means nothing because if they cared they will get it but there's realistically nothing to be found here. It doesn't help that many people in the NSA itself are not their of their own free will and there are plenty of potential Snowdens who grew more disillusioned with the country each and every day. It's hard to be loyal to a government that has the dirty laundry it does. It nothing else, the NSA has good ability to become a powerful rogue agency since it's revealed they do spy on members of congress.
The truth is a sticky subject, eh?
Let's see what'll happen
You're a liar if you're saying you're a "linux guy" You're definitely not better then the people in Holla Forums The software I linked is designed for hardened linux servers FIRST. It's a basic tool in opsec and sometimes it's even installed BY DEFAULT in distros. The rules are used by tails for fucks sakes you moron.
Installation of snort on linux is incredibly common and simple. It's literally:
>wget snort.org
Then read the fucking docs, put it on a crontab and have it sendmail every time it finds something.
Can anyone confirm that macos is more secure than win10?
How fucked am i?
Britbong here, this is all i have plus a crowbar
Yes but a letter that explains that CtR personell are using NSA tools like FoxAcid to target Holla Forums users.
Have a link to this youtube to explain on the letter.
It's basically linux, it's more secure by default than win10.
Whether or not Apple has built-in backdoors etc. you'll never know.
So if you really want to be secure, go with an actual linux distro
I want to switch over to a win10/mint dual boot soon enough.
Even though it's completely shit for anything but making videos and browsing the web, and directx12 is godly, and games are really fun, I have to admit that yes, sadly macos is more secure then windows by a large margin. they actually pissed a lot of government assholes off when they wouldn't release the backdoor to iOS for the boston bomber phone.
Darwin is based on unix.
OP, why winpcap instead of wireshark?
I see a lot of larping in this thread by people both claiming this shit is top notch threat tier and people who are saying it's nothing.
We need sources, we need archives, we need caps that don't look like people larping.
wireshark requires winpcap, lol. Clueless.
Trying to get posthumous views out of me masonJim?
We already had this stickied with the Fink connection a few weeks back. Unless OP gives us screenshots with proof of these quant inserts, it's most likely the writers of said chatlog trying to drum up more fearbait again.
Yeah, such an idiot to be asking questions, right?
I think OPs legit, noscript is needed at all times anyway, since you only have to allow websites once
Trips speak Truth.
Stop attacking anons who are asking basic questions, Christ.
Speaking of which, how the fuck does this quantum horseshit download and execute shit on my machine? I'm not buying this.
We're a bunch of rage-filled deplorables who pray for civil war. We work laborious, thankless jobs, lift heavy weights, stockpile food and ammo and shoot babby-killing assault rifles for fun.
Meanwhile you faggots prance to your air conditioned office with your $10 5-shot espresso, coconut milk, extra extra caramel, float the shots too! latte and sit behind your taxpayer paid computer trying to demoralize and subvert the White race.
Your hands are soft. Your body is soft. Your heart is soft. You all were not meant to survive tough times because you are weak.
You think the military or the police will protect you? Most of them will defect to us (if they're not with us in spirit already) because they're sick of the Listen and Believe seminars, watching their friends get blown up by IEDs or seeing their fellow police officer get beaten near death because she didn't want to be called a racist.
We're pissed off and just waiting for that single spark to ignite that powder keg of righteous vengeance. When that day happens, run. Run as far away and as fast as you can because there is no hate like the hate of a White man.
This, we need a way to confirm that this isn't just some elaborate ruse. How would anyone even get a screen cap of this chat anyway? I would imagine a criminal organisation discussing criminal activity online would at the very least have an invite only type of deal. Which would mean this would need to have been leaked by an inside source.
Look up metasploit in action
>Some people use docker to run programs for security isolation, bonus it's lightweight and the GPU still works. Like this github.com
Its purpose is for security though. VMs definitely won't give you performance.
All users, or just Holla Forums?
winpcap is also one of the software packages installed if you use let's say wireshark
they're using digital weapons of war on their own people.
they've declared war on their own citizens
Yeah; I work in the Software industry and I have no idea how this shit works.
You have to speak down to us and talk like Trump does so that we can actually decipher this shit as a credible threat or not.
Related, I found this:
The chatlog was already posted here a few weeks back. Cherney did a video for TheGoldwater as already linked here
on it.
I don't give a shit about the soft ware honestly. If CTR wants to off me, I dare them. They better send 25 guys because I'll kill every single one.
I'm more concerned on weather or not it's real because it directly implements them in crimes.
Check the vid. Pretty much everyone who isn't a shill should be concerned on her or cuckchan. They want to go after the "thought leaders" and even…. *gasp* shitposters. Which looking at your post includes you and I.
Use a VPN & TOR, software like Docker/Qubes-OS for security,and Addons like no script.
OP is full of shit and has no clue what he's talking about. LARPing like the luddite faggot he is.
Spamming code names for NSA infrastructure to confuse and scare people isn't going to work. Secondly, the shit you post about snort is making me want to kill you.
Someone want to test this link out? It was getting posted around a few days ago and I was really suspicious of it.
http:// media.wix. com/ugd/0cf371_514bfe6a2dec4871ab7da7d50b9be410.pdf
Broke the link up so nobody accidentally clicks it.
If anything's an attempted attack on users here, it's gonna be this .pdf / link. Would be good to know for sure.
You're right, I'm sorry.
To answer your question:
Once they have your ip (by having you click on a site they run - this doesn't have to be anything special, just a site they have access to the httpd logs), they line you up to the nearest quantum insert server, they're all over the us.
It then sends a page to your machine before the page you actually requested loads, directly to your browser. This could be facebook, whatever.
They use scripts that inject malware that isn't detected by your antivirus, then you're owned. That's it, really.
Quantum insert defeats tor.
I wish a CTR faggot would show up at my house. He'd die so fast.
Waiting on the screencap OP.
Now I remember this shit. I'm drunk so I didn't completely read the OP. This was posted a couple of weeks back, everyone laughed it off. I'm not tech savvy enough, so I don't know if the OPSEC in the OP is actually good, but the images are retarded.
All that software is bog-standard networking stuff. It's been out since the dinosaurs roamed.
So you're saying this is all to get info on who we are/where we are?
If CTR seriously think they can off Holla Forumsacks than oh boy I'm laufin.
VT says the site and .pdf is fine
But remember most good botnet herders use FUD executables (Meaning no AV will pickup it's a virus)
Even if you isolate yourself with software like docker?
The only way is to survive. You'll basically need to become Jason Bourne.
From what I understand from researching that, all it does is check for known unpatched exploits on a users machine as an injection route though.
Running it on our own browsers to see if there is a vulnerability is probably a good idea, on the other hand.
I haven't seen any quantum insert attacks on my machine directly yet, but I've seen posts fishing for ip addresses.
One of the smartest things people are doing is posing archive links and user.to links.
I've seen links posted on Holla Forums that link to normally legit https sites that have broken certs. I'm sure you have too. Have you gone to a site (even from a link that is "broken up") and got an https error out of nowhere?
Did you follow the link anyway? If you did, they have your ip.
jokes on them, I don't even use antivirus
Could we get our board owner to to auto archive links when a post is made?
Welp fagot you got me all paranoid so I just bought Kaspersky.
Got any better tutorials on how to do this winpcap crap?
finally someone who knows what they're talking about.
It's probably something that would have to be coded by the actual admin.
I don't even know who the fuck runs this place anymore. Did joe or josh or john or whoever the fuck it is murder hotwheels and take it over?
You really should, every cunt with a remote access trojan client can literally bind anything with their virus, so without an AV you would be none the wiser while they keylog and watch your screen/camera
Trust me i do it myself i know their tricks
I'm thinking this tbh.
If they really had access to NSA tier shit, visiting outside links would be the least of our worries.
And even then, so what?
This I can understand and it makes sense; we should be posting this information as much as possible.
they don't have to do anything. They identify people who are a legitimate threat to the DNC and then pass those names off to people to "do with them what they will" basically.
CTR is getting to you. I'm really just someone who lurks and posts here trying to help. I don't know if my image is legit or not but it's scary, honestly.
