Underappreciated Software

ITT: Great software that deserve more love and attention

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It's not great, but I recommand it to normalfags, generally.

Simple zsh script to make encrypted containers. Uses cryptsetup and gpg internally.
Lightweight music player with lots of features. Compared to:
- moc: replaygain support.
- mpd: no boost dependency.
Best file manager. Only inconvenient is that it can't map some key combinations like C-left currently.
THE linux not GNU/Linux sandbox. Can do per application firewalling, seccomp filtering and more.
Perl script to parallelize stuff across multiple computers. Poor man's MPI.
Imagemagick for audio files.

github.com/nanomsg/nanomsg is supposed to be better.


>made by (((endurance international west)))
Well it sure is a better botnet I will give you that.

do you have any proof or are you just a meme sputing retard?

archive.fo/I4iSe -- random TANGO links
archive.fo/onjU5-- random TANGO links
archive.fo/ATf3p -- random TANGO links
archive.fo/NF9MZ -- random TANGO links
archive.fo/kB7hc -- random TANGO links
archive.fo/VIIOb -- random TANGO links
archive.fo/91fTx -- random TANGO links
archive.fo/toCeJ -- random TANGO links
archive.fo/p6nVV -- random TANGO links
archive.fo/NlFfx -- random TANGO links
archive.fo/WJClM -- random TANGO links
archive.fo/6yMj0 -- random TANGO links

archive.fo/1TAPe - zeromq based tracker

Essentially it is a IPC for every type of connection from IPC of disk protocols to tier one network tansfer protocols. It is for decentralised logging of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. Which is bullshit for a multipurpose botnet tracker. As I found the software within my headphones. Hence why I even discovered this bullshit.
But (you) already knew this didn't you?

The GUIX package manager and GUIXSD

i'm not clicking your shit.
meme spouting retard confirmed

then why does it have youtube-dl in its repo? youtube-dl executes nonfree jewgle javashit

I can dump text for you. Here is from this link archive.fo/6yMj0

ZeroMQ as an alternative to the CORBA Notification Service for Alma Common Software

The control of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is done using software built on a distributed object-oriented framework, specially designed for this job, called ALMA Common Software (ACS). ACS offers several services and common design patterns for applications developed on it. In general, ACS is based on Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) offering an abstraction of CORBA for services, making more easy the construction and deployment of distributed applications.

One of the services offered is the ACS Notification Channel based on CORBA Notification Service. This service is responsible of handling asynchronous messages between objects using ACS. There are alternatives for the CORBA Notification Service that could offer better performance and scalability.

ALMA: Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
ACS: ALMA Common Software
0MQ: ZeroMQ
DDS: Data Distribution Service
TAO: The ACE ORB (open source CORBA implementation written entirely in C/C++)


The ALMA is a major collaboration effort between European (ESO), North American (NRAO) and East Asian countries (NAOJ), under operations on the Chilean Chajnantor plateau, at 5.000 meters of altitude. Currently, it is the largest radio-telescope on Earth, it has 66 antennas of 12-meter and 7-meter diameter, distributed over a wide extension, with up to 16 kilometers of baseline separation. ALMA has three types of 12-meters antennas: Vertex, Alcatel and Mitsubishi.

ALMA Software uses ACS as its main framework. ACS provides a software infrastructure common to all partners and consists of a documented collection of common patterns in and of components, which implement those patterns. The heart of ACS is based on a distributed component model, with ACS components implemented as CORBA objects in any of the supported programming languages. The teams responsible for the control system's development use ACS Components as the basis for control high level entities and for the implementation of devices such as an antenna mount control. ACS provides common CORBA-based services such as logging, error and alarm management, configuration database and lifecycle management.

