how do we build a white ethnostate?
How do we build a white ethnostate?
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it's simple, user very simple.
see? easy.
Sage goes in all fields
we take all the white people
and PUSH them somewhere else!
Define white.
first we need to be white on the inside as well, so drink some bleach and become truly white
1. Eradicating international jewry
2. Kicking out shitskins
3. Banning non white immigration
4. Implementing Marxism-Leninism as Lenin intended (Stalin was a Georgian shitskin)
you can't because nowhere is 100% pure racially
It's simple.
You don't.
Who would want to be white or have white children. All your son would do is get involved in whatever future incarnation of the alt-right and spend all day autistically devoting their time to saying "anti-racism is code word for deeply triggering and problematic Ron Paul 2026"
Doesn't sound like a son I'd love fully more than one who wasn't.
Well of course not, feminists are incapable of love.
Oh please don't be ridiculous. No woman could love you.
t. tranny
they can rule hell after we finish them all
inshallah brothers
is mother-son sex oppressive? y/n?
You'd like it if I was wouldn't you alt-right. I'm sure.
I'd rather bare a daughter. There's nothing "sex oppressive" about having a son, whatever that means. I'm just pressing a nerve by heavily insecure people, who's politics is entirely motivated by it.
Implying someone who spends their time on the internet so long they're an actual man. And not a construct.
Ignore shit posters
Sage shit post threads
report anarcha-feminist posters
Report me all you want, I'm as powerful as God
Every time one of you redditards replies to a bait thread without saging, I kill a kitten.
Is that supposed to be a coherent thought?
I think it is safe to assume that you will never have children.
Yes. Do you want it to be more incoherent?
I will. I think it's safer to assume none of you ever will be fathers. I hope not anyways.
You're gonna have to come up with a better response than calling people virgins.
Ok sure, give me your worst. How stupid and incoherent can an anarcho-feminist be once it reaches its final form?
go zippocat again Holla Forums senpai ˙ >˙
A man lit three candles on a certain day each year. Each candle held symbolic significance: one was for the time that had passed before he was alive; one was for the time of the his life; and one was for time that passed after he had died.
Each year the man would stare and watch the candles until they had burned out.
Was the man really watching time go by in any symbolic sense? He thought so. He thought that each flicker of the flame was a moment of time that had passed or one that would pass.
At the moment of abstraction, when the man was imagining his life and his existence as a metaphor of the three candles, he was free: not free from rules of conduct or social constraints, but free to understand, to imagine, to make
Unlike you, I have no physical or social restraints.
The candles burn out for you; I am free.
Half that of a liberal here.
Hitchens - I asume you hate him - really was right: women can never be funny.
Even if they can, I'll resolve not to laugh, just out of principle.
Except for the incredibly obvious desire for attention.
Good thing that was from a video game.
I don't find you nearly as charming as you think.
Congrats, anarcho-nihilist, you are no longer the most pretentious poster on this board
The fruitcakes in Stormfront would easily kill themselves over such molecules.
Hitchens died before 9/11.
Can I just discuss whatever in this thread without being yelled at for derailment? This thread seemspretty shitty and I'd like to blogpost.
Hon you can do whatever you wan in this thread.
Is that the sort of nonsense you people here believe?
I'm only interested in what you have to say if you want to fuck. Frankly, I'm not interested even then.
Yeah go ahead, I have more kittens to kill.
CIA can melt South American governments
9/11 hologram bases on the mood George Noory Niburu 2012
Cool lol
Why do you believe in anything? Can you prove that your sensory experience and your reasoning are correct?
As far as I know, there's no place called "CIA".
Why are Mexican families so matriarchal? How does this come to pass? Everybody I know who has been raised in a Mexican family (or any Latin American family for that matter) tells me the same. The old female matriarch of the family rules over us all. How does this happen? By what power do they instill this fear into the family? I know that will never be my place because for one I'm adopted into the family (lel mexi-slav) and two I am asocial wreck, but does this mean my little sister will become the matriarch?
My mom and her three sisters are slugging it out for the top spot now that their mom is dying and sudden,y ive been dragged back into the family, like an auxiliary soldier. It's like watching a nation fall it's horrifying.
I know you are but what am I
Because white people are usually neurotic and nuts.
I didn't mean the hispanic people.
White "people"
Don't worry, little girl. We'll take care of you in the coming White ethnostate.
