How do you want your Star Wars girls fam?
How do you want your Star Wars girls fam?
Well done and burnt to a crisp
Felicity is getting old.
Isn't it weird how when Star Wars stopped having jewfus the girls suddenly got ugly as fuck?
maybe they were always untalented and ugly as fuck
look at those dick sucking lips
Evil tbh.
alien sex slaves tbh
carry fisher was already ugly
or maybe you just jelly
Kike spotted
take the Jew pill and marry a cutie Jewess user
The women in Disney Wars all dress like dykes.
It's fucking disgusting.
Dark Side.
Bastila romance.
Final destination.
Both sides are ugly, Jews and Anglos are both lowtier.
Tie interceptor is best girl.
Interceptor a shit. Defender is best girl.
lol fag git gud.
I like my Star Wars girls non-canon.
why even live
Quite possibly the worst ship in the Star Wars universe. Slow and no shields. Interesting concept though.
Damn shame. Closest we'll ever have is Shannon McRandle, and she aged like milk.
shabby blue is a rule 34 artist ill never stop loving
I wish I could stand Shabby's artstyle.
And what's wrong with that?
Those are canon though…
I do like me some Shabby. Art reminds me a bit of Greg Land's, only less rigidly sticking to the reference to uncanny effect. Plus it's more accepted when Shabby traces porn than when Greg does it. Becauase Greg doesn't show naked titties.
I wish I could still believe that. Nice pic. Jaina from Invasion. Decent comic series, shame they never finished it.
Shabby Blue also doesn't get work from mainstream comics publishers.
That too.
Got raped in Rebels anyway.
But in Legends, Thrawn did the raping.
Rain aka Darth Zannah as a loli in Jedi vs Sith, the other Jedi Apprentice love interest, and the one and only Siri. Nice.
well that'd be cute if she didn't look like a boy
Literally what are you talking about
Most of the women are shown involved in military, adventuring stuff. Why would you expect them to wear feminine, frilly dresses or something?