Tricky JS interview questions
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i actually don't know what a ternary opreator.
That's why you live in shit, Pajeet.
The ternary operator is for retards who have never used the quaternary operator.
It's when you group three unary operators.
!0 !1 !2
I have never touched javascript in my life, but I watched this whole video just for the hell of it. Is the bar really this low for javascript devs?
Javascript doesn't have to be engineered properly. It just has to do things IE6 was used for, but with a target platform of 2016 Macbook Pro. It's okay to waste 500MB of the client's RAM to validate a text box.
it is a shitty hack because if isnt an expression in c/c inspired languages
if/else is too verbose. Microsoft avoided that shit too with the ?? operator.
I'm not really into JS but looking at pic related made me puke. Absolutely disgusting language.
I have no idea what a "ternary operator" is and I have no idea why this kind of thing needs a special name
The whole concept of giving such a thing it's own name sounds retarded.
wow that so hard. at least you saged this shit thread
So it's the condensed version of if/else. Used it before, didn't need to know it's name.
I really hope you never write commercial code
I really wish you would stop LARPing
What impact on commercial code will naming of ?: have?
ternary is present in all major languages
lol. stop larping right now
Oh that question mark colon shit, man I
may not know the name of it but I can nest the fuck out of it.
only pajeet language have this shit
come back when you have some actual arguments
here is my argument:
where is yours?
So you only use esoteric languages?
Did you ever work as a programmer or do you just complain about c on Holla Forums all day?
whats your current job? ricing linux in your basement is not a job btw
all i said was that the ternary operator is an ugly hack????????
calm down faggot
lmao kid
That's the truth. The C ternary operator is a hack, and so is the comma operator. The comma operator does the same thing as the semicolon.
Navy Seals. Top of my class.
C is the worst language tbh.
lmao kid
c is such a fucking mess
I'm glad we have Rust now and don't need C anymore.
same tbh
The fuck are you morons talking about?
int i = 1, a = 2;for(int j=0, a = 10; a > 0; j++, a--);int k = (i > a) ? i : a;
That's impossible to understand? lmao and this was a thread for people to smug over JS fags.
Real men have no CS skills and manage programmer nerds while making way more than them and getting tons more free time.
computer shit is for nerds, just be a manager and get all the money and pussy while the nerds slave away
consider suicide
Sounds like paradice!
Fun times.
Klabnik poster drown yourself in semen.
That can't actually work can it?
Still better than being a wagecuck tbh, you people lack rudimentary levels of human dignity and self-respect, even licking someone's boots for additional fistful of shekels seems like a viable option for you. Sad!
I don't think he actually lists those in his examples. Did you watch the full video?
(I haven't but looked through the numbered slides)