Okay, this "Fast and Furious is somehow our generation's most popular franchise" shit needs to stop

Okay, this "Fast and Furious is somehow our generation's most popular franchise" shit needs to stop.

they're generally enjoyable movies, why do you think they keep making them

Because normalfags like you keep watching that trash and give them money



Was Paul Walker even in anything other Fast and Furious? He was just some actor in a carshit film franchise who died young, why is he so revered compared to other actors? Its not like the world lost some great acting talent or ability. From what I understand he did a lot of charity work or something, is that what it is?

Trash taste, they're pleb tier action films with car porn sprinkled in for normalfag petrolheads. Films that substitute real drama for guns and explosions are not kino, maybe borderline cases like Aliens are excusable

Good post.

It's just you typical burger virtue signalling. He's nobody.

Dude, he almost had you!

Every fucking time we have this argument and every fucking time the answer's the same:

It wouldn't need to be and never would have been if other studios kept going the way they were in previous decades rather than letting femishits and MCUnts ruin everything and dictate the way cinema is going. It isn't necessarily a case of the franchise actually going faster (kek) than everybody else, it's that everybody else is going slower by churning out boring, sappy shit that appeals to no-one. There is nothing with machismo in the theaters in this day and age. Everything has to be scientifically explainable and 2deep4u. You can't just say "X kills Y's Z so Y decides to hunt X down by any means necessary", spend ludicrous amounts of money and then expect to make an ever greater shitton of it back anymore because of beta cuckolds who think revenge is wrong and every problem should be solved peacefully through the legal system or via wymyn of color. And you damn well know that John Wick was just a fluke that most anons here don't even like anyway. Same with Jump Street. Mad Max gave us a brief glimmer of hope but George Miller decided to job out to the harlots and alienate his fanbase, so fuck him for consistently trying to cash in on the death of his best fr- o wait.

they aren't though

Harry potter was the highest grossing series until marvel beat them but only when marvel had double the films

kek stop being a bitter contrarian. Also fuck you if you didn't feel something from that scene. I seriously not memeing cried my ass off and had to wait until all the credits were gone for my face to not be red

He did one of the greatest kinos ever made.

Are you a fucking shitskin?

>Mad Max Fury Road wasn't one the most vicious indictments of Feminism in recent history of media

John Wick, F&F and MadMax aren't good.
But they are gold if you compare with modern trash like JustJusters, StarWhores and GET OUT.

The majority of their revenue comes from China and Latin America. Blame the spics and chinks for keeping the movies a float

Only niggers and spics like Fast and Furious movies.

Joseph Mehri beat them to it a decade ago.

Wait, what?

Also, I have no idea why people love Furiosa Road's action scenes so much. Whenever I ask what's so cool about them all I get is "muh practical effects", but the actual action sucks shit. And the plot is virtually non-existent, so they HAVE TO latch onto the action, otherwise they'd be forced to admit that it is garbage.

This and reminder children shitskins from south america are all over the internet

Indeed. Carshit is for cholos and apes.

The first one was pretty good.

Tokyo Drift gets props for doing something different.

The rest suck.



Kek one of those cholos has their "c" backwards

Not like people even watch movies from before the 1980s excluding Star Wars


You should not memeing >>>/killyourself/

Fast series beat Potter now


This means 1 out of 2 people on earth has seen this. Since everyone under the age of 5 is incapable of using youtube, this means 3/4 of the computer using population of the entire earth (which includes literal retards and aboriginals) watched this. And somehow I never heard about it, or watched it myself.

It's not individual views you braindead nigger. The same person can watch things multiple times. And bots on youtube are enormously prevelant.

It's Hollywood's last grasp over the population, trying to make people care about some dead dude they had absolutely no connection to other than seeing him acting as someone else, reading a third-party's lines in a third-rate action movie.


Running Scared doesn't end with a teenaged Denise Richards in white lingerie doing a striptease for her boyfriend's disembodied brain until it ejaculates electricity.

Funny because it too 10 years for the series to actually get popular



Also has there ever been a series that has changed genre and tone so dramatically without a reboot? Like compare fast 1 to f8 they feel like they should be in different series.

I watched the first one

I must see this film.