If you're posting in support of trump in a lot of places they want you to stop doing that. That's what's fucking terrifying about this, they're literally being thought police.
Honestly iv'e always thought that pushing this "leak" was a scare tactic meant to disrupt anons and sow fear and this thread being posted during a massive raid only confirms it for me.
Download and install wireshark, it'll include winpcp since winpcp is a library that's used to sniff traffic coming into/out of your computer.
Wireshark's pretty great tbh.
You'll have to recommend me something; I've generally kept away from them because they never seemed to work any better than noscript+not being an idiot with browsing / downloading / executing.
A dedicated attacker could probably pwn my system no problem, but I'm not exactly a high priority target, unless someone really wants my stash of porn and dead internet memes.
He tries to scare you by throwing around words he doesn't have a single clue about. Jesus, how fucking luddite are you retards to fall for this raid-shill who is trying to make you faggots paranoid and do shit which literally can't protect you vs any of NSA's interdiction attacks.
oh also, and thank you, I'm glad you think it makes sense too.
Maybe I shouldn't have used that image, I dunno. This is still completely legit, FoxAcid is real, and quantum insert is real. There's no harm in using really, really well known opsec software, it's just like another firewall or antivirus.
come on dude. You literally reek of college drop out who is trying to feel important by LARPing muh whitehat. Are you even aware that half of Holla Forums is lurking Holla Forums? It's like you don't possess any kind of shame for making yourself look like a retard.
They are just looking to collect info i reckon, but what for is what fucks me up
and how exactly do i do that
It wouldn't be hard for the democrats to get NSA tools:
They're corrupt and unscrupulous enough, and they have enough money. They could literally just buy the tools if they can't get them directly from their government buddies.
I keep my internet life and my real life 100% seperate
Hell I keep parts of my real life seperate from other parts of my real life and nearly all of my internet life is disconnected from all the other parts of my internet life
Even just googling my name comes back with literally fuck all
This person is probably CTR trying to downplay my advice.
Fox-IT and snort and winpcap and proofpoint and openinfosecfoundation.org are all really, really well known and legitimate security tools and companies. This is the shill.
discredit, discredit, discredit. Go back to reddit. Afraid the people on 8ch Holla Forums might figure out how to counter them? Do you realize why I didn't post this on 4ch? (and why I haven't gone there in over a year now?)
Also you're a fucking moron all this is free and open source server opsec tools.
This. I don't know if the image is real but what's the fucking harm in using a free open source tool just in case?
Power and influence. I'd collect info in order to create lists for future political purges, as an example.
Trouble is, the information loses relevance pretty quickly - you move, switch ISP's, get a new computer, etc. etc.
Just plain old IP addresses might as well be completely useless if you're not going to use them for anything within a few months to a year.
Watch the Bourne Trilogy again and keep an eye out for any hot tips.
Ok, not to fear monger. But I was looking for things in OPs pic that could even slightly show connection to CTR.
There's a part where they talk about getting "We the Pizza".So I googled the name, found the sight.
Doesn't CTR operate in a DC office?
CTR is almost certainly more distributed than a single office.
Dispute that you're actually mostly right. They want to prevent people from voting and posting in polls and redpilling people. Unfortunately once your system is owned shortly after they have your current ip it doesn't matter. They can log into everything you have an account on. It's possible that is what happened to the wikileaks twitter. I personally believe that it's not them posting anymore.
It's not like it's totally new what you're doing but cringe as fuck.
also (22)
aahaha I wish I was being paid to do all this. I literally wasted all day reading and posting on here because the shit happening today is freaking me right the fuck out. There's really seriously some psyops and deep hack shit going on, and I have a family to protect. I'm not even American!
Look, if they are bragging about using foxacid and quantum attacks, they are useless. They wouldn't have access to those NSA servers that the attacks require. If they are dumping into their own servers it implicates them.
They can't legally justify using those tools, they could be stolen, and that is a whole new level of low.
Yes but I remember reading somewhere that their central office was in DC. Seth rich lived in DC as well if I remember correctly.
It's not reddit formatting buddy, my reply box is tiny, same as someone posting on reddit, or a phone.
Pic related. I'm usually too lazy to bother reformatting it. All you guys getting paranoid about the spaced formatting are just bitching about other people like me.
I'm of no importance to them, and to be perfectly honest I think suddenly ramping up my security measures would be more likely to get their attention than anything else. On top of that, if I ever do for whatever reason become a person of importance to them you can bet your ass I won't have any electronics on me period.
Now this is of course not true for those of you who are more tech savvy and can potentially do damage to them. But for me the worst they can do is tell everyone my kinks and show them my trap folder, which is pretty much irrelevant as I'm already open about my interests. That or they could leak my nudes, but who doesn't have nudes floating around somewhere at this point?
TL;DR There's nothing they can get out of my system that people don't really know about me. And if I did have something I didn't want them to know about I wouldn't keep it on any sort of electronic device.
Can someone explain to me in laymans terms what this does? It sounds like they just find my IP address and location or something, which I'm not really worried about, since that is public knowledge.
It's not about painting a target on your back, and more about making it too time consuming and expensive to spy on or pwn you.
If a government agency really really wants to spy on you, they can throw millions of dollars into it - but they can't throw millions of dollars at every single person in the US.
So the more precautions you take, the more secure the defenses, and in essence, the more expensive you make it for them to spy on you, the less likely they are to spy on you.
Its also the fact that by doing this and wasting their resources you make it that much more difficult for spy on people that actually can harm them digitally.
Suppose I want to break into your house; what's the first thing I need to know?
Answer: Your address.
I'm sorry you think I'm some amerifat ctr asshole, that whole orginization terrifies me. I don't know if the slack chat is real, I don't fucking care, really, protecting against a server doing an inject is a legit concern.
Do you know how literally easy it is do to this? Basically you stick a server somewhere physically closer to your target then the site they're trying to access and send a FAKE VERSION of the data stream to the user sending them to YOUR version of the site instead. YOU serve them a fake webpage that they then LOG INTO, and you capture their password, OR you inject malware using js, flash, whatever.
thank you.
It sounds like they want to shut up the people who know how to make posts that redpill the fuck out of people.
Yeah so what? The worst they can really do is kill you, and eh I wasn't that attached to this life anyway.
If you keep your life compartmentalized there's a reason, and they can exploit that by breaking those barriers you've set up.
You're far more vulnerable than someone who doesn't really separate their real life from internet personas.
I am though. Some of us here are in their 30's and older and have wives and kids. I'm glad to not be living in the usa, but I have friends there and visit often.
this is exactly right. Getting lost in the noise is the best way to stay safe. None of the things I've linked will leave a "signature" that you're using them. They're passive and local to your machine only.
The reason is there is no bridge or link that could connect the online and offline
I don't have facebook, twitter, instagram, any of that shit
They'd have to like pass out fliers with screen caps and shit and no one would ever take that seriously
Good thinking, I never really thought of it that way. Increased resource cost per person forces them to either stretch themselves too thin or hyper concentrate and miss other potential threats.
I'll talk to a couple of my programmer friends about getting some stuff set up, nothing extravagant but enough to be a pain in the ass as you suggested.
Fucking lee barbara must be a turbo-autist
Damnit, I fucked that post up. But yeah, the names on the list and the names in OPs pic do match.
Fair enough, but I'm in my early twenties and don't have much to lose, but plenty to gain. On an aside, if you're in ANY first world country, you can bet that a U.S. fracturing or civil war will impact you tremendously regardless of where you are.
I do wish you the best though, and I hope we don't have to bury too many bodies in the years to come. I'd really like to just be left alone to pursue my own interests, a civil war would be horribly inconvenient.
On the comprimised machine? Or on any device that uses that IP address? Genuinly curious. Any sauce on "how quantum works" would be appreciated.
Friendly reminder that spreading fear to a target group is in itself a legitimate shut down tactic. Info spreaders get spooked and slow down or seize their activities. The mere threat of danger can accomplish the same as any assassin/whatever.
Ok, but consider the following.
I have a non-static IP that is for some reason located in a different state.
If they get access to any of my accounts, I have several addresses listed, some of which are fake, some of which are old address.
