Programming challenge

Possibly an already existing decent project
I seriously need something to do to fill the void and feel good about it

Other urls found in this thread:

Rust programming language

openshot, a world full of one man projects and this is it.

ffmpeg, jewgle could use help with their botnet



rust core

Maybe less memery?

He's pretty sad

it is the fascists fault


The Linux kernel


Porting TempleOS to the dreamcast.

gnu hurd

GNU/Hurd like said

THIS. Port TempleOS to the Dreamcast.

Void Linux
Debian or Devuan

We have a winrar. The Dreamcast uses a Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC processor. Have fun!

OP here.
I acknowledge the dubs, but I'm not skilled enough to actually achieve what you asked.
I'd gladly work with TempleOS, but please, give me another task.

Suck your moms dick then if you can't look up ISA sheets you lazy fuck.

Rewrite TempleOS in Rust.

I also don't know shit about emulation.
I'm just being realistic, I could still do it, but ending up like Terry and spending 10 years on it.

CPU: Hitachi SH-4, 200MHz clock rate, 360 MIPS (millions of instructions per second), 1.4 GigaFLOPS (floating-point operations per second), 128-bit 3D calculations, 64-bit data bus, 800+ MBytes/second bus bandwidthGraphics Core: NEC PowerVRSG, 3 million polygons/second peak rendering rate, Perspective-Correct Texture Mapping, Point, Bilinear, Trilinear and Anisotropic Mip-map filtering, Gouraud shading 32-bit z-buffer, Colored light sourcing, Full scene anti-aliasingHardware-based Fog, Bump mapping, 24-bit color, Hardware-based texture compression, Shadow and Light volumes, Super samplingMemory: 16 MB main RAM, 8 MB video RAM, 2 MB sound RAMResolution: 640x448.Colors: 16.7 millionSound: Yamaha Audio Core, 32-bit RISC CPU, DSP for real-time effects, 64 sound channels, ,Full 3D sound support, Hardware-based audio compression

OP better get started.

How am I supposed to re-write alone 100k lines of HolyC?
I don't wanna be the classic faggot OP.
Also, this thread is about contributing, as stated up top.

Do it fag. You would be contributing security fixes to the entire OS.

Add features to GIMP so it could become better than PS.

are you retarded???????
rust is a memory safety based language with syntax similr to c++

What is the transitive property?

I just learned what templeOS is. You should seriously do templeOS.

Transpile. Create a large, mutable memory area as the "heap" and you can easily convert C to Rust. It kinda defeats the point but it does satisfy the requirement. Unleash your inner Pajeet.
You'll still need to rewrite the layer that touches hardware but that should be relatively small as it's a pretty simplistic OS. However, I will caution you, he's the kind of crazy guy who might not understand layering and it could be the most amazing ball of spaghetti you've ever seen. Think, like, 'printf() directly manipulating the page tables' level of spaghetti.

Hi CS Grad.

HolyC -> Rust -> WebAssembly -> TempleOS is now fully runnable in the browser, independent of CPU architecture. Networking is now possible and quite easy.

Call it the Iron Temple. It will be glorious.

TempleOS in a browser would be sacrilege.

It would be a miracle.

Fair enough. But it's still pretty useless.
There must be a more clever way of contributing to TempleOS.

There's zero value to TempleOS. It's a guy who's head is stuck in 1992 because it's scrambled.



rust is fundamentally different from c. your non-arguments aren't arguments

This is Holla Forums your arguments aren't arguments. You should be banned for being an epic buzzkill.

lol. im going to bring all my antifa buddies down on you

Go away, sodomite!

where the fuck do you think you are, fuckboy?

here's a great collection of onion links

Maybe you should reconsider your shilling techniques.