Ridiculous how these cucks will throw contributors under the bus without thinking twice the moment a chance to virtue signal presents itself.
They should remove all Taiwan mirrors too since they're offensive to China.
what does having a domain with "loli" in it have to do with SJW's? you pedophiles need to understand that you have a mental illness. most people don't want to be associated with fucking children.
It clearly is about free speech and whether the Arch Linux organisation cares about free speech. No one is disputing people have a right to free speech, it's just Arch Linux doesn't allow it.
This is exactly the same direction the Debian project went and now fucking look at them, rotting from the inside, old maintainers leaving, stagnant mailing lists and zero decision making whilst everyone agues about correct language.
Faggots. Use Gentoo.
found the kike
It seems that a lot of people can't understand "it's joke".
The guy is just has autistic has most Holla Forumspol/leftypol/ weeb
They didn't remove him because of loli naming but obviously because of muh pedo nazi anime grill.
It isn't right for him to have his mirror removed but he's still a fag for using discord instead of matrix.
Install Parabola.
sure thing chaim
aoc is starts at 14 in germany btw
The domain name should be reinstated to the mirror-list.
would have been incoherent if not for the professional help).
Having autism is implied for Arch users.
Lets hear was one of the 3 pilar of FLOSS has to say about it.
-Linus Torvalds
Torvalds his shit for hardware/license freedom but thank god he's sane for managing his community and BTFO every SJW that comes shit into the kernel.
Isnt it more SJW these days to support pedophilia?
Maybe they did not get the latest memo about that.
Archfags are still faggots, but good on them if they recognize the sjw cancer and chemo it right in the pussy.
What do lolis have to do with pedophilia? Nothing, but you pedos keep spamming the opposite every chance you get because it benefits you to distract people.
They are shitty contrarians born from a society of peace without the need to fight for you place in the social hierarchy. Instead they channel their time and energy to piss people off. They advocate to legalize sexy time with children to piss off the neurotypical people IRL and at the same time they try to get loliporn banned to piss off nerds on the internet.
They can't rise up, they drag everyone down instead.
Let's just call both sides what they are: degenerate retards. Deport them to deep africa where they'd fit in.
no, just like Holla Forumsacks, SJWs hate sex because it's evil (degeneracy or muh soggy knees)
The new domain :/
lulz that better be accepted.
Somebody edit these images.
Thank you enlightened fence-sitter
Isn't this old news?