In my current address, I live with 3 people who are all gun owners.
There is no real way to sneak into my place unless you are special forces.
If military came, you'd hear about it, since we live in a rural town with one road, and everyone would know.
It's not worth sending special forces to make me commit suicide.
This is really as easy as running a couple well known open source programs. deep IT people like to be annoying autist fucks and make you do everything manually like editing .conf files and other shit, no gui, all command line. It would be so fucking nice if they released a tool that does all this for you automatically and updates the community.conf too, but that would be just so fucking easy. (this is also the kind of thing that people like symantec sell to the masses for money). The really good, really powerful tools are all for linux or you have to literally compile yourself using cygwin because the fuckers don't want to release a binary, it's really annoying.
This is a good point; as long as anons don't waste too much time on this shit and we keep it to one thread, I guess it could be a net positive.
You can expand it you goon.
See this article:
no, it's a server the attacker uses to fire a "shot". How that works is above most people. Basically when you visit a website your computer does hops until it reaches the site you are actually going to. One of the hops is through a service they're sitting on on a major domain service. *coughDyncough* They point their system at your ip, and feed you the data on port 80/443 that your browser is expecting, with a fake version (or a directly modified version) of the site you're actually intending to visit, like facebook. Then, they stick code on the site that infects you, prevents you from doing the thing they want you to do, whatever. They can monitor your activity online in it's entirety as long as that tab is open. It's real shitty.
Also to your second thing, I'm not trying to scare anyone. I was scared, so that's why I made this post, because running this stuff… AND FUCKING NOSCRIPT, DISCONNECTME, firefox, self distructing cookies, ublock and whatever else it just a good idea in general.
From what I've read, FoxAcid and Quantum are used to target Tor users. Are people on Holla Forums even using Tor? (to VPN?)
Javascript makes Holla Forums a lot easier to use. If you're scared of malicious Javascript on Holla Forums, I would use a secure VM instead.
you rock dude, that means a lot and I feel better knowing I didn't waste the last 6 hours on you assholes. It's really, really annoying when I post legitimate advice and get called ctr or shill. Come the fuck on. When I was in college and uni I spent all my time on chan boards posting about anime and other shit, downloading from nyaa or irc or whereever the fuck. I have dvds full of 4x3 hardsub anime and had a really good time back then. I actually went to the first scientology protest and watched the chans morph into something very different over the years and people grew up and realized the world was bigger then their room at mom's house. Some of those people went on into politics and started to wake up a bit… and here we are. I'm just an IT pro watching his buddie's house burn down and getting freaked out for all of you, because I'm like all of you… but I know enough to recognize other IT people employing the tactics I would personally use if I was a "hacktavist" who believed he was doing the right thing. It's legitimately scary.
Thanks for the sauce. Will read.
Thanks for the explanation.
you can whitelist pol in noscript. It's just a good idea when you're visiting sites you don't trust.
Ben Fischbein
Correct The Record
This. They have nothing to gain by doxxing me and if they want to waste their time and money killing a luddite like me then it's probably a net benefit to the cause.
Might be different for other anons but I assume the dangerous ones have their tracks covered properly.
Correct The Record
Ben Fischbein
To be fair I think a lot of it stems from election paranoia. I've gotten called a CTR/shill at least ten times in the past week for just talking about the possibility Trump will lose an obviously rigged election.
I think the important thing to keep in mind is that Holla Forums is not an entity in and of itself. We are not all on the same team, we don't all share the same goals or identity.
We have agreed upon enemies and we come here to discuss news and ideas relating to them, nothing more. So take everything you see on Holla Forums with a grain of salt and don't take the opinions of anons too seriously.
We are in essence, a confederacy of the disaffected.
On an aside, if you have a throwaway email I'd like to invite you to come hang out in my degenerate discord sometime.
CTR working overtime tonight.
your words are generally kind but discord would expose my IP, and completely against the thing I just said was a bad idea to do.
I sincerely hope you're not CTR, because the devious nature of someone from there who could post something so nice in an effort to get me to "bite the apple" is very scary.
Someone brave enough to tweet this to Brock?
Better yet, If anyone is remotely open on the internet. Start kafkatrapping your social media now!
If they try and doxx an LGBTQA+ whoever, with some type of disability, or even a lefty ideology, they will fall apart.
If you think you are compromised, go ultra lefty on social media, but still support Trump.
Ya caught me.
Right I understand, fair enough. Regardless I assure you I'm not, I have quite a history with the chans.
I do wonder how many CTR operatives are active on here at any given time. I suspect we think there are significantly more than there actually are, but I'm sure they're maintaining a presence at least through the election.
You can't be bigoted against someone that's voting for Mega Hitler.
That honeypot is designed to get your ip so they can hit you with FoxAcid and other tools.
My fucking god. Fuck.
It's so hard these days to figure out who's who. I'm not from ctr/nsa/whatever alphabet gov agency either and I legitimately think you're probably cool. it would be neat to talk with more likeminded people but I can't think of a safe way to connect with you, unless you know how to zeronet and visit 0chan.
Not saying that any of you should ever be afraid of these fucks, but in the project veritas leaks they admitted to hiring "union guys" to do the dirty work.
My grandfather knew some of those guys and they aren't kidding. Unions got put into place through mafia "beat the shit out of you" tactics. That shit never died, they just got better at it.
Don't be afraid be prepared. It's that simple. People like us welcome death anyway. What could you possibly do to me that would be worse than letting me live to see you enslave the entire planet?
Death is nothing.
Don't you burgers have police in your country? What the fuck are they going to do? Menacing phone calls, show up knocking on your door? With all of the guns, I doubt that union workers would think that's a good idea.
Honestly, doxing Holla Forumsacks would serve two purposes: public shaming/social harm, and LWDS (the real deal aka communist purges).
dude knows what's up. +1.
I'm afraid not, it's okay though.
I met some like minded Holla Forumsocks at the Chicago Trump rally that went haywire way back when, we've been hanging out semi regularly since then.
I'm nearly positive that we had someone from one of the alphabet soups in our ranks for the first couple of meetings. Mid 30s, white, clearly upper middle class, military style haircut and professional dress.
Stood out pretty starkly from the rest of us who were mostly students/working twenty somethings. After awhile though he appears to have lost interest and fucked off, or if he was really working for someone they decided we weren't a threat.
Which is true, we keep our conversations focused primarily on current events, and prepping for the inevitable happening. We have no intentions to fire the first shot, but we do intend to be able to protect ourselves when someone does.
Anyway I'm rambling, my point is it's not impossible to meet other Holla Forumsocks, you just have to be vigilant. You also have to be willing to show up in person and not confine yourself to shitposting on anonymous Indonesian basket weaving forums.
Side note, we used IRC for a bit but most of us were too lazy to regularly check in on there. That and IRC is fucking hideous in terms of aesthetics.
I wouldn't say I WELCOME it, living has its perks. But I'm kind of numb to it, as long as I die in the service of good it makes no difference to me.
If there is a God he will no doubt understand why I did what I did and hopefully respect my honesty with myself and my peers. If there is no God, well then who cares. We're all headed for Oblivion anyway and this was all just an amusing twist in the cosmos.
was this leaked by ekim? is this girl still alive??
there's gotta be more than that. with trump, palantir, WL.
also, is this that old slack print that everyone thought was false originally? how the f didn't it come up after they were doxxed and names listed?
He was likely fired after his supervisors found out that he'd become sympathetic to your group
IRC shows IP directly, and quantum insert is a bit scary right now.
Look up zeronet. There's a chan there that can't be destroyed, ever. It's serverless. it has a pol, tool.
see this: youtube.com
This is the kind of stuff I'd fabricate and "leak" if I were CTR, scares off active posters, way more effective than a couple of retards clicking phising links.
What made me really suspicious of him was how vague he was when I pressed him for some info on who he was. I'm one of the two unofficial leaders of our little squad of Holla Forumsocks.
All I could get out of him was that he worked in the city at an "office job". Additionally his "history" in relation to how he ended up on Holla Forums basically boiled down to "I'm not really a Holla Forumsock I just kinda showed up around gamergate and I don't really post there either, just heard about the meeting."