Currently ACS relies on a CORBA Notification Service implementation (TAO Notify_Service) for its messaging system (a distributed and decoupled implementation of the Publish-subscribe architectural pattern), which is part of CORBA 2.x standard. It is known that this standard is not widely used in the industry. At this moment there are other alternatives (i.e. JMS, DDS, AMQP, ZeroMQ, etc) that may offer better message broker. Better could means either better throughput, less network overhead, better management and/or monitoring, more reliable or better support from the open-source community. However the current ACS Notification Channel API must be kept, to allow to do a seamless transition to the new messaging broker.


youtube-dl violates my freedoms by executing nonfree javascript

Continued dump:

Global objective:

For both performance and features, it may be an advantage for ACS to use ZeroMQ instead of Notify Service as the underlying mechanism for message based communication.
Particular objectives:

Become familiar with ZeroMQ framework.
Compare ZeroMQ and Notify Service interfaces and see if a common abstraction can be found, to allow ACS to run either of these in a way that is transparent to code using ACS. Such an abstraction would probably be built into the "SimpleSupplier" and related ACS classes which offer messaging functionality to ACS components.
Implementation shall be done in C++, Java an optionally in python.
Set up a test, ideally with some measurement of throughput and other performance indicators, which uses DDS for communication.

Milestone Planned Completion Date Status
Read documentation of the requirements for this project Week 0
Become familiar with ZeroMQ framework Week 1
Compare ZeroMQ and Notify Service interfaces Week 2
Prototype design Week 4
Implementation of ZeroMQ as test Week 6
ZeroMQ integrated into the build system Week 9
Tests Week 11
Write the thesis and Presentation Week 14

Framework able to carry atomic messages asynchronously.
Avalaible for most SO (Linux, Windows, OSX) and support various programming languages (C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby,...) and comunication protocols (TCP, IPC, inproc, PGM, SOCKS5).
Has it own communication protocol (ZMTP - ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol), which describes how two pieces talk, over TCP or IPC.
Works with different type of patterns (Pub-Sub, Request-Reply, Router-Dealer).

Pub-Sub Pattern

Is used for one-to-many distribution of data or events from a single publisher to multiple subscribers.
5[ms] to stablish connection between subscriber and publisher.
1K messages for 1 [ms].
Subscriber always miss the first messages that the publisher sends.
Sub socket MUST set a subscription using zmq_setsockopt().
One subscriber can be connected to many publishers.
Recomendation: sub socket starts first and then the pub socket



Don't click on the github link, it is a fucking botnet.

dont worry im behind 7 proxies

Proof. I've never seen this since I use it from shell.


Thanks, Kovid!

What makes CherryTree better than KeepNote?

what about 20k+ songs?

the interpreter is not turing complete

CherryTree sounds pretty neat but when I compared it with keepnote their features seem pretty identical.
Is there a graphical application that provides something like the detective cork boards full of possible links/associations? Something where you can drag and drop images into and expand it with text?

I didn't like KeepNote very much. CherryTree has more features, including dark background, tables, codeboxes, checkboxes for to-do lists and uses only a single file instead of a folder. It makes it easier to keep track of things. Not surprising, since KeepNote hasn't been updated for more than 5 years, while CherryTree had it last two weeks ago.

Good question, that's something I would like to know. The only one I've heard about is FreePlane, but it's written in Java has too many dependencies. Dia is something similiar, but it's more like a flowchart making program. I use it, but there has to be something better for that.

For detective corkboarding I usually use inkscape. You can draw your own lines (with arrow terminators), embed images and text, format the text however you want, and save it all as one file. The only thing it's missing imho is embedding a video. I have yet to find some note-taking software with the crazy-man power of inkscape that allows you to embed video.

fuck, yea there must be something better, where you can have a subject bubble, click it, and recurse into it with info bubbles linked and cross linked to areas of interest and each one recurses further into more info bubbles

Dia is the past, the present and the future.

nigger what are you retarded? This whole set of buttons is for snapping to various points of objects. If you can't snap to objects in inkscape, that's entirely your fault. The software allows you to do it.

My mistake, I am just retarded. I've barely used InkScape.

Back to topic; are there any good scientific calculators for GNU/Linux, other than Qalculate?

I still have a TI-84 sitting around from when I was in school, so I just use that.

Password safe. I keep backups of my database on two encrypted externals.
Drawing fun.
Good music player
ripping physical media
making webms and stuff.
Making vids.
Libre free software that lets you upload and share videos.
decentralized messaging similar to Twitter
free/libre software firmware replacement for some audio players.

Why use a fake calculator, when you are already sitting in front of a computer? Just use your favorite scripting language and maybe a graphing library.

Have a look at Racket and Processing, if you are not the type to have a favorite scripting language. They have everything you need to get started in a single package, and lots of beginner friendly documentation.