In the meanwhile, have this uplifting spiritual message from Shrek.
Either this place is getting invaded by tumblr or Holla Forums but either way I'm wanting to leave.
Two of those are me, one of them is not.
The coming white ethnostate would fall apart as most women don't like fascists and most fascists don't have sex because of that fact.
A white ethnostate would fail within months. Whites have proven to be genetically inferior and have had to enslave people of color in order to build anything of worth. Everytime someone has tried to remove people of color from their state, they failed shortly after.
I have a poem that says differently.
Oh don't worry people can leave. There's no way to enforce that. It's mostly just smoke and mirrors, your upper body strength is the same as a woman's
She stuck her head in a furnace and was a mediocre poet.
I'm the most neurotic there for sure
Great googlie mooglie will ya really?
I would appreciate it if you stopped your suicide-shaming and your writing-shit-poetry-shaming.
Then I wonder how the Arabs do it.
Well, "white" is just whatever is most convenient at the time right? I mean, the irish weren't white for a long time cause it wasn't convenient.
The solution is simple. Pick an area of land, call everyone white, and boom, you have a racially homogeneous society.
Reactionaries in the middle east are different in that they actually have the ability to be reactionaries without everyone screaming at them ful stop.
White reactionaries are mostly weak emasculated men.
The fact you hate the other ones but use their example as moral right is hilarious.
I have been shitposting at you this whole time because I'm bored as fuck.
You're not special. This thread was built to be shat on.
The sort of lazy thinking I would expect from a dirty anarchist.
Those Creationists you watch on Youtube, while entertaining in their own rustic way, do not actually provide a template for sound argumentation.
I think anarchists are generally more showered than internet neo-reactionaries. I think they wear less glasses, too.
Can you perceive a slight flaw in your brilliant plan?
Women and minorities hate both of you. In fact most people hate reactionaries in toto.
I'm sure they do in your eco-vaginist commune.
Come to think of it, I'm not even sure about that. Were we to meet in real life, you'd just awkwardly stare at the ground for most of the time and quietly mumble "o-ok, user" when I asked you out.
Search you heart, you know it to be true.
I'm not into men or people with neck beards
You say that now. :-)
Neckbeard shaming is woman hater reaction. You're sexually insecure and threatened by strong self confident neckbeards. Pathetic xD
strong self confident neckbeards
Pic related is part . I dare you to say "not good enough." Stop.
She looks like a whore
So do most men
Ya mum lad.
How is this thread still up?
Are you Lana Wachowski?
I'd fugg her for a handful of fiddle-faddle.
or whoever you are, take note. I've made a charitable donation by flirting with you, but you'll never be as good as even her.
They're supposed to look like whores.
I'm Lana Wachowski
Then I've been unwittingly more charitable than I intended to be. I expect to receive high praises when I tell my priest about this.
But, if I look like a whore, why does no woman want me for my body?
Just a guess but it might be the glasses.
Comrades, what are your honest opinions on slam poetry? Be honest. Racist opinions will be reported to the mods of course.
Through Communism. It is the only option.
You don't understand communism. And communism won't happen this century.
It's nigger drivel.
Before you press that report button, please keep in mind that I identify as black and therefore can't be racist.
It's fun I guess but it never ends up leaving any lasting impression on me one way or the other.
Calm down there buddy nobody said anything about contacts. Just those glasses you wear are a bit on the odd side. You could switch them out for a nice pair of hipster glasses or something.
But how can I start wearing hipster glasses, when I wear prescription glasses?
no, I'm not changing or turning off my flag, thank you very much
I'm not implying you should take off the flag. I just saw the flag with that comment and wanted to make some dumb jokes about it since this thread is shit.
100th post
whyat powur wurld wyde
Zionists are fascists
by letting some skidmark with an ersatz posh accent sneer at a camera for a few minutes?
hi polyp
because unlike on some boards which shall remain nameless, our mods aren't hotpocketing autists who get triggered by people disagreeing with them?
This is homogenizing the immense diversity of European cultures, languages and ethnicities around the world. Fuck your white power bullshit; It's as toxic as unlimited immigration. Tell your Holla Forumsyp pals what I said.
well for starters, this time you might want to create an actually coherent definition of what is "white" and what isn't, as to not once again end up fighting over which shade or geological coordinate of "white" is the real one whilst killing yourselves.