He was also extremely hesitant to express any sort of opinion on any of the things we discussed. For these reasons I suspect he was on someone's payroll. If he wasn't (which I doubt) I'm sad to see him go, but if he was as seems likely, I'm glad we're rid of him.
I'll look into it.
I'm sure those fine gentlemen have families they wish to protect. And I'm sure going after young, single men with nothing to lose is a very good way of putting their families in danger.
Kill them on sight. Problem solved.
lel you're the one spreading disinfo from fucking realtruenews and we are the kikes?
go larp somewhere else
That's actually a point against him being a fed if anything. There's nothing constraining them from expressing similar views to blend in.
what the hell is quantum?
a LARPer term
I really just want 4chan to go home
two LARP IDs
Known NSA tool.
Those Union guys are accustomed to operating in the first world with the relative protection of the law. We'll see how well they fare in the years to come, but I suspect they're made of weaker stuff than they'd like us to believe.
By and large they strike me as stupid goons, nothing more.
Fuck off faggot.
Maybe, regardless he struck me as someone with too much to lose based off his story to be at that rally unless he stood to gain something by being there with us.
>reddit spacing
wtf is realtruenews? I found this image linked and realized they were talking about MotS Quantum insert.
HOLY FUCK I'm not larping you fucking shill.
larp away /int/
>reddit spacing
ctr here in full force sliding
how surprising
>reddit spacing
what is this fucking story time?
these stupid assholes trying to discredit me, right?
I'm some larper, this isn't real goym, go back to bed, RIGHT?
holy fuck wake the fuck up. These are OLD AS SHIT SECURITY TOOLS.
to what?
muted. Found CTR.
Sure why not.
>reddit spacing
For anyone wondering here's how it works.
Also filtered for being a tremendous faggot.
sorry, pasted the wrong one.
Why haven't mods closed this Mr Robot wannabe shit down?
jim raped and killed hotwheels
because I'm not and you're a shill attempting to slide, probably with a script. You're scared I just gave the direct defense platform to 8ch. Muted.
>reddit spacing
I can hop IPs all night just to piss (((you))) off
Are you fucking retarded?
I'm so fucking glad that's not a real thing.
It was for a while
I should have studied computer science, because I can't figure out who is jewing who in this thread. If I can't figure it out now I'm going to be royally fucked in a few years, unless of course the Don wins and turns all of this around.
All I do is use a VPN with ublock and ghostery. I know I am fucked, in that they have my information, but I dont have any serious information. I am just a shitposter on the internet, so I figure I have a few years before the thought police actually come after people like me.
I could figure out how to run a mainstream linux distro and use a "virtual machine", and tails but who fucking cares because it seems like an arms race I cannot win. It seems like a better option to simply live a clean life and do what is right when the time comes to defend yourself.
If all they want to do is doxx, then the worst they can do is fuck with my employer. In which case I just get another job, if need be, and easily because I do have a rare and valued skill.
Being "outed" as a Trump supporting Holla Forums visitor would shock some people I know but it really wouldn't be a big deal.
Now if they kill me that would suck, because I actually enjoy my life. But I can't spend my life as a dickless faggot scared to look at "bad" ideas on a website. Nor do I have the time to teach myself enough computer programming to understand what the fuck OP is talking about.
So I'm just going to keep on browsing and if the faggots decide to kill me then so be it.
What happened to it, enough to be purged from this website?
It's all roleplaying. Notice how whenever someone legitimately questions OP in the thread he ignores them, but ones just calling him a faggot like mine is doing right now he gleefully calls shill.
Remember the new CTR handbook claims the best tactic is to call your rivals a shill to discredit them without even dealing with their argument. Our enemy is certainly evolving to match our memes, but not to the point where they can add your PC to a botnet just from reading text. Although I wouldn't put it past Mason cuck Jim to sell out his troublesome Holla Forums users in a heartbeat to make some shekels.
Not enough info mate. You haven't made your case. Elaborate and I will be thrilled to follow your instructions.
Can't say somethign like that without telling me more with OPSEC
GO FUCK YOURSELF OP. Spreading fear faggotry. We know who CTR are and they're nothing. They don't have fucking access to NSA shit you dummy.
that's what they want.
That's exactly what I'm talking about
I don't care if they do or don't this is legit security that goes way beyond your stupid antivirus and adblock. I've said many times I have no idea if this post is real or not.
I'm not ctr, I don't live in america.
The thing about this is that if (((they))) want us dead we will be dead. I thought this was evident to all of you, as well as the fact that technologically speaking there is no way anything we do or think we can do can counter the might of alphabet agencies and other such elements.
You all need to accept the fact that you've put your lives on the line, and make peace with death. It is both my belief and conviction that all of this was preordained before time began, and I knew that they will inevitably start killing us. But the flesh can die, the soul cannot. We will live again. They are already dead.
>reddit spacing
Ultimately it doesn't matter whether CTR does or not. Why wouldn't you want protection from NSA tools even if CTR isn't employing them? NSA is an enemy as well.
I figure it's time for us to show these cocksuckers exactly why muh white people controlled them and dominated them for thousands of years without the need for subversion or media games
that defeatist attitude is stupid. Open source security and encryption is legitimately sound. There's a reason snowden recommends security products.
this guy gets it.
Original picture probably a psyop.
OP probably an Arch user scrip kiddie.
Tools he promotes are legit and no harm in having them but useless if they actually had goverment tools and wanted to get you since there are tens of other atack vectors.
Choose one, computer engineering master race.
Agree. I am way in over my head technologically speaking, and I have been on the internet long enough for them to know my thought process. They have a hologram personality of everybody stored somewhere with complementary and ongoing threat assessment.
So be it. Can't stop it.
nice >reddit spacing why don't you "STOP" you very obvious faggot.
Proofpoint is a legit Information Security company. A place I used to work with worked with them.
believe it or not I use windows 10 because I really dig my vive, and I'm in my 30's with a wife and a kid. I work on servers at work, and I did opsec before that so I still know things. I still recommend running bro with sendmail on my aws ec2 instances.
Also lol at computer engineering. When you realize people who can't do both prog and soc/ic/trace at the same time aren't on your level it starts to get a little scary in the bubble floating at the top.
I have yet to meet someone in person who can do what I do.
Typical leftist response.
thank you. I think the people who can use this information realize I'm just trying to help and those who I wish to help will be helped, and the rest of you need to be purged anyway.
This whole thread feels like demoralization propaganda
Pro tip: If people censor themselves expecting not to be "put on a list" you are giving up your country. Spreading information is the biggest weapon on the planet.
Shows how little I know about any of this.
I'm officially disabled. Haha
so take my advice, use this software and keep fighting the good fight?
It's not defetism. It's true invincibility and certainty in the overwhelming might of God. Sure, call me a christcuck and so on. But this is beyond Christianity. All the faiths agree that the blood of the saints will run like a river, and this triggers the wrath of the Father. Call him God, call him Jesus, call him Odin, Thor, Kalki - it doesn't matter. We are His and He is ours. We are one. To be here and to die for our cause is the testament of our eternal virtue, and the reclaiming of our divine status as persons, as the true Aryans, as virya. Because this was never about mere biology and politics. This is a cosmic struggle of Good versus Evil. Don't believe me - believe the fucked up rituals the elites perform.
I've been around for a long while too. But in the end I know they have no idea about the person behind the screen. But yes, so be it. We've chosen the path of light, and we'll follow it to the end.
Hey these are some really good examples of >reddit spacing
fuck off kike
Also, realistically speaking, how much longer to small fish shitposters have?
The further you look at the physical nature of the universe the more it looks like pixels. Look at ECC (error correcting code) and AWLIS. I'm off topic but whatever.
I know schizo, I'm definitely not, go fuck yourself, take another drink.
>reddit spacing
So you just accept that you're compromised then, despite knowing better. I've yet to meet anyone like that myself.
I do not actually know what's up in the NSA world, but XSS should fucking be dead in the real world even without noscript. Is it truly living on?
turns out you're a genius.