+1 qalculate

It's the only math program I use these days. I used mupad long ago before it went commercial, then maxima. But qalculate is much more handy. And the big number-crunchers like scilab, octave, R, don't seem to do symbolic math.

mc, joe, and ufw are the first things I add to a new install.

I wouldn't call these unknown or underappreciated at all. They are great software that get the attention they deserve.

These are absolutely valid. KeePassXC is great, but didn't even make it into Stretch repo. OpenShot is, sadly, still really lacking. Cannot be used for anything other than basic cutting.

Let me mention PasswordSafe as an alternative to KeePassXYZ. I used it for a while and it can definitely get the job done. It's simple to use and has a pleasant interface. The passwords policies are extremely flexible, the backup feature actually works and the inter-database operations are great to merge and synchronize easily. However it was made with mouse in mind, as the hotkeys seem to be awkwardly placed (Ctrl+U to copy username, for example) and cannot be rebinded. At least the click/double-click actions can be set to pretty much anything.

The only thing that killed it was the end of its 'official support' amirite?

Microsoft offering 'free' win10 upgrades to entice new users to use their software seems like a move made out of desperation.

Maybe they're hoping to make up the losses with their software and other services? Or just to hang on to what little influence they have in the digital world..

Some features of popular software I find go underappreciated

Like in Windows Explorer for instance, you can not only sort files in a folder, but also group them. You can group files by size, type, date, and so on. It honestly helped me with file organization a lot. I don't know any GNU/Linux file managers with equivalent functions, sort functions, yes, but not group functions.


oh, huh, looks like it has a news feature too. never even used that. i just use it to convert epub and djvu garbage to beautiful pdfs. is the news feature any good?

It wasn't "Out of desperation" It was the fact that they did not want a repeat of Windows XP. That and they were experimenting with a sort-of Shareware model of distributing their operating system because they realized the bulk of their revenue from Windows came from large companies willing to pay for premium editions anyways while consumers were already getting Windows for free in the form of OEM versions, so they just gave the consumer versions out for free for everyone.

People of course interpreted this as Microsoft trying to be sneaky. I think it was very unfortunate timing that they decided to push Windows 10 when the Snowden Leaks were still in peoples minds. I do not think Windows 10 is any better/worse for security than Windows 7, overall I think it was a massive PR disaster than anything else. People will find a way to disagree with me though. Actually, people don't even have to do that, they'll just call me a shill and spam the same retarded disproven images and pretend they won some sort of argument on an anonymous imageboard

I agree. I'm a diehard Debian user with no use for Windows at all, but Windows Explorer is without a doubt the best gui file-manager in existence.

It's no use unless it can start up in 2 seconds with a 150k entry playlist like Audacious does.

I was going to call you a shill, but then I read the rest of your post. Prove us that everything we know about Windows 10 is just a massive misunderstanding and it's as secure as pre-forced-update Windows 7. Otherwise we have the right to call you a shill and ask you to leave.

He forgot to mention the windows store and the built-in ads. They'll get their money one way or another.

How does Mnemosyne compare to anki? you can download tons of good decks for anki, i doubt its better in that regard

It works fine for me with ~14500 songs.

Now that's just getting silly. 128k MP3 hoarders are not welcome here.

They are essentially two different software. Anki is more popular and so it's much better at custom content. Normalfag Android apps and cloud servers definitely help, but I advise you against downloading decks. DIY cards are much better than pre-made ones. Anki has more features and users, but I like Mnemosyne for it's simplicity and ease of use. For example, Anki works with decks and Mnemo uses exclusively tags, which are more flexible, especially with massive vocabulary banks. How you tag your cards is entirely up to you. You can categorize them, assign a chosen difficulty to them or make a seperate deck for each day of the week.

The main reason I use Mnemo though is that the scheduling algorithm is way more effective. Mnemo is older and simpler. Anki is more suitable for people who can study every few hours on a phone, while Mnemo schedules cards daily and once you are done, you won't have to do anything else for the rest of the day. Unless you want to cram, of course. I think this method is absolutely the best for learning simple front/back cards.

Don't get me wrong, I like Anki and I've used it for a few months, but I find most of it's extra features unnecessary. It's also worth noting that while Anki can easily import Mnemo databases, often it cannot be done so easily vice-versa, due to Anki's more advanced format. Since this thread about underrated software, I suggest everybody to give Mnemosyne a try and if they don't like it or want certain features badly, move onto Anki. In the end, you should choose what you find comfortable and can use every day.

