What should I chose?

I'm currently on KDE since KDE uses the average Joe Windows UI. However, UI aside, which one is more sane, or secure?

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Gnome is the better of the 2, and GTK2 will always be better than GTK3.

how come? I mean, yea, MATE/GNOME2 are OK, but what is the difference between GTK2 and GTK3?

KDE is shit because they never took debugging seriously. True story, I submitted a bug with a patch to their tracker a long time ago, no one touched it or applied it, but then I finally got someone emailing me but to ask if the bug is still relevant. That was 8 years after I submitted that bug. The code it fixed had long since been replaced. I also submitted a fix for an obvious remotely triggered null pointer dereference in knode (this was nearly 20 years ago back when knode was relevant) and couldn't get anyone to look at it or apply it. I religiously pinged the list once a week for 6 months before I got someone to commit it. Fucking ridiculous. It's still a mess today.


Such a difficult choice.

icewm is so much better.

Just use XFCE.

Install Xfce

Neither. Do as ^these^ wise men say. Both GNOME and KDE are bloatware. Use Xfce if you want a good desktop environment.

XFCE is great and lightweight. That said it is used by the BSD's so it is a prime target for subversion. Their website also uses (((let's encrap))) which speaks for itself. So I don't trust it fully. Still best of the three botnets especially if you avoid gvfs while using it.


I find Gnome 3 really-really hard to use compared to any other desktop environment.

For example I'm not a keyboard-only person, but still, I like to use it when it makes sense. In Gnome 3:
- can't navigate to a program with keyboard-only (only with Terminal or "Search")
- can't navigate 1 folder up with a single keypress
- when I want to save a file, select a folder and begin typing, it takes away the focus from the file name and starts a full recursive search for what you just type... I have to use the mouse or press Tab 4 times to focus back on the filename field. I mean WTF?

But damn, at least Polari now can send emojis:

Nice argument.

That isn't how you spell LXDE. (Or LXQT)

I used to do a lot of open sores back then. I've worked on pretty much everything big. KDE was the poorest run project I've ever run into and my ancient bugs only stopped filtering through their system a few years ago. They've not changed a bit over all that time, it's still the same clusterfuck it ever was.

KDE3 was gitgud. Literally an xp knock-off and therefore easy to use. Still have some fan and developer.

But yeah, better alternatives then longgnose and kikede.

KDE. GNOME "apps" suck if you want to do more than what a tablet can offer.
GNOME devs also have the nasty habit of removing features and breaking APIs/ABIs every update, so your themes and addons (and yes, you want addons. GNOME is unusable without addons. Doesn't even have Maximize/Minimize buttons by default) will break.
Not only that, but GNOME has far less features than XFCE, LXDE or MATE and still manages to use about as much memory as KDE.
KDE is based on QT which means no Red Hat shenanigans. It's also a very customizable and powerful desktop, capable of doing and looking almost however you want. It's only downside is memory usage (though it can be as low as XFCE if configured properly) and the occasional bug.



KDE is better, but I occasionally run into a bug or two that makes me want to ditch it. Yesterday I ended up stuck in the Expose Windows effect somehow.
GNOME is neat, but it isn't as customizable. The devs focus more on streamlining programs, but to them that means removing features.
If you want a good DE, go with MATE or XFCE. If you want something simple go with IceWM.


OP here - Give me a friggin' break with tiling WMs. They are cancer, period.

Some autists simply want their desktop to work like for normal human beans. And hey, actually program something, not rice :')

Even Windows is less cancerous.





KDE is working on proper multi-dpi scaling, including naive upscaling of "legacy" applications like Wine, Gtk

>(((let's encrap)))
Care to elaborate, Agent Fud?

About half a million lines of code and a crappy file dialog.

Too me X is a nice modular architecture and even though it took some time to re-architecture the DRI parts to adapt them to modern rendering hardware and kernel architecture, it now seems like a pretty solid architecture. What is it you don't like?