These actions only prove that we're doing something right. They prove we are a threat, they prove we are doing what should be done. I wasn't trying to demoralize anyone with my posts about death. Quite the opposite. I only said that all of us need to accept the possibility of our death, and this knowledge by itself liberates us, makes us fierce and joyful. There is no fear here, only the joy of war and certainty of our ultimate victory.
Onwards, forever and unflinchingly.
really high posting quality in this thread, high speed one-liner shitposts out the wazoo. go back.
This. Enemies are using these weapons and while ctr are pencil-necked scum, their connections are not. Arm yourself accordingly. Maybe even find some books on network and computer security, to see for yourself if OP can be trusted. Learn to shoot as well.
Ultimately, you are the best defense for yourself and your loved ones. Learn to master the security of your computer and your domain. If American, go the extra mile and arm up. If Killary's friends pay you a visit to "discover" an accident involving 20 nails in the throat from a missing nail gun, then you at least have a fighting chance.
Hopefully someone will pay these bastards their dues in their own time. Learn your computer and learn your place in the network. Learn how to secure it. Maybe even grab some books for the Certified Ethical Hacking courses, and pick up some network security textbooks. Those who do not want you to learn, only want you to be weak. There are shills on this board. CTR exists here. And then there are the gutter trash that will go out of their way to do their fellows a disservice. If ever you meet them in real life, don't even piss on them to put them out if they are on fire. Let them burn, they are scum, relish their screams.
Build some cheap computers and create your own network and experiment. The internet is like sex, and with the women of today, you damn well wouldn't go into a whore without at least some knowledge and protection.
yep, pretty much. I'm not doing anything wrong, really. Check out my sock drawer. Be jealous of my wife and her girlfriends whom I get to play with. whatever, fam. I do alright.
Keyscore is dead. Injection is the next wave. Zeronet and IPFS could save the world but like I said prog nutter folks make the barrier to entry shit instead of making available preconfigured binaries.
This is actually scary, and I'm not going to say why because it'll probably make me clear to a post metric. But, what the fuck. What. the fuck.
this. get a license, buy a gun.
dude, I wish I could meet you. holy shit, you know what's up. You're the kind of person I would hire right away.
Good advice from one of the only good posts ITT.
Chances that FOX ACID and the like are real and not part of the "leak" that got sold off to skiddies worldwide a while ago are massively slim.
That "leak" was mostly buy-in botnets and DDoS scripts that used to cost money.
Anything for those of us who are not "advanced users"? Something "set and forget"
fucking are you being paid. I'm not even looking at what you posted. How the fuck are you still here sageing this.
what the fuck. This is fucking scary. I hit a nerve, did i?
Haha, I posted this track a few times today, don't worry about it.
I'm sorry my dude. Even the stuff I posted means you have to go look at logs to see if you're being owned. It literally doesn't block anything, it just makes you aware of the fact that your ip was exposed and you're being fed fake pages. I don't know of any softs that make this visible, really. It would actually be cool to write one. This is really oldschool stuff (that is absolute in the fact that it works) that is usually used in server environments to protect corp secrets and software assets. :( it can tell you when you're a target so you can take measures to obfuscate yourself a little better or protect the fam. I dunno what to tell you.
I've studied CS; not a ton, but enough to know that nothing in the OP is bad or out of the ordinary. Anyone who spent 5 minutes doing a little research would see the same.
The guys saging the thread are just immature fuckwits.
like shit, fucking christ, this is my jam for reasons.
I heard it today for the very first time. Crispy track, right?
This thread isn't about censoring yourself, it's about downloading and installing a set of tools that warn you about, or block, intrusion attempts on your network.
I don't identify with nat socialism, but sieg heil mah man.
I'm not being paid to not bump shit threads on an imageboard I like to use, 90% of the posts in this thread are sensationalist trash. Don't even bring up the "leaked NSA tools" scam that went around here a few months back, not a single mention of it.
I'm >>>Holla Forums please don't go there and start shitting it up with /g/shit and most of the posts ITT are freaking out about something they know nothing about. Learn how networking works and secure yourself, if you're this worried about a bunch of nigger-lovers that shitpost for buttcoins then what do you think your local police are doing, how about your local fusion center?
This is what I mean by cuckchan tier garbage, this is why this thread does not deserve to be bumped.
Part of the reaction is OP's own fault with him constantly talking about how "scary" it all is.
Pedowood confirmed.
>reddit spacing confirmed
You don't bring a nuke to a picnic, user.
why the fuck… are you saying that? The fact that I even know about this stuff shows I'm clearly not an average user. what the fuck are you talking about?
Dude seriously I literally use most of the tools you just linked. check it, literally from my browser right fucking now. We're on the same page. I'm telling you right now, as one friend to another it's not enough. decetneralize, ublock, firefox, noscript, cookie exploder, all that shit is not enough to stop injection.
Oldfag who learned to TYPE on a TYPEWRITER confirmed, yes.
Nothing in his jpg will actually keep your IP hidden, he's trying to get autists to chase their tails and achieve nothing.
He says that "https everywhere" keeps your IP address secure when it has nothing to do with IP addresses and just enforces SSL.
He suggests only trusting *chans aka other image boards besides Holla Forums like 4chan which ban VPNs and Tor posting with a long history of handing over IP info to LEA.
It's all nonsense that achieves nothing.
mafia, cartel, and gang scum need to be exterminated, I don't dislike their business for say, they fuck over the gov quite often and keep them busy, which is okay, but their goons are purchasable, which makes them a threat to us.
That's a new excuse defend >reddit spacing more please.
Honestly I lean towards thinking that you are trying to help. But like I said I'm a luddite, so I can't know, with certainty, the difference between someone trying to help and someone trying to hurt, especially with all the disinfo on the web.
But also, I've reached my limit. If they are trying to doxx me then they can doxx away. And I doubt they would send someone to kill me, for very good reasons.
If they tried to kill me they would also have to try and kill hundreds of thousands of other anons as well. Such a program would cause a massive spike in unexplained murders, and wetworks is a messy business–undoubtedly a handful of anons would manage to survive to tell the tale.
And if there comes a time when they feel powerful enough to start rounding up large numbers of citizens with impunity, I will fight, and the fact that they have a record of my IP visiting Holla Forums on 10/23 won't make any difference.
I have kept my heart as pure as I can, and it's not a crime to love your people. I appreciate your efforts if they are genuine, don't take my decision personally. The waters have been hopelessly muddied.
I never said it would keep you hidden. Literally nothing but TOR will do that, but tor is compromised. Actually, I can help you with one better…
Do you want to know where the real wild west is?
I bet those of you still following this still do.
Guess what. It lies in the blockchain and other places.
Twister is a blockchain based twitter alternative. You might be surprised at what you can find there.
Zeronet is pretty user friendly but exposes your ip to other people using it - not that that is very important, since it has tor built right in.
But then there's this: https:// geti2p.net/en/
And ipfs for that matter. It's really sad most of you haven't caught on to it yet.
thanks for the vote of confidence dude. honestly though the way the internet works they really have no idea you're posting here unless you have a browser signature that's easy to track (using chrome and logging in all the time) and they've compromised 8ch somehow, which is really unlikely, but who knows.
I really don't think people like you and me matter. They won't round us up. They're looking for people who are influencers and leakers, the top ones. We're not it.
It's not just you, this is herd innoculation stuff. Literally every compromised machine hurts everyone and freedoms and all that.
Have noscript installed, even if you globally whitelist everything cause holy fuck those basic attacks it blocks.
If you actually want to learn/visualize webshit (masochism) get umatrix which now works on firefox too. Very handy stuff, has options for referrers and useragents and strict https that breaks websites because they halfassed their shit.
Doesn't make explicit the newer stuff, XHR is covered, the rest like random plugins and WS and shit is 'other.' Just looking at it will tell you what is up.
I don't know that latest Tor is compromised, TorBrowser sure is but that's gotta be intentional. Exit nodes definitely are compromised, but they can't guarantee you go inside.
Zeronet is basically max-trust freenet except without the local store being encrypted which is spooky. All p2p systems including Tor expose your IP to something anyway.