You might want to read this review too, if you are interested. It's very dated in some parts, such as regarding autosaves and documentation, but it tries to make a fair comparison.

Please stop sharing the screenshot webm, that was only happening in the preview version and this is well-documented information. Windows is shit, but spreading (contextually) fake information only makes the rest of what goes on look like fake information, too.

Then it's a plan that is looking to fail, 7 looks to be the next XP at the rate MS is going.
It's Software as Service as your boss Natella calls it, if you are going to shill at least shill it right pajeet. Even the term software as service is weasely as fuck, since it's much closer to software rental.
you own nothing goyim.jpg
There's no such thing as a free lunch especially from MS. The home and pro version turns the user into something to be datamined. Pajeet are you that naive or just that bad at being an MS apologist. The bulk of windows revenue was from enterprise and education licenses, enterprise is not adopting 10 en masse as MS was hoping, and why would they if they see MS can not be trusted. The education market is no longer a lock for MS ever since chromebooks. ChromeOS is another cancer, but it is a cancer that is competing against MS.
Because you peddle the same apologist revisionist bullshit.

It's ok. I use it to read some news sites like Phoronix and stuff.

Thanks for recommending CherryTree. Been looking for a note organizer that wasn't a cloud botnet.

it's modarchive you ignorant prick


Illunos. It is the root implementation of ZFS, DTrace, and Zones, and it is probably the only multilevel multilabel Zone-isolated mandatory access control user desktop you can get for free. Google Solaris Trusted Extensions. I'm surprised this aspect of OpenSolaris isn't shilled more.

Illumos (and OpenIndiana)

Zim wiki is another alternative to CherryTree. A few years ago Zim was the better choice for me.

Orgmode is what I use now.

tried cherrytree at first
then moved to zim
tried dozens of other open-source tools for windows in the niche of note keeping
all felt like they lacked something
mynoteskeeper (mynoteskeeper.com/) is a worthy contender i've been using for over 5 years.

Worker can do all this and a billion more things. Probably not going to like it though since you're a Winfag (b-b-but muh icons!)
Orthodox file manager master race reporting.

Going to shill two underappreciated Android apps, although one of them is new so it hasn't really had time to become known and appreciated yet.



Probably the best console file manager I've used.

Very powerful and minimalist.

xfe is nice too.

Yeah keep moving those goalposts shill. I don't care if the version in the webm is fucking Windows Vista, the point is that M$ is a dishonest company that shouldn't be trusted.


I only use ranger for the previews. I really don't understand how you are supposed to use it with command line heavy usage. Other than I guess always having each terminal existing inside ranger.
Which is just weird.

This, for all the other ways GNU file managers are superior to Explorer, it really boggles my mind how none of them seem to give a shit about this basic fucking functionality.

Essential tool for assembling animated PNGs.

Convert your decrepit old GIFs into glorious APNGs.

Simple tool for maintaining an SSH connection, in case you wanna do reverse SSH tunneling or something.

quodlibet is fucking garbage


Never had any problems.

Well, I had problems with gapless playback too, but you can disable it in the preferences. What else would you use instead of gstreamer? AFAIK most music players use it.

No. Most players uses either libcodec (codec being flac, opus, etc...) or ffmpeg. See cmus, mpd or audacious for example.
- mpd

No. Most players uses either libcodec (codec being flac, opus, etc...) or ffmpeg. See cmus, mpd or audacious for example.

muh childhood

You can't make flow charts in CherryTree, can you?
(nazi checked)
Absolutely. Strange no one mentioned it before.

They didn't. They never did.
OEMs pay the license instead of the user, but that payment is later transferred to the end user, too.
Every laptop and PC sold with Windows would be cheaper if it was sold without an operating system.
OEM keys are also restricted and cannot be used to unlock Windows on another machine, so if a user wants to buy/pirate/reinstall Windows the OEM key cannot be used.
For a year. And this didn't apply to OEMs so the last point still stands.
The reason they gave it "for free" (they in fact forced users to upgrade) was to a. Make their datamining surface grow and b. To avoid another XP situation were users refused to upgrade their already working machines.
If you wish yo buy/pirate/reinstall Windows 10 it's indeed far easier than in previous versions (I believe they still accept Windows 7/8 OEM keys) but that's about it. Nothing "free" anymore.