How about the three framebuffers copies that are mandatory in memory before we even get to rendering the DE? Or maybe the IPC mechanisms for xorg being horribly insecure as input is not sanitized between applications?
Just a few to start with.

GNOME on Wayland is coming to Debian, so yeah, I'm waiting for that.

Use KDE if you're fond of ancient bugs. They just keep throwing things on top, never fixing anything.

Use Gnome3 if you like idiotic design flaws that turn your desktop into a particularly bad smartphone interface with 'ideas' taken from Windows 8.

Use XFCE if you like wondering about the relationship of a badly drawn, historically inaccurate viking to a cute cartoon rodent.

Use Mate if you like a clean, sane, easy to use desktop based on Gnome2, before the Gnome project got completely taken over by crazy people. Note: change the theme or at least the wallpaper colors immediately or risk permanent brain damage.

You should use CDE on OpenIndiana with Solaris Trusted Extensions installed. Won't secure you from cross-window keystroke monitoring because X11, but security labelled windows in separate zones beats kiddie loonix (((soutions))).

Why would there be three copies of the same framebuffer? What insecure IPC, is there a bug report?

go away nvidiacuck, dri3 is half a decade old

They're both terrible. Use xfce instead. It is similar enough to the windows UI that you should be able to use it without too much trouble but consumes far less memory and is more stable than KDE.

KDE and he KDE applications are much more usable and advanced than their Gnome equivalents.

KDE on Wayland is already on openSUSE, what are you waiting for?

they're both shit

X.509 is shit. you're both retarded faggots for even giving a shit about the difference between two types of certificates or two CAs

install e17

Use MATE with Pantheon layout and wait for Budgie 11.

GNOME suffers from the same "I don't give a nigger fuck about bug report" issue if not worse, to be honest (there's that now infamous example of file dialog bug which I think got closed in the end).

To use that to complain about KDE implies GNOME isn't worse.

I need proof of that. Not being a dick, I mean that'd be great but I want to know how to achieve that.

Occasional is putting it lightly.

With GNOME, I had to unbloat it to make it better. Any DE like that is not worth your time, and I wasted mine on it. More specifically, I mean evolution and tracker, both useless and forced unto you without the ability to uninstall them.

One day I'll try KDE; after Cinnamon, Gnome, Mate and XFCE, I'm comfortable with the last one.

GNOME is pretty good about fixing things. I've never had to harass them about getting uncontroversial patches applied. Meanwhile, the shitty attitude towards maintenance was why users abandoned KDE. Shit just didn't work and wasn't improving.
Developers abandoned KDE because they kept breaking the fucking API. I started writing apps for KDE 1 and had to nearly rewrite them for KDE 2, then nearly rewrite them for KDE 3, and gave up on KDE 4. They never attempted to provide a migration path or compat libs, they just broke everything and expected everyone would do full ports. Anything written with kdevelop almost needed rewritten from scratch. People didn't. A lot of software was lost. GNOME was far better about this and I've had to do very little over the years to maintain software I wrote for it. Still not anywhere near as good as Windows where you can write something and (usually) safely ignore it for a decade, but as close as it gets for Linux GUIs.


It's expected that things are going to break between major versions. That's not surprising.

The problem is Gnome 3 broke things every 2 minor versions.

KDE used to be good back at version 3.5. Today KDE is at equal footing to GNOME 2 in my opinion. GNOME 3 is unusable garbage and should only be downloaded so you can practice your `rm`-foo.

What are you smoking? XP was a straight-jacket to the customization options in KDE 3.5! I could do things with KDE 3.5 that I could never do with newer versions. It fucking pisses me off MATE lives but TDE is a zombie practically! Made me realize GNU-tards are idiots and are the epitome of NIH-syndrome. You know why communism is still a thing today? Because it exploits various human psychological weaknesses. So do the principles behind the GPL which differentiate it from the BSD license.

Also install CDE, the only decent non-tiling WM still around.

the obvious answer is mate