IPFS is complicated, I try.
it is scary in the sense that people who don't know how to protect themselves are going to get fucked. I'm not worried because I know my devices are 100% secure becuase I run the confs on my router. Everything inside my network is behind something which blocks traffic of this type.
But you're not me and are probably behind some consumer router with insecure nat posting on chrome while you use a google id and allow all cookies and javascript.
Suck it.
CTR is a sealed vault filled with virgin cucks.
We've read the emails hombre.
ahaha I leave my zeronet folder in a double veracrypt volume, lmfao. You know what's up!
But you're totally right. Dispite it being a full exposure maxtrust it does enable posting in a UNCENSORABLE method, which is great. It's kinda similar to wikileaks distributing their insurance, right? nothing can be removed.
Geburah trips confirm
Read my other posts, I've been on your side mostly. But the "its scary" shit is why most people here's first reaction is to hate this thread and you would be best served to drop it. Most here are fully aware that there's a solid chance we'll die so when you start talking about how its scary that they have our addresses it comes off as weakness and deserving of mockery.
If you had instead based your case around how we should be doing our best to tax the enemy's resources and tie them up to hamper them it would have gotten a much better reception.
Maybe I'm not very good at framing my response and I apologize for the crass response, I'm getting tired.
This is why people like us who know what to do and how to protect ourselves need to drop this redpill and make people aware that the corps providing software like windows don't really know about opsec and that consumer routers and IoT are the weakest link. Yeah sure, go get you some pixel and google home. That'll be great! /s
Maybe you could make another post and get a better response. I'm sure half the people on here who are sage this thread are state actors and the other half are people who've been blackpilled and playing along. I dunno. I just wanna save us through unbreakable security - because it does exist and people don't realize it.
zeronet is a peer to peer program, having it in an encrypted volume means nothing when it's directly connected to the Internet and anyone can connect to it while it's running.
Yeah, I ain't hatin' on zeronet or freenet. Publishing forever is cool, IPFS also seems really cool but I dunno about the backend tools and generally just go through the proxies when I get linked stuff. Same effect on my end.
It's not even about your own personal stuff, yes you can have your devices compromised if you're a tard but if you run google services they've probly already got a backdoor waiting to download to your phone at the drop of a hat. Almost every site on the internet is MITM'd by cloudflare or some other retarded obfuscation scheme which also gives them targetted access.
of course they can, but if they tied some post on 0chan to me they would have absolutely no legal way to prove I even used the software.
Freenet has deniability because the user doesn't control what they store. Thats also a liability, plus java's probly a liability.
strike first
freenet is something else entirely and they have this narrative that it exists for cp and nothing else.
if zeronet can secure itself or go entirely ipv6+sec it'll win.
yeah the whole "encryption is for pedos" line always comes around. I don't know, I haven't got any real reason to use freenet or zeronet and if I did I'd probly get exposed to CP anyway.
When that happens I'd like as much crypto between me and the world as possible, thanks.
furreal. I've wanted to code a ecm noise keygen in double blowfish or something even crazier for fde now that NVMe makes it possible to do so without a huge performance hit but I'm adhd and don't have the time, really.
maybe when I'm retired and living off the grid.
you forgot to install winpcap.
apparently HTTPS Everywhere can detect MitM attacks. Is that worth enabling?
Anything else I can use to harden firefox? I have NoScript, HTTPS Everywhere, Adblock, Ghostery, Disconnect, and a referrer blocker
I thought you were replying to my op, sorry.
absolutely, that's why I recommended it, besides the fact that you should be using https everywhere anyway.
Spacing paragraphs like so:
Is not Reddit spacing. In fact, it was the common spacing for practically the entire existence of imageboards.
kys fam.
Whats yalls thoughts on the privacy badger? I know ghostery and disconnect are placebo to normie tier, just not sure how EFF's works by comparison.
The same shit communist assassins always do. Assassinate you while you're alone. Car bombs. Elevator bombs. Poison needle handshake. Poison your dog. Poison your kids. Follow you until you're along and then van you. The list goes on. It's not hard to make someone disappear. Especially if you think it's morally righteous because you're fighting against literally hitler.
You get disappeared. Nothing bad happens to anyone involved. That's how it works in the beginning at least.
Union guys are the mafia guys. It's a lighter mafia allowed by the government because it's "for the workers."
Union workers literally pay protection money to their union so that the union works in their best interests.
Those union guys are workers. You move up through being a strong worker who can talk well. Go to a construction site and try to start a fight and see how it goes for you.
Zeronet is just a bittorrent client serving webpages instead of movies, music etc. If someone uploads CP to zeronet you will be seeding it from your zeronet client. What you use your Internet connection for is logged by your ISP and anyone that connects to it can see your IP and what you are serving.
The only way zeronet has to obscure IPs is Tor which is slow as fuck for torrenting and not at all unique to them. On top of all this you have to trust they don't ever fuck with the client you are using.
I get a feeling that the director of wikileaks died during the escape of Assange.
No user, when someone makes spaces in their post you have to call them redditor. Didn't you get the memo?
It's very important.
8ch uses a fairly strong TLS configuration, but that comes from CloudFlare.
CloudFlare appears to be pretty good on pushing back against the NSA publicly [archive.is
Theoretically CloudFlare could intercept all activity here without involving any fancy NSA 0day shit: all they have to do is sniff traffic and decrypt using the existing cert(s) or push an alphabet-approved cert to their cluster (or region or do it per domain) and they've got everything. As long as 8ch uses CloudFlare on clearnet it's not secure!
Now, Tor is a different matter. 8ch hosts the Tor site directly, so it could theoretically use TLS there. But 8ch doesn't use TLS on Tor and there is no plan to do so. In terms of even basic comms security for 8ch, anons are fucked from both ends unless 8ch reconfigures the servers.
Secondly, there's the issue of dealing with a malicious CA (certificate authority). If, say, 8ch got a cert from Comodo and deployed it on the site we would still face the risk of interception. The NSA could simply go to Comodo and ask them to issue a secret (and valid) cert for 8ch. Things like this have already happened [archive.fo
Another thing 8ch could do is issue its own certs using a custom CA. The CA could be distributed securely to anons, perhaps signed with a known GPG key of hotwheels or whoever. If the signature matches, an user can install this custom CA on their computer and 8ch could generate certificates for free and rotate them as often as needed. This would make it very difficult for alphabet agencies to issue fake certs since they'd have to crack the CA private key first. This is the approach used by the SKS Keyserver Pool, which is a pool of servers used for exchanging OpenPGP public keys (if the NSA could fuck with this it would be very bad news).
To summarize, if 8ch wanted to unfuck this situation they would:
+ stop using CloudFlare immediately
+ configure 8ch servers to use HSTS (so that connections are always forced to use TLS)
+ use TLS on the Tor site too
+ set up a private CA for 8ch, sign the CA cert file with GPG, and distribute it securely
+ OR instead of using a custom CA, go with a well-known CA and implement HPKP (key pinning) to prevent fraudulent certificates from being issued by a malicious CA (e.g. at the NSA's request)
Snort may or may not help you. Wireshark certainly won't help unless you know exactly what to look for. It's primarily a network debugging/analysis tool, not an IDS. It's not feasible to sift through millions of packets by hand looking for suspicious traffic.
If you want to get somewhat serious about this, replace your home router/wireless AP combo shitbox with a dedicated machine, then run Snort/Suricata/Bro/whatever on that. Snort (and Suricata IIRC) both run on pfSense, which is an open source firewall based on BSD. Bro would have to run on a Linux machine or maybe in a VM. It's not clear whether Snort or other IDS rules are evolving fast enough to block things like Quantum Insert simply because we don't know much about the specific methods used and new methods are probably being developed constantly. I'm sure it doesn't hurt to try anyway, and this kind of setup is loads better than the typical Linksys turd that sits at the border of the average Joe's home network.
t. sysadmin
Oh dear. I wouldn't want to be called a redditor. Best to just conform to the demands of a vocal minority!
tippity top memeing my friend
HTTPS Everywhere also supports Observatory to at very least detect CA/tls attacks in the wild. Fucking use it.
You cannot attack what you cannot see - this is part of why privacy is so important.