GNU Emacs.

What, now Counter-Strike clans are invading?!

A) Microsoft *gives* out KMS client keys on their website.
B) There exists a FOSS KMS server emulator called VLMCSD on GitHub, one which was written to closely mimick the real MS KMS server's peculiarities.
C) Before actually setting it up Setting up auto-boot of the VLMCSD floppy image in VM, then pointing _vlmcs._tcp.%FQDN%* SRV record to the IP of the VLMCSD VM, make sure you set the GPO setting to prevent Windows from auto-sending KMS activation events to M$.
They're not going to sue you unless they think you're an enterprise worth suing, but still you want to be as data-sanitary as possible. This procedure will activate to my knowledge every single KMS server license-able software product. That's Windows Client Professional/Business/Enterprise, that's Windows Server, that's Office, and more.

* %FQDN%==Your [home] network's DNS domain name. In Windows-land, this would be the Active Directory domain name like domain.somebigname.net and not just some "computer name," so _vlmcs._tcp.domain.contoso.net basically.


I feel like there's not really a big market left to shill to, SUN owned the market then and as a result Solaris is still entrenched today, if Solaris appeals to you, you probably already use it or your company has used it forever already. It's the same with BSD, in every market that it dominates, it has for a long time and continues to, as a result there's not many people who haven't heard of it or can't find information on their own.

Spending any time searching for "best solution to problem X" will undoubtedly turn up something that either originated from SunOS, SUN engineers, or BSD. If people like those solutions they tend to go to the source naturally.

Joyent is supplanting Oracle pretty hard in general but especially in regards to the things you mentioned and anything related to isolation, virtualizations, and containerization (all pretty related technologies). It's hard to miss them when looking for solutions.

What about this?

Is it any good? Can I run it without a copy of RCT2?


You need the game files, so you'll have to get the game from Gog, install it with wine, then point openrc2 to the installation directory or I'll upload the files if you want
But once it's set up it runs flawlessly

Thanks. No need, I have it downloaded somewhere. Shame that it has to be installed with Wine first.

Once you have the game files you don't need wine

Looks like a good replacement for Sublime Text.


Guys just use vim






My serious work involves zero copy and pasting. But it is very important for me to be able to move word by word through a sentence rather than use a mouse.

Have you tried Octave?


Intredasting. Is it as secure as SSH?

Are there any old versions of YuzuBrowser that work in Android 4.x?

you can do this in almost any application using ctrl+arrow keys


I, too, suffer from the pain of an easy life. All I wish for is to have everything be as difficult to use a possible. To that end, I install programs made specifically for keyboard but which have inane keyboard bindings. I use the smallest possible monitor and sit 5 yards away, and I never use a mouse like some filthy plebeian!

It's pretty popular in the doom community, though. Now call me when DRLA finally updates.

eww, Bosecucks get out


i just discovered livestreamer(stale)/streamlink(maintained fork). i wanted to find a way to stream live video in vlc, which was miserable at it, and stumbled on it.


It's whole purpose of existence is taking a url with a live stream, not just a video, an actual live stream, and turning it into a bitstream which can be pumped into something else, vlc, ffmpeg, whatever.

It has a ton of plugins for various sites, the big ones especially, Dailymotion, Livestream, Twitch, UStream, YouTube Live. Will definitely be useful in the future to archive happenings from streams, play video in vlc that vlc can't parse, etc.

Are you seriously saying that "audiophiles" (or people with ears) like Bose? Or that 128kbps mp3 is acceptable? Or that 150k songs is achievable with even a little picking?

Can't believe nobody's mentioned screen yet. It's the first thing you should install if your Unix or Unix-like OS doesn't come with it. I've seen so many people giving screencasts and shit who are fumbling around with tabs and other garbage, it's pathetic.

That moves character by character.

Use abduco

you wot m8?
also just use tmux instead

I just do that directly with mpv.
$touch filename.foo$mpv streamurl.com/foo -o filename.foo


Sucks that it doesn't come with a CIA nigger backdoor like VLC does, ain't it?


Way too many paranoiac nutcases on Holla Forums lately.

Well, at least they won't be trying to excuse the total lack of decency and competente in one of the most decadent and ignoble group of people in existence, the Microsoft corp.

Can you say the same?

No, what you are thinking is C-f.
