MTV recently announced a new troll hunting tv show staring Charlamagne tha God where they track down people that tweet...


I thought Charlamagne died a thousand years ago

He was rebooted as a nigger

Not far from being troll themselves
If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you

Charlemagne was a heretic anyway.

No, they think they are actually righteous. 100% Delusional.

Current year's " to catch a predator" ?

Who's this charmandre guy?

Like all reality shows it will be staged with actors.

Are you saying that Garage Wars is not real?


Isn't this how The Turner Diaries started out?

Saxon detected

Absolutely happening


According to Jimbo Metokur, he's a nigger midget.

I like how goobergators were doxxing people left and right, but now that it's happening to them they're anti-doxxing all of a sudden



Do you live in Bag-End or something


No, I live in hell.

How tall?

How do you live with being a manlet? Serious question. I think I would kill myself if I was under 6'2".


I'm an introvert that dropped out, I would probably have ended up taller if I had eaten any breakfast/lunch during my young teen years but I felt so stressed being around people that I had no appetite.

Are you introverted because of your height? Do you feel peoples contempt for you? I don't even notice manlets when I am out in public. It's like there is a filter that just makes them invisible to me. I respect women more.

Literally retarded. The whole reason they are called kikes is they deny Christ.

The true kike worshippers are the larpagans and fedoras who agree with them that Jesus wasn't God's son.

I've always been an introvert but it didn't help I guess. You respect some people by default?

Don't worry user, people like this will screech about D&C then launch into autistic rants about height, hair colour, eye colour, nationality, how you speak etc. but Jim is just another whiny little faggot who goes for easy targets and couldn't even nut up and make a hit piece on Lindsay. If you don't believe he's not hand in hand with the 'skeptic community' and secretly our guy then I don't know what to tell you.

Jim is just your average namefag that should immediately go in the trash. The only youtube personalities that browse imageboards and are truly our guys are Sam Hyde and Eggman.

Respect isn't the right word really but I at least acknowledge their existence and pretend to listen to what they say. I immediately and openly dismiss manlets when I have to interact with them. No pretense of caring or interest is made.I don't consciously mean to do it but I do.

I'm 165cm too fam don't be a bitch about it

Charlemagne never existed and the 8th, 9th and 10th centuries were invented by Otto III so he would have the honor of having ruled in the year 1000.

I don't actually know who the person in the video is I was just disappointed to see that was the entire "comedy" of his video.

I've never understood why people will instantly idolize someone for being taller or dismiss them for being shorter but it happens subconsciously for most people anyway. I guess it could just be sour grapes since I do sometimes feel insufficient when walking around near people.

Go be a retard somewhere else. Next thing you will be talking flat earth shit.

You need to be 18 years old to post here.

The Earth is spherical and hollow, and it has an inner sun,

I don't quite understand it myself. There is no logical reason for it. I know there are lots of manlets who are smarter and more capable than me but I still do it. I'm going to work on it though because now I feel like a tool.

you're going to die alone

You manlets sure are easily triggered.

kek triggered

Pretty fucking sure that's illegal, so it's gonna be all staged bullshit, like everything else on (((television))).

Cool. Have fun tracking down a bunch of foreign based VPN IP's. I'm sure ExpressVPN will be a fascinating one to talk to.

Really makes you think

Jesus christ have fun being the king of the manlets, *kid*, I'll be busy filtering your ass out if I ever come across your shortstack self.

It's gonna be staged, there's no fucking way they'd be able to do this in reality.
You have to agree to be on TV with some exceptions, like if you happen to be in the background in a news report.

He was French retard
btw there is nothing wrong with killing germs

why the fuck would anyone even watch this shit

That video is horribly inaccurate but fuck if it isn't funny.

Bet they will create puppet accounts to larp as evil trolls because the real things would just make mtv a laughing stock.

The mega autist on cuckchan doxxed me

You deserved it

I'm looking forward to their pc "troll" insults.


Of course they will, they could never air the kind of shit an actual Twitter troll would post. There would be Nazi and/or gore shit everywhere.

They will literally go for reddit meme tier shit like the recent Trump gif shit.

It's so cuteā€¦ it thinks it's a big guy.

I would be surprised if they don't show at least 1 "troll" with all his information posted on his bio and mtv acts like they had to go through a lot of effort to find it.

They can't do even that, you have to sign an agreement to have your appearance/info disclosed on tv. So it's gonna be all staged like every other reality show.

This reminds me of that silly "Bully" show they had a few years back.

yeah I guess so, kinda want to kill myself every waking moment. But not because I'm a manlet.

There was a show like this in Sweden a few years ago.



How does TCAP get away with it then?



Charlamagne was never proclaimed a god, unlike previous Roman Emperors. Also he wasn't a dumb nigger.

Fuck off newfag

What they will do? ranger shower them?

That's not exactly correct. TCAP gets away with it because they are a news program. There's different standards for news programs. Not to mention, there's no reasonable expectation of privacy when coming to some random door hoping to bang a 12 year old. Some of the guys faces are blurred, mainly because those are the guys who probably ended up fighting the charges. On COPS, there was signing of releases, but they were probably just playing it safe. There's no reasonable expectation of privacy when being arrested. There is, however, slander/libel laws, which is why faces are blurred when charges are fought and such.

you may be shorter but at least you're not a nigger user so be happy about that

I want /christian/ to fuck off to their containment board forever. Keep your suicide cult away from everyone else.

Your precious paganshit lost centuries ago, larper. It is time to stop embarrassing yourselves and accept that the better men won already.


Truly, christcucks are the best goys.

Provided you're not baiting like a complete and utter motherfucker, the double-x spelling originated from SRS goons as a means to portmanteau the original spelling with the XX chromosome, as their way of saying only fat femicunts ever get doxed. The word "dox" itself comes from "docs", short for documents, much in the way we say "pix" instead of "pics" or, in your case, "pixx". It's why we also say "hax" instead of "haxx".
The only newfag here is you. Take your double-x spelling and go eat out a landwhale already.

Keep fighting their enemy, larpagan. Don't forget to check the flight of birds to see if Apollo is happy.

Well then, i do not believe a single word there but if it's true, then i must be the newest of fags, from 2006 at least
Go away Reddit

I acknowledge that Christians pushed kikes shit in for centuries but unfortunately this is one of those "what have you done for us lately" type deals and the answer is aid and abet our enemies at every fucking turn. You only have so much credit to coast off of for past glories. I don't think pagan is the way to go because those are proven losers but you lot need to get it together soon. It ain't all waiting on you.

In 2000 years you didn't mange to wipe them out? Despite them, allegedly, killing your god?

I'm not a Pagan, I just see the inherent weaknesses of Christianity and why it will never be an effective counter to Judaism.