From a more theoretical framework, military conflict more or less follows a recce -> plan -> enact style of flow. You can't shoot your enemy if you don't know where he is, or if he is. There's a variety of methods for doing recce, the specifics depend on the kind of war.
In this war of subterfuge and assassins, recce will involve identification, and location; surveillance as well to observe patterns and exploit them. These things have to be done before you can make any reasonable plan to deal with a target. Doing these things gives you the information necessary to conduct an ambush, which is what - in strictly militaryspeak - an assassination is.
Because an ambush tends to be extremely lethal for the ambushee, the best defense comes before you even reach that stage. (This is something I feel wikileaks and associates have failed enormously at) - you prevent your opponent from conducting any recce on you. You don't let him spy on you electronically or physically, you spoof your identity or your location, you feed false information, etc. etc. I'm sure there's top secret spook manuals covering this shit, but it's all basic stuff you could get out of On War. (Presumably, I've yet to read more than the preface, lol)
Part of the issue at the moment is that Rule of Law exists, and most people generally follow it. This means you cannot be a sneaky git and do something like feed false info and then set up a counter-ambush on your would be assassin. Well, at least not in a way that involves anything illegal - Rule of Law. The Powers That Be get to ignore and break Rule of Law as they see fit, but we do not.
Again, this is something where I think wikileaks has partly failed. This isn't a game where you can play goody-two-shoes and come out the ass end of it alive. It's war; different from normal war, but still war. I'm not sure the best things wikileaks could've done, but they've clearly centralized their organization too much, and haven't expended nearly enough ammo on their opponents.
You see, in war, you can't just sit back, relax, let your enemy scope you out, etc. etc. The best defense truly is an offense. It's a tired old saying because it's entirely true. (Or more accurately, defense is just another form of offense - you don't defend with the goal of defending, but with the goal of enabling an attack). Wikileaks and Associates and everyone else like them, should be conducting their own spying/surveillance programs on their opponents. If a wikileaks organizer suddenly suicides, a "cleaner" or the person who hired him, should suicide too.
Entirely the problem in this war: The leakers/patriots/etc are always on the defensive, and as such are the only ones who actually die.
May be part of such a statement. We'll see.
Please people be safe when looking at ANY thread. OP wants you to download software from suricata-ids.org which is owned by oisf.net which is owned by Creative Benefit Strategies
> [email protected]/* */,-86.9274128,13z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x88131d5ab2fd20fd:0x85874e5b736292fe!2s416+Main+St+%233,+Lafayette,+IN+47901!3b1!8m2!3d40.419406!4d-86.892394!3m4!1s0x88131d5ab479ffdd:0x135689370b8a6287!8m2!3d40.419406!4d-86.8923939
This is a shell company with no business model. Their domain laid dormant until the election cycle started.
oisf street address is in their footer archive.fo
archive of suricata archive.fo
That's not going to fix the CloudFlare problem unfortunately.
Suricata has been around since 2009/2010. It's a well known IDS.
Good on you dude.
It's open-source software; why would it have a business model? The website is just a way to distribute.
Pfsense and suricata is exactly what I do. Suricata had mirror attacks blocked in 2015. They're keeping up - believe me, it's LITERALLY their job.
this is a shill trying to discredit suricata which has been around since 2009. use Snort if you don't trust me, but it's owned by cisco.
I've actually gone full paranoid mode lately and installed Linux with full disk encryption, as well as having the following security addons I put on any computer I come into contact with
ublock origin
privacy badger
https everywhere
self destructing cookies
I never really felt the need for a firewall, but after reading tt and reading other IT anons post about Snort, I installed that too. Might take me a while to get fully acquainted with it as I work very infrequently with firewalls.
But the bare minimum anybody should have on their computers is those addons I listed. They're the ultimate passive protection software list for web stuff.
You wot m8?
run snort with confs designed for security in general quiet mode. Set up a crontab to email you whenever anything hits the log and you're good.
Suricata is open source and owned by the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF), a community-run non-profit foundation. It’s developed by the OISF and its supporting vendors.
Remember that open source means that everyone can look at it, and you can compile from source. It's the last gasp of true security. If it's not open source it can't be trusted, but open source can have bugs/leaks/invulnerability that people haven't noticed yet, see: openssl
Thanks to the nature of hte beast though, that shit gets patched fast. Keep your shit up to date.
When it comes to closed source though, who the fuck knows? Anything that has a bug/exploit/whatever won't be known until it's exposed, and that'll only happen after the bad actors have been using it for a long time.
Snort isn't a firewall, it's an IDS. You should still use a firewall on your computer and/or on your home network border. Since you run Linux and you're new, ufw would be a good choice. It's a frontend to iptables and includes a GUI management tool (gufw).
You won't learn this stuff in CS. You only learn this stuff in IT and more specifically IT security/digital security with its related classes which include networking, software and hardware classes.
That or on your own. A lot of universities skimp out on this kind of knowledge despite it being ever more increasingly prevalent in our lives. Honestly, you're better off learning netsec and opsec stuff from here and places like defcon than over in uni.
This man knows what he''s talking about. it's because this shit is really, really hard and really, really obscure because IDS is really hard to work with and nobody really knows who to build a "rollup" with usable user info and filter false positives in a way that doesn't make them look like chicken little.
Where does this meme keep coming from? From what source rather than hearsay on an anonymous Chinese bamboo knitting site have you heard these things from?
The freedomhosting takedown and the Carnegie Mellon "hack" don't count because they didn't compromise the actual security of the infrastructure and relied on client end exploits and other dumbfuckery.
Give me an actual respected source detailing exactly how and where TOR is compromised, which basically means no third party "journalism sites" or blogs.
This is so CTR it hurts. Like of course you shouldn't click on suspicious links but come the fuck on.
it's common knowledge in IT that tor exit nodes have been compromised forever due to the fact that nsa operates tor exit nodes…
https:// twitter.com/yashalevine/status/546836750719778816
The NSA owning many exit nodes != the TOR infrastructure being compromised in entirety. I know that the NSA and various alphabet agencies own exit nodes, but so do other government agencies as well as plenty of people across the world.
As long as they don't own every single exit node or >90% of them, it's still very hard even for agencies like the NSA to fully traceback the origin traffic definitively every time. The strength of TOR relies on the number of people using it. It's security through numbers. The more people are dissuaded from using it, the easier it is for agencies like the NSA to pinpoint traffic and identities.
Do you see how many retweets that twitter post has? Practically NONE.
https:// pando.com/2014/12/26/if-you-still-trust-tor-to-keep-you-safe-youre-out-of-your-damn-mind/
https:// pando.com/2014/12/19/tor-founder-warns-that-threatened-attack-on-network-could-be-really-bad-allowing-traffic-to-be-hijacked/
this is true of i2p but not tor. i2p is far superior imho.
ultimate redpill for silicon valley pros like me.
Sorry, it's past 1:00 AM here.
Sorry, should have specified for Linux machines. Of course it's enabled for Windows which has an infinitely larger attack vector range.
Thanks. I knew of Snort and related tools but never used them because I don't run servers. Still useful for clients though it seems.
What actually happens, assuming someone actually competent involved - they scope /k/ommando out for a few weeks, notice he buys dog food at petsmart every friday, and then "accidentally" run him over with a truck in the parking lot.
You don't fight your enemy on his terms; you fight on yours.
If you let someone get into a position where they can ambush you, you've fucked up immensely.
Even your 70 IQ retardo burglars know to scope a place out and then break in when nobody's home.
But i2p is used exclusively for CP now. At least last I heard. Same with freenet, which is a shame because they both had so much potential.
These don't disprove any of what I said. It's the same stuff I already addressed in my prior post.
Yes, by owning a significant majority of the exit nodes traffic becomes easier to traceback to an origin source, but there are nodes all across the world. Also IIRC, this issue has been addressed in the actual infrastructure by having nodes blacklisted if they appear suspicious, so 3000 exit nodes popping up all of a sudden is definitely suspicious.
As far the original directory authorities go, well that may be cause for concern, but as of now there is no hint that the DA's have been compromised fully. It's still a valid concern though.
Your sources are exactly what I didn't ask for. I want actual first party sources that detail even to a minor degree how EXACTLY the TOR infrastructure is ACTUALLY compromised, not could be compromised.
I'm not trying to bust your balls here man, I just want accurate information and for FUD to stop being spread around.
This is who they are
No it isn't
why would you sage a thread you support? you guys need more chan training
Great quality topic OP. Enjoy a ban.
What about just posting with a spare laptop thats never been used on my home network at the public library?
That's a little overboard unless for posting on chans.
In some instances if you don't have a hardened system, posting on public wifi like at a library is even more risky as you're guaranteed that some fucker is probably sniffing the network trying to capture bank info and shit. Not to mention if you're being followed by spooks, its trivial and only a few keystrokes away from pwning you because you're on an unsecured network.
Using public wifi securely will depend on a lot of factors in you securing yourself.
So basically
Using public wifi + not being very smart = dumb
Using public wifi + knowing what you're doing = smart
Don't do it unless you know what you're doing and have planned accordingly.
> winpcap.org
Eh, you can't even call winpcap a security/hacking tool anymore than ping, traceroute, netcat, or other network diagnostic tool.
Does freenet even have the bandwidth or storage for stupid shit like porn?
Your computer's hard drive is the storage space for freenet (I think, I haven't looked at it in forever). You dedicate a portion of your hard drive to server as encrypted storage space for literally anybody and everybody who can access it at any time. I don't know about the bandwidth though, I assume it's as fast as the individuals connection speed.
Yeah but if you setup let's say 5 GB for freenet, that data is also going to be mirrored on other disks, so you're not really offering 5 GB of storage per se, only a fraction of that.
No shit. Why do you think people were up in arms about stingrays being sold to the police, along with heavy vehicles, weapons, and other assorted goods?
On an unrelated note, I suspect that they're willing to do anything and everything to ensure that they remain in control. Even if it means having 250 million less to rule over stateside.
This looks similar to the RIG 4 exploit kit's method of infections.
massive LARP (sage). active attacks can be attributed so they are only used in a targeted setting. and no, the entire board is not that.
true. but 8ch is in HTTPS Everywhere default ruleset and everyone should be using it.
this doesn't add extra security: connections to Tor hidden services are already encrypted and authenticated.
HTTPS everywhere isn't going to stop a flash bases cross site forgery request.
I'm sure most of the niggers on this form still use WinDerps NSA Edition, so the Flash or Java can immediately start wreaking havoc on your shit.
Would a IT Security FAQ be used here?
neither is HSTS so what's your point here?
Use noscript or umatrix to stop flash/java exploits.
Frankly you should be using noscript even if you don't give a fuck about preventing exploits - it's too useful for turning stupid bullshit off and destroying ads/spam.
My fucking sides are in orbit.
Is this for fucking real? I'm having a reaaaaaaaaaaalllllll hard time imagining a tough, no-nonsense police chief telling his crew, "We are going to find the thought leaders, the meme-generators, the shit-posters. I need a target analysis for reddit, twitter, and the chans by tomorrow!" completely seriously and without breaking up into fits of laughter.
Either this world really is completely insane, or OP is trolling the fuck out of all of you gullible faggots.
Isn't it how the NSA tools may have been leaked?
It's clearly retarded. David brock is not a computor man, he just runs the shitposting department.
Straight up uninstall flash and java plugins. Noscript protects against XSRF. Umatrix is also good for things.
Why don't we just do what you said, but then really kill ourselves? This could become a huge false flag to blame CTR and the DNC for the killings.
Need to turn off Flash and Java in particular.
There isn't a "major" risk of "JavaScript" exploits i.e. noscript, unless you are entering sensitive information.
I think Holla Forums needs to button down the hatches and get ready for a long winter.
We really need to create a combo of this
( internet over shortwave radio mesh networks )
And this
A mega-archiving server system.
If the internet gets "turned off", having pre-migrated to systems that require less easy to destroy infrastructure will insure long distance communication stays up.
op is semi retarded but there is a real risk of foxacid toolkit being used
There is a major javascript exploit that covers all text entry though, fuck the thought of people entering PASSWORDS with javascript on is just horrifying.
Yes, you should NEVER enter a sensitive password with JavaScript turned on.
JavaScript wasn't meant to be a super secure language, or even a "robust" language, it was meant to do the bare minimum without crashing your browser.
The amount of NodeJS using cancer and then websites that depend on "JavaScript Frontend Frameworks" is horrifying.
With that said, we do need to start looking into ways to make a "fall back" internet.
And not just "incase" the Proto-Fascist posing as "Liberals" try to shut it down, but just imagine if Russia and China decide to start targeting US and NATO communications infrastructure.
It would also allow us to "once and for all", separate the internet from the companies that own the lines / towers / infrastructure we use.
shit just look at the cybercrimes man, russian mafia at very least is making huge money in these hacks every month or two
Quantum too, or shortly after i cant remember
They are not Fascist they are dirty bolsheviks. Stop accepting their false premise that Fascism is "evil" or some sort of pejorative it is not.
All people who value reason are Fascists.
Yeah I'd really like to know if this slack screenshot is legit. It's huge if so, where did it come from? The way they type seems very LARP, not a cohesive unit. Weird use of familiarity and joking mixed with "sir", swearing etc. Odd capitalisation. I'm not sure I buy it, but at the same time I want to know more as it's huge if true
Welcome newfriend, you have been initiated.
That is shockingly true for most users
BUT… especially in Germany around the CCC and most working in or on networks are aware. If you have any friend or colleague working in this sector, ask them about how stuff works. Appoint a meeting some evening, invite to eat and they should text you from bottom to top full with info about this shit.
You link to a site controlled by CTR and they can exploit our all machines. Nobody else will notice, as long as anons have referrers on, so the other webserver can determine those coming from here. It would only become public if one of us or a sec researcher would browse here. They want the bleeding edge lurkers, so the exploit runs for half an hour. I don't think any researcher would go his way to write a script to what, work for "us" basically?
A turkish cargo company can install valid certs.
What are you measuring with https-everywhere?
You have to ask why nobody in the I2P community made nginx/lighttpd-plugin. They always answer that you could make a hidden service, but this is irrelevant. We want it to make dead easy for hosters to provide alternative access. The window of opportunity was between 2009 and 2012, because muh freedom for all/arab spring. This plugin doesn't have to be anonymous, but unblockable to go around filters. The immediate threat (months) are thematic blocks on the web, where e.g. everything like this site will be blocked.
What freq uses the gotenna mesh? I once contemplated if there would be one possible just around 863–870 MHz, but this can't be used for continuous communication you can't encrypt too heavily. Duty cycles in most countries are between 1% and 10%. There is still a possibility to use those frequencies to make an illegal insurgency backup network with cheap Chinese adapters from alibaba. But somebody (TM) has do to the dirty work. And/or finance it.
Ironically I consider boards kind of like a fall back web. Olffags should at least show to the bloody young what the original usenet was. But you wrote "Internet", this is also needed, but I think that's it, we have one and if this vanishes, nothing similar will be constructed.
Thank you for being a similar voice of reason.
Incorrect. Using SSL over Tor prevents eavesdropping & injection by evil exit nodes
Under the circumstaces, you're good for now, bongbro. I will gladly share my funs with able bodied white men once "the future we chose" kicks off with the Zog-machine.
There must be a better way then to run shit in dos boxes or terminal ?
Any advice on gear I should acquire? Got about £1000 to spare since poor.
sadly no, these tools are designed to be used on a router or server environment, IDS is not something people normally do.
apparently you can run snort ´+ filter rules on some routers
worth checking out
why is this thread a thing?????????????????? original pic isn't real????????????????????????????????????? kill yourselves?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? realtruenews please kill yourself?
For outproxy to clearnet, yes, SSL is useful to protect against evil exit nodes and man-on-the-side attacks aimed at exits.
Unless I'm very wrong–and I expect you to cite the spec to show where I'm wrong–SSL to .onion hidden services is pointless–the tunnels go all the way to the hidden service and Tor itself authenticates the remote endpoint with the key that is the hidden service's very name. There is no exit node when connecting to a Tor